Sublime Text 3 unable to find text that is plainly there - sublimetext

Hitting cmd+f to find text in SublimeText, I frequently see something like:
Clearly 'someText' exists on the page. Why can't Sublime find it?
Note this sometimes seems to work, and sometimes fails. I can't work out the difference though.
How can I reliably find text with Sublime Text?

I've tried to reproduce this problem with Sublime Text 2 and this is what I found:
If you place caret before the text and the hit find, the text will be found
If you place the caret after the text and then hit find, the text will not be found
It seems that Sublime Text doesn't wrap search by default. You can enable it by toggling the button with the arrow icon (second one from the left of Find what, its tooltip should say Wrap). Then the search works regardless of the caret position.

Look at the buttons right before search box. Sometimes they are just get disabled accidentally, mis-click, or the short-cut get trigged, then the search doesn't behave as expected.
From left to right, RegExp, case sensitive, whole word, wrap(search whole doc, not just below current line), you can see them with mouse pointer hover.
I strongly suggest you to disable those shortcuts to prevent unexpected toggle of these :)

Also, turning off the regex may help you in searching for symbols which have special meaning in regex. For instance, someText(foo) will not be searchable in regex mode without escaping the brackets or putting the search string in quotes.


How to sort emails data using its color codes in emeditor

I have this little challenge.
I want to ask, how do i sort the emails using the color code (light green) as stated in this picture here
I have tried to remove the non emails by scrolling through, but i need a solution that can make it a one click through sorting.
I will appreciate your kind response.
Open the Replace dialog box and enter the following regex in the Find field:
Change the radio button to Regular Expressions. This regex pattern finds any line without a dot after # or any line without a #. Note that you need the last line of the document to be empty as shown in line 7 of your document.
Since we are deleting those lines, the "Replace with" field is blank. Now click Replace All.

How to enable OS X cmd+ctrl+space character menu in Sublime Text 2?

In most OS X apps, even the Terminal which otherwise seems to lack features, cmd+ctrl+space brings up a character menu, where you can type in the name and look for special characters (e.g. greek alphabet). In Sublime Text 2 this does not come up; I just get the bell sound. I tried the trick described Unmap ctrl+space in Sublime Text 3 of mapping the key to the empty command, but that did nothing. Anyone have an idea of how to enable the menu?
The default shortcut for this in ST2, of course, is alt+super+t, but I assume you are wanting to remap this, right?
If so, I looked pretty hard on this one, unfortunately, I couldn't find much to help. It is not a default command, and even if you look inside Packages/Default/Main.sublime-menu, right where the "Special Characters..." line should appear, it is conspicuously absent. Logging all commands in the console using sublime.log_commands(True) shows nothing when I open the special characters window this way.

Xcode Matching Pairs of Braces, Parentheses, and Brackets

If you are a notepad++ user you will understand what I want Xcode to do for me , it's very simple I want when i place the cursor before or after a Braces, Parentheses, and Brackets , it highlight for me its pair to know the matching ones juste try to place the cursor in notepad++ and tell me how to do that in Xcode i know already the trick of the right arrow of the keyboard and the double click but the trick of notepad++ is faster , thanks in advance
The only thing I can add (and I have looked a fair bit) is to train your eyes on the vertical grey bar on the left edge of the editor, called the "code folding ribbon" in preferences. It will visually hint at matching braces (not parenthesis) at all nested levels, and mousing over it hints quite strongly and gives the interface for folding.
See here for a snapshot and brief description from Apple.

Sublime Text 2—Quickly find something on a page

I've been trying out Sublime for the past few days. Long-time TextMate user.
The one thing I struggle with most is finding stuff in a document. I can use CMD+r to find a selector, but what if I'm looking for something else, a comment maybe, or something else?
If I use CMD+f, Sublime will put a box around all of the instances of my search term, which isn't what I want either. Worst, it keeps a box around all of the instances:
I need to "disengage" the find before I can move on.
Is there a TextMate "QuickFind" (Ctrl+s) equivalent in Sublime Text?
I find searching/navigating through a document in Sublime to be really, really frustrating.
After looking for a very long time, I've found it. The Sublime equivalent to Textmate's quick search/find is Find > Incremental Find, or cmd+i.
Now, I'm officially a Sublime convert.
Worst, it keeps a box around all of the instances (see screenshot: I need to "disengage" the find before I can move on.
To disengage find in sublime text 2 just press Esc key.
On top of using Find as per usual, if a find is for a small amount of characters that would appear 50 times on a page, use the EasyMotion plugin which does that old Vim deal:
You hit the EasyMotion key, hit the character you want to match, then Sublime replaces all visible instances of that character with a letter, number, etc - you then hit that replacement character on your keyboard and the cursor moves to that particular instance of the character you wanted. It's a bit confusing to explain but basically, it lets you teleport to absolutely arbitrary points on any page in 3 key presses.

Can TextMate show tab vs space characters?

Using TextMate on Mac, the "invisibles" can be displayed by using
View -> Show Invisibles
But the space vs tab characters are not shown, and Preferences doesn't seem to have any entry to change that either. Is there a way to show them? It is because some older coder may have tab or space mixed together so what looks good in the editor may actually be misaligned. (editor shows tab as 2 spaces)
Tab characters are shown, but spaces are not. What's probably happening is that you have Soft tabs turned on, in which case the tabs are converted into spaces automatically.
alt text
In this picture there is a tab character, new line, tab character, new line, soft tab, new line
See this thread for an explanation as to why spaces are not shown.
Here is where you can change soft/real tabs.
alt text
If "Show invisibles" is activated, you will see a little triangle for each tab, which points to the right. Spaces are not shown at all, you can only see them indirectly, i.e. via the symbol which represents the line break. If the line break isn't the first character after your code of that line, there are spaces in between.
So to make a long answer short: You should already see tabs, however the symbols representing the invisibles are sometimes hard to see.
