How to sort emails data using its color codes in emeditor - sorting

I have this little challenge.
I want to ask, how do i sort the emails using the color code (light green) as stated in this picture here
I have tried to remove the non emails by scrolling through, but i need a solution that can make it a one click through sorting.
I will appreciate your kind response.

Open the Replace dialog box and enter the following regex in the Find field:
Change the radio button to Regular Expressions. This regex pattern finds any line without a dot after # or any line without a #. Note that you need the last line of the document to be empty as shown in line 7 of your document.
Since we are deleting those lines, the "Replace with" field is blank. Now click Replace All.


Is there a way to filter lines by charachter lenght in EmEditor

I would like to search in a big text file and keep only lines that are between 9 and 20 charachters.
Any help would be much appreciated.
Yes, click Use Regular Expressions and Match Whole String buttons on the Filter toolbar, and enter .{9,20} to the Filter drop-down list box.

Does an Indesign syntax highlighter exist?

Does anybody know of a non-manual method of highlighting syntax when pasted in InDesign?
I'm trying to show code of a project in an InDesign documentation but don't want to have to manually highlight the code, and preferably add numbered rows too.
Is there a plugin to achieve this?
This is the style in which I'd like to format the code.
Not sure if you worked out an answer to this, but there's no magic button that will solve your problem.
However, InDesign does have a facility in each Paragraph style called GREP that can do what you're looking for.
This lets you write 'regex' or 'regular expressions' that are just rules for what to apply a given character style to. Yes, they look about as meaningful as Harry Potter incantations at first glance, but 2 or 3 simple regexes will get you a long way.
For instance:
Will target HTML comments only.
This will target anything wrapped in straight double quotes.
This will target any text inside parentheses ().
There's an '#' symbol button in that GREP style next to where you type the regex - that gives you a drop-down menu that is almost like a 'Regex Wizard'. Try that too.
When you've got a regex that works, create a new character style for the text color and select it in the 'Apply Style' input. has a tool that is good for testing this stuff. Paste your code sample in the bottom panel and your line of regex in the top. The bits that it targets will turn blue.
There is a searchable community panel on the left where people have probably already written expressions like the one you need.
I'm working out a JavaScript highlighter at the moment. It's a shame there's no communal 'Indesign style sharing library'.
Best of luck.
If had luck pasting syntax highlighted code into a Rich Text editor like Libre Office and then pasting it into Indesign. Just make sure whatever font your syntax highlighted code is in is also in InDesign because you'll get font missing errors when you pre-flight the book.

Sublime Text 3 unable to find text that is plainly there

Hitting cmd+f to find text in SublimeText, I frequently see something like:
Clearly 'someText' exists on the page. Why can't Sublime find it?
Note this sometimes seems to work, and sometimes fails. I can't work out the difference though.
How can I reliably find text with Sublime Text?
I've tried to reproduce this problem with Sublime Text 2 and this is what I found:
If you place caret before the text and the hit find, the text will be found
If you place the caret after the text and then hit find, the text will not be found
It seems that Sublime Text doesn't wrap search by default. You can enable it by toggling the button with the arrow icon (second one from the left of Find what, its tooltip should say Wrap). Then the search works regardless of the caret position.
Look at the buttons right before search box. Sometimes they are just get disabled accidentally, mis-click, or the short-cut get trigged, then the search doesn't behave as expected.
From left to right, RegExp, case sensitive, whole word, wrap(search whole doc, not just below current line), you can see them with mouse pointer hover.
I strongly suggest you to disable those shortcuts to prevent unexpected toggle of these :)
Also, turning off the regex may help you in searching for symbols which have special meaning in regex. For instance, someText(foo) will not be searchable in regex mode without escaping the brackets or putting the search string in quotes.

Remove spaces from a string of text in clipboard

This is maybe a weird request but hear me out:
I have a huge database at my shop containing product codes, like 87 445 G 6 which I need to check for availability on a supplier's website. The problem is, the supplier's website consists of a web form in which I have to enter the code without spaces, so imagine that I have to manually delete spaces every time I paste a code or write it manually without.
I can't edit the database from which I copy the codes.
I wonder if some sort of plugin, script, or trick can be used directly in browser on the supplier's web form, or some software to modify how the windows clipboard works, maybe some option to copy text without spaces. Using Windows XP.
The OP has probably moved on, but for anyone else looking here, my approach was to tackle this from the windows clipboard side.
For background: I keep a list of my credit card info in Keepass. Sometimes (poorly coded) shopping cart checkout forms don't like spaces in between card numbers. I like storing them with spaces since it's easier to read off that way.
There's various Windows clipboard utilites out there, but it took me a while to find one that could do some processing on the clipboard contents and pasting it out - Clipboard Help and Spell
The program has a way to "save" a bunch of text transformations, and even assign the action to a hotkey.
For reference, my "Find and Replace" action is to find "\s" (without quotes) and leave the Replace textbox empty. "\s" will match whitespace character.
Use the javascript console
You could use the javascript console for your browser to edit the textarea after you paste.
Using Google Chrome (or Firefox)
Paste your text in the text area.
Right click the text area and click Inspect Element
Look at the id for the element
Now switch to the console view
then run these lines (making sure to replace with 'the-id' with your id)
var my_text_area = document.getElementById('the-id'); // Put your id in here
my_text_area.value = my_text_area.value.replace(/ /g,"") // Deletes just spaces
It's even simpler if you have access to jQuery:
$('#the-id').val($('#the-id').val().replace(/ /g, ""))
The replace function is simply using regular expressions to convert spaces to nothing. If you want to replace all whitespace (including newlines) you would use .replace(/\s/g,"").
For firefox, the names are the same but the UI is a little bit different.
Use greasemonkey
You can either write a greasemonkey plugin or try to find one that fits your needs.

NSTextView paragraph style of newline

I've been playing around with NSTextView and have applied some paragraph styles to certain lines. However, when I type enter and get a new line, the attributes that I applied to one line are bleeding into the next.
I want to be able to apply a paragraph style to one line and have the next line be formatted in the default way. You can see what I mean from the screenshots.
When I add some spacing between paragraphs via NSParagraphStyle, the same spacing applies to the newline, which makes the whole thing look pretty shotty. Basically, I am looking for a way to reset the paragraph style for an empty line.
I have tried [MyTextView resetTypingAttributes:theAttributes] to no avail, since you first have to start typing for the new attributes to apply. Just to be clear, the line below the text in the screenshot is the cursor, which is really far down there as a result of the paragraph spacing.
It seems that you have to use setTypingAttributes on the textview.
