How to receive messages via wifi while running main program in ESP32? - esp32

Ive incorporated multiple features i want in a microcontroller program (ESP32 Wroom32) and needed some advice on the best way to keep the program running and receive messages while it is running.
Current code:
//includes and declarations
//setup up wifi, server
WiFiClient client = server.available();
byte new_command[40];
if (client) // If client object is created, a connection is setup
Serial.println("New wifi Client.");
String currentLine = ""; //Used to print messages
while (client.connected())
recv_byte =;
new_command = read_incoming(&recv_byte, client); //Returns received command and check for format. If invalid, returns a 0 array
if (new_command[0] != 0) //Checks if message is not zero, None of valid messages start with zero
//new_command is set to zero
}//end of while loop
}//end of if loop
The downside of this is that the ESP32 waits till the command is finished executing before it is ready to receive a new message. It is desired that the ESP32 receive commands and store them, and execute it at its own pace. I am planning to change the current code to receive a messages while the code is running as follows:
WiFiClient client = server.available();
byte new_command[40];
int command_count = 0;
byte command_array[50][40];
if (command_count != 0)
//Decrement command_count
//Shift all commands in command_array by 1 row above
//Set last executed command to zero
}//end of main loop
def message_interrupt(int recv_byte, WiFiClient& running_client)
If (running_client.connected())
recv_byte =;
new_command = read_incoming(&recv_byte, running_client); //Returns received command and check for format. If invalid, returns a 0 array
//add new command to command_array after last command
//increment command_count
Which interrupt do I use to receive the message and update the command_array ? Doesnt mention any receive/transmit events. I couldnt find any receive/transmit interrupt either or maybe I searched for the wrong term.


cPacket causing simulation crash in OMNet++

I have defined 2 cPackets msg files as:
packet MyLinkFrame {
int f1;
int f2;
packet IPv4ARPTotf {
string SourceIP;
string DestinationIP;
Then in my simulation, one network node receives the linklayer frame MyLinkFrame is received which encapsulates IPv4ARPTotf.
Then, on the receiving network node I create a new ARP Reply packet of IPv4ARPTotf type as follows:
if(check_for_validity(static_cast<IPv4ARPTotf *>(MyLinkFrame->decapsulate())))
if (MyLinkFrame->getFrameType() == 0) {
tempIPARPRequest = static_cast<IPv4ARPTotf *>(MyLinkFrame->decapsulate());
tempIPARPReply = new IPv4ARPTotf("IPv4ARPReply");
Now it is crashing for lines inside the inner if block.
You are decapsulating the received frame two times.
Once in the function call of check_for_validity() and another inside the if block whenever the if condition passes. So inside the if block when you try to decapsulate() it again then a null pointer is returned. Hence, when you try to access parameters tempIPARPRequest->getDestinationIP() of this null object you get an exception and your simulation crashes.
An easy fix would be to pass a duplicate object to your check_for_validity() function and optionally delete the dulicated msg inside that function.
Sample modification of your supplied code:
if(check_for_validity(static_cast<IPv4ARPTotf *>(MyLinkFrame->dup()->decapsulate())))
if (MyLinkFrame->getFrameType() == 0) {
tempIPARPRequest = static_cast<IPv4ARPTotf *>(MyLinkFrame->decapsulate());
tempIPARPReply = new IPv4ARPTotf("IPv4ARPReply");

How to close a serial communication in Cocoa background thread

I'm trying to run a serial communication example, in order to send data from an Arduino to a Cocoa application following the provided code in ( IOKit/ioctl method ). It works, but I cannot stop the receiver thread once started.
I've implemented a switch button ( Start/Stop ) which at start time opens the serial port and launches the receiver thread:
- (IBAction) startButton: (NSButton *) btn {
error = [self openSerialPort: [SelectPort titleOfSelectedItem] baud:[Baud intValue]];
[self refreshSerialList:[SelectPort titleOfSelectedItem]];
[self performSelectorInBackground:#selector(incomingTextUpdateThread:) withObject:[NSThread currentThread]];
The thread code is practically the same as in the example, excepting that I've included code to rebuild the serial packet from received buffers and save it to a SQLite database:
- (void)incomingTextUpdateThread: (NSThread *) parentThread {
// mark that the thread is running
readThreadRunning = TRUE;
const int BUFFER_SIZE = 100;
char byte_buffer[BUFFER_SIZE]; // buffer for holding incoming data
int numBytes=0; // number of bytes read during read
// assign a high priority to this thread
[NSThread setThreadPriority:1.0];
// this will loop until the serial port closes
while(TRUE) {
// read() blocks until some data is available or the port is closed
numBytes = (int) read(serialFileDescriptor, byte_buffer, BUFFER_SIZE); // read up to the size of the buffer
if(numBytes>0) {
// format serial data into packets, but first append at start the end of last read
buffer = [[NSMutableString alloc] initWithBytes:byte_buffer length:numBytes encoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding];
if (status == 1 && [ipacket length] != 0) {
[buffer insertString:ipacket atIndex:0];
numBytes = (int) [buffer length];
ipacket = [self processSerialData:buffer length:numBytes]; // Recompose data and save to database.
} else {
break; // Stop the thread if there is an error
// make sure the serial port is closed
if (serialFileDescriptor != -1) {
serialFileDescriptor = -1;
// mark that the thread has quit
readThreadRunning = FALSE;
I try to close the port in the main thread with this code, also part of the startButton selector, following the provided example:
if (serialFileDescriptor != -1) {
[self appendToIncomingText:#"Trying to close the serial port...\n"];
serialFileDescriptor = -1;
// Revisar... crec que el thread no s'adona que s'ha tancat el file descriptor...
// wait for the reading thread to die
// re-opening the same port REALLY fast will fail spectacularly... better to sleep a sec
//[btn setTitle:#"Start"];
[Start setTitle:#"Start"];
But it seems that the receiver thread is not aware of the status change in global variable serialFileDescriptor.
So, startButton: opens the port, spawns off a thread to start reading from it, and then immediately closes the port? That's not going to turn out well.
startButton: should not close the port. Leave that for the reading thread to do when it's done, and do it on the main thread only when you need to close the port for some other reason (e.g., quitting).
Global variables are, by definition, visible throughout the program, and this includes across thread boundaries. If readThreadRunning is not getting set to FALSE (which assumes that FALSE hasn't been defined to something exotic), then your read thread's loop must still be running. Either it is still reading data, or read is blocked (it is waiting for more data).
Note that read has no way to know whether there will be more data. As your comment in the code says, it will block until either it has some data to return or the port gets closed. You should either work out a way to know ahead of time how much data you'll need to read, and stop when you've read that much, or see if you can close the port at the opposite end when everything has been sent and received.

recv() only reads 1 byte (implementing an FTP with winsock)

I'm trying to implement a simple FTP client using winsock. I'm having problems trying to download a file. Here's the code I'm using at the moment:
bool FTPHandler::downloadFile(const char * remoteFilePath, const char * filePath) {
if (!isConnected()) {
setErrorMsg("Not connected, imposible to upload file...");
return false;
if (usePasiveMode) {
this->pasivePort = makeConectionPasive();
if (this->pasivePort == -1) {
//error msg will be setted by makeConectionPasive()
return false;
} else {
setErrorMsg("Unable to upload file not in pasive mode :S");
return false;
char * fileName = new char[500];
// Default name and path := current directory and same name as remote.
if (filePath == NULL) {
filePath = fileName;
if (!setDirectory(remoteFilePath)) {
return false;
char msg[OTHER_BUF_SIZE];
char serverMsg[SERVER_BUF_SIZE];
send(sock, msg, strlen(msg), 0);
SOCKET passSocket;
SOCKADDR_IN passServer;
passSocket = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP);
if (passSocket == INVALID_SOCKET) {
sprintf(errorMsg,"Error trying to create socket (WSA error code: %d)",WSAGetLastError());
return false;
passServer.sin_family = PF_INET;
passServer.sin_port = htons(this->pasivePort);
passServer.sin_addr = *((struct in_addr *)gethostbyname(this->host)->h_addr);
int errorCode = connect(passSocket, (LPSOCKADDR) &passServer, sizeof(struct sockaddr));
int tries = 0;
while (errorCode == SOCKET_ERROR) {
if (tries >= MAX_TRIES) {
sprintf(errorMsg,"Error trying to create socket");
return false;
char * buffer = (char *) malloc(CHUNK_SIZE);
ofstream f(filePath);
while (int readBytes = ***recv(passSocket, buffer, CHUNK_SIZE, 0)***>0) {
buffer[readBytes] = '\0';
recv(sock, serverMsg, OTHER_BUF_SIZE, 0);
if (!startWith(serverMsg, FILE_STATUS_OKEY_CODE)) {
sprintf(errorMsg,"Bad response: %s",serverMsg);
return false;
return true;
That last recv() returns 1 byte several times, and then the method ends and the file that should be around 1Kb is just 23 bytes.
Why isn't recv reading the hole file?
There are all kinds of logic holes and incorrect/missing error handling in this code. You really need to clean up this code in general.
You are passing the wrong sizeof() value to connect(), and not handling an error correctly if connect() fails (your retry loop is useless). You need to use sizeof(sockaddr_in) or sizeof(passServer) instead of sizeof(sockaddr). You are also not initializing passServer correctly.
You are not checking recv() for errors. And in the off-chance that recv() actually read CHUCK_SIZE number of bytes then you have a buffer overflow that will corrupt memory when you write the null byte into the buffer (which you do not need to do) because you are writing it past the boundaries of the buffer.
If connect() fails, or recv() fails with any error other than a server-side initiated disconnect, you are not telling the server to abort the transfer.
Once you tell the server to go into Passive mode, you need to connect to the IP/Port (not just the Port) that the server tells you, before you then send your RETR command.
Don't forget to send the server a TYPE command so it knows what format to send the file bytes in, such as TYPE A for ASCII text and TYPE I for binary data. If you try to transfer a file in the wrong format, you can corrupt the data. FTP's default TYPE is ASCII, not Binary.
And lastly, since you clearly do not seem to know how to program sockets effectively, I suggest you use the FTP portions of the WinInet library instead of WinSock directly, such as the FtpGetFile() function. Let WinInet handle the details of transferring FTP files for you.

C++/Win. Not getting FD_CLOSE

I have an asynchronous socket and call to connect() + GetLastError() which returns WSA_WOULD_BLOCK, as expected. So I start "receiving/reading" thread and subscribe Event to FD_READ and FD_CLOSE.
The story is: connect will sequentially fail, since Server is not up and running. My understanding that my receiving thread should get FD_CLOSE soon and I need to follow-up with cleaning.
It does not happen. How soon should I receive FD_CLOSE? Is it proper approach? Is there any other way to understand that connect() failed? Shoul I ever receive FD_CLOSE if socket isn't connected?
I do start my receiving thread and subscribe event after successful call to DoConnect() and I am afraid that racing condition prevents me from getting FD_CLOSE.
Here is some code:
int RecvSocketThread::WaitForData()
int retVal = 0
while (!retVal)
// sockets to pool can be added on other threads.
// please validate that all of them in the pool are connected
// before doing any reading on them
retVal = DoWaitForData();
int RecvSocketThread::DoWaitForData()
// before waiting for incoming data, check if all sockets are connected
// other routine to read (FD_READ) or react to FD_CLOSE
// create array of event (each per socket) and wait
void RecvSocketThread::WaitForPendingConnection_DoForAllSocketsInThePool()
// create array and set it for events associated with pending connect sockets
HANDLE* EventArray = NULL;
int counter = 0;
EventArray = new HANDLE[m_RecvSocketInfoPool.size()];
// add those event whose associated socket is still not connected
// and wait for FD_WRITE and FD_CLOSE. At the end of this function
// don't forget to switch them to FD_READ and FD_CLOSE
while (it != m_RecvSocketInfoPool.end())
RecvSocketInfo* recvSocketInfo = it->second;
if (!IsEventSet(recvSocketInfo->m_Connected, &retVal2))
::WSAEventSelect(recvSocketInfo->m_WorkerSocket, recvSocketInfo->m_Event, FD_WRITE | FD_CLOSE);
EventArray[counter++] = recvSocketInfo->m_Event;
if (counter)
DWORD indexSignaled = WaitForMultipleObjects(counter, EventArray, WaitAtLeastOneEvent, INFINITE);
// no matter what is further Wait doen't return for failed to connect socket
if (WAIT_OBJECT_0 <= indexSignaled &&
indexSignaled < (WAIT_OBJECT_0 + counter))
it = m_RecvSocketInfoPool.begin();
while (it != m_RecvSocketInfoPool.end())
RecvSocketInfo* recvSocketInfo = it->second;
if (IsEventSet(recvSocketInfo->m_Event, NULL))
rc = WSAEnumNetworkEvents(recvSocketInfo->m_WorkerSocket,
recvSocketInfo->m_Event, &networkEvents);
// Check recvSocketInfo->m_Event using WSAEnumnetworkevents
// for FD_CLOSE using FD_CLOSE_BIT
if ((networkEvents.lNetworkEvents & FD_CLOSE))
recvSocketInfo->m_FD_CLOSE_Recieved = 1;
*retVal = networkEvents.iErrorCode[FD_CLOSE_BIT];
if ((networkEvents.lNetworkEvents & FD_WRITE))
*retVal = networkEvents.iErrorCode[FD_WRITE_BIT];
// if error - DoClean, if FD_WRITE (socket is writable) check if m_Connected
// before do any sending
You will not receive an FD_CLOSE notification if connect() fails. You must subscribe to FD_CONNECT to detect that. This is clearly stated in the connect() documentation:
With a nonblocking socket, the connection attempt cannot be completed
immediately. In this case, connect will return SOCKET_ERROR, and
WSAGetLastError will return WSAEWOULDBLOCK. In this case, there are
three possible scenarios:
•Use the select function to determine the completion of the
connection request by checking to see if the socket is writeable.
•If the application is using WSAAsyncSelect to indicate interest in
connection events, then the application will receive an FD_CONNECT
notification indicating that the connect operation is complete
(successfully or not).
•If the application is using WSAEventSelect to indicate interest in
connection events, then the associated event object will be signaled
indicating that the connect operation is complete (successfully or
The result code of connect() will be in the event's HIWORD(lParam) value when LOWORD(lParam) is FD_CONNECT. If the result code is 0, connect() was successful, otherwise it will be a WinSock error code.
If you call connect() and get a blocking notification you have to write more code to monitor for connect() completion (success or failure) via one of three methods as described here.
With a nonblocking socket, the connection attempt cannot be completed
immediately. In this case, connect will return SOCKET_ERROR, and
WSAGetLastError will return WSAEWOULDBLOCK. In this case, there are
three possible scenarios:
•Use the select function to determine the completion of the connection
request by checking to see if the socket is writeable.
•If the
application is using WSAAsyncSelect to indicate interest in connection
events, then the application will receive an FD_CONNECT notification
indicating that the connect operation is complete (successfully or
•If the application is using WSAEventSelect to indicate interest
in connection events, then the associated event object will be
signaled indicating that the connect operation is complete
(successfully or not).
I think I need to start Receving thread once socket handle is created, but before connect is called. It is too late to create it after connect was called on asynchronous socket.
For synchronous socket those two calls createsocket() and connect() was just two consequitive lines. Does not work for non-blocking.
In this case at the beginning of receiving thread I need to check for FD_CONNECT and/or FD_WRITE in order be informed of connect attempt status.

Duplex named pipe hangs on a certain write

I have a C++ pipe server app and a C# pipe client app communicating via Windows named pipe (duplex, message mode, wait/blocking in separate read thread).
It all works fine (both sending and receiving data via the pipe) until I try and write to the pipe from the client in response to a forms 'textchanged' event. When I do this, the client hangs on the pipe write call (or flush call if autoflush is off). Breaking into the server app reveals it's also waiting on the pipe ReadFile call and not returning.
I tried running the client write on another thread -- same result.
Suspect some sort of deadlock or race condition but can't see where... don't think I'm writing to the pipe simultaneously.
Update1: tried pipes in byte mode instead of message mode - same lockup.
Update2: Strangely, if (and only if) I pump lots of data from the server to the client, it cures the lockup!?
Server code:
DWORD ReadMsg(char* aBuff, int aBuffLen, int& aBytesRead)
DWORD byteCount;
if (ReadFile(mPipe, aBuff, aBuffLen, &byteCount, NULL))
aBytesRead = (int)byteCount;
aBuff[byteCount] = 0;
return GetLastError();
DWORD SendMsg(const char* aBuff, unsigned int aBuffLen)
DWORD byteCount;
if (WriteFile(mPipe, aBuff, aBuffLen, &byteCount, NULL))
mClientConnected = false;
return GetLastError();
DWORD CommsThread()
while (1)
std::string fullPipeName = std::string("\\\\.\\pipe\\") + mPipeName;
mPipe = CreateNamedPipeA(fullPipeName.c_str(),
KTxBuffSize, // output buffer size
KRxBuffSize, // input buffer size
5000, // client time-out ms
NULL); // no security attribute
return 1;
mClientConnected = ConnectNamedPipe(mPipe, NULL) ? TRUE : (GetLastError() == ERROR_PIPE_CONNECTED);
if (!mClientConnected)
return 1;
char rxBuff[KRxBuffSize+1];
DWORD error=0;
while (mClientConnected)
int bytesRead = 0;
error = ReadMsg(rxBuff, KRxBuffSize, bytesRead);
if (error == ERROR_SUCCESS)
rxBuff[bytesRead] = 0; // terminate string.
if (mMsgCallback && bytesRead>0)
mMsgCallback(rxBuff, bytesRead, mCallbackContext);
mClientConnected = false;
return 0;
client code:
public void Start(string aPipeName)
mPipeName = aPipeName;
mPipeStream = new NamedPipeClientStream(".", mPipeName, PipeDirection.InOut, PipeOptions.None);
Console.Write("Attempting to connect to pipe...");
Console.WriteLine("Connected to pipe '{0}' ({1} server instances open)", mPipeName, mPipeStream.NumberOfServerInstances);
mPipeStream.ReadMode = PipeTransmissionMode.Message;
mPipeWriter = new StreamWriter(mPipeStream);
mPipeWriter.AutoFlush = true;
mReadThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(ReadThread));
mReadThread.IsBackground = true;
if (mConnectionEventCallback != null)
private void ReadThread()
byte[] buffer = new byte[1024 * 400];
while (true)
int len = 0;
len += mPipeStream.Read(buffer, len, buffer.Length);
} while (len>0 && !mPipeStream.IsMessageComplete);
if (len==0)
if (mMessageCallback != null)
mMessageCallback(buffer, len);
public void Write(string aMsg)
catch (Exception)
If you are using separate threads you will be unable to read from the pipe at the same time you write to it. For example, if you are doing a blocking read from the pipe then a subsequent blocking write (from a different thread) then the write call will wait/block until the read call has completed and in many cases if this is unexpected behavior your program will become deadlocked.
I have not tested overlapped I/O, but it MAY be able to resolve this issue. However, if you are determined to use synchronous calls then the following models below may help you to solve the problem.
You could implement a master/slave model in which the client or the server is the master and the other end only responds which is generally what you will find the MSDN examples to be.
In some cases you may find this problematic in the event the slave periodically needs to send data to the master. You must either use an external signaling mechanism (outside of the pipe) or have the master periodically query/poll the slave or you can swap the roles where the client is the master and the server is the slave.
You could use a writer/reader model where you use two different pipes. However, you must associate those two pipes somehow if you have multiple clients since each pipe will have a different handle. You could do this by having the client send a unique identifier value on connection to each pipe which would then let the server associate the two pipes. This number could be the current system time or even a unique identifier that is global or local.
If you are determined to use the synchronous API you can use threads with the master/slave model if you do not want to be blocked while waiting for a message on the slave side. You will however want to lock the reader after it reads a message (or encounters the end of a series of message) then write the response (as the slave should) and finally unlock the reader. You can lock and unlock the reader using locking mechanisms that put the thread to sleep as these would be most efficient.
Security Problem With TCP
The loss going with TCP instead of named pipes is also the biggest possible problem. A TCP stream does not contain any security natively. So if security is a concern you will have to implement that and you have the possibility of creating a security hole since you would have to handle authentication yourself. The named pipe can provide security if you properly set the parameters. Also, to note again more clearly: security is no simple matter and generally you will want to use existing facilities that have been designed to provide it.
I think you may be running into problems with named pipes message mode. In this mode, each write to the kernel pipe handle constitutes a message. This doesn't necessarily correspond with what your application regards a Message to be, and a message may be bigger than your read buffer.
This means that your pipe reading code needs two loops, the inner reading until the current [named pipe] message has been completely received, and the outer looping until your [application level] message has been received.
Your C# client code does have a correct inner loop, reading again if IsMessageComplete is false:
len += mPipeStream.Read(buffer, len, buffer.Length);
} while (len>0 && !mPipeStream.IsMessageComplete);
Your C++ server code doesn't have such a loop - the equivalent at the Win32 API level is testing for the return code ERROR_MORE_DATA.
My guess is that somehow this is leading to the client waiting for the server to read on one pipe instance, whilst the server is waiting for the client to write on another pipe instance.
It seems to me that what you are trying to do will rather not work as expected.
Some time ago I was trying to do something that looked like your code and got similar results, the pipe just hanged
and it was difficult to establish what had gone wrong.
I would rather suggest to use client in very simple way:
Write request
Read answer
Close pipe.
If you want to have two way communication with clients which are also able to receive unrequested data from server you should
rather implement two servers. This was the workaround I used: here you can find sources.
