unable to edit footer area in magento - magento

I am a newbie in magento. I want to replace the footer area in magento default theme with just an image and for this I edited the footer.phtml file. I removed all the links Contact Us and etc. But how to replace the default blue image from the bottom that is seen on the magento home page using default theme.

You'll have to edit the CSS for the default theme in that case. Also, depending on how you want the footer to look you should also edit the footer html code to fit your design requirements.
Assuming you are using the completely default theme, check this css file for the .footer tags:
You can change all your CSS there.

Would suggest you first activate Template hints from System>Configuration>Developer>
Now look at the footer area to see from which theme the footer.phtml is being loaded. Edit the related CSS and you should be good to go
Would also suggest you empty the Magento Cache after making any css changes as suggested


How to change Footer copyright in prestashop

Prestrashop footer unable to change. I tried through admin panel->IMPROVE -> International->Translation-> MODIFY TRANSLATIONS under
and modify button click.
Copyright content change box not showing.
How to resolve this.?
Finally, I have made the footer content.
In My Store I used Jewelry theme.
Through database 'ps_htmlbanners7_slides_lang' table, I have added my desire footer content.
Clear cache and It worked like a charm!.

Magento layered navigation position

i bought one theme and i want to fix my layared navigation to work well.
I need help from which file i have to edit to fix my layered navigation to show after my menu.
First you should find correct template file,then override the template within your theme, then finally rearrange the code so that it displays beneath the vertical navigation. The following may (possibly) work for you. But I don't know what type of theme you are using.
go to your magento backend url, then go to system->configuration->developer then open the debug panel.
Change the current configuration scope to 'Main Website'. Upper left corner of config page.
This should add some items to the debug panel. Set template path hints to 'yes'.
go back to the website and find the phtml file that controls your nav.
copy the file into the theme your using using the same folder structure.
edit that code.
PS another solution may be available to alter the layout files of your site. they get overridden in a similar fashion to phtml files.

Magento, how to change home page?

I see that you can set a cms home page at "Default Pages" at admin panel (system/configuration/web) but I want a whole template including [html][head][body] tags to be shown, is this possible?
I can't do it via (CMS/Pages) as it deletes/modifies the code.. Even when I set it on "empty" don't really understand it..
Help would be much appreciated, cheers!
The file that you want is the layout file. If you need to add new layout of your home page then you can make a new layout file using following link
Then after making layout while creating CMS Page go to layout section and choose your created layout. Then your home page will have what you want.
Note: By default header, footer all these are kept in different file and called from the 1column.phtml etc. So it will be always better to keep it that way only. As we always should follow Magento programming methodology.

magento; diasble blocks on product page

I have a slider on my home page. Thats correct but when I go to product page you see also the slider. Where can I turns this off?
I want it only on the home page.
Use latest version of magento and the Magikshop theme from Themeforest.
First of all, have you installed the seperate extension for slider or it comes with your theme? If it was default provided by your theme.Then you can find the setting to configure the slider in
"System->configuration" in your admin panel.
Search for the banner or slider you may get the setting there to select which page you want to show the slider.
The setting may be different according to the slider.
If you have installed the extension yourself then you may find the banner/slider menu in the admin panel.
Hope this will help.
If the slider is a widget, you should be able to specify the pages that show a widget instance. The widgets that are in use can be found in the CMS section of the Magento Admin panel.
If the slider is a block you probably need to disable/remove/unset that block from your product detail page. To disable block on a particular page, you need to edit your layout Xml file. These files are most probably found in the following folder:
How to unset a block is described, e.g. here: Magento - remove block using update XML

Joomla virtuemart theme modification

I am presently working on a Joomla website having ecommerce functionality. I am a beginner in joomla. I need to modify my virtuemart theme according to my own css and html. How is it possible?
Simply head into your_joomla_directory/components/com_virtuemart/themes/your_theme_folder/theme.css
theme.css edits virutemart elements only, you may also have to edit your main template css file to get the full desired effect.
