Where are the Spree Mailer Settings entered in the Admin panel saved? - settings

I am working on a Spree application using Rails 3.2.3. My version of Spree is 1.1.0. I am running my Rails server in development mode on my home computer. I have entered mail settings in the Spree admin panel at localhost:3000/admin/mail_methods. I can see the place in the development log where I entered the mail settings, and when I turn the server on and off, the settings persist, so I know that they are stored somewhere. However, I cannot find where they are stored. I set my SMTP Mail Host to be "smtp.hello.com", and when I do the following command from the project root directory, I only see the line in my development log where the mail settings were entered: grep -r "smtp.hello.com" .
The reason I want to find these settings is because I want to find a way to set them without using the Admin Panel GUI. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks.

They are stored in the sql database follow these steps
1st table is called spree_mail_methods note the id of the method that you want to set.
but the actual data is stored in spree_preferences table the following sql statement will get you what you want as that table has a lot of data in it.
select * from spree_preferences where key like 'spree/mail_method%';
Shame on spree for storing passwords in plain text!


Seeing blank display when running Shopizer application

I have been able to successfully download, compile, and run Shopizer. Unfortunately, when I attempt to display the home page, I get a blank page. By "blank" I mean that there is nothing on the page, not even undisplayable HTML!
I also attempt to log in as the admin. When I point my browser to the admin page (http://localhost:800/admin) I get the login page but when I enter the username and password (admin and password) the Shopizer throws an exception.
I am running this application in Eclipse, so was able to debug the code. I am finding that the exception from the admin login is caused by a failure of the application to read the username from the database. It attempts to get information from the database when you log in, but the query for information on the admin user returns null and that causes an exception to be thrown.
Apparently, it is getting nothing from the database. I am running this using the default H2 database configuration, and from what I have understood reading some of the information on their forum, the H2 database is run as an embedded database in this application. I also understand that on first running the database is initialized and test data is put in. I have also looked at the database file, it has data in it.
Yet for some reason, Shopizer fails to get user info about the admin user. I suspect that some of the other blank pages I am getting are caused at least partially by a failure to read product and other information, as well.
Does anyone know what is causing this failure to read the database? Has anyone else seen this behavior before? Is there something that needs to be done to enable access (Shopizer's documentation is somewhat incomplete so who knows what else might need to be done to make it work)? Or is there something that needs to be done to make it able to read the database?
Are you able to run the app from the command line first
cd shopizer
./mvnw clean install
./mvnw spring-boot:run
When running from eclipse once you have imported shopizer root project make sure the H2 file resides under sm-shop
Have you tried to configure mysql ?
Yes the schema is created and updated during startup

URL validation failed error while accessing Oracle Form

I am developing custom application in Oracle Apps which will call an oracle form named form.fmx
I have put form.fmx in FORM_PATH variable of default.env
I have created section called vikram in formsweb.cfg
I am accessing as http://prod.txis.com:7406/forms/frmservlet?config=vikram&form=form
And getting this error
URL validation failed. The error could have been caused through the use of the browser's navigation buttons ( the browser Back button or refresh, for example). If the error persists, Please contact system administrator.
Try one of the following methods to resolve your issue :
Goto Internet Options >> Security Tab >> Trusted sites >> Sites >>
Add this website to the zone.
Issue select fnd_profile.value('APPS_MAINTENANCE_MODE') from dual;
to see whether returns the result NORMAL, If this is not the case you're in the maintenance mode, and use :
sqlplus mySchema/myPassword#$AD_TOP/patch/115/sql/adsetmmd.sql DISABLE
Click on Lock and Edit, and then
Navigate to Domain structure >> Services >> Data sources Where you should see both oacore_cluster1 and forms_cluster1 in
the EBSDataSource targets.
Assume forms_cluster1 is missing in the EBSdatasource target list, then click on the EBSDatasource and then go to the
Targets section. In this page, check the box for forms_cluster1.
Save and Activate the changes and see the following view in you weblogic screen :
Issue was with Forms server configuration.
With correct config, it is running fine

magento from linux to windows cannot login - invalid formkey

I transferred my magento installation on ubuntu with files and mysql db dump to my development machine on Windows 10 with XAMPP installed.
I can up the frontend, but I cannot login my admin backend.
I am sure the password and user name are exactly as my installation on ubuntu, why happened? It just stay on the login form and saying all the time invalid formkey, I viewed the source formkey value just generated there.
There mentioned issue with charset, tried no help.
There is no any error logged in var/report and XAMPP apache errorlog, access_log to /index.php/admin is 200, looks good.
will you have any idea? thanks in advance.
Possible causes include
Incorrect permissions on var/session, preventing session files from
being saved
Incorrect configuration of database/redis/other session storage,
preventing saving of session values
A module is instantiating sessions to early, preventing the correct
session names from being set
The cookie domain in System -> Configuration -> Web -> Session Cookie
Management doesn't match the actual site domain.
You're using the localhost as your server domain, and using a version
of webkit that has trouble/bugs setting cookies for localhost in some
Easier is just to use the IP-address to access Magento.
Open magento database and run below query.
update `core_config_data` set `value`='/' where `path`='web/cookie/cookie_path';
update `core_config_data` set `value`='[magentohost]' where `path`='web/cookie/cookie_domain';
If you have setup multiple store with subdomains, add Cookie Domain: .magentohost.com
Add a dot “.” follwed by Magento URL.
source : CodePetals

Joomla Site Migration - DB issue?

I'm having a strange issue here: I've migrated joomla site from server to other. I've also done db dump (previous server) and restore (new server). Changed configuration.php accordly and run all.
First, I receive a "blank page" but, more strange, when i log in into administrator section, I can't see menu content (like they aren't stored into db). Obviously I've checked and content are stored into db.
I've also granted priviledges for all db to user that run this joomla site, but nothing changes.
Any ideas?
PS.: Running onto an old version of joomla 1.5.7
This is what error log give me
[07-Oct-2013 12:39:28] PHP Notice: Undefined variable: options in /pathtosite/plugins/system/bot_speedy.php
[07-Oct-2013 12:41:16] PHP Notice: Undefined variable: keywords in /pathtosite/plugins/system/SEOGenerator.php

Why do I get a blank page instead of Joomla?

I am just beginning with Joomla on a linux fedora server (running apache,mysql,php), running in local. I have also installed phpmyadmin.
I have dowloaded/unizip joomla on var/www/html/joomla1 and created a database for joomla1.
Then restarted the server. Selinux is set to permissive.
However when browsing at http://localhost/joomla1/ i simply get a blank page
Any idea what's wrong ? How to fix this ?
Check your database permissions (does the user have permissions to access the data), check your error logs on the server.
Maybe this URL is right?
Check /var/log/httpd/error_log
Look for anything saying "Fatal:"
This will give you an indication of whats causing the problem
