How to access a Heroku database from pgAdmin4 - heroku

I want to access Heroku database from pgAdmin4 on my local machine.
What I did is the following steps(However, it did not work)
First, I obtained the necessary information with the following command :
heroku **config**
Next, enter the information from (1) into the following form in pgAdmin4 :
[setting,including Host,port,ysername..][1]
After configuring the settings, I seem to be able to access Heroku, but I cannot open the database.
(Each table icon has a X (cross) in the upper right corner. Click on any icon to display the message)
Icon with a cross in the upper right corner
Indicates an error
Please let me know how to clear it.


Transferring Joomla from local to remote host

I built a website on Joomla on a local host server and now I'm trying to upload it to the new hosting I bought. So here it goes:
I upload the Akeeba backup
When I'm on the pre-installation page I click next then it asks me for > Connection information
I'm not sure what should I put there so I click next and it gives me this message:
An error occurred while restoring the database. The error message can
be found below. Click on the × button at the top right of this dialog
message to close it and return to the database restoration page.
Access denied for user 'voiscypr_vacd'#'localhost' to database
'voiscypr_vacd' SQL=CREATE DATABASE voiscypr_vacd CHARACTER SET
Any ideas on how to fix it ?

URL validation failed error while accessing Oracle Form

I am developing custom application in Oracle Apps which will call an oracle form named form.fmx
I have put form.fmx in FORM_PATH variable of default.env
I have created section called vikram in formsweb.cfg
I am accessing as
And getting this error
URL validation failed. The error could have been caused through the use of the browser's navigation buttons ( the browser Back button or refresh, for example). If the error persists, Please contact system administrator.
Try one of the following methods to resolve your issue :
Goto Internet Options >> Security Tab >> Trusted sites >> Sites >>
Add this website to the zone.
Issue select fnd_profile.value('APPS_MAINTENANCE_MODE') from dual;
to see whether returns the result NORMAL, If this is not the case you're in the maintenance mode, and use :
sqlplus mySchema/myPassword#$AD_TOP/patch/115/sql/adsetmmd.sql DISABLE
Click on Lock and Edit, and then
Navigate to Domain structure >> Services >> Data sources Where you should see both oacore_cluster1 and forms_cluster1 in
the EBSDataSource targets.
Assume forms_cluster1 is missing in the EBSdatasource target list, then click on the EBSDatasource and then go to the
Targets section. In this page, check the box for forms_cluster1.
Save and Activate the changes and see the following view in you weblogic screen :
Issue was with Forms server configuration.
With correct config, it is running fine

Heroku error logs without heroku command

How can I check the error logs of Heroku,
without running:
heroku logs
Since I'm using, I can't use 'heroku' commands
There is a free heroku add on, Papertrail.
And this to your heroku app (can be done command line or via the heroku UI)
then on your Resources tab you can click Papertrail.
Helpfull note with Papertaril, you can set up email notifications on string comparisons. This can help for early fault detection.
If you have access to the heroku app you could view the logs from there:
(open the app page then press the dotted more button on the top right then press view logs)
(requires you to keep the logs page open)
logs one
logs two
or set up a webhook
(open the app page then press the dotted more button on the top right then press view webhooks and once the page has loaded click create webhook then set-up your webhook)
(i use it with discord: O
(may not have an error option)
webhooks one
webhooks two
webhooks three
or like gregmcpugh said you could use the add on papertrail. (which i also use)
There is a free heroku add on, Papertrail.
And this to your heroku app (can be done command line or via the heroku UI) then on your Resources tab you can click Papertrail.
Helpful note with Papertrail, you can set up email notifications on string comparisons. This can help for early fault detection.
(no bad thing i can say about this one!)
papertrail one
papertrail two
papertrail three
damn people being before me :P
hope i helped! :D

Unable to configure Zerigo with Heroku

I have added the Zerigo add-on with heroku. I have followed the steps in the answer here.
Except for the third step. When I attempted to do that, I got an info message that I don't need to do that if I am using the add-on in heroku.
However, if I try to access my custom domain, I get an application error. Executing the command
$ heroku logs
I get the following output (pasted partially):
at=error code=H70 desc="Access to bamboo HTTP endpoint denied" method=GET
I went through this article which says that I need to replace with - but I don't understand how I need to do that. I tried adding the snippet as suggested in that stackoverflow answer linked earlier, but in that it points to
I got this confirmed when I executed a ping command on my custom domain and got the following output:
64 bytes from : icmp_req=68 ttl=46 time=289 ms
How do I get this working?
Go to
Click on the name of your app
Click on "Zerigo DNS Zerigo Basic" and click "Configure". You should see your custom domain name listed under "Host Records."
Click "Add Snippet". Choose "Heroku" from the dropdown menu.
Click "Add Selected Records".
Go to the CNAME entry under host records and click "Edit". Change data from to
I also had to do the following:
Go back to
Click on the name of your app
Click on Settings
Under "Domains" add your custom domains e.g. I also had to add one starting with "www."
You may have to wait 10-15 min for the settings to propagate.
If the error is ..
Access to bamboo HTTP endpoint denied"
Change your CNAME entry .. ->
Is it possible is IT working, but you need to flush your DNS cache on your machine? That's a commmon problem, that your local machine has old/bad DNS data cached when you make a DNS change.
Quick test: try looking up the DNS record on your custom domain using
If that looks correct, then google how to flush your DNS cache on whatever OS you are using.

Where are the Spree Mailer Settings entered in the Admin panel saved?

I am working on a Spree application using Rails 3.2.3. My version of Spree is 1.1.0. I am running my Rails server in development mode on my home computer. I have entered mail settings in the Spree admin panel at localhost:3000/admin/mail_methods. I can see the place in the development log where I entered the mail settings, and when I turn the server on and off, the settings persist, so I know that they are stored somewhere. However, I cannot find where they are stored. I set my SMTP Mail Host to be "", and when I do the following command from the project root directory, I only see the line in my development log where the mail settings were entered: grep -r "" .
The reason I want to find these settings is because I want to find a way to set them without using the Admin Panel GUI. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks.
They are stored in the sql database follow these steps
1st table is called spree_mail_methods note the id of the method that you want to set.
but the actual data is stored in spree_preferences table the following sql statement will get you what you want as that table has a lot of data in it.
select * from spree_preferences where key like 'spree/mail_method%';
Shame on spree for storing passwords in plain text!
