How import data using controller to view in Laravel 8.* - laravel

I would like to go to specific object view from main page(index). Here is how I communicate with page which is about to be showed
{{ route('object',['id'=>$object->id]) }}
Error message:
Error message says that it should be something wrong with controller, but in previous case this code worked.
My FrontendController
use App\Interfaces\FrontendRepositoryInterface;
class FrontendController extends Controller
public function __construct(FrontendRepositoryInterface $frontendRepository)
$this->fR = $frontendRepository;
public function index()
$objects = $this->fR->getObjectsForMainPage();
return view('frontend.index',['objects'=>$objects]);
public function object($id)
$object = $this->fR->getObject($id);
return view('frontend.object',['object'=>$object]);
use App\Models\EventObject;
use App\Models\Photo;
use App\Interfaces\FrontendRepositoryInterface;
class FrontendRepository implements FrontendRepositoryInterface {
public function getObjectsForMainPage()
return EventObject::with(['photos','clubs'])->get();
public function getObject($id)
return EventObject::with(['photos','clubs'])->get();

Solution was to clear routes cache using php artisan route:cache and to add missing / in route


Laravel localization with resource method

I just got stuck creating routes with localization.
The language should be read from the URL:
I use the resource method to create the routes:
Similar to Route::get, how can I use placeholders in the URL to specify the language?
I don't want to start with changing all routes to "Route::get". Or is there a better way to implement localization?
Route resources declaration also allows you to specify routes placeholders the way you would in a get route declaration
Route::resource("/domain/{language}/cars", "CarsController");
and within your CarsController, use it as follows
class CarsController
public index ($language)
public show ($language, $id)
{ ... }
Or better still
class CarsController
public __construct ()
if ($currentRoute = Route::current()) {
$language = $currentRoute->getParameter('language');
// ...
public show ($language, $id)
{ ... }
public show ($language, $id)
{ ... }
Edit: Added the setting of locale. in both the constructor and in each Controller method

Project Class 'App\Application\Model\Slider' not found after uploading

My project worked fine on localhost, but once it was uploaded to a Linux shared host, I got the following error.
Class 'App\Application\Model\Slider' not found
This problem occurred in three of my models: sections, projects, Slider. The other models work fine.
namespace App\Application\Controllers;
use App\Application\Model\Page;
use App\Application\Model\projects;
use App\Application\Model\section;
use App\Application\Model\Slider;
class HomeController extends Controller
public function __construct()
$this->middleware('auth')->except(['getPageBySlug', 'welcome']);
public function index()
return view('website.home');
public function getPageBySlug($slug)
$page = Page::where('slug', $slug)->first();
if ($page) {
return view('', compact('page'));
return redirect('404');
public function welcome()
$sections = \App\Application\Model\section::limit(3)->orderBy('id')->get();
$project = \App\Application\Model\projects::limit(3)->orderBy('id')->get();
$sliders = \App\Application\Model\Slider::get();
return view('website.welcome', compact('projects', 'sections', 'sliders'));
Namespaces are loaded through an autoload file. When you push to your shared hosting, you'll likely have to run 'composer dump-autoload' in the project root to compile this file.

Setting getKeyRouteName dependant on route (web or api)

Tried looking for the answer to this everywhere but having no luck so far...
Basically I want my web route to use a slug for its URL, but I want to use ID for the API route. So...
Have tried various combinations of things in the getRouteKeyName method (if(Request::route()->named('myapiroute'), if(Request::isJson() etc...) but I think these might be being checked against the page it's running on, rather than the route I'm trying to generate?
I'm thinking maybe I need to extend the base model to have a separate one to use with my API maybe?
So I'd have...
class Chapter extends Model
public function getRouteKeyName()
return 'slug';
and then...
class ApiChapter extends Chapter
public function getRouteKeyName()
return 'id';
But not sure how I'd structure this in the most "Laravel" way? Or is there a better/tidier solution?
define your route for example like
Route::get('chapters/{chapter}','ChapterController#show'); // find by slug
Route::get('api/chapters/{chapter}','ApiChapterController#show'); // find by id
for web controller
class ChapterController extends Controller
public function show(Request $request,$slug)
$instance = Model::whereSlug($slug)->first();
for api
class ApiChapterController extends Controller
public function show(Request $request,$id)
$instance = Model::find($id);
You can define 2 different routes for that but unfortunatelly you will not be able to use model binding and you will have to look for the model like:
public function show(Request $request,$slug) {
$instance = Model::whereSlug($slug)->first();
as shown below:

call the another function within a function

In laravel I want to call a function within function to make recursive.I caught the route to call the function 'recursive in tableFetch'
class queryTest extends Controller
public function tableFetch() {
function recursive(){
I want to do it for check the manager of the given person and then get the manager of the fetched value in query so need to do it recursive
A controller is not a good place for this. Instead, manage it in your Person Model(or whatever you have).
Everyone has a manager. So, your model has HasOne relation to itself.
Person Model:
public function manager()
return $this->hasOne(Person::class, 'manager_id');
Now if you need to check the manager of given person untill you meet a certain condition you can do it inside the model and get the result in the controller.
public function checkManager()
$manager = $this->manager
if (check manager)
return $manager;
//check for the last manager
return $this->manager ? $this->checkManager() : null;
Inside controller
function index()
$person = Person::find($id);
$manager = $person->checkManager();// this will do the recursive you need
Do something like this
class queryTest extends Controller
public function tableFetch() {
function recursive(){
you need to ask more precise details about your needs, because Laravel has some complications.
try doing this :
class queryTest extends Controller
public function tableFetch() {
public function recursive() {

How to call BaseController public function from child classes in Laravel (4)?

I have a CustomController. For not to repeat myself, I defined getVars function in BaseController. I want to call getVars function from some functions in CustomController.
However, Laravel returns 404 error without any exception. What is wrong?
class BaseController extends Controller {
public function getVars($var1, $var2, $var3=Null, $var4=Null) {
return [];
class CustomController extends BaseController {
public function doBla1($var1, $var2) {
$vars = $this->getVars();
public function doBla2() {
$vars = $this->getVars();
public function doBla3() {
$vars = $this->getVars();
Sorry :( I found the reason of error. The names of doBla1 and getVars functions are same. This results in a 404 error. Sorry :(
$this is useful when you have method/function defined in same controller.
For functions inside parent controller you can use
Parent::getVars($var1, $var2)
