An algorithm to place circles in a field so that they overlap completely, the range of the radius of the circle is given - algorithm

enter image description hereYou are given a field(regular or irregular) and you need to place circles in such a way that they:
Overlap completely.
No place on the field is left out.
Circle's area shouldn't go out of the field.
Most efficient number of circles are used
Eg, you're given a random field with dimensions(20-30metres) and also the circle's radius range(4-10)metres.
How to obtain the most effective solution?


What is the minumum info you need to tell if an object is a circle?

So basically I have a program that runs through an image of objects and is supposed to count the number of cirlces. I can more or less accurately detect all objects and store the following results of each object:
Area(number of pixels), xPosition, YPosition and like the bounds.
I tried differentiating circles from non-circles by assuming every object was a circle, finding the radius and using pi*r^2 to get the area. If that area matched the number of pixels then it was a circle.
However this leads to a few errors. Such as when an object takes up the same area as a circle would but is not a circle.
Any idea's as to what I can try? It also fails in the noisy cases since my algorithm doesnt save pixels that are dark (Which is counted as like the background)
Edit: I cant use any already established algorithm such as the Hugh Transform
In theory, only the circles have a perimeter equal to the square root of 2π times the (filled) area. But you need an accurate assessment of the perimeter.
Alternatively, find the circle parameters (coordinates of the center and radius) by any method*, and check that the pixels of the contour fulfill the circle equation (compute the average deviations).
*If the shape is not a circle, those parameters will have "random" values, but this does not matter.

Footprint finding algorithm

I'm trying to come up with an algorithm to optimize the shape of a polygon (or multiple polygons) to maximize the value contained within that shape.
I have data with 3 columns:
X: the location on the x axis
Y: the location on the y axis
Value: Value of the block which can have positive and negative values.
This data is from a regular grid so the spacing between each x and y value is consistent.
I want to create a bounding polygon that maximizes the contained value with the added condition.
There needs to be a minimum radius maintained at all points of the polygon. This means that we will either lose some positive value blocks or gain some negative value blocks.
The current algorithm I'm using does the following
Finds the maximum block value as a starting point (or user defined)
Finds all blocks within the minimum radius and determines if it is a viable point by checking the overall value is positive
Removes all blocks in the minimum search radius from further value calculations and flags them as part of the final shape
Moves onto the next point determined by a spiraling around the original point. (center is always a grid point so moves by deltaX or deltaY)
This appears to be picking up some cells that aren't needed. I'm sure there are shape algorithms out there but I don't have any idea what to look up to find help.
Below is a picture that hopefully helps outline the question. Positive cells are shown in red (negative cells are not shown). The black outline shows the shape my current routine is returning. I believe the left side should be brought in more. The minimum radius is 100m the bottom left black circle is approximately this.
Right now the code is running in R but I will probably move to something else if I can get the algorithm correct.
In response to the unclear vote the problem I am trying to solve without the background or attempted solution is:
"Create a bounding polygon (or polygons) around a series of points to maximize the contained value, while maintaining a minimum radius of curvature along the polygon"
I should have included some data it can be found here.
The file is a csv. 4 columns (X,Y,Z [not used], Value), length is ~25k size is 800kb.
Graphical approach
I would approach this graphically. My intuition tells me that the inside points are fully inside the casted circles with min radius r from all of the footprint points nearby. That means if you cast circle from each footprint point with radius r then all points that are inside at least half of all neighboring circles are inside your polygon. To be less vague if you are deeply inside polygon then you got Pi*r^2 such overlapping circles at any pixel. if you are on edge that you got half of them. This is easily computable.
First I need the dataset. As you did provide just jpg file I do not have the vales just the plot. So I handle this problem like a binary image. First I needed to recolor the image to remove jpg color distortions. After that this is my input:
I choose black background to easily apply additive math on image and also I like it more then white and leave the footprint red (maximally saturated). Now the algorithm:
create temp image
It should be the same size and cleared to black (color=0). Handle its pixels like integer counters of overlapping circles.
cast circles
for each red pixel in source image add +1 to each pixel inside the circle with minimal radius r around the same pixel but in the temp image. The result is like this (Blue are the lower bits of my pixelformat):
As r I used r=24 as that is the bottom left circle radius in your example +/-pixel.
select inside pixels only
so recolor temp image. All the pixels with color < 0.5*pi*r^2 recolor to black and the rest to red. The result is like this:
select polygon circumference points only
Just recolor all red pixels near black pixels to some neutral color blue and the rest to black. Result:
Now just polygonize the result. To compare with the input image you can combine them both (I OR them together):
You can play with the min radius or the area treshold property to achieve different behavior. But I think this is pretty close match to your problem.
Here some C++ source code for this:
//picture pic0,pic1;
// pic0 - source
// pic1 - output/temp
int x,y,xx,yy;
const int r=24; // min radius
const int s=float(1.570796*float(r*r)); // half of min radius area
const DWORD c_foot=0x00FF0000; // red
const DWORD c_poly=0x000000FF; // blue
// resize and clear temp image
// add min radius circle to temp around any footprint pixel found in input image
for (y=r;y<pic1.ys-r;y++)
for (x=r;x<pic1.xs-r;x++)
if (pic0.p[y][x].dd==c_foot)
for (yy=-r;yy<=r;yy++)
for (xx=-r;xx<=r;xx++)
if ((xx*xx)+(yy*yy)<=r*r)
// select only pixels which are inside footprint with min radius (half of area circles are around)
for (y=0;y<pic1.ys;y++)
for (x=0;x<pic1.xs;x++)
if (pic1.p[y][x].dd>=s) pic1.p[y][x].dd=c_foot;
else pic1.p[y][x].dd=0;"out1.png");
// slect only outside pixels
for (y=0;y<pic1.ys;y++)
for (x=0;x<pic1.xs;x++)
if (pic1.p[y][x].dd==c_foot) pic1.p[y][x].dd=0;"out2.png");
pic1|=pic0; // combine in and out images to compare"out3.png");
I use my own picture class for images so some members are:
xs,ys size of image in pixels
p[y][x].dd is pixel at (x,y) position as 32 bit integer type
clear(color) - clears entire image
resize(xs,ys) - resizes image to new resolution
[Edit1] I got a small bug in source code
I noticed some edges were too sharp so I check the code and I forgot to add the circle condition while filling so it filled squares instead. I repaired the source code above. I really just added line if ((xx*xx)+(yy*yy)<=r*r). The results are slightly changed so I also updated the images with new results
I played with the inside area coefficient ratio and this one:
const int s=float(0.75*1.570796*float(r*r));
Leads to even better match for you. The smaller it is the more the polygon can overlap outside footprint. Result:
If the solution set must be a union of disks of given radius, I would try a greedy approach. (I suspect that the problem might be intractable - exponential running time - if you want an exact solution.)
For all pixels (your "blocks"), compute the sum of values in the disk around it and take the one with the highest sum. Mark this pixel and adjust the sums of all the pixels that are in its disk by deducing its value, because the marked pixel has been "consumed". Then scan all pixels in contact with it by an edge or a corner, and mark the pixel with the highest sum.
Continue this process until all sums are negative. Then the sum cannot increase anymore.
For an efficient implementation, you will need to keep a list of the border pixels, i.e. the unmarked pixels that are neighbors of a marked pixel. After you have picked the border pixel with the largest sum and marked it, you remove it from the list and recompute the sums for the unmarked pixels inside its disk; you also add the unmarked pixels that touch it.
On the picture, the pixels are marked in blue and the border pixels in green. The highlighted pixels are
the one that gets marked,
the ones for which the sum needs to be recomputed.
The computing time will be proportional to the area of the image times the area of a disk (for the initial computation of the sums), plus the area of the shape times the area of a disk (for the updates of the sums), plus the total of the lengths of the successive perimeters of the shape while it grows (to find the largest sum). [As the latter terms might be costly - on the order of the product of the area of the shape by its perimeter length -, it is advisable to use a heap data structure, which will reduce the sum of the lengths to the sum of their logarithm.]

Separate circle and rectangle

In a 2d space there are a rectangle and a circle that overlap each other. How can
I calculate the smallest distance (depth) that I need to separate the circle and the rectangle?
I'll assume from the way you've described it if one shape entirely contains the other, that still counts as "overlapping"
The strategy to separate a circle from a rectangle while moving the circle the shortest distance is as follows:
Draw a line from the circle's centre to the nearest point on one of the rectangle's vertices
Pull the circle along this line until they are no longer overlapping
So to calculate the distance that it needs to be pulled, your formula will be:
pullDistance = radius - centreDistance
pullDistance is what you're trying to calculate
radius is the radius of the circle
centreDistance is the distance of the centre of the circle from the nearest point on the edge of the rectangle.
Two things to note:
If the centre of the circle is inside the rectangle, then centreDistance should be calculated the same way, but made negative
If the pullDistance is negative then the two shapes are already not overlapping, so the true distance is 0.
So since radius is known, all you have to do is calculate the centreDistance. The way to do this is to find the distance from the circle's centre point to each of the rectangle's four line segments and take the minimum. Finding the distance between a point and a line segment is a common task, I won't repeat how to do that here. This question has a lot of samples and information for how to do it.

Algorithm for a "Blob" Border

I have several 2 dimensional circles that I want to draw a border around. I've done this using a convex hull before, but my goal is to make the border almost like a surrounding "blob". I attached a picture to show what I mean.
Essentially, I want the border to outline the circles, and be pulled slightly into the middle of the area if no circles are present. The center shape shows my current train of thought -- create normal lines for each circle, and somehow merge them into a complete shape.
Summed up, I have 2 questions:
1. Are there any existing algorithms to do this?
2. If not, are there any algorithms that would help me merge the circle outlines into a single larger path?
Thank you!
"Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Alpha Shapes But Were Afraid to Ask" is for you
One way to get this border could be to simply compute the distance to the centers of circles: for a given point this distance is the minimum of the distances from this point to all the centers of the given circles. Then sample this distance function over a regular grid. And finally extract the f-level of this function as a collection of polylines with an isocurve extraction algorithm (like Marching Squares). f should be the radius of the circles augmented with the desired margin.

Laying out circles in a rect

I'm trying to workout how to efficiently calculate the layout of a dynamic/random view.
The view will contain a number of circles. Each circle has a predetermined size. These sizes are all between a given maximum and minimum size.
I'm trying to find an efficient way of laying out the circles within a rect with a couple of conditions.
The circles mustn't overlap with the edge of the rect and the circles must have a minimum "spacing" between them.
The first method I came up with is to randomly generate coordinate pairs and place the biggest circle. Then randomly generate more coordinate pairs until a suitable one is generated for the next circle. And the next, and the next, and so on until all are drawn.
The problems with this are that it could potentially take a long time to complete. Each subsequent circle will take longer to place as there are fewer places that it can go.
Another problem is that it could be impossible to layout the view.
I'm sure there must be more efficient ways of doing this but I'm not sure where to begin.
The Formula must deal between the smallest possible square they need or from a other point of view, with an arrangement with the smallest possible density between the edgepoints. But your problem could be solved by sorting the circles by size and then start with the largest and arrange them step by step to the smallest because the larger are more bulky and the smaller fit easier in small corners by there nature.
Build triangles of circles, where 3 circles have a discribing space they use together. This triangle has 3 corners right? :) so messure/calc the angle of that corners and the corner with the nearest 90degree angle should be placed in a square corner, better to say the three circles should be places mirrored so that the circle with the fittest 90degree corner behind is the one who goes in the corner. If a 4th circle fits into the rest of this triangle, wonderful, if not you place exact this circle in it which is taken minimum outerspace of that triangle. because its not said that the next smaller circle is the one who fit's perfect, which also means you have a stack of not placed circles until one is found who fits better. after you find one you go upwards your circle-stack again and try to fit the next of it in one of the corners or you try to build the next triangle. and here you see how complex this is, damn!
But anyway, the more one of this triangles corners is 90° the less space it would take with this 3 circles in it.
An other concept could be to think about larger circles like space who leftover a triangle in one of its corners in relation to the rectangle. This triangle has a maximum space availible for a smaller circle. If there is no perfectly fitting circle your taken square-space grows up. So as far as i think about to handle this problem with imagined triangles to compare with fitting circles in it or taking triangle ranges from the square is the solutions base.
