How to install windows updates on multiple clients using YUM on CentOS server - windows

I need to do a installation of windows updates (OS and Microsoft Security Essentials) on multiple clients using Cent-OS Server. I'm not very familiar with Linux systems and I cant find an appropriate tutorial On the internet.

Give OPSI a try, this is an OpenSource Deployment Solution which works on CentOS:
This is an integrated system to deploy full installation as well as simple updates or rollouts.

yum installs RedHat/CentOS/Fedora RPM packages on RedHat/CentOS/Fedora systems. It doesn't have anything to do with Windows. It doesn't understand exe files or anything like that.
I'm not even sure where to begin to understand what the question you are actually trying to ask is... unless your question is really just as confused as it sounds and you are failing to understand the difference between package managed linux systems and Windows systems.


Scenic dependencies on Windows?

I have been playing around with Scenic to make a desktop app across multiple environments. While the Install dependencies for Ubuntu are outdated and don;t work for the latest LTS (v20) I was still able to figure out the packages and install it on Ubuntu Linux.
However ... there is nothing for Windows.
Does Scenic even work on Windows?
If so, what are the dependencies? What need I to install?
Unfortunately, Scenic does not run on Windows, nor can it support it.
At the time of writing of this post, I am also unaware of any plans to make it work on a Windows system.
The confirmation came from an official collaborator from the Scenic project:

scidb installation on single debian server

I would like to try scidb as a replacement for hdf5. I would like to test it on my Debian laptop (no clusters) to give it a try.
Is this possible? Might be that Debian (as opposed to Ubuntu) is not supported?
I had no luck with the installation instructions. The deployment script tells that my OS is not supported. The scidb userguide says about some pre-built packages (for Ubuntu, at least). But there is no hint on how to obtain them.
SciDB is limited to RedHat / CentOS, and to Ubuntu as of the 14.9 release. Folk who want to run it on other distros generally compile from code.
Information about how to obtain the sources (as well as current documentation and community discussion) can be found on the forums here ... You'll need to register as a forum user.
Specifically, have a look at There's a list of releases and links to code bundles there.
I installed SciDB several times using several ways (building from sources and installing from packages, installing the cluster version and the dev version).
Installation from packages
First, if you choose to install from packages (the easiest and fastest way), SciDB is very very sensitive about your Linux version. For example, for the last version of SciDB (14.8), if you choose to install on a Ubuntu, it has to be a Ubuntu 12.04 (and not a 14.04, a common mistake) 64 bits (meaning you have to install the AMD64 version even if you have an Intel processor). It won't work if you have a different version.
If you have an Ubuntu 12.04 AMD64, Paradigm4 provides a deployment script and a documentation with very simple steps:
Installation from sources
It's not so difficult but it can be painful and time consuming. I did it because we had to compile a custom plugin for SciDB. You have two types of installation: dev install (in SciDB user directory) and cluster install (in /opt/ directory).
You have to be registered on their forum to have the link to the source code. They provide a specific documentation to build from source.
Good luck.
Several months ago I have dealt with porting SciDB 14.12 to an unsupported Linux - Fedora 19. If your OS is not supported, it will neither be supported if you try to install from the sources. You have to start from the sources, but then you have to adapt the deployment and installation scripts. The sources can be downloaded from SciDB forum.
Namely, add a new platform to deployment/common/ Then, there are multiple platform specific deployment scripts, such as deployment/common/, deployment/common/ and deployment/common/ You need to make sure those prepare the environment as they would on the supported OS'. I used Red Hat 6 and CentOS 6 as a reference, as those are both more similar to Fedora. Since your OS is Debian, you can first try falling back to Ubuntu deployment (in
Another problem you may encounter are the 3rd party tools, specially Boost. In my case, I had to build it manually from sources.
Sometimes when porting and debugging it is not convenient to run the scripts with, but it's better to run the deployment scripts directly on the target machine (e.g. coordinator).
Probably the best way to install and to start with SciDB is to download a standard image. With this image you only have to import the virtual machine with a software to virtualize. Moreover there are some characteristics of this virtual machine that are great to develop your first applications.
The main advantage, is that you have an API to SciDB queries and another to R. Then you can explore all options and to test SciDB.
This is the version that I downloaded few months ago:
Nevertheless, there is a problem, the community is too poor. There are little people developing with SciDB.

I have a windows pc, can I develop with LAMP?

I have a pc running windows but I want to use a linux server. Is there a way for me to develop my website on my computer before I rent space on a server? Also its probably important to note that I have no linux experience. Should I just stick with wamp?
Unless you specifically and purposely use .NET features in your PHP Application, then an application developed in WAMP will work fine on a LAMP Server as long as you have included all the same PHP plugins.
PHP is independent from Linux or Windows. 99.9% of the time you have to knowingly use features from the host OS.
You should try ubuntu in a virtualbox, there are lots of well written guides that'll get you up and running.
For best performance, use coLinux. Install a linux distro like ubuntu (easier for beginners) and you should be ok.
Yes. I have developed and maintained a website like this before. My development environment was WAMP and the server was a LAMP shared server. Shouldn't be a problem till your site is using fairly basic libraries and they are available both for windows/linux.
However as others mentioned, its wiser to have the development environment as close possible to the production environment. You don't hit any surprises that way. And hey its not difficult and involves no cost:
You can use dual boot to have linux as other operating system.
Depending on your machine, you can just install VirtualBox and install a Linux VM.

How to install Skipfish Security scanner under windows 7?

I have a development PC with Windows 7 (APACHE / MYSQL / PHP) and I want to install "Skipfish" ( in order to check my web app for security/vulnerability issues. I read the instructions but I can't understand it.
I cite the source page
The tool is believed to support Linux, FreeBSD, MacOS X, and Windows (Cygwin) environments
Since it isn't a "real" windows application you don't have any file windows can execute (such as a .exe or .msi file). You need to use the tool and then more or less use it as an Linux application.
Read up on the instructions on skipfish and Cygwin, and then return with any more specific questions you may have.
I think it is too late, but... Complied version is here:
Since the original source is not available so it is shared in GDrive. Use it.
Skipfish for Windows

Developing Linux software on Windows

I want to write software for the Linux platform, but I would like to do this on a Windows OS. I'm only developing Linux software for a remote server of mine, so it wouldn't be worth it to switch to Linux just for that. I don't think it's as simple as using a cross-compiler, because I will be writing code that uses headers specifically for Linux, and I would like to test the programs on Windows. I don't want to use VirtalBox etc.
If possible, install the entire development environment on the linux server. Then install an Xserver (e.g XMing) and an ssh client (e.g putty) on your Windows box. Then run the dev. environment remotely.
The big pro of doing this is that the linux windows integrate seamlessly in the Windows enviornment. I used to work with dual platform development and had a virtual linux box on my PC. Still, I used ssh+X-forwarding to access it. This way I got full copy-paste support etc. between the environments.
Now WSL (also known as "Bash on Windows") exists, you can run native Linux binaries directly on Windows. With snapcraft you can package Linux applications entirely under Windows, without using a VM. Might be a better option. I made a super quick video to explain it.
CoLinux allows you to run linux side-by-side with Windows.
You could try VirtualBox and virtualize a Linux environment from within Windows. I do the reverse of what you are trying to do and run Windows from Linux, and it works quite well.
If you are familiar with .NET and C# you can use Mono for your client.
You can use Visual Studio to develop and the Mono runtime one Linux to run the application.
You do need to keep away from windows specific code.
Maybe Cygwin could help. You don't need an entire virtual machine and only the api is emulated.
You could use g++ in cygwin to target a linux binary. It's a pain to setup as you noted you'll need the entire toolchain (not just the compiler). I've used crosstool (domain name makes me giggle every time) in the past with success. It looks like someone did the work already
However I've never targeted linux from windows. I'd install a virtual linux box, way easier and you're likely going to want to do your testing on a real linux box before going live.
Cygwin isn't linux so you can't test your linux binaries there.
Out of curiosity what's keeping you from doing the development on linux? If the server the app runs on isn't mission critical you could even develop there.
