How to link Graphviz with Codeblocks - codeblocks

I want to visualise a graph using Graphviz, and am coding on C++ in Code::Blocks, is there any way of linking Graphviz with Codeblocks? If yes, how should I do it?

Given that I do not know the Graphviz library, what you did should work from cmd windows (after setting the system enviroment paths).
If you want to write a C++ program that uses the Graphviz library you need to learn how to statically link to a compiled library (see here) and then consult the documentation present on the Graphviz website (libguide.pdf).


gnuplot-iostream built in windows with MinGW

This post is a follow-up with the previous one link.
As being suggested to use one among 4 choices, I picked gnuplot-iostream. So what I did includes:
install MinGW
boost for gcc
build in MinGW
However, there is one missing library that I don't know where to find and add to the build. That is libutil
Googling shows that this lib is from libc6 package in Ubuntu.
Are those examples (link) in gnuplot-iostream supposed to build in Ubuntu? is there a replacement version of libutil in windows
THanks for the help!
libutil is needed for the openpty function, which is missing in MinGW (and probably in Windows overall). But openpty is only needed if you wish to intercept mouse clicks from gnuplot. If you remove -lutil from the Makefile then you should be able to compile all but one of the example programs (all but example-interactive).
If you have a need for processing mouse clicks in the gnuplot window then let me know as there may be a way to avoid openpty.

wxWidgets and Golang

I want to develop a programm in Go with a multi-OS GUI in wxWidgets, my dev environment is WinXP x86.
I wanted to use the wxWidgets Go wrapper wxGo, but the documentation is very succint and the project seems dead since 2 years.
I encountered some errors with the go get and go install
Result of go get
imports no Go source files in C:\Documents and Settings\dell\Mes documents\gopath\src\\JeroenD\wxGo
Result of go install
can't load package: package no Go source files in C:\Documents and Settings\dell\Mes documents\gopath\src\\JeroenD\wxGo
I tried to follow the Building.txt doc from JeroenD's github. First time, I downloaded and installed wxWidgets, the sample codes were able to compile (with MinGW), but I was not able to compile the wxWidgets library from source. The second time, I downloaded and installed wxPack, with libs/dll already compiled. Here, the problem is I can't compile the wxWidgets samples.
As stated in the Buiding.txt doc from JeroenD's github, I installed SWIGWIN, but did not compile it from source as SWIG now supports Go (from SWIG's documentation). But now, I don't know what to do with a wrapper (wxGo), wxWidgets dll/libs, and SWIG. I think I read that SWIG needs *.i files to make bindings from language to another, but I can't find any in my wxWidgets folder, perhaps I have to take these files from another wxWidgets binding (wxLua and wxPython have these in their repos).
My goal is just to get the wxWidgets lib working with Go to be able to write a multi OS GUI in wxWidgets, I'm a bit surprised that nobody had posted problems with JeroenD's package nor wanted to get wxWidgets working with Go.
As you may ask, building a gtk GUI with go-gtk is not a solution, as it is needed in my project to have a multi-OS GUI looking OS native (if you have a multi-OS GUI lib which looks native and is simpler to use, please tell me).
According to the Building.txt file:
To build the wxGo library:
cd wx
make install
So, despite this being a Go package, it doesn't seem to use any actual Go code (if you look in you won't see any .go files).
I think, in cases like this, you need to use git (instead of go get) and make install instead of go install.
On windows you may want to get the Git for Windows installer to make this process a bit simpler.
Once it's built it looks like you can use
import "wx"
as usual in your go code (minimal example at
wxGO wxWidgets wrapper for GO is live here wxGO MultiOS
QML may be a better choice, it helps deal with wxWidget or QT underwear.

Is there any open source project using graphviz c++ library?

I have downloaded an open source project using graphviz c++ library, which visualizes and draws charts from or to dot files. But unfortunately, I deleted it from my computer.
I really look forward to finding it because it is exactly what I need. I remember there are well-done encapsulated classes such as GVGraph, GVNode, GVEdge and so on. Can anyone tell me where it is?
Maybe you can find it on the resources page of graphviz.

Using a code without compiling it to a library

My question may be silly, but I need to use a library from its source code without compiling it to a library form first. The tool in question is FreeType. Is this possible?
You can add all the files from the FreeType source distribution into your own project, and try to get them to compile alongside. However, the FreeType compilation procedure is a bit tricky, if I recall correctly.
It is probably easier to compile FreeType as a static library, then link your own program with the generated library. If you do that, your executable will have no dependency on the FreeType runtime library.
It's called bundling: instead of shipping your code with JAR files of some library, or even just requiring the library in your INSTALL document, you simply copy the source code into your project and have it built by your build system instead of using it pre-built. It may require adapting your build system a bit, and you need to make sure you have the right to redistribute the library in source form, but it can sometimes make sense.
MPlayer did this with ffmpeg for a long time, and XEN with the Linux kernel (notionally, they ship patches instead of the entire kernel tree). The disadvantage is, of course, that you effectively fork the library, and don't get any updates of the code whatsoever unless you re-rip their code and get it to build in your project again.
You can get the sourcecode of FreeType from if that's what you mean.

Problem with Boost::Asio for C++

For my bachelors thesis, I am implementing a distributed version of an algorithm for factoring large integers (finding the prime factorisation). This has applications in e.g. security of the RSA cryptosystem.
My vision is, that clients (linux or windows) will download an application and compute some numbers (these are independant, thus suited for parallelization). The numbers (not found very often), will be sent to a master server, to collect these numbers. Once enough numbers have been collected by the master server, it will do the rest of the computation, which cannot be easily parallelized.
Anyhow, to the technicalities. I was thinking to use Boost::Asio to do a socket client/server implementation, for the clients communication with the master server. Since I want to compile for both linux and windows, I thought windows would be as good a place to start as any. So I downloaded the Boost library and compiled it, as it said on the Boost Getting Started page:
It all compiled just fine. Then I try to compile one of the tutorial examples, client.cpp, from Asio, found (here.. edit: cant post link because of restrictions). I am using the Visual C++ compiler from Microsoft Visual Studio 2008, like this:
cl /EHsc /I D:\Downloads\boost_1_42_0 client.cpp
But I get this error:
LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'libboost_system-vc90-mt-s-1_42.lib'
Anyone have any idea what could be wrong, or how I could move forward? I have been trying pretty much all week, to get a simple client/server socket program for c++ working, but with no luck. Serious frustration kicking in.
Thank you in advance.
The reason the build is failing is because it cannot find the library file containing boost system. Boost includes a "handy" autolinking feature, such that when you include a header file for a binary libaray (as opposed to a header only library), boost automatically tells the compiler that it should link in the library. The downside to this is that boost doesn't tell the compiler where to find the library.
The short answer is to read a little further in the boost getting started guide. This page shows you how to add the necessary flags to the compiler command line: Getting started on windows: linking from the command line.
The first thing you have to do is find the .lib file. Boost hides them in a deep directory structure, so search for it starting in the directory you ran bjam from. Make note of the directory where the file is. You may also wish to use bootstrap --prefix=/some/install/location and bjam install to install boost somewhere other than the source directory in which you built it.
Are you building your project using a Visual Studio solution, or on the command line?
If you are using a solution file, find the link page in the solution properties. There should be a box where you can enter additional library paths. Add the directory in which you boost .lib files reside to this box.
If you are using cl on the command link, familiarize yourself with the command line options for cl and link. You can pass commands to the linker using the cl option /link, and the linker command you are looking for is /libpath.
