Merge Spring Boot actuator and Micrometer data on one endpoint - spring-boot

I have a number of applications that are using the SpringBoot actuator to publish metrics to the /metrics endpoint.
I have some other applications that are also using Micrometer to publish metrics to a /prometheus endpoint.
And finally, I have a cloud provider that will only allow me to pull metrics from a single end point. They have many preprepared Grafana dashboards, but most are targeted at the Actuator variable names. Some are targeted at the Micrometer variable names.
Micrometer puts out the same data, but it uses different names than Actuator, eg "jvm_memory" instead of "mem".
I would really like to find a way to merge both of these data sources so that they dump data to a single endpoint, and all of my Grafana dashboards would just work with all of the applications.
But I'm at a loss as to the best way to do this. Is there a way to tell Micrometer to use /metrics as a datasource so that any time it is polled it will include those?
Any thoughts are greatly appreciated.

The best solution probably depends on the complexity of your dashboard. You might just configure a set of gauges to report the value under a different name and then only use the Micrometer scrape endpoint. For example:
public MeterBinder mapToOldNames() {
return r -> {
r.gauge("mem", Tags.empty(), r, r2 -> r2.find("jvm.memory.used").gauges()
Notice how in this case we are converting a memory gauge that is dimensioned in Micrometer (against the different aspects of heap/non-heap memory) and rolling them up into one gauge to match the old way.

For Spring Boot 1.5 you could do something like the Prometheus `simpleclient_spring_boot' does.
You collect the PublicMetrics from the actuator-metrics context and expose/register them as Gauges/Counters in the Micrometer MeterRegistry. This in term will expose those actuator metrics under your Prometheus scrape endpoint.
I assume you'd filter out non-functional metrics which are duplicates of the Micrometer ones. So the only thing I can think of is functional/business metrics to actually take over. But if you have the chance to actually change the code to Micrometer, I'd say that's the better approach.
I haven't tried this, just remembered I had seen this concept.


How can I get built-in metrics and add a custom metrics in Spring Boot Kafka Streams?

I have a problem to add a custom metrics in Kafka Streams.
I made a Kafka Streams application with Spring Boot like this. (Kafka Streams with Spring boot. Baeldung)
and deployed several of this app on k8s.
I want to know about avg number of processd message per second of each app instance. and it exists in Kafka Streams built-in thread metrics(process-rate). (ref. Kafka Streams Metrics)
But, that metric use thread-id at tag key and so each app instance has different metric tag key.
I'd like to use that metric value as the same tag key in each app instance.
So, I came up with a solution. It's about using that built-in metric value to add a new custom metric.
But, There's no specific information about how I get built-in metric values in source code and add a custom metric..
In ref, there's a way to add a custom metrics but no specific information about how can I apply in source code.
Is there a way to solve this problem? Or is there any other way?

Reliable way to publish metrics using micrometer and Spring Cloud Functions

I am working on a metric collector which uses Micrometer and we've decided to use it as a serverless function due to the nature of the metrics it is collecting.
We are using Kotlin with Spring Cloud Functions and the AWS Adapter.
We have a very simple function using the the Bean method from the docs. In Micrometer, the metrics are usually sent on a schedule based on a configured step (1m, 30s etc).
However, because this is a serverless function we want to send them as the Lambda is invoked obviously - I've attempted to do this by listening on the ContextClosedEvent from Spring where I manually close the Micrometer registry which sends the metrics to our backend.
When doing this I expected that there would be a new/different context for each lambda invocation but it looks like after the initial cold-start, the warm-start invocations look like they share some context, or that context isn't being re-created/instantiated on the invocations?
Can you offer an insight into if this is the case and expected outcome and perhaps a potential more reliable way to close the micrometer registry as this current pattern can cause metrics to be dropped as the context doesn't always exist and therefore the Micrometer registry is closed.
MeterRegistry has a close method that you can implement. Also, depending on which registry you extend, you can find a stop method too (close should call stop).

Scale SpringBoot App based on Thread Pool State

We have a Spring Boot microservice which should get some data from old / legacy system. This microservice exposes external modern REST API. Sometimes we have to issue 7-10 requests to the legacy system in order to get all the data we need for single API call. Unfortunately we can't use Reactor / WebClient and have to stick with WebServiceTemplate to issue those "legacy" calls. We can't also use Reactive Spring WebClient - Making a SOAP call
What is the best way to scale such a miroservice in Kubernetes? We have very big concerns that Thread Pool used for parallel WebServiceTemplate invocation will be depleted very fast, but I'm not sure that creating and exposing custom metric based on active threads count / thread pool size is a good idea.
Any advice will be helpful.
Enable Prometheus exporter in Spring
Make sure metrics are scraped. You're going to watch for a threadpool_size metric. Refer your k8s/prometheus distro docs to get prometheus service discovery working for you.
Write a horizontal pod autoscaler (HPA) based on a Prometheus metric:
Setup Prometheus-Adapter and follow the HPA walkthrough.
Or follow this guide
Depending on what k8s distro you are using, you might have different ways to get the Prometheus and prometheus discovery:
(example platform built-in)
(example product)
(example opensource)
any other prometheus solution

Spring Actuator Metrics generate logs

I'm trying to get micrometer metrics data to Splunk. Each metric endpoint gives the current value of a metric, so I would need Splunk to send a http request to my application periodically, or I can write the metric values to a log file periodically.
So how do I get my application to write the metric values to logs?
If you are in spring boot 2.x and Micrometer is of version 1.1.0+ you can create a bean of
periodic (1 minute) special logging registry see (
LoggingMeterRegistry loggingMeterRegistry() {
return new LoggingMeterRegistry();
This is by far the easiest way to log everything via logging system.
Another alternative is creating a scheduled job that will run some method on a bean with injected metering registry that will iterate over all the metrics (with possibly filtering out the metrics that you won't need) and preparing the log of your format.
If you think about this, this is exactly what the metrics endpoint of spring boot actuator does, except returning the data via http instead of writing to log.
Here is an up-to-date implementation of the relevant endpoint from the spring boot actuator source

Micrometer With Microservice

I am newbie to micrometer. could anyone let me know how to manage microservice metrics centrally in spring boot ?
Where i can get all registered service information and matrices and stored metrics in influxdb ?
Assuming that you're asking "How to use Micrometer with Spring Boot for collecting metrics from heterogeneous services which have multiple instances on multiple hosts" as there is nothing special with the microservice architecture compared to the assumed environment, you need to add dimensions to metrics for hosts, application instances, and so on. You can achieve it with the common tags support. See the section for it in the Spring Boot reference guide.
To answer the additional question on the below comment, I created a sample showing how to use common tags with environment variables. Note that it's on the branch common-tags-2.1.x-with-env, not the master.
