Same pointer different values, in multi file main package - go

My project is a login-register web server that consists of multiple files and uses another package in which the Manager struct is defined.
Overview of my files:
I have a variable: var M *Manager declared in main.go before definition of main() and it is assigned inside main():
var M *Manager
func main() {
M = InitManager(...)
handleLogin(...) and handleRegister(...) are functions defined in handlers.go that use the M variable:
func handleRegister(...){
fmt.Println("M:", M)
M.Log1("logging informations...")
func handleLogin(...) {
fmt.Println("M:", M)
When I go to /loginor /register and the appropriate handle function is triggered it displays: M: <nil>
To find out something more I modified main() as shown below:
var M *Manager
func main() {
go func() { // for debugging
for {
fmt.Println("main() goloop1: M:", M)
time.Sleep(time.Second / 2)
M = InitManager(...)
go func() { // for debugging
for {
fmt.Println("main() goloop2: M:", M)
time.Sleep(time.Second / 2)
and the output:
main() goloop2: M: &{ as expected...}
main() goloop1: M: <nil>
main() goloop2: M: &{ as expected...}
main() goloop1: M: <nil>
My question are:
How do pointers work then if one pointer gives out two values?
How to fix my issue and properly plan code (if that was the cause) to avoid this in future?

Per the Go Memory Model, the provided code writes and reads M without proper synchronization, which is a data race and leads to undefined behavior (see icza's comment).
The compiler "assumes" that the code is properly synchronized (this is the responsibility of the developer) and so it is "allowed" to assume that M is never modified inside the infinite loops, so it may use a copy in a given register or stack memory location over and over, leading to the surprising output.
You may use a sync.Mutex to protect every access to the global *Manager variable M, as in this modified code.
Also beware of variable shadowing! It is possible to write M := f() instead of M = f(), resulting in an unrelated local variable, not affecting the global variable.

My solution:
I have added init.go:
I moved global variables like M and CONFIG_MAP into the init.go file:
package main
import ...
var CONFIG_MAP = LoadConfig()
var M *asrv.Manager = InitManager()
func LoadConfig() map[string]string {
// return map from 'conf.json' file
func InitManager() *asrv.Manager {
// return Manager configured with CONFIG_MAP
// other functions also use CONFIG_MAP that is the reason why it is global
func init() {
LoadTemplatesFiles() // load templates and assign value
// to a variable declared in templates.go
This way handler functions (handleLoginGet etc.) in handlers.go could properly read M.
This fix just made my program work and I still don't know what is the proper way of handling this type of situation, that is why I added more info under EDIT in my question.


Calling a variable from another function in go

I know that variables are pass by value in go. However, I want to call a variable that in inside a func outside this function. Let me give you an example:
package main
import (
func Smile(){
A := 5
func main() {
This gives me undefine A.
what is the best way to pass A ? Should I use a pointer? How do I do that?
It's not possible to print the value of the A variable declared in the Smile() function from main().
And the main reason for that is that the variable A only exists if code execution enters the Smile() function, more precisely reaches the A variable declaration. In your example this never happens.
And even if in some other example this happens (e.g. Smile() is called), an application may have multiple goroutines, and multiple of them may be executing Smile() at the same time, resulting in the app having multiple A variables, independent from each other. In this situation, which would A in main() refer to?
Go is lexically scoped using blocks. This means the variable A declared inside Smile() is only accessible from Smile(), the main() function cannot refer to it. If you need such "sharing", you must define A outside of Smile(). If both Smile() and main() needs to access it, you have to make it either a global variable, or you have to pass it to the functions that need it.
Making it a global variable, this is how it could look like:
var a int
func smile() {
a = 5
fmt.Println("a in smile():", a)
func main() {
fmt.Println("a in main():", a)
This outputs (try it on the Go Playground):
a in smile(): 5
a in main(): 5
Declaring it local in main() and passing it to smile(), this is how it could look like:
func smile(a int) {
fmt.Println("a in smile():", a)
func main() {
a := 5
fmt.Println("a in main():", a)
Output (try it on the Go Playground):
a in main(): 5
a in smile(): 5
The best way is,
func getCar() {
car := Vehicles.Car{}
// model ("BMW") will be available here
func setModel(car *Vehicles.Car) {
car.Model = "BMW"

Calling a function with Go Reflect

I was wondering if it was possible to not know a function name but call it anyway and get values from it. This lead me to the reflection package and I got pretty close but I’m not sure about the last step - if there is one. Again please forgive me if I am missing something obvious, this is my first attempt at doing anything in Go other than getting it setup.
Of course being a compiled language there is no need to iterate through things to find function names, I know them all, but this is something I want to see if it is possible… I’m playing and learning.
Below is the code. What I would really like to do is in the main line extract the values set in ModuleBoot() <“1.0012”, 23> and SomethingBoot() <“1.0000”, 10> but so far all as I can get is structure information. Perhaps that’s just the way it is but perhaps there is a step or change that can make it go the next step.
Hopefully I copied all the relevant code over correctly so it compiles as is:
// Using: go version go1.9.7 linux/amd64
FILE: main.go
package main
import (
func main() {
miType := reflect.TypeOf(core.ModuleInfo{})
for i := 0; i < miType.NumMethod(); i++ {
method := miType.Method(i)
in := make([]reflect.Value, method.Type.NumIn())
in[0] = reflect.ValueOf(core.ModuleInfo{})
//fmt.Println("Params in:", method.Type.NumIn(), "Params out:", method.Type.NumOut())
mi := method.Func.Call(in)
fmt.Println("mi:", mi)
FILE: playing/modules/core/something.go
package core
func (mi ModuleInfo) SomethingBoot() ModuleInfo {
mi.Version = "1.0000"
mi.Priority = 10
return mi
FILE: playing/modules/core/modules.go
package core
type ModuleInfo struct {
Version string
Priority int
func (mi ModuleInfo) ModuleBoot() ModuleInfo {
mi.Version = "1.0012"
mi.Priority = 23
return mi
The output I got from this was:
Started delve with config "Debug"
mi: [<core.ModuleInfo Value>]
mi: [<core.ModuleInfo Value>]
delve closed with code 0
To get the return value as a ModuleInfo, get the underlying value of the first return value and type assert that interface value to ModuleInfo:
// mi has type core.ModuleInfo
mi := method.Func.Call(in)[0].Interface().(core.ModuleInfo)
Run it on the Playground.
You can cut some of the reflect code by type asserting the method to a function with the correct signature and calling that function directly:
for i := 0; i < miType.NumMethod(); i++ {
method := miType.Method(i).Func.Interface().(func(core.ModuleInfo) core.ModuleInfo)
mi := method(core.ModuleInfo{})
fmt.Println("Version", mi.Version)
fmt.Println("Priority", mi.Priority)
Run it on the Playground
Go natively supports functions as values; you don't need reflection to do this.
In particular, if you make your two functions top-level functions (not specifically tied to a struct):
package core
type ModuleInfo struct { ... }
func SomethingBoot() ModuleInfo
func ModuleBoot() ModuleInfo
Then you can write a function that takes a function as a parameter:
func PrintVersion(func booter() core.ModuleInfo) {
mi := booter()
fmt.Printf("version %s\n", mi.Version)
And you can just pass the pre-existing functions as parameters:
Notice that there aren't parentheses after the function name: you are passing the function itself as a parameter, not calling the function and passing its return value.

How to atomic store & load an interface in golang?

I want to write some code like this:
var myValue interface{}
func GetMyValue() interface{} {
return atomic.Load(myValue)
func StoreMyValue(newValue interface{}) {
atomic.Store(myValue, newValue)
It seems like that i can use LoadUintptr(addr *uintptr) (val uintptr) and StoreUintptr(addr *uintptr, val uintptr) in atomic package to achive this,but i do not know how to convert between uintptr,unsafe.Pointer and interface{}.
If i do it like this:
var V interface{}
func F(v interface{}) {
p := unsafe.Pointer(&V)
atomic.StorePointer(&p, unsafe.Pointer(&v))
func main() {
V = 1
the V will always be 1
If I'm not mistaken you want atomic Value. You can store and fetch values atomically with it (signatures are interface{} but you should put same type into it). It does some unsafe pointer stuff under the hood like what you wanted to do.
Sample from docs:
var config Value // holds current server configuration
// Create initial config value and store into config.
go func() {
// Reload config every 10 seconds
// and update config value with the new version.
for {
time.Sleep(10 * time.Second)
// Create worker goroutines that handle incoming requests
// using the latest config value.
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
go func() {
for r := range requests() {
c := config.Load()
// Handle request r using config c.
_, _ = r, c
Here's a way to use atomic.StorePointer and atomic.LoadPointer (based on your example):
package main
import (
var addr unsafe.Pointer
func GetMyValue() *interface{} {
return (*interface{})(atomic.LoadPointer(&addr))
func StoreMyValue(newValue *interface{}) {
atomic.StorePointer(&addr, unsafe.Pointer(newValue))
func main() {
var i interface{}
i = 1
fmt.Println("before:", *GetMyValue())
i = 2
fmt.Println("after", *GetMyValue())
Playground link
Note that this will not make your object thread-safe. Only the pointer is stored/loaded atomically. Also, I would avoid using interface{} and prefer concrete types whenever possible.
As an alternative to using 'any' (interface{}), Go 1.19 (Q3 2022) comes with new types in the sync/atomic package that make it easier to use atomic values, such as atomic.Int64 and atomic.Pointer[T].
That would be easier than using atomic.StorePointer.
This comes from issue 50860 "sync/atomic: add typed atomic values".
And CL 381317
Pointer[T] also avoids conversions using unsafe.Pointer at call sites.
You cannot do this.
You will have to protect the store/load with a mutex.
The internal representation of an interface is not specified by the language and might (is) to large to be handled by package atomic.

Resolving conflicts with goroutines?

I have a really minor doubt
Suppose there are three func A,B,C
C is being called from both A and B
I am running A and B on different threads , will it result in conflict any time in feature when it calls C within it
for reference i am adding this code
package main
import (
func xyz() {
for true {
fmt.Println("Inside xyz")
func abc() {
for true {
fmt.Println("Inside abc")
func call(s string) {
fmt.Println("call from " + s)
func main() {
go xyz()
go abc()
var input string
Here A = xyz(), B = abc(), C = call()
will there be any conflict or any runtime error in future while running these two go routines
Whether multiple goroutines are safe to run concurrently or not comes down to whether they share data without synchronization. In this example, both abc and xyz print to stdout using fmt.Println, and call the same routine, call, which prints to stdout using fmt.Println. Since fmt.Println doesn't use synchronization when printing to stdout, the answer is no, this program is not safe.

parse the fragment and find all top level definitions

The service I'm writing receive code snippets and process them, the snippets could either be complement program or a fragment, if it is a fragment, I need to add the enclosing main function. For example, the snippet:
var v int
v = 3
should be classified as a fragment, and add main to it:
func main() {
var v int
v = 3
If the snippet is:
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
then no modification should be done.
The way I'm doing now is run the go parser against the snippet:
var fset *token.FileSet
file, err := parser.ParseFile(fset, "stdin", code, 0)
if err != nil {
// add function
code = fmt.Sprintf("func main() {\n%s\n}", code)
// ...
This works for the 1st snippet above, however it fails if the fragment has a main function after some other declarations, e.g.
type S struct {
a int
func main() {
I also try to look into the file returned by ParseFile, check the Decls, but it looks it will stop parsing after the 1st error, so Decls is nil in this case. So my question is is there a robust way to handle this?
PS. The inclusion of package clause and the required imports are not relevant because I'm feeding the processed code into anyway.
The dumbest thing that might work is after reading in the file (to a buffer most likely), is to do a string search for func main(){.
If it isn't formatted already, you might need to change that to a regex with whitespaces, but it should be pretty straight-forward.
