Can we apply css React Bootstrap Navbar? - react-bootstrap

my question is that I have a navbar import from react bootstrap it's work perfect but on full browser screen but after responsive means when max-width is 360px navbar is not work properly I want to style my navbar inline after responsive can anybody tell me how can I style my navbar , thanks in advance 🙂

It's easy, Just go to the inspect element Dev tools in chrome and note down the nav bar class you want to edit. Then in your CSS or SASS write that class and its children you want to edit and fix/change the CSS. It's basically overwriting the pre made CSS with your own.


Bootstrap theme for Material-UI

Is there a Material-UI theme that makes controls look like base Bootstrap theme?
I know it's counter-intuitive, google search is full of the reverse examples.
It's certainly possible, here you can see a Material-UI TextField component styled to look like Bootstrap, however I"m not aware of any ready-made themes that offer Bootstrap for Material-UI.

How would I push content without overlapping using sidebar menu?

I have tried pushing my sites content using sidebar menu that toggles like the following site:
Although mine does not seem to be resizing the content/images, what should I do to solve this problem?
I have looked over the site and found that he is using class='img-responsive' on all the images. And also he is using bootstrap grid system that helps you to resize your contents for different screen sizes. You need to integrate your project with bootstrap css from

CTRL-F (FIND) together with LAZYLOAD feature of FULLPAGE.JS

A question about the Fullpage plugin:
Fullpage.js creates a fullpage scrolling website design if you use this Jquery plugin on your website.
If you prefer you can add image tags to this website using attribute "data-src" instead of "src" which will lazy load images (they only show up when you scroll to them). This works perfectly, but not when you do a search on the page (CTRL-F). In that case it jumps to the right section and the right word on the page, and if that is a page with images, those images will not show up.
There undoubtedly would be a solution for that, but does anybody knows a solution?
There undoubtedly would be a solution for that,
Not really.
There's an open issue in fullpage.js issues forum and no solution has been found for it yet.
The only solution is using the fullpage.js options scrollBar:true or autoScrolling:false. which will create a normal scroll bar on the site.

joomla blog layout

when I use a blog layout, when I hover over any content, I see a backgound with code #EEE
when I change to single article layout, hovering over the article does not show the background
I am trying to figure out what is causing the issue with hover on the blog layout. I do not want a hover.
I checked the template css, and could not find any code that sets a backround-image or background- color on hover that has the color of #EEE
Any help is appreciated
Check the <head> tag for CSS files other than template.css - most Joomla! templates use multiple CSS files. If you have multiple CSS files you could just search each one for a hover tag.
If that fails, right click the content in the blog layout using a modern browser and select the "Inspect Element" menu item that will launch a document inspector, allowing you to trace back all of the CSS etc that is affecting that element. (You will need either Firefox+Firebug, Safari or Google Chrome, or if you must IE8+).
On the right hand side of the document inspector you will see all the matched CSS with reference to which CSS file it is in, from there you should be able to track it down.

unable to edit footer area in magento

I am a newbie in magento. I want to replace the footer area in magento default theme with just an image and for this I edited the footer.phtml file. I removed all the links Contact Us and etc. But how to replace the default blue image from the bottom that is seen on the magento home page using default theme.
You'll have to edit the CSS for the default theme in that case. Also, depending on how you want the footer to look you should also edit the footer html code to fit your design requirements.
Assuming you are using the completely default theme, check this css file for the .footer tags:
You can change all your CSS there.
Would suggest you first activate Template hints from System>Configuration>Developer>
Now look at the footer area to see from which theme the footer.phtml is being loaded. Edit the related CSS and you should be good to go
Would also suggest you empty the Magento Cache after making any css changes as suggested
