Where to download old version 2.6.x of Saiku - saiku

I have downloaded Saiku CE from http://community.meteorite.bi/.
Information in REAME file:
Saiku Suite V2.1 GA
Important known problems
There is an issue with XML/A connections with Mondrian XML/A instances. This issue is caused by mondrian and not saiku and will be fixed for the 2.0 stable release
Using and old Mondrian Schema file, I met the same issue as published on https://groups.google.com/a/saiku.meteorite.bi/d/msg/user/exjt7rVg5Oo/SQeEgglIicsJ .
The easiest way is to download Saiku with version 2...
Where to download old versions?

You can download the standalone version from here:
Note: Link updated according to new security rules on drive.


Is there a recent version of Apache Derby that is supported in OSGi?

I am using Derby 10.8.2 which requires Gemini DBAcess. These versions are very old (circa 2011) and do not work with JRE > 1.8.
As the title asks, does anyone know of a more recent version that will work in an OSGi evnironment?
The Derby community have an open Enhancement Request to support OSGi on the most recent versions of Derby: DERBY-7056
There are a set of proposed changes to provide this support.
My understanding is that the primary blocker on this is access to somebody who is relatively familiar with OSGi and could test the support, as none of the Derby committers are users of OSGi.
So perhaps you could volunteer to work with the Derby community and help get the OSGi support tested and committed?

Sonar Qube report generation either as csv,xml or pdf

I'm using sonarqube-7.3 version. I want to make report from sonarqube either as csv, xml or pdf. I have googled it and found that we can make pdf report using sonar-pdfreport-plugin. I have dowload the version sonar-pdfreport-plugin-1.4 and pasted it in the extension/pluggin folder. But I can't restart the server. Anyone please provide a solution for getting report for the version provided above.
In general, SonarQube is not meant to be used as some reporting tool, but more as part of CI pipeline and users can use it's UI to manage code quality issues.
However, PDF reporting is available in the commercial Enterprise Edition of SonarQube for portfolios (groups of projects) as part of Governance. You can find details here https://www.sonarsource.com/plans-and-pricing/enterprise/
The plugin you are mentioning is most likely not updated for the 7.3 version

How to generate report for sonarQube6.7

Is there a way to generate report using SonarQube6.7.
I tried using sonar-pdfreport-plugin-1.4 plugin, sonar server started - but while running sonar-scanner throws,
How can i get a report????
You can download report plugin here
and add it to sonarqube_folde/extensions/plugins/
If you have older version you can Click on "More versions" under By SonarSource – SonarSource – Issue Tracker – Supported by SonarSource
Note: You have to buy Enterprise license
As #George312 alludes, the Enterprise Edition gives you the ability to produce (and have automatically emailed) PDFs of your Portfolio homepages. I suspect that's not what you're after.
There is no functionality compatible with modern SonarQube versions which will generate PDF reports of project homepages or any other (non-Portfolio) portion of the interface or data.
However, web services are available to extract data from your instance. You'll find a link to the on-board Web API documentation in the footer of each page. Once you've extracted the data you should presumably be able to construct your reports.

How to upgrade sonar from 5.6 to 6.7 with dedicated database

I am using 5.6 version of sonar, want to upgrade to 6.7. Can I directly upgraded to 6.7 ?
I have 8-10 sonar projects hosted on a same instance of sonar server. I am not sure what would break after upgrade. I am thinking of following approach
Install (do not upgrade) a new version of sonar 6.7, this would run on the different port(s).
Create a copy of sonar database which I have with my older sonar version, attach that copy of DB to new installation of sonar (by updating the sonar configuration file).
Assuming everything works fine, retire the older version (sonar server & DB).
I am using dedicated database as SQL server.
Anybody tried this approach? does it work?
If you're using one of the supported databases, you can upgrade directly from 5.6 to 6.7.
Simply follow the Upgrade Guide - and make sure that you back up your DB first in case of troubles.

Apex upgrade from 4.0.1 to version 4.1

I am new to upgrading Apex versions. We will be upgrading from v: 4.0.1 to v: 4.1. I have read the documentation, just wanted to know do I have to export the data prior to the upgrade or will the data be migrated with the upgrade?
Thank you for all your help so far,
You don't need to perform an export\import Your Apex applications will be migrated with the upgrade.
documentation doesn't explain it well but it states:
If you have version 1.5.x, 1.6.x, 2.0.x, 2.2.x, 3.0.x, 3.1.x, 3.2.x or
4.0x of Oracle Application Express, following any of the installation
scenarios in this guide upgrades your Oracle Application Express
instance to version 4.1 and creates Oracle Application Express 4.1
database objects in a new schema and migrates the application metadata
to the new version.
I would suggest conservative approach and making export in any case. During our upgrade we hit specific problems with LDAP authentication. So in most cases you could stay with direct upgrade, but in case you use functionality outside of Oracle you will probably need the export for tunning external functionality (trial-error).
