Is there a way to filter lines by charachter lenght in EmEditor - emeditor

I would like to search in a big text file and keep only lines that are between 9 and 20 charachters.
Any help would be much appreciated.

Yes, click Use Regular Expressions and Match Whole String buttons on the Filter toolbar, and enter .{9,20} to the Filter drop-down list box.


How to sort emails data using its color codes in emeditor

I have this little challenge.
I want to ask, how do i sort the emails using the color code (light green) as stated in this picture here
I have tried to remove the non emails by scrolling through, but i need a solution that can make it a one click through sorting.
I will appreciate your kind response.
Open the Replace dialog box and enter the following regex in the Find field:
Change the radio button to Regular Expressions. This regex pattern finds any line without a dot after # or any line without a #. Note that you need the last line of the document to be empty as shown in line 7 of your document.
Since we are deleting those lines, the "Replace with" field is blank. Now click Replace All.

What does the round icon inside Xcode's filter fields mean?

Maybe I'm just me that don't grasp the meaning of a simple thing, but I really can not understand the meaning of the round icon that is next to the search field of the panel objects of Interface Builder of Xcode. Someone would know help me?
That is the filter icon for Xcode, used to filter a list that is already showing.
In each filter field that's available you don't have to enter the beginning of the name to get a match. The most powerful of all the filters is the Quick Find feature (shown at the bottom), which doesn't even require the characters to be adjacent, for a match to be successful.
Did you know that you can also filter method names that appear at the top of your Editor?
Tap on the popup button:
Start typing to filter the list. As you can see, the entered characters don't have to be adjacent to produce matched results:
Contrast that to the search icon, visible at the top of the Find navigator panel:
There is also a filter field at the bottom of the Find navigator, to enable filtering through search results. I think it is supposed to resemble a half-filled magnifying glass, but it is missing the handle:
A filter field is also at the bottom of the Project navigator:
And, let's not forget about the filter field at the bottom of each of the library panels (Template library, Code Snippet library, Object library, and Media library). That really comes in handy, especially with all the UI components available on Mac OS:
But if you have a lot of files in your project, then I recommend using Quick Find (Shft-Cmd-O). You can type any letters for what you're looking for, and it digs up results of several types of objects, including file names and method names. It performs a powerful regex-style search that doesn't require the entered characters to be adjacent in the matched results. Notice that there is no filter icon here, because a list is not displayed before you begin filtering:

Sublime Text 3 unable to find text that is plainly there

Hitting cmd+f to find text in SublimeText, I frequently see something like:
Clearly 'someText' exists on the page. Why can't Sublime find it?
Note this sometimes seems to work, and sometimes fails. I can't work out the difference though.
How can I reliably find text with Sublime Text?
I've tried to reproduce this problem with Sublime Text 2 and this is what I found:
If you place caret before the text and the hit find, the text will be found
If you place the caret after the text and then hit find, the text will not be found
It seems that Sublime Text doesn't wrap search by default. You can enable it by toggling the button with the arrow icon (second one from the left of Find what, its tooltip should say Wrap). Then the search works regardless of the caret position.
Look at the buttons right before search box. Sometimes they are just get disabled accidentally, mis-click, or the short-cut get trigged, then the search doesn't behave as expected.
From left to right, RegExp, case sensitive, whole word, wrap(search whole doc, not just below current line), you can see them with mouse pointer hover.
I strongly suggest you to disable those shortcuts to prevent unexpected toggle of these :)
Also, turning off the regex may help you in searching for symbols which have special meaning in regex. For instance, someText(foo) will not be searchable in regex mode without escaping the brackets or putting the search string in quotes.

Hide folded lines in Sublime Text 3?

Is it possible to hide the folded lines in Sublime Text 3 when doing a filtering with the Filter Lines plugin? It would give a great benefit being able to edit multiple lines without using the mouse - otherwise I need to select individual lines with the mouse to avoid selecting the folded lines.
If it is not possible to avoid it in combination with Filter Lines can it then be globally disabled?
I do not want to show the yellow/folded lines when filtering:

WinMerge : how to ignore specific words in a comparison?

When I compare 2 files with WinMerge on Windows platform, do you know how could I ignore specific words ?
I mean I wanna say to WinMerge : "Don't care about that list of words : house, garden, etc."
An so when comparing those 2 lines :
the house is at london
the bus is at london
then no difference will be displayed since I don't care about the word house...
Any idea ?
In winmerge 2.16 (at least) (2020-05), you can use menu Plugins > Plugin Settings...
Click on PrediffLineFilter.sct, then click on the "Plugin Settings..." button, check in "Use RegExp" check box in the corresponding column. In the "Find what" column, specify a regexp and leave the "Replace with" cell empty. Close this plugin configuration window. Then, in the Plugins > Prediffer menu, select PrediffLineFilter.sct.
You can then turn off this filter plugin using menu Plugins > Prediffer > No Prediffer (normal).
I know its been a while since this was asked, but since this shows up as a top match when searching for this topic, I thought I'd add to it...
As far as I can tell, WinMerge STILL doesn't have this functionality directly. You have 2 options:
1) Write your own plugin for WinMerge. It does seem to be possible to do what you want that way if you wish to invest the time.
2) Get Meld. It includes the ability to use regex to ignore the parts of a line you don't want compared. For example, if you just put "word" in the text filter preferences it will ignore "word" and compare all other parts of the line. I use this to compare dmesg logs in Linux, ignoring the timer field at the start with "^[.*?]" (ignore everything between the initial brackets, non-greedy).
I am looking at the moment for something similar, so perhaps this may be helpful for you:
WinMerge does not allow to filter parts of a line. If a line filter matches, the whole line is ignored. See for an explanation of line filters.
So if there is a difference other than the word bus and house in it, the line will be ignored as well.
