dc.js chart with Square, Line and Triangle - dc.js

I have a requirement to build the chart shown below:
I'm not sure about the name of the graph. But the structure of the graph should be like this.
It contains horizontal line with square at the end and up and down triangles.
Each of these shape indicated different categories. Hence it should be shown in different color.
Up triangle indicated a category which is higher than upper limit.
Down triangle indicated a category which is lower than lower limit.
Horizontal line with square indicates a category 'Event' and its length denotes no. of days for the Event.


An algorithm to place circles in a field so that they overlap completely, the range of the radius of the circle is given

enter image description hereYou are given a field(regular or irregular) and you need to place circles in such a way that they:
Overlap completely.
No place on the field is left out.
Circle's area shouldn't go out of the field.
Most efficient number of circles are used
Eg, you're given a random field with dimensions(20-30metres) and also the circle's radius range(4-10)metres.
How to obtain the most effective solution?

How to create horizontal rectangle that fills up or decreases color area depending on input value

I know there's a name for this, but I can't seem to think of it (or even provide a better title description.)
Image an empty horizontal rectangle - left edge has a value of 0, right edge has a value of 5. Now above it, there's a graph with an x-axis range of 0-5. When the plotting of the graph begins, the x-axis value is used as input to the horizontal rectangle in order to show, using a specific color, the area of the value.
Example: when input is given to the rectangle, the graph's x-axis value is 2.5. The rectangle now has half of it's area covered in red starting from the left edge. The value now is 3. Same idea, the area now stretches to "3".
It's a dynamic horizontal graph of sorts. Anywho, how do I go about creating this for iOS? Is there a class that's already built? Or do I just use rectangle drawing methods in a UIView subclass?
update: here's an image of what I'm after: Bar

Algorithm for matching position and size of two rectangles

I'm looking for a algorithm that computes the following: I have an image with a predefined area (the green one on the attached image). The user draws the red rectangle and the algorithm should compute whether the red rectangle matches approximately the green one. For example the position of the red rectangle on the attached picture would be ok.
What is a good way to compute this? Is there any best practice algorithm?
My idea is to compute the middle of the red rectangle and then to determine whether the middle is inside the green rectangle. In addition, I would calculate if the length and height match approximately the length and height of the green one (25% more or less).
Is this a good idea? Any other suggestion?
Compute the area of the intersection and divide by the average of the areas of the two rectangles (arithmetic or geometric). You will get a fraction. The closer to 1, the better the match.
Take the average distance between vertices as the criteria for mismatch.
Lets assume first rectangle's vertices are [x1,y1], [x2,y2], [x3,y3], [x4,y4] and for second one are [a1,b1],[a2,b2],[a3,b3],[a4,b4]
Get euclidiean distance between these points
Lower distance means better match, e.g exact overlap will give 0, a shape shift or offset shift of any rectangle would increase the average distance of vertices.
Investigating the problem, I tend to think about the conditions that should make the comparison of the green and the red rectangles fail, together with reasoning about the failing conditions, separately about each condition.
What I mean above, practically, is that I would like the following responses from the algorithm, making clear what aspect of the comparison fails:
Your rectangle's width is way off.
Your rectangle's height is way off.
Your rectangle's horizontal placement is way off.
Your rectangle's vertical placement is way off.
Let us call the conditions above "failing conditions". These failing conditions suggest my view of the comparison, which unavoidably directs my approach. One could view it differently ("Your rectangle's area is way off."). The user, of course, could get more generic responses like the following:
Your rectangle's dimensions are way off.
Your rectangle's placement is way off.
Your rectangle is way off. Try again.
Dude, are you drunk?
In the following I use green to refer to the green rectangle as an object and red to refer to the red rectangle as an object. All conditions are based on relative errors, that is absolute errors normalized with respect to the actual values, i.e. the values of the green rectangle.
One thing that needs to be specified is what "way off" means for horizontal and vertical placement. It means that there is a divergence between the location of a key point of the green rectangle and the location of the corresponding key point of the red rectangle. Let us choose the center of a rectangle as the key point for comparisons (one could choose the top-left corner of the rectangle).
Another thing that needs to be specified is how you may compare two points in a relative way, separately for each axis. You need a reference value. What you can do is calculate the absolute offset between the two points in each axis. Then you can calculate the relative offset with respect to the green rectangle's corresponding dimension. For instance, you can calculate the relative horizontal offset as the absolute offset between the centers in the x-axis divided by the width of the green rectangle. All in all, for a comparison to succeed, I would like the rectangles to have almost the same dimensions and almost the same center. Where "almost" should be quantified as a percentage.
Concerning failing condition (1), assuming that the maximum allowed relative error for the rectangle's width is 25%, the boolean value that we have to calculate is:
| green.width - red.width | / green.width > 0.25
If the value above is true, then failing condition (1) goes off. The Dude may be drunk. We may exit and notify.
Concerning failing condition (2), assuming that the maximum allowed relative error for the rectangle's height is 30%, the boolean value that we have to calculate is:
| green.height - red.height | / green.height > 0.30
If the value above is true, then failing condition (2) goes off. We may exit and notify.
Concerning failing condition (3), assuming that the maximum allowed relative error for the rectangle's horizontal offset is 15%, the boolean value that we have to calculate is:
| green.center.x - red.center.x | / green.width > 0.15
If the value above is true, then failing condition (3) goes off. We may exit and notify.
Concerning failing condition (4), assuming that the maximum allowed relative error for the rectangle's vertical offset is 20%, the boolean value that we have to calculate is:
| green.center.y - red.center.y | / green.height > 0.20
If the value above is true, then failing condition (4) goes off. We may exit and notify.
If at least one failing condition goes off, then the comparison fails. If no failing condition is true, then the comparison is successful, the green and the red rectangles are almost the same.
I believe that the approach above has a lot of advantages, such as reasoning for separate aspects of the comparison, as well as defining different thresholds for the failing conditions. You can also tune the thresholds according to your taste. In extreme cases more parameters may need to be taken into account, though.

Interpretation of Horizontal and Vertical Summations of an Image

I have a binary which has some text on different parts of the image like at the bottom, top, center, right middle center, etc.
Original Image
The areas I would like to focus on are the manually drawn regions shown in red.
I calculated the horizontal and vertical summations of the image and plotted them:
Can somebody give me explanation of what these plots are telling me about the original image with regards to the structure of which I explained above?
Moreover, how could these plots help me extracting those regions I just manually drew in red?
There's nothing sophisticated about the sum operation. Simply put, sum(edgedImage1,1) computes the sum of all rows for each column in the image and that is what you are plotting. Effectively, you are computing the sum of all non-zero values (i.e. white pixels) over all rows for each column. The horizontal axis in the plot denotes what row's sum you are observing. Similarly, sum(edgedImage,2) computes the sum of all columns for each row of the image and that is what you are plotting.
Because your text is displayed in a horizontal fashion, sum(edgeImage,1) won't be particularly useful. What is very useful is the sum(edgedImage,2) operation. For lines in your image that are blank, the horizontal sum of columns for each row of your image should be a very small value whereas for lines in your image that contain text or strokes, the sum should be quite large. A good example of what I'm talking about is seen towards the bottom of your image. If you consult between rows 600 and 700, you see a huge spike in your plot as there is a lot of text that is surrounded between those rows.
Using this result, a crude way to determine what areas in your image that contain text or strokes in your case would be to find all rows that surpass some threshold. Combined with finding modes or peaks from the sum operation that was just performed, you can very easily localize and separate out each region of text.
You may want to smooth the curve provided by sum(edgedImage,2) if you decide to determine how many blobs of text there are. Once you smooth out this signal, you will clearly see that there are 5 modes corresponding to 5 lines of text.
The second plot that shows the sum of each row. This can tell you in which rows you have a lot of information and in which you have none.
You can use this plot to find the rectangles by looking for a sharp incline in the value for a start of a rectangle and sharp decline in the value for the end of the rectangle. Before you do it i would low pass filter the data and then look at the derivative of this and look for a big derivative.
You can do the same the first plot but it is more sensitive.
The minimums in your last plot are the gaps between lines of text ...
You just take the graph and align its y axis to y axis of image and then Threshold areas with too small amount of pixels per column. These areas (Red) are the gaps between lines of Text or whatever you got on the image:
Now you should de-skew the image if needed. If the skew is too big you need to apply the de-skew even before the y axis summation.
De-skew operation characters in binary image (matlab)
After this you make the x axis summation plot for each non red region separately and in the same manner detect gaps between characters/words to get the area of each character for OCR. This time you align to x axis
These plots can be also used to OCR if taken on character region instead see
OCR and character similarity
If you do a statistical analysis of the gap/non gap sizes then the most recurrent one is usually the Font spacing/size for regular text.

Calculate area of split polygon

I need to split a polygon with a line, similar to this: How can I split a Polygon by a Line?, but I don't actually care about the resulting polygons, I just want to know the area on each side of the line.
I know I can just do the split and calculate the area of each resulting part, but I was wondering if there is any more efficient algorithm if I just need the area.
For instance, in the image below, the yellow shape shows an original polygon and the line across it shows how I want to split it. Notice that the split line always goes between to vertices, but does not necessarily cross the entire polygon. (Note: the fact that the cut line seems to pass through a third vertex is just an accident: this may be the case but is not necessarily so).
The red and green shapes show the resulting splits, and all I'm interested in is the total area of the red polygons (or of the green, either way)
If you can determine the intersection points of the split then you can calculate the area of the first one and subtract it from the total area to determine the area of the second one.
