Is it possible to write widget's APM query in datadog so that it will include all the spans? (not only service entry spans) - dashboard

My REST service is performing lots of http queries which I would like to monitor in my dashboard. In it's APM view I can choose from servlet.request operation name or netty.client.request. The former one is the primary operation, while the latter one is additional operation.
What I managed to do was that I am able to build a widget in the dashboard which uses metric-type source like this: default_zero(sum:trace.netty.client.request.hits.by_http_status{$env,$service,!http.status_code:200}.as_count()) and it works, it shows me the number of errors client is getting, but when I click on the widget and choose show related traces I do not see traces related with netty.client.request operation, but the ones related with servlet.request. The reason for it was that it generates following query env:prod service:payments-braintree-gateway -#http.status_code:200, which does not include operation name, nor "all spans" (next paragraph explains it)
So I went to traces view in APM and I tried doing the query I wanted, there. Initially I was only able to choose one operation in the filters - servlet.request, but I noticed a button next to search bar labeled in, where you can choose in which set of spans to search for. There are 2 options: service entry spans and all... Switching to all made it possible to create a query I am interested in: $env $service operation_name:netty.client.request -#http.status_code:(200) and it works... So the only thing left was to use it in the dashboard.
Now when I am back in the dashboard's widget I fiddled with the query in json, I tried to edit context menu links, I even changed metric type from "metric" to APM... All in vein. Looks like it is impossible to use non service entry spans in widgets.
Funny thing is that I even exported from APM's service view error graph to dashboard and then clicked "show related traces" it still showed incorrect thing, while "show related traces" option in the graph in the APM takes me to the correct view in traces
So... is it possible to fix "show related traces" button in the DataDog dashboards?

Looks like the only doable solution is to hide standard traces link and create new custom link. Downside is that it is going to open a new APM browser tab instead showing traces in the modal at the right hand side of the screen, but at least it works. Still ideas how to tackle it differently are welcome of course :)


Issues with State/Pages

I'm having an issue with my bot changing an unexpected page. For example, I have a sample application where you order a pizza. It goes like this:
"I want to order a pizza."
Pick your toppings
Pick your type of crust
Speak any special requests (light on the cheese, etc.)
I want to make sure that when the user is on a specific page that it won't jump back to a different page. If it asks me what type of crust I want on my pizza, and I say "pepperoni," it should trigger a "no match," but instead it jumps back to #2, assuming that I am picking my toppings. It shouldn't go back; the topping has already been chosen. With Dialogflow ES I could prevent this from happening by marking the intent with a specific context, but I don't know how to prevent that from happening in Dialogflow CX.
How do I keep the bot on the right path without the user being able to jump around the flow by saying something unexpected? Any help is appreciated.
You say that the issue you're describing only happens in the Start page. That happens because the Start page is not a real page at all.
I suggest you take a look at the documentation, specifically to scoping routes and handlers.
If you use the API, the Start page's routes and handlers actually represent the flow's routes and handlers. So if you specify a route (an intent or condition which maps to a transition) in the Start page, that route will be accessible from the whole flow. At any given point inside of a flow, any and all routes available in the Start page are also available (or in scope) in the following pages of the same flow.
To work around the issue I suggest you place a route in the start page which has a custom condition of true (will always occur when you're in the start page) and a transition to a "Start order" page. From this point use the builder as you've already done, build the next pages with the parameters and intents you're using. With this workaround, each page only allows the transitions specified in that specific page and you can restrict the intents available.

UFT is waiting the entire object sync timeout before clicking a webelement

Alright, in my web application there's a dropdown that UFT picks up as a 'WebElement' instead of a 'WebList'. The options available in this dropdown are all just 'divs' and the data within the div is dynamic. Has anyone had to deal with this before? I even tried using the absolute xpath within the object repository, but that seems to be inconsistent. Whenever I run my test the first time it interacts with the dropdown it will wait the entire object sync timeout before selecting the element. Then I have it going back to select another item from the dropdown and it goes instantly. This isn't the approach I want to take with this as the abs xpath could break at any time. I've been reading blog posts etc from as far back as 2008, and tried every person's suggestion but I can't reliably click a dropdown and select something. I can give more detail if needed, but any help here would be appreciated.
When UFT waits the object synchronization timeout and then succeeds to perform the action it's usually because it has been using smart identification. Look in the report to see if this is the case (or just disable smart identification and see what happens).
If this is the case, you should try to fine-tune the description to succeed on the description and not resort to smart identification.
I got it! This behaviour was being caused by the 'browser' being different in that part of my code. I think this happened due to some of the same items being added into the OR from different pages.
Instead of having:
Browser("Browser1").Page("Page1").WebElement("Element I want").
It was:
Browser("Browser2").Page("Page1").WebElement("Element I want").
Once this was corrected in the OR everything worked as expected.

howto create a devexpress GanttView like MsProject, with auto layout of dependencies

I really need help for creating a DevExpress XAF Windows application having a GanttView with special abilities including;
auto arranging of dependent appointments
resizing on holidays/not working times
hiding holidays/not working times, showing only working time intervals
please help, thanks in advance.
I will probably get hit with a stick over the head for "me too answer" but I have this task on my list for near future as I am working on something that needs to offer this functionality.
This is how I was going to approach this:
1. create BO to hold project definition or a query of some sort. Goo example to follow is how report module BOs are stored in the database.
2. create win or/and web editor for this type of business object.
3. the editor will contain either chart form charts module or scheduler view in gantt mode (depending on what you need)
As i get to this task myself I can provide more details or share an example.
here are some links to look at:
Main consideration for choices you have to make:
do you just need to display the view or interact with it too (chart control vs scheduler)
do you have to deal with source of the data that already has some schema you have to follow or do you have ability to model data as you want.

JOOMLA Read Private Message in URL Bug

I am building a new website in Joomla 3 and here is some really weird behavior i just stumbled over…
I get a wrong URL in Menu Items and read more links, saying, e.g
I would give you a real URL, but the project is still under development and classified.
The /Read%20Private%20Message/ part in the URL obviously does not belong there and gets inserted by joomla by default. The result of course is fatal. Not only the menu items aren't working, the read more links aren't either, all leading to 404 errors !
To go into more detail, here is what i have set up and what i have found out so far.
I have made a category blog, where articles are listed, each with a read more link in it, which works as expected.
Now each full text article should have its own slideshow and a couple of other modules, like a facts box in it.
Thats why, the article itself must show up as a menu item as well, so in the module manager i can select, that a specific slideshow module is used in this specific article only.
Therefore i have created menu items with the type of single article that links to the defined Article.
The main menu represents the page tree, each category blog has links to single articles as children. Some cat blog have cat blogs as children and then articles.
This setup works as expected, as long as i don't set the article menu item as a child of the category blog of the category the article itself belongs to.
we offer(catblog) -> drinks(catblog) -> beer(singlearticle)
beer(category: drinks)
RESULT: wrong URL as above.
I can fix the error, by using rebuild in the menu manager, but thats only half way done. The menu URL is getting fixed, but than i have to go into the article itself, remove the read more and insert it back again, because the read private message doesnt get removed, even when i clear my cache. When i am done re-saving the readmore link, everything works like normal, until i save the article menu item the next time. Read Private Message bug is back again, up for another round.
I am a SuperUser, so i suspect i have all rights possible in joomla...
This must have something to do with Search engine friendly URLS (SEF), since it only occurs when i have SEF and mod rewrite turned on. I am using the default .htaccess file without any changes.
Here are some people with a similar problem, but no satisfying solution is given:
I have read about migration and update errors, leading to the same problem.
I migrated manually (sql backup, change of some path in config file) from local apache to 1&1 apache server, both running PHP 5.4, so i doubt that this is a migration issue Plus the problem also appears when i create new articles and menu items (under the parent category).
Changing aliases in both menu items and article itself does not have any effect.
I really hope somebody could give me a hint, or maybe even just confirm that this is a bug If this is designed behavior than whats the reason for it ?.
I am quite frustrated about it and i don't have that many options left since:
1. SEF is a MUST (to my client)
2. Changing the menu tree structure, so that the linked items are no longer children of their cat block parent destroys my breadcrumbs.
3. rebuild and change every menu item and article manually 2 to 3 times is time consuming, error prone, annoying and i don#t want to sell a product to a client like this, since they want to maintain it for themselves as far as posiible.
Your help is really appreciated !
Greets paad.

Magento move search result

For some reason when somebody performs a search on my site the search results do not display underneath the search box, they appear on the far left of the screen.
Any ideas of what file this would be configured in?
Let me correct myself it's not the search results but the search suggestions
I can't offer a direct solution to your problem, but turning on template hints might point you in the right direction. In the Admin, go to System > Configuration, Select your store view from the scope drop down at the top left. Unless you're running multi-store, or have changed the name of the default store it'll be called "Default Store View". Then scroll down to "Developer" and open up the "Debug" section. Turn on both Template Path Hints" and "Add Block Names to Hints". This will add a div with a red border around each template in your layout and a heading which includes the name of the template. It will liklely completely screw up your page layout, but will show you which template generated every tag on the page and help you track down the issue.
The DeveloperToolbar extension makes turning this on/off quickly much easier, but I wouldn't recommend deploying it to a production site.
Alan Storm's indispensable CommerceBug is another tool which is very handly for tracking down front end issues. CommerdeBug can show you the layout handles and the aggregate layout XML used to generate the current page. Both of which are useful for determing why a specific block was (or wasn't) included.
So in case anybody else runs into this or wants to move where their search suggestions display it is in styles.css under .searchautocomplete.
