How to convert tensorflow file to tensorflow lite on windows - windows

I have a retrained_graph.pb file which I want to convert to tensorflow lite.I tried to do it with toco in Docker but it seems that there is no module such called toco in my system.I have the latest version of tensorflow installed.Can someone please tell me how to do it?
I am running on Windows 10 64bit

I'm the community manager of Heartbeat (an online pub that looks at the intersection of mobile and ML. One of our contributors just published a tutorial that addresses this exact issue. Hope it's helpful!


What codes do I have to implement to install the UTMStack Server?

I want to install UTMStack Server in Windows OS; however, I don't know what codes to use.
Can anybody here help me with some instructions?
At this time UTMStack only runs on Ubuntu Server and has a fully featured community edition that does not require any license or codes.
You can find installation instructions here:
And a video here:

How should I build manylinux project docker image?

Hi I need a manylinux1 whl distribute for some python package to work in an old server.
I found the manylinux project and installed docker.
My platform is Windows 10 and processor is Intel, so I cannot run nest virtualization in VirtualBox.
So how should I build the docker image under Windows?
Thanks a lot!
Manylinux helps to compile for different CPU architectures. It also helps to repair your wheel for a manylinux tag and makes it acceptable by PyPI.
If you're building wheels, consider porting your project to a CI environemnt, like GitHub Actions, and use CIBUILDWHEEL. It helps when you have to compile for many platforms and Python versions.

Kinect problems with matlab

I am trying to use Kinect (the oldest one, the very first one released by Windows) and connect it to Matlab R2013b in a Windows 10 running laptop.
I've already followed the suggested steps and installed the Matlab Support package called "Kinect for Windows Runtime". This is supposed to instal the drivers needed to run the kinect on windows too.
enter image description here
However, as I use the command "imaqhwinfo", I get a warning saying that kinect is either not supported or no powered and this output:
AdaptorDllVersion: '8.2 (R2013b)'
AdaptorName: 'kinect'
DeviceIDs: {1x0 cell}
DeviceInfo: [1x0 struct]
I'd really appreciate if anyone could tell me what the error is or, tell me the configuration you used if you were able to use matlab and kinect.
Thank you in advance

FDT won't install on Win 64

I have purchased 1 month subscription to FDT to try it out, but there is no installation on Windows. I know it is supposed to run from exe, but it won't let me, even though I have verified I have the latest version enter image description here
Java error
Latest Version
Please help - it cost money and is very frustrating!!
Even though I am running 64bit Windows 7, The java error above looks like it is reading the OS as 32bit. So, following the advice in eclipse forums regarding bittedness:
So I downloaded the 32-bit version of FDT, and it solved the problem!

install natlink and dragonfly for python2.7 in windows10

I want to implement speech recognition in my windows10 using python2.7. Is it possible to install natlink for python2.7? Because i found that it is only available for python 2.5. If anybody knows how to get natlink and dragonfly for python 2.7 then please guide me. Thanks in advance!!
It is possible, I'm doing it on Win7. I was able to successfully set it up multiple times, when following the following directions exactly:
And that often included downloading and using the exactly supplied versions they zipped up for use. I don't know if it will work for Win10.
Also, if you can get it working with python 2.5, there's nothing stopping you from having multiple versions on your system.
I installed Dragon Naturally Speaking 13 Premium + Natlink-4.1 (from sourceforge) + Dragonfly with python2.7 on my Windows 8 machine. I also had to install WxPython AFAIR. I had to do a few tests, but this combination works fine. I was able to run some basic tests.
