Access sensitive Spring boot actuator endpoints via tokens in browser - spring-boot

We are using Spring Boot Actuator Endpoints with our services.
We want to secure certain endpoints which are to be accessed only by the admin/support team for troubleshooting issues.
For example, /logfile,/env,/shutdown,/restart.
As per Spring Boot Actuator documentation, sensitive endpoints are secured by ACTUATOR role. We can also enable basic authentication and provide username and password in application.yml by adding Spring Security as a dependency.
My query is this works fine for basic authentication, but we want to use Token Based authentication.
We want the Admin Support team to first obtain a Token from a custom Token Service and then pass the token while the sensitive endpoints like /logfile and so on.
I am not sure how I can securely access these endpoint because they will be accessed via browser and not using a REST client. With REST client I see there are options supported for securing the same.
If someone has secured these endpoints with tokens and accessed them via browser can you please help me on the same.


Bypass spring security for service-to-service calls

I have multiple Spring boot micro-services deployed to kubernetes. Im also using Spring Gateway & Eureka Discovery.
Those micro-services are secured with Spring Security and require JWT token for access to the endpoints. Im using #PreAuthorize methods etc.
It all works fine when I'm accessing those endpoints from frontend application that is sending JWT token in request,
but, I can't bypass that security in service-to-service communication via FeignClient.
Ideally, my micro-services wouldn't need token at all to call other micro-service's methods via FeignClient. But I still need that security when endpoints are accessed from frontend or when requests are coming from Spring Api Gateway.
Do you know some elegant solution to this problem?
I was thinking about adding another pair of endpoints that don't have security annotations (#PreAuthorize) and somehow disable access to those endpoints on Spring Api Gateway, so they cannot be accessed from outside, but only directlly by one of the micro-services.

Keycloak authentication flow in a microservices based environment

I want to use Keycloak in a microservices based environment, where authentication is based on OpenID endpoints REST calls ("/token", no redirection to keycloak login page), a flow that I thought of would be something like this:
1. Front-end SPA retrieves the tokens from the "/token" endpoint and stores in browser's localStorage, then sends it with every request.
2. Gateway-level authentication: Acess Token is passed from the front end to the gateway, gateway consults Keycloak server to check if the token is still valid (not invalidated by a logout end-point call).
3. Micro-service based authorization: Acess Token is passed from the Gateway to the microservices, using Spring Boot adapter the microservices check the signature of the token offline (bearer-only client?) then based on the role in the token do the authorization.
My questions are: Does this flow make sense or can you suggest another flow? What type of Keycloak clients to use? What's an ideal way to pass Tokens using Spring Boot Adapter, and should it be done like that in the first place? Please keep in mind that I am not a Keycloak expert, I've done my research but I still have doubts.
Your Front-end SPA should be public-client and springboot micro service should be Bearer only Client and Gateway could be Confidential Client.
You can check the Keycloak provided oidc adapters. For springboot you use the keycloak provided adapter
Similar solution using api gateway is discussed here

Setting Spring boot actuator with oAuth2 in the Authorisation server

I have two spring boot server applications (Spring boot 1.5.2), the first one is the resource server and the second is the authorisation server (oAuth2), I have added Spring boot actuator to both servers and configured both with the following properties:
In the resource server, I can access the actuator endpoints using a token obtained from the authorisation server for a user who hold the role ROLE_MYADMINROLE.
But in the authorisation server itself, I could not get the token working at the first place (Http Basic was working), to use the tokens, I have added a resource server configuration to it, and set the filter order at 3 after reading Spring boot documentation
OAuth2 resources are protected by a filter chain with order security.oauth2.resource.filter-order and the default is after the filter protecting the actuator endpoints by default (so actuator endpoints will stay on HTTP Basic unless you change the order).
In Spring boot release notes we have this regarding this filter order:
OAuth 2 Resource Filter
The default order of the OAuth2 resource filter has changed from 3 to
SecurityProperties.ACCESS_OVERRIDE_ORDER - 1. This places it after the
actuator endpoints but before the basic authentication filter chain.
The default can be restored by setting
security.oauth2.resource.filter-order = 3
Now my actuator endpoint in the authorisation server accepts tokens issued from the same server, the question is why the default is Http Basic for the actuator endpoints? I assume oAuth2 is more secure than Http Basic? why I had to change the filter order in the authorisation server but not in the resource server? Here I am looking for an explanation for this rather than a solution as I have got this working as I want already.

Spring Security OAuth - Can it consume JWT tokens from Keycloak

In Spring Security OAuth, can it consume/work with JWT tokens that were generated from a user authenticating with Keycloak? Keycloak's open-id far as that goes, but it all seems to be really similar. I'm still trying to understand the dividing line and also what's similar or same with this.
Basically I'd like to authenticate separately in a REST client then use the token in the Authorization header for REST calls to some web services. There seems to be some JWT stuff in in the Spring Security OAuth, so I'm wondering I can actually use that instead of the Keycloak Spring stuff? Are there any examples of this out there? (I'd love to use the Spring security checks on different methods in my controller)
You can use the Keycloak Spring adapter and still rely on Spring Security annotations for controller security. The main purpose of the Keycloak Spring adapter is simplify the integration with Keycloak for interactive login and also to correctly map JWT access token claims into the Spring Security authentication context.
Reading through the Spring Security OAuth2 documentation, I get the impression that it's not quite ready out of the box to handle OpenID Connect JWT access tokens. However, it's customizable so it could most likely be made to work.
My advice for now is to stick with the Keycloak Spring adapter if you're using Keycloak as your OIDC server. It will save you time and it's well tested with Keycloak.

spring cloud oauth sso without authorize step

I have a spring cloud oauth #EnableAuthorizationServer that uses a jpa backend to store the accounts. I also have a couple of different clients, a website, an intranet and a ionic mobile app.
all the clients have separate client credentials inline in the oauth config block.
i have then tried to use the spring cloud sso to not have to login again.
my problem is that I want to remove the authorize step since all my clients are known to me and i simply want the user to be logged in across all my apps.
is this possible with spring cloud sso?
The authorization happens on the authorization server (so nothing to do with Spring Cloud). A UserApprovalHandler would do what you need, but the default one should work if you just set autoapprove=true (or a pattern matching te scopes you want to auto approve) in the client details. (Assuming your auth server is Spring OAuth.)
