Spring Web Flow 3 Development Abandoned? - spring

Does anyone have any information on Spring Web Flow 3 status?
Here are a few relevant links that support my sense that springsource has essentially abandoned the project:
1)Official roadmap indicates they are missing milestones by over a year now with no update to the roadmap.
2)Forum thread filled with these questions ignored by Keith Donald and Spring team.
3)Official Download page says the latest release is 2.2.1 but is actually 2.3 so that is not even being kept up-to-date anymore.
While Web Flow version 2 I'm sure is a great product, the issues above are all obvious red flags when it comes to evaluating an open source product -- as well as evaluating the company behind that project. Am I simply missing some communication channel where all this has been discussed in detail before? I find it hard to believe that springsource, a company that seemingly had their act together, would be this negligent with one of their flagship products.

They just added a graphical web flow editor into STS. See this InfoQ post. Also, I just checked JIRA and Fisheye and it looks like there's bug fixes going into a 2.3.1 coming that corresponds with Spring 3.1. So I don't think it's abandoned, it's just not getting new features.

Just wanted to mention that the latest version (2.3.1) of Spring Web Flow was released on Mar 27, 2012. See the changelog file: http://static.springsource.org/spring-webflow/docs/2.3.x/changelog.txt


Convenient version overview of Spring Data

I remember, long time ago, I saw an overview of what sub-project of Spring Data contributes in which version to the single release trains.
At the moment I can only infer this knowledge from the respective BOM. I also could not find it anywhere on the Spring Data project page.
Could anyone please point me to a convenient overview of past, current and maybe future release trains with their containing sub-project versions?
Ah just found that wiki page which holds a sidebar with all the yet-known release trains, for example Release Train Moore.
Maybe someone from the team could link to this location a little more prominent from the start page of Spring Data.

Does SonarQube still have demo site that shows analysis on major open source projects?

I've haven't looked at SonarQube for some time. The latest version looks quite interesting.
The last time I checked out this product, they had a site where they had pushed various popular open source libraries (like Tomcat, ActiveMQ etc) through the SonarQube process. It was a great way of seeing how the product works.
Is this facility still available for the latest versions?
Have a look at http://sonarcloud.io (and click on "browse").
It is not a demo site - it is a globally available SonarQube server, managed by SonarSource (the company behind SonarQube). Many huge open source projects are managed there for free, but you can also host your own, private projects for closed source.
It gets updated every couple of weeks and for public releases.
Besides that, there is http://next.sonarqube.com , the publicly visible SonarQube server for SonarQube itself and related projects (yes: SonarQube for SonarQube).
This instance gets updated every couple of days. If you want to have a look at what features SonarQube's next version will look like: have a look there.

Status of package / file design feature

I liked the package design (later renamed to file design) feature in SonarQube to detect cycles inside my application. See this old blog post:
In the recent 6.0 version of SonarQube I can't find this anymore, there is a design plugin but that only seems to be supported until version 4.5.6. Am I overlooking something or is the file design feature just gone?
Design-related services were dropped in version 5.2.

How to contribute to spring?

I have gone through the process (code fork, JIRA account, etc.) to contribute to spring-related projects from GitHub.
But I am not sure how to assign a JIRA issue to myself because I don't see any such option on the JIRA instance.
Can someone please guide me as I would like to start contributing?
Contributing to a spring-related issue is quite easy. For the spring framework there is a contributing page on the github repository.
Other spring-related projects have a similar setup so check the project you are interested in for more information.
As for assigning issues, it is reserved to the team as every pull request (patch) is first reviewed before being applied. If you are willing to work on an issue, just say so by adding a comment and we'll assist you.

is DWR (direct web remoting) a dead project?

Is DWR a dead project? It does not appear to be under active development. The latest 3.0 release appears to be stalled. I'm specifically wondering if there are going to be maintenance releases of DWR 1.x or 2.x or is 3.0 is ever going to be released.
BTW. I asked this question on one of the DWR mailing lists and did not get a response.
Well, the 3.0 version is taking a while to get released, but it is nonetheless very stable.
We are using it in our production environment and we do did encounter any issue so far (2+ years in use).
Important issues on 2.0.X are fixed BTW. (seems that currently there are no major issues on 2.0.X).
BTW. I asked this question on one of the DWR mailing lists and did not get a response.
We had issues before (other version) and those were handler very quick.
Update Dec/2015: V3.0.1 released
Seems like it, I have used DWR like a year back and there is no release since then.
Their version 3 is still on RC (release candidate) and from my understanding of versioning, it is not stable or a general acceptance.
I would say move on... pass DWR. Pass Java too if you can ;)
