Calling a variable from another function in go - go

I know that variables are pass by value in go. However, I want to call a variable that in inside a func outside this function. Let me give you an example:
package main
import (
func Smile(){
A := 5
func main() {
This gives me undefine A.
what is the best way to pass A ? Should I use a pointer? How do I do that?

It's not possible to print the value of the A variable declared in the Smile() function from main().
And the main reason for that is that the variable A only exists if code execution enters the Smile() function, more precisely reaches the A variable declaration. In your example this never happens.
And even if in some other example this happens (e.g. Smile() is called), an application may have multiple goroutines, and multiple of them may be executing Smile() at the same time, resulting in the app having multiple A variables, independent from each other. In this situation, which would A in main() refer to?
Go is lexically scoped using blocks. This means the variable A declared inside Smile() is only accessible from Smile(), the main() function cannot refer to it. If you need such "sharing", you must define A outside of Smile(). If both Smile() and main() needs to access it, you have to make it either a global variable, or you have to pass it to the functions that need it.
Making it a global variable, this is how it could look like:
var a int
func smile() {
a = 5
fmt.Println("a in smile():", a)
func main() {
fmt.Println("a in main():", a)
This outputs (try it on the Go Playground):
a in smile(): 5
a in main(): 5
Declaring it local in main() and passing it to smile(), this is how it could look like:
func smile(a int) {
fmt.Println("a in smile():", a)
func main() {
a := 5
fmt.Println("a in main():", a)
Output (try it on the Go Playground):
a in main(): 5
a in smile(): 5

The best way is,
func getCar() {
car := Vehicles.Car{}
// model ("BMW") will be available here
func setModel(car *Vehicles.Car) {
car.Model = "BMW"


Can multiple go routines hinder variables in a same function?

My question might be dumb but please bear with me. If two go-routines are calling the same function, will they share variables in that function? Is it safe to declare variables inside the function and use freely?
func main() {
go func1(1)
go func1(2)
func func1(a int) {
something := a
// do something
In the above code when two go-routines are calling same function will they hinder with the variable declaration of each other? Will the value of something change if the go routines are not in order or something?
will they hinder the variable declaration - no. essentially it's a function.. so if you're declaring the variable inside the function.. there won't be any issues and it works normally.
but if the variable is not declared inside the function but outside the scope of the function then the order of the go routines will hinder the value
for example
import (
var something int
func test(a int) {
something += a
fmt.Println("something", something)
func main() {
fmt.Println("Testing Something")
go test(20)
go test(3)
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second) // crude way without using channels or waitgroup.

Same pointer different values, in multi file main package

My project is a login-register web server that consists of multiple files and uses another package in which the Manager struct is defined.
Overview of my files:
I have a variable: var M *Manager declared in main.go before definition of main() and it is assigned inside main():
var M *Manager
func main() {
M = InitManager(...)
handleLogin(...) and handleRegister(...) are functions defined in handlers.go that use the M variable:
func handleRegister(...){
fmt.Println("M:", M)
M.Log1("logging informations...")
func handleLogin(...) {
fmt.Println("M:", M)
When I go to /loginor /register and the appropriate handle function is triggered it displays: M: <nil>
To find out something more I modified main() as shown below:
var M *Manager
func main() {
go func() { // for debugging
for {
fmt.Println("main() goloop1: M:", M)
time.Sleep(time.Second / 2)
M = InitManager(...)
go func() { // for debugging
for {
fmt.Println("main() goloop2: M:", M)
time.Sleep(time.Second / 2)
and the output:
main() goloop2: M: &{ as expected...}
main() goloop1: M: <nil>
main() goloop2: M: &{ as expected...}
main() goloop1: M: <nil>
My question are:
How do pointers work then if one pointer gives out two values?
How to fix my issue and properly plan code (if that was the cause) to avoid this in future?
Per the Go Memory Model, the provided code writes and reads M without proper synchronization, which is a data race and leads to undefined behavior (see icza's comment).
The compiler "assumes" that the code is properly synchronized (this is the responsibility of the developer) and so it is "allowed" to assume that M is never modified inside the infinite loops, so it may use a copy in a given register or stack memory location over and over, leading to the surprising output.
You may use a sync.Mutex to protect every access to the global *Manager variable M, as in this modified code.
Also beware of variable shadowing! It is possible to write M := f() instead of M = f(), resulting in an unrelated local variable, not affecting the global variable.
My solution:
I have added init.go:
I moved global variables like M and CONFIG_MAP into the init.go file:
package main
import ...
var CONFIG_MAP = LoadConfig()
var M *asrv.Manager = InitManager()
func LoadConfig() map[string]string {
// return map from 'conf.json' file
func InitManager() *asrv.Manager {
// return Manager configured with CONFIG_MAP
// other functions also use CONFIG_MAP that is the reason why it is global
func init() {
LoadTemplatesFiles() // load templates and assign value
// to a variable declared in templates.go
This way handler functions (handleLoginGet etc.) in handlers.go could properly read M.
This fix just made my program work and I still don't know what is the proper way of handling this type of situation, that is why I added more info under EDIT in my question.

golang: implicit vs explicit func definition

Consider this package:
package A
var X="change me"
var Y=func(i int) int { return i*i) }
func Z(i int) int { return -i) }
The two explicit variables (X,Y) can be changed in another package, say main...
package main
import "A"
func main () {
A.Y=func (i int) int { return i*i*i }
//... but A.Z apparently can't be changed.
//A.Z=func (int i) int { return i*i*i } //main.go:8: cannot assign to A.Z
Obviously there's a difference between defining a func variable (like Y) and an explicit func (like Z). I have googled this but not found much in the way of enlightenment. It almost seems as if var SomeFunc=func (...) defines indeed a variable, but func SomeFunc(...) defines a constant.
PS: A small goodie I found while researching this which I have not seen mentioned in the Go books I've read so far. A dot before a package import imports names without them having to be qualified:
package main
import . "A"
func main () {
Y=func (i int) int { return i*i*i }
func SomeFunc(), in essence creates a strong/constant/immutable binding of the identifier SomeFunc to the function you define. When you create a variable like so:
var (
SomeFunc = func(i int) int {
return i * 2
You create a global variable of the type func(int) int. You can reassign this variable later on. This is something you can't really do with a func SomeFunc identifier. Simply put, this is because func SomeFunc() binds the function Directly to the identifier. The var SomeFunc approach creates a variable (type func(int) int in this case), and that variable is initialised using the function you're assigning. As is the case with variables: reassignment is possible.
What you can do with functions, is shadow them using a scoped variable. This will probably get flagged by most linters, but it's a technique/trick that sometimes can be useful in testing
As for the dot-imports: Please don't do that unless there's a very, very, very good reason for it. A good reason would be you writing a package that adds to an existing one, so you no longer import an existing one, but import your own. Think of it as extending a package. 99% of the time. Don't, whatever you do, use it to quench errors when you import encoding/json to add json serialization annotations to a struct. In those cases, use an underscore:
package foo
import (
type Bar struct {
Foobar string `json:"foobar"`
func New() *Bar {
&Bar{"Default foobar"}
Don't know about golang 1.8, but packages like that could result in compiler errors (package encoding/json imported but not used). To silence that error, you simply changed the import to:
_ "encoding/json"
The dot-packages, underscores, and package aliases all follow the same rule: use them as little as possible.
Code used in examples:
package main
import (
var (
SomeFunc = func(i int) int {
return i * 2
func main() {
fmt.Println(SomeFunc(2)) // output 4
fmt.Println(SomeFunc(2)) // output 8
fmt.Println(SomeFunc(2)) // output 2
// global function
func reassign() {
// assign new function to the global var. Function types MUST match
SomeFunc = func(i int) int {
return i * 4
// assign function to local reassign variable
func shadowReassign() {
reassign := func() {
// same as global reassign
SomeFunc = func(i int) int {
return i
There's a difference between declaring a variable initialized with a function value:
var Y=func(i int) int { return i*i) }
and declaring a function:
func Z(i int) int { return -i) }
The specification says this about declarations:
A declaration binds a non-blank identifier to a constant, type, variable, function, label, or package.
The specification also says:
A function declaration binds an identifier, the function name, to a function.
The declaration of Y binds a variable to the name. This variable is initialized with a function value. The declaration of Z binds a function to the name.
If an explicit period (.) appears instead of a name, all the package's exported identifiers declared in that package's package block will be declared in the importing source file's file block and must be accessed without a qualifier.

Is there idiomatic scoped semantics in golang?

I wonder if there is any idiomatic way to represent scoped semantics. By scoped I mean things like:
scoped mutex (oneliner instead of explicit Lock + deffered Unlock),
logging function (or any code block) entrance and exit,
measuring execution time.
Example code for first two bullets:
package main
import "log"
import "sync"
func Scoped(m *sync.Mutex) func() {
return func() {
func Log(what string) func() {
log.Println(what, "started")
return func() {
log.Println(what, "done")
func main() {
defer Log("testing")()
m := &sync.Mutex{} // obviously mutex should be from other source in real life
defer Scoped(m)()
// use m
Basically we need to make one function call just now (eg mutex lock), and one call should be postponed to defer (eg mutex unlock). I propose just returning unnamed function here, but it can be easily named (return struct with function field).
There is only one problem: user can forget to 'call' result of first call.
This code is (can be) idiomatic?
Take anonymous function as a scope:
func() {
defer Exit()
// anything you want to do in this scope
Your proposed solution is already nice. You return a value of func type which you also have to call at the end of the defer.
You can avoid that (returning a func value), but there have to be 2 function calls, one that logs the start event and another one that logs the end event.
The alternative is to make a function call which produces the parameter value of the function that is deferred (rather than returning a function) which is evaluated with the defer statement, and this way it still can remain one line.
You can also try it on the Go Playground:
func start(s string) string {
fmt.Println("Started", s)
return s
func end(name string) {
fmt.Println("Ended", name)
func main() {
defer end(start("main"))
fmt.Println("Doing main's work...")
Started main
Doing main's work...
Ended main
I do not believe there is an idiomatic way to do this. I'm not sure why you'd want to either, is it really so bad to write
defer m.Unlock()
I think question isn't relevant to Go idiomaticity, Seems it's generally better to reason about code when function behave identically either call. To keep state I'd better make an object and define function as method on that object. Means something like
type message string
func (foo message) Log(bar string){
if bar==nil{doSomethingSpecial()}
switch foo{
case something: doSomething()
case nil: doSomethingInitial()
default: doDefault()
log.Println(bar, "started")

Is it possible to get return values selectively on single-value contexts in Go?

A simple example:
package main
import "fmt"
func hereTakeTwo() (x, y int) {
x = 0
y = 1
func gimmeOnePlease(x int){
func main() {
gimmeOnePlease(hereTakeTwo()) // fix me
Is it possible to pass only first returned value from hereTakeTwo() without using an explicit _ assignment? Example of what I would like to avoid:
func main() {
okJustOne, _ := hereTakeTwo()
What I want is to make gimmeOnePlease function able to receive an undefined number of arguments but take only first one OR a way to call hereTakeTwo function and get only first returned value without the necessity to use _ assignments.
Or on a last resort (crazy idea) use some kind of adapter function, that takes N args and reurns only first one, and have something like:
func main() {
Why? I'm just testing the boundaries of the language and learning how flexible it can be to some purposes.
No, you cannot do that apart from one special case described in the Spec:
As a special case, if the return values of a function or method g are equal in number and individually assignable to the parameters of another function or method f, then the call f(g(parameters_of_g)) will invoke f after binding the return values of g to the parameters of f in order. The call of f must contain no parameters other than the call of g, and g must have at least one return value.
The best you can do besides the temporary variables (which are the best option) is this:
func first(a interface{}, _ ...interface{}) interface{} {
return a
func main() {
Variadic version:
