How to get value of atomic variable outside the thread in C++ - c++11

I have a thread, which keeps running, and this thread receives data from udp network.
when there is no data coming in for lets say 3 seconds, i am setting a atomic variable[STATUS] as 0 and if data started coming again setting atomic variable[STATUS] value is 1
code below:
// to update computer status
atomic_int STATUS = ATOMIC_VAR_INIT(0);
_keep_running = true;
_t_bg_tasks = std::thread(&ProtoApiManager::onThreadBgTasks, this);
void main::onThreadBgTasks()
milliseconds currentTime = MiscUtils::getTimeNow();// getting current time
auto delta = currentTime - _last_status_msg_rx; // assigned when data received
if (delta.count() > _NAV_COMMS_TIMEOUT) // constant assigned as 3 sec
std::cout<<"Time out OFFLINE"<<std::endl;
// prepareData()
std::cout<<"Time out ONLINE"<<std::endl;
// prepareData()
// preparing data
hardwareItemStatusMCComputer->set_hardwarename("MC Computer");
// transmitting to udp
Now the question is, as thread is keep running in do while, and based on time out i set atomic variable value 0 or 1, i have to call prepareData method outside thread based on atomic variable[STATUS] and set [status] while preparing data


Solving problem using Zoho Deluge script in custom function

I need an output as follows for 1200+ accounts:
accounts_count = {
"a": 120,
"b": 45,
"z": 220
So it will take the first Letter of an account name and make count for all account with their initial letter.
How can I solve it using Zoho Deluge script in a custom function?
The hard part is getting all the contacts due to the 200 record limit in zoho
I'm not going to provide the full solution here, just the harder parts.
// this is the maximum number of records that you can query at once
max = 200;
// set to a value slightly higher than you need
max_contacts = 1500;
// round up one
n = max_contacts / max + 1;
// This is how many times you will loop (convert to int)
iterations = n.toNumber();
// this is a zoho hack to create a range of the length we want
counter = leftpad("1",iterations).replaceAll(" ","1,").toList();
// set paging
page = 1;
// TODO: initialize an alphabet map
//result = Map( {a: 0, b:0....});
// set to true when done so you're not wasting API Calls
done = false;
for each i in counter
// prevent extra crm calls
response = zoho.crm.getRecords("Contacts",page,max);
if(isNull(response.get(0)) && !isNull(response.get("code")))
info "Error:";
info response;
for each user in response
// this is the easy part: get the first letter (lowercase)
// get the current value and add one
// set the value again
// set in result map
done = true;
// increment the page
page = page + 1;

TIM2 module not ticking at 1us in STM8S103F3 controller

I created a program on STM8S103F3 to generate a delay in rage of micro seconds using TIM2 module, but the timer is not ticking as expected and when I tried to call 5 sec delay using it, it is giving around 3 sec delay. I'm using 16MHz HSI oscillator and timer pre-scalar is set to 16. please see my code below. Please help me to figure out what is wrong with my code.
void clock_setup(void)
while(CLK_GetFlagStatus(CLK_FLAG_HSIRDY) == FALSE);
void delay_us(uint16_t us)
volatile uint16_t temp;
TIM2_TimeBaseInit(TIM2_PRESCALER_16, 2000); //Prescalar value 8,Timer clock 2MHz
temp = TIM2_GetCounter();
}while(temp < us);
void delay_ms(uint16_t ms)
It is better to use a 10us time base to round the delays. Well in order to achive a 10us timebase, if you use 16MHz master clock and you prescale TIM2 by 16, then you get a 1 us increment time, right? But we want TIM2 to overflow to generate an event named 16us event. Since we know that the timer will increment every 1us, if we use a reload value 65536 - 10 = 65526, this will give us a 10us overflow hence, 10us time base. If we are ok until here in delay code we'll just check the TIM2 update flag to know whther it has overflowed or not. See the example code snippet below.
// Set up it once since our time base is a fixed 10us
void setupTIM2(){
TIM2_TimeBaseInit(TIM2_PRESCALER_16, 65526); //Prescalar value 16,Timer clock 1MHz
void delay_us(uint16_t us)
volatile uint16_t temp;
const uint16_t count = us / 10; //Get the required counts for 10us time base
// Loop until the temp reaches the required count value
while(TIM2_GetFlagStatus(TIM2_FLAG_UPDATE) == RESET); //Wait for the TIM2 to overflow
TIM2_ClearFlag(TIM2_FLAG_UPDATE); // Clear the overflow flag
} while(temp < count);
void delay_ms(uint16_t ms)
void main(void){

How to receive messages via wifi while running main program in ESP32?

Ive incorporated multiple features i want in a microcontroller program (ESP32 Wroom32) and needed some advice on the best way to keep the program running and receive messages while it is running.
Current code:
//includes and declarations
//setup up wifi, server
WiFiClient client = server.available();
byte new_command[40];
if (client) // If client object is created, a connection is setup
Serial.println("New wifi Client.");
String currentLine = ""; //Used to print messages
while (client.connected())
recv_byte =;
new_command = read_incoming(&recv_byte, client); //Returns received command and check for format. If invalid, returns a 0 array
if (new_command[0] != 0) //Checks if message is not zero, None of valid messages start with zero
//new_command is set to zero
}//end of while loop
}//end of if loop
The downside of this is that the ESP32 waits till the command is finished executing before it is ready to receive a new message. It is desired that the ESP32 receive commands and store them, and execute it at its own pace. I am planning to change the current code to receive a messages while the code is running as follows:
WiFiClient client = server.available();
byte new_command[40];
int command_count = 0;
byte command_array[50][40];
if (command_count != 0)
//Decrement command_count
//Shift all commands in command_array by 1 row above
//Set last executed command to zero
}//end of main loop
def message_interrupt(int recv_byte, WiFiClient& running_client)
If (running_client.connected())
recv_byte =;
new_command = read_incoming(&recv_byte, running_client); //Returns received command and check for format. If invalid, returns a 0 array
//add new command to command_array after last command
//increment command_count
Which interrupt do I use to receive the message and update the command_array ? Doesnt mention any receive/transmit events. I couldnt find any receive/transmit interrupt either or maybe I searched for the wrong term.

Does system time tick on Arduino?

After setting system time via a call to a real-time-clock (RTC), repeated calls to time() always return the same value. Does the system time actually progress on Arduinos or do I need to continue querying the RTC every time I need the time?
To illustrate:
void InitRTC(void) {
DateTime rtcDT; // type defined by the RTC library
time_t bin_time;
rtcDT =;
bin_time = rtcDT.secondstime(); // returns unixlike time
set_system_time(bin_time); //AVR call to set the sys time
void Dump(time_t t) {
char debug_log_message[MAX_DEBUG_LENGTH];
sprintf(debug_log_message, " time_t:\t %lu", t);
DebugLog(debug_log_message); //....routine to print to the serial port
void setup() {
time_t now;
while (1) {
now = time(0);
(safety checks omitted, serial code omitted).
This simply prints the same time for ever - it never progresses!
The standard library has few platform dependencies, so is very portable. However one of those dependencies is the source for real-time, which is entirely platform dependent, and as such it is common for libraries to leave the function as a stub to be re-defined by the user to suit the specific platform or to implement hook functions or call-backs to run the standard library clock.
With the avr-libc used by AVR based Arduino platformsfFor time() to advance it is necessary to call the hook function system_tick() at 1 second intervals (typically from a timer or RTC interrupt) (refer to the avr-libc time.h documentation. It is also necessary to set the time at initialisation using the set_system_time() function.
Invoking system_tick() from a 1Hz timer will then maintain time(), but it is also possible to use an RTC alarm interrupt, by advancing the alarm match target on each interrupt. So you might for example have:
void rtc_interrupt()
// Set next interrupt for 1 seconds time.
RTC rtc ;
int next = rtc.getSeconds() + 1 ;
if( next == 60 )
next = 0 ;
rtc.setAlarmSeconds( next ) ;
// update std time
system_tick() ;
void init_system_time()
tm component_time ;
RTC rtc ;
// Get *consistent* time components - i.e ensure the
// components are not read either side of a minute boundary
component_time.tm_sec = rtc.getSeconds() ;
component_time.tm_min = rtc.getMInutes(),
component_time.tm_hour = rtc.getHours(),
component_time.tm_mday = rtc.getDay(),
component_time.tm_mon = rtc.getMonth() - 1, // January = 0 in struct tm
component_time.tm_year = rtc.getYear() + 100 // Years since 1900
} while( component_time.tm_min != rtc.getMinutes() ) ;
set_system_time( mktime( &component_time ) - UNIX_OFFSET ) ;
// Set alarm for now + one second
rtc.attachInterrupt( rtc_interrupt ) ;
rtc.setAlarmSeconds( rtc.getSeconds() + 1 ) ;
rtc.enableAlarm( rtc.MATCH_SS ) ;
An alternative is to override time() completely and read the RTC directly on each call - this has the advantage of not requiring any interrupt handlers for example:
#include <time.h>
extern "C" time_t time( time_t* time )
tm component_time ;
RTC rtc ;
// Get *consistent* time components - i.e ensure the
// components are not read either side of a minute boundary
component_time.tm_sec = rtc.getSeconds() ;
component_time.tm_min = rtc.getMInutes(),
component_time.tm_hour = rtc.getHours(),
component_time.tm_mday = rtc.getDay(),
component_time.tm_mon = rtc.getMonth() - 1, // January = 0 in struct tm
component_time.tm_year = rtc.getYear() + 100 // Years since 1900
} while( component_time.tm_min != rtc.getMinutes() ) ;
return mktime( &component_time ) ;
I have assumed that the Arduino library getYear() returns years since 2000, and that getMonth() returns 1-12, but neither is documented, so modify as necessary.
Linking the above function before linking libc will cause the library version to be overridden.

c: socketCAN connection: read() not fast enough

socketCAN connection: read() not fast enough
I use the socket() connection for my CAN communication.
fd = socket(PF_CAN, SOCK_RAW, CAN_RAW);
I'm using 2 threads: one periodic 1ms RT thread to send data and one
thread to read the incoming messages. The read function looks like:
void readCan0Socket(void){
int receivedBytes = 0;
// set GPIO pin low
receivedBytes = read(fd ,
sizeof(struct can_frame));
// reset GPIO pin high
if (receivedBytes != 0)
if (receivedBytes == sizeof(struct can_frame))
if (recvBufferWritePosition == CAN_MAX_RECEIVE_BUFFER_LENGTH)
recvBufferWritePosition = 0;
receivedBytes = 0;
} while (1);
The socket is configured in blocking mode, so the read function stays open
until a message arrived. The current implementation is working, but when
I measure the time between reading a message and the next waiting state of
the read function (see set/reset GPIO comment) the time varies between 30 us
(the mean value) and > 200 us. A value greather than 200us means
(CAN has a baud rate of 1000 kBit/s) that packages are not recognized while
the read() handles the previous message. The read() function must be ready within
134 us.
How can I accelerate my implementation? I tried to use two threads which are
separated with Mutexes (lock before the read() function and unlock after a
message reception), but this didn't solve my problem.
