What codes do I have to implement to install the UTMStack Server? - windows

I want to install UTMStack Server in Windows OS; however, I don't know what codes to use.
Can anybody here help me with some instructions?

At this time UTMStack only runs on Ubuntu Server and has a fully featured community edition that does not require any license or codes.
You can find installation instructions here: https://github.com/AtlasInsideCorp/UTMStackInstaller
And a video here:


How to convert tensorflow file to tensorflow lite on windows

I have a retrained_graph.pb file which I want to convert to tensorflow lite.I tried to do it with toco in Docker but it seems that there is no module such called toco in my system.I have the latest version of tensorflow installed.Can someone please tell me how to do it?
I am running on Windows 10 64bit
I'm the community manager of Heartbeat (an online pub that looks at the intersection of mobile and ML. One of our contributors just published a tutorial that addresses this exact issue. Hope it's helpful!

GTK Manual installation on windows 7 32 bit

I posted in other stack exchange programming forum but since it was not the appropriate forum I am reposting it. I do not have internet in one of my pc where I want to install GTK. I have internet in other pc, so I want to download and manually install in my PC. Can someone please explain step by step procedure. The details of my PC are windows 7 32 bit. Please help.
You can download the installer from internet and just install it as usual.
you can visit these sites
For Gtk3 - http://www.gtk.org/download/windows.php
Basically comes down to installing MSYS2 and using their package manager.

install natlink and dragonfly for python2.7 in windows10

I want to implement speech recognition in my windows10 using python2.7. Is it possible to install natlink for python2.7? Because i found that it is only available for python 2.5. If anybody knows how to get natlink and dragonfly for python 2.7 then please guide me. Thanks in advance!!
It is possible, I'm doing it on Win7. I was able to successfully set it up multiple times, when following the following directions exactly:
And that often included downloading and using the exactly supplied versions they zipped up for use. I don't know if it will work for Win10.
Also, if you can get it working with python 2.5, there's nothing stopping you from having multiple versions on your system.
I installed Dragon Naturally Speaking 13 Premium + Natlink-4.1 (from sourceforge) + Dragonfly with python2.7 on my Windows 8 machine. I also had to install WxPython AFAIR. I had to do a few tests, but this combination works fine. I was able to run some basic tests.

How to install windows updates on multiple clients using YUM on CentOS server

I need to do a installation of windows updates (OS and Microsoft Security Essentials) on multiple clients using Cent-OS Server. I'm not very familiar with Linux systems and I cant find an appropriate tutorial On the internet.
Give OPSI a try, this is an OpenSource Deployment Solution which works on CentOS:
This is an integrated system to deploy full installation as well as simple updates or rollouts.
yum installs RedHat/CentOS/Fedora RPM packages on RedHat/CentOS/Fedora systems. It doesn't have anything to do with Windows. It doesn't understand exe files or anything like that.
I'm not even sure where to begin to understand what the question you are actually trying to ask is... unless your question is really just as confused as it sounds and you are failing to understand the difference between package managed linux systems and Windows systems.

How to install Skipfish Security scanner under windows 7?

I have a development PC with Windows 7 (APACHE / MYSQL / PHP) and I want to install "Skipfish" (http://code.google.com/p/skipfish/) in order to check my web app for security/vulnerability issues. I read the instructions but I can't understand it.
I cite the source page
The tool is believed to support Linux, FreeBSD, MacOS X, and Windows (Cygwin) environments
Since it isn't a "real" windows application you don't have any file windows can execute (such as a .exe or .msi file). You need to use the http://www.cygwin.com/ tool and then more or less use it as an Linux application.
Read up on the instructions on skipfish and Cygwin, and then return with any more specific questions you may have.
I think it is too late, but... Complied version is here: https://didasec.wordpress.com/2012/12/17/skipfish-2-10b-for-windows/
Since the original source is not available so it is shared in GDrive. Use it.
Skipfish for Windows
