Are products affected by log4shell vulnerability? - h2o

My question is if Open Source H2O-3, Open Source Sparkling Water and Driverless AI are affected by CVE-2021-44228 and CVE-2021-45046. has releases/patches upgraded to the latest log4j version 2.17 to address the various vulnerabilities found. Updates are at: is closely tracking the vulnerabilities and publishing updates at


Download offline ElasticSearch documentation for older versions

How can I download the user docs/documentation/manual for older ElasticSearch for offline usage?
Recently, the online documentation for older versions of ElasticSearch (for example, ElasticSearch 1.3.2) started to show this message:
WARNING: Version 1.3 of Elasticsearch has passed its EOL date.
This documentation is no longer being maintained and may be removed. If you are running this version, we strongly advise you to upgrade. For the latest information, see the current release documentation.
What worries me most is the may be removed part. Right now, we don't have the resources to upgrade our software to support the latest ElasticSearch version, so we will need to keep working with the older versions for a while. How I will be able to give maintenance to our software if the Elastic company decides to remove the documentation for older versions of ElasticSearch? There is any way to download it from or build it from some repository?
Thank you very much for your help!
You can clone the official elasticsearch repository to a local machine, change to branch to the version you want, in your cause branch 1.3, then you will have the documentation in the directory docs.
The documentation is in the .asciidoc format, you can try build it following the official instructions, or using other asciidoc to pdf/html converters.

How to look like Sonar Online Dashboard?

I see a big difference in the look & feel between the online dashboard ( or and the one that we see by default on our local installation of sonar (v5.6.3).
I'm wondering about whether the online look & feel can in someway be easily applied to a local installation. It's just a matter of css/js or behind we have also a completely different HTML structure?
Any information about this will be much appreciated.
I think I've found the answer to my question. The nice-looking online demo is based on an Enterprise Grade deployment of sonar with the governance plugin.
Can't you update your install to the latest version? There have been UI changes in both version 6.0 and 6.1

Where to download old version 2.6.x of Saiku

I have downloaded Saiku CE from
Information in REAME file:
Saiku Suite V2.1 GA
Important known problems
There is an issue with XML/A connections with Mondrian XML/A instances. This issue is caused by mondrian and not saiku and will be fixed for the 2.0 stable release
Using and old Mondrian Schema file, I met the same issue as published on .
The easiest way is to download Saiku with version 2...
Where to download old versions?
You can download the standalone version from here:
Note: Link updated according to new security rules on drive.

What is the recommended stable version of SlickGrid to use for deployment

Is there a stable version of SlickGrid that should be used for deployment or is it recommended practice to take a snapshot of the github repository and use that for deployment? I see a number of tags but none that is very recent (e.g., tag 2.02 is 7 months old and there have been lots of commits since then).
Up to now I have been tracking the SlickGrid github repository for development but I'd like to fix to a version before deploying. It would be nice if there was a recommended stable package download available (maybe there is and I haven't come across it?).
SlickGrid 2.1 is available as a release on github - official mailing list announcement here.

Spring Web Flow 3 Development Abandoned?

Does anyone have any information on Spring Web Flow 3 status?
Here are a few relevant links that support my sense that springsource has essentially abandoned the project:
1)Official roadmap indicates they are missing milestones by over a year now with no update to the roadmap.
2)Forum thread filled with these questions ignored by Keith Donald and Spring team.
3)Official Download page says the latest release is 2.2.1 but is actually 2.3 so that is not even being kept up-to-date anymore.
While Web Flow version 2 I'm sure is a great product, the issues above are all obvious red flags when it comes to evaluating an open source product -- as well as evaluating the company behind that project. Am I simply missing some communication channel where all this has been discussed in detail before? I find it hard to believe that springsource, a company that seemingly had their act together, would be this negligent with one of their flagship products.
They just added a graphical web flow editor into STS. See this InfoQ post. Also, I just checked JIRA and Fisheye and it looks like there's bug fixes going into a 2.3.1 coming that corresponds with Spring 3.1. So I don't think it's abandoned, it's just not getting new features.
Just wanted to mention that the latest version (2.3.1) of Spring Web Flow was released on Mar 27, 2012. See the changelog file:
