Algorithm for matching position and size of two rectangles - algorithm

I'm looking for a algorithm that computes the following: I have an image with a predefined area (the green one on the attached image). The user draws the red rectangle and the algorithm should compute whether the red rectangle matches approximately the green one. For example the position of the red rectangle on the attached picture would be ok.
What is a good way to compute this? Is there any best practice algorithm?
My idea is to compute the middle of the red rectangle and then to determine whether the middle is inside the green rectangle. In addition, I would calculate if the length and height match approximately the length and height of the green one (25% more or less).
Is this a good idea? Any other suggestion?

Compute the area of the intersection and divide by the average of the areas of the two rectangles (arithmetic or geometric). You will get a fraction. The closer to 1, the better the match.

Take the average distance between vertices as the criteria for mismatch.
Lets assume first rectangle's vertices are [x1,y1], [x2,y2], [x3,y3], [x4,y4] and for second one are [a1,b1],[a2,b2],[a3,b3],[a4,b4]
Get euclidiean distance between these points
Lower distance means better match, e.g exact overlap will give 0, a shape shift or offset shift of any rectangle would increase the average distance of vertices.

Investigating the problem, I tend to think about the conditions that should make the comparison of the green and the red rectangles fail, together with reasoning about the failing conditions, separately about each condition.
What I mean above, practically, is that I would like the following responses from the algorithm, making clear what aspect of the comparison fails:
Your rectangle's width is way off.
Your rectangle's height is way off.
Your rectangle's horizontal placement is way off.
Your rectangle's vertical placement is way off.
Let us call the conditions above "failing conditions". These failing conditions suggest my view of the comparison, which unavoidably directs my approach. One could view it differently ("Your rectangle's area is way off."). The user, of course, could get more generic responses like the following:
Your rectangle's dimensions are way off.
Your rectangle's placement is way off.
Your rectangle is way off. Try again.
Dude, are you drunk?
In the following I use green to refer to the green rectangle as an object and red to refer to the red rectangle as an object. All conditions are based on relative errors, that is absolute errors normalized with respect to the actual values, i.e. the values of the green rectangle.
One thing that needs to be specified is what "way off" means for horizontal and vertical placement. It means that there is a divergence between the location of a key point of the green rectangle and the location of the corresponding key point of the red rectangle. Let us choose the center of a rectangle as the key point for comparisons (one could choose the top-left corner of the rectangle).
Another thing that needs to be specified is how you may compare two points in a relative way, separately for each axis. You need a reference value. What you can do is calculate the absolute offset between the two points in each axis. Then you can calculate the relative offset with respect to the green rectangle's corresponding dimension. For instance, you can calculate the relative horizontal offset as the absolute offset between the centers in the x-axis divided by the width of the green rectangle. All in all, for a comparison to succeed, I would like the rectangles to have almost the same dimensions and almost the same center. Where "almost" should be quantified as a percentage.
Concerning failing condition (1), assuming that the maximum allowed relative error for the rectangle's width is 25%, the boolean value that we have to calculate is:
| green.width - red.width | / green.width > 0.25
If the value above is true, then failing condition (1) goes off. The Dude may be drunk. We may exit and notify.
Concerning failing condition (2), assuming that the maximum allowed relative error for the rectangle's height is 30%, the boolean value that we have to calculate is:
| green.height - red.height | / green.height > 0.30
If the value above is true, then failing condition (2) goes off. We may exit and notify.
Concerning failing condition (3), assuming that the maximum allowed relative error for the rectangle's horizontal offset is 15%, the boolean value that we have to calculate is:
| - | / green.width > 0.15
If the value above is true, then failing condition (3) goes off. We may exit and notify.
Concerning failing condition (4), assuming that the maximum allowed relative error for the rectangle's vertical offset is 20%, the boolean value that we have to calculate is:
| - | / green.height > 0.20
If the value above is true, then failing condition (4) goes off. We may exit and notify.
If at least one failing condition goes off, then the comparison fails. If no failing condition is true, then the comparison is successful, the green and the red rectangles are almost the same.
I believe that the approach above has a lot of advantages, such as reasoning for separate aspects of the comparison, as well as defining different thresholds for the failing conditions. You can also tune the thresholds according to your taste. In extreme cases more parameters may need to be taken into account, though.


Algorithm for placing rectangle with certain size into free area in matrix

I need to place rectangle with size n×m into free area of matrix with size N×M, where N=n*2-1, M=m*2-1. Matrix cell is considered free if it's true, and occupied if it's false. Center cell is always true, and always will be inside rectangle due to rectangle and matrix's sizes.
Additional requirement is that distance between upper left corner of rectangle and center cell must be as minimal as possible.
Example with n=8 and m=5:
Where gray cells - occupied, green - center cell, blue cells - solution rectangle, red line - distance between upper left corner of rectangle and center cell.
Brute force solution would have O(N×M×n×m) time complexity, which is not very optimal. I can eliminate calculations in some cells if I preprocess matrix, but that still would take too much time.
Initially I thought I can take Max Rectangle Problem and just modify condition from max to needed, but it went to dead end (I would need to list all rectangles in a histogram, which I don't know how). Then I thought it's like packing problem, but all I could find was versions of it with initially completely empty space and multiple rectangles, which is not applicable to this problem.
In the past, when user clicks on a grid, my program would place rectangle, with upper left corner coinciding with a click point, if it's empty and fail if it have occupied cells where rectangle would lay. I decided to modify this behavior and instead of failing, find most suitable position for rectangle, while still containing a click point. In matrix pic above, click point is a green cell, and matrix size represents all possible positions of a rectangle.
P.S. I would prefer real language example instead of pseudo-code, if possible. My program is written in Java, but any language is fine.
You can do this in O(N.M) space and time complexity by:
Compute the summed area table in O(N.M)
Iterate over all top-left corners, check that the summed area in the rectangle is equal to n.m, and update the best position if the distance to the centre has improved. The test is O(1) per top-left corner, and there are O(N.M) top-left corners, so overall O(N.M)
The key idea is that the summed area table allows you to compute the sum of an arbitrary rectangle in O(1) time.

Footprint finding algorithm

I'm trying to come up with an algorithm to optimize the shape of a polygon (or multiple polygons) to maximize the value contained within that shape.
I have data with 3 columns:
X: the location on the x axis
Y: the location on the y axis
Value: Value of the block which can have positive and negative values.
This data is from a regular grid so the spacing between each x and y value is consistent.
I want to create a bounding polygon that maximizes the contained value with the added condition.
There needs to be a minimum radius maintained at all points of the polygon. This means that we will either lose some positive value blocks or gain some negative value blocks.
The current algorithm I'm using does the following
Finds the maximum block value as a starting point (or user defined)
Finds all blocks within the minimum radius and determines if it is a viable point by checking the overall value is positive
Removes all blocks in the minimum search radius from further value calculations and flags them as part of the final shape
Moves onto the next point determined by a spiraling around the original point. (center is always a grid point so moves by deltaX or deltaY)
This appears to be picking up some cells that aren't needed. I'm sure there are shape algorithms out there but I don't have any idea what to look up to find help.
Below is a picture that hopefully helps outline the question. Positive cells are shown in red (negative cells are not shown). The black outline shows the shape my current routine is returning. I believe the left side should be brought in more. The minimum radius is 100m the bottom left black circle is approximately this.
Right now the code is running in R but I will probably move to something else if I can get the algorithm correct.
In response to the unclear vote the problem I am trying to solve without the background or attempted solution is:
"Create a bounding polygon (or polygons) around a series of points to maximize the contained value, while maintaining a minimum radius of curvature along the polygon"
I should have included some data it can be found here.
The file is a csv. 4 columns (X,Y,Z [not used], Value), length is ~25k size is 800kb.
Graphical approach
I would approach this graphically. My intuition tells me that the inside points are fully inside the casted circles with min radius r from all of the footprint points nearby. That means if you cast circle from each footprint point with radius r then all points that are inside at least half of all neighboring circles are inside your polygon. To be less vague if you are deeply inside polygon then you got Pi*r^2 such overlapping circles at any pixel. if you are on edge that you got half of them. This is easily computable.
First I need the dataset. As you did provide just jpg file I do not have the vales just the plot. So I handle this problem like a binary image. First I needed to recolor the image to remove jpg color distortions. After that this is my input:
I choose black background to easily apply additive math on image and also I like it more then white and leave the footprint red (maximally saturated). Now the algorithm:
create temp image
It should be the same size and cleared to black (color=0). Handle its pixels like integer counters of overlapping circles.
cast circles
for each red pixel in source image add +1 to each pixel inside the circle with minimal radius r around the same pixel but in the temp image. The result is like this (Blue are the lower bits of my pixelformat):
As r I used r=24 as that is the bottom left circle radius in your example +/-pixel.
select inside pixels only
so recolor temp image. All the pixels with color < 0.5*pi*r^2 recolor to black and the rest to red. The result is like this:
select polygon circumference points only
Just recolor all red pixels near black pixels to some neutral color blue and the rest to black. Result:
Now just polygonize the result. To compare with the input image you can combine them both (I OR them together):
You can play with the min radius or the area treshold property to achieve different behavior. But I think this is pretty close match to your problem.
Here some C++ source code for this:
//picture pic0,pic1;
// pic0 - source
// pic1 - output/temp
int x,y,xx,yy;
const int r=24; // min radius
const int s=float(1.570796*float(r*r)); // half of min radius area
const DWORD c_foot=0x00FF0000; // red
const DWORD c_poly=0x000000FF; // blue
// resize and clear temp image
// add min radius circle to temp around any footprint pixel found in input image
for (y=r;y<pic1.ys-r;y++)
for (x=r;x<pic1.xs-r;x++)
if (pic0.p[y][x].dd==c_foot)
for (yy=-r;yy<=r;yy++)
for (xx=-r;xx<=r;xx++)
if ((xx*xx)+(yy*yy)<=r*r)
// select only pixels which are inside footprint with min radius (half of area circles are around)
for (y=0;y<pic1.ys;y++)
for (x=0;x<pic1.xs;x++)
if (pic1.p[y][x].dd>=s) pic1.p[y][x].dd=c_foot;
else pic1.p[y][x].dd=0;"out1.png");
// slect only outside pixels
for (y=0;y<pic1.ys;y++)
for (x=0;x<pic1.xs;x++)
if (pic1.p[y][x].dd==c_foot) pic1.p[y][x].dd=0;"out2.png");
pic1|=pic0; // combine in and out images to compare"out3.png");
I use my own picture class for images so some members are:
xs,ys size of image in pixels
p[y][x].dd is pixel at (x,y) position as 32 bit integer type
clear(color) - clears entire image
resize(xs,ys) - resizes image to new resolution
[Edit1] I got a small bug in source code
I noticed some edges were too sharp so I check the code and I forgot to add the circle condition while filling so it filled squares instead. I repaired the source code above. I really just added line if ((xx*xx)+(yy*yy)<=r*r). The results are slightly changed so I also updated the images with new results
I played with the inside area coefficient ratio and this one:
const int s=float(0.75*1.570796*float(r*r));
Leads to even better match for you. The smaller it is the more the polygon can overlap outside footprint. Result:
If the solution set must be a union of disks of given radius, I would try a greedy approach. (I suspect that the problem might be intractable - exponential running time - if you want an exact solution.)
For all pixels (your "blocks"), compute the sum of values in the disk around it and take the one with the highest sum. Mark this pixel and adjust the sums of all the pixels that are in its disk by deducing its value, because the marked pixel has been "consumed". Then scan all pixels in contact with it by an edge or a corner, and mark the pixel with the highest sum.
Continue this process until all sums are negative. Then the sum cannot increase anymore.
For an efficient implementation, you will need to keep a list of the border pixels, i.e. the unmarked pixels that are neighbors of a marked pixel. After you have picked the border pixel with the largest sum and marked it, you remove it from the list and recompute the sums for the unmarked pixels inside its disk; you also add the unmarked pixels that touch it.
On the picture, the pixels are marked in blue and the border pixels in green. The highlighted pixels are
the one that gets marked,
the ones for which the sum needs to be recomputed.
The computing time will be proportional to the area of the image times the area of a disk (for the initial computation of the sums), plus the area of the shape times the area of a disk (for the updates of the sums), plus the total of the lengths of the successive perimeters of the shape while it grows (to find the largest sum). [As the latter terms might be costly - on the order of the product of the area of the shape by its perimeter length -, it is advisable to use a heap data structure, which will reduce the sum of the lengths to the sum of their logarithm.]

Testing whether area around a polygon is obstacle free

I have a set of arbitrary rotated filled rectangles plotted on a Cartesian grid (2D integer array, each cell is either 0 - empty space or 1 - rectangle pixel) and would like to test whether a particular rectangle has any obstacles around it given that the center of rectangle is known along with the coordinates of its four edges.
For example, let's say we want to test if rectangle is obstacle free 5 units from either of its edges.
Rectangles marked with green dot are ok, while the unmarked are clearly collide.
It seems trivial for non rotated rectangles however, I am having a hard time coming up with algorithm which can handle rotated rectangles.
Simply looping starting from the center till we hit empty space and then checking for obstacles in the empty space doesn't seem to work if rectangles are touching each other.
Since you seem to be operating with an image-oriented mindset, you can use image processing.
Apply a radius-2.5 dilation filter to your image.
Treat the image as a graph where there is an edge between two pixels if they both have a red value above some threshold.
Any rectangles that have a path between them are at most 5 apart. (Although, note that this will give you the transitive closure of the "too close" relationship.)

Closest distance to border of shape

I have a shape (in black below) and a point inside the shape (red below). What's the algorithm to find the closest distance between my red point and the border of the shape (which is the green point on the graph) ?
The shape border is not a series of lines but a randomly drawn shape.
So your shape is defined as bitmap and you can access the pixels.
You could scan ever growing squares around your point for border pixels. First, check the pixel itself. Then check a square of width 2 that covers the point's eight adjacent pixels. Next, width 4 for the next 16 pixels and so on. When you find a border pixel, record its distance and check against the minimum distance found. You can stop searching when half the width of the square is greater than the current minimum distance.
An alternative is to draw Bresenham circles of growing radius around the point. The method is similar to the square method, but you can stop immediately when you have a hit, because all points are supposed to have the same distance to your point. The drawback is that this method is somewhat inaccurate, because the circle is only an approximation. You will also miss some pixels along the disgonals, because Bresenham circles have artefacts.
(Both methods are still quite brute-force and in the worst case of a fully black bitmap will visit every node.)
You need a criterion for a pixel on the border. Your shape is antialiassed, so that pixels on the border are smoothed by making them a shade of grey. If your criterion is a pixel that isn't black, you will chose a point a bit inside the shape. If you cose pure white, you'll land a bit outside. Perhaps it's best to chose a pixel with a grey value greater than 0.5 as border.
If you have to find the closest border point to many points for the same shape, you can preprocess the data and use other methods of [nearest-neighbour serach].
As always, it depends on the data, in this case, what your shapes are like and any useful information about your starting point (will it often be close to a border, will it often be near the center of mass, etc).
If they are similar to what you show, I'd probably test the border points individually against the start. Now the problem is how you find the border without having to edge detect the entire shape.
The problem is it appears you can have sharply concave borders (think of a circle with a tiny spike-like sliver jutting into it). In this case you just need to edge detect the shape and test every point.
I think these will work, but don't hold me to it. Computational geometry seems to be very well understood, so you can probably find a pro at this somewhere:
Method One
If the shape is well behaved or you don't mind being wrong try this:
1- Draw 4 lines (diving the shape into four quandrants). And check the distance to each border. What i mean by draw is keep going north until you hit a white pixel, then go south, west, and east.
2- Take the two lines you have drawn so far that have the closest intersection points, bisect the angle they create and add the new line to your set.
3- keep repeating step two until are you to a tolerance you can be happy with.
Actually you can stop before this and on a small enough interval just trace the border between two close points checking each point between them to refine the final answer.
Method Two (this wil work with the poorly behaved shapes and plays well with anti-aliasing):
1- draw a line in any direction until he hit the border (black to white). This will be your starting distance.
2- draw a circle at this distance noting everytime you go from black to white or white to black. These are your intersection points.
As long as you have more than two points, divide the radius in half and try again.
If you have no points increase your radius by 50% and try again (basically binary search until you get to two points - if you get one, you got lucky and found your answer).
3- your closet point lies in the region between your two points. Run along the border checking each one.
If you want to, to reduce the cost of step 3 you can keep doing step 2 until you get a small enough range to brute force in step 3.
Also to prevent a very unlucky start, draw four initial lines (also east, south, and west) and start with the smallest distance. Those are easy to draw and greatly reduce your chance of picking the exact longest distance and accidentally thinking that single pixel is the answer.
Edit: one last optimization: because of the symmetry, you only need to calculate the circle points (those points that make up the border of the circle) for the first quadrant, then mirror them. Should greatly cut down on computation time.
If you define the distance in terms of 'the minimum number of steps that need to be taken to reach from the start pixel to any pixel on the margin', then this problem can be solved using any shortest path search algorithm like bread first search or even better if you use A* search algorithm.

Recreate image using only overlapping squares

I'm trying to take a source image, and recreate it on a transparent canvas using only overlapping mono-colored squares. The goal is to use as few squares as possible.
In other words, I'm taking a blank transparent image, and drawing squares of various colors until I recreate the source image, with the goal being to use as few squares as possible.
For example:
Here is a source image. It has two colors: red and green. I want to use only squares, that may overlap, to recreate the source image.
The ideal solution would be a large red square, and then two green squares drawn on top - that is what I want my algorithm to find, with any source image - the position, size, color and order of each square.
My target image that I intend to process is this:
(8x enlargement)
It has 1411 non-transparent pixels (worst case), and with a brute force solution that does not use overlapping squares, I've recreated the image using 1246 squares.
My current solution is a brute force method along the lines of:
Create a list of all colors used in the source image. Each item is a "layer". A layer has a color and a 2D array representing pixels. The order is important, but I don't know what order the layers need to be in, so its arbitrary initially.
For each layer in the list, initialize the 2D array. Each element corresponds to a pixel in the source image. Pixels that are the same color as the layer's chosen color is marked as '1'. Pixels that are in a layer ABOVE the current layer are marked as "don't care". All other pixels are marked as '0'.
Use some algorithm to process each layer, using the smallest number of squares to reach every pixel marked '1', without touching any pixels marked '0'.
Rearrange the order of layers and go back to Step 2. Do this for every possible combination of layers, then check to see which ordering uses the least number of squares in total.
Someone has perhaps a better explanation in a response; but brute force testing every permutation is not viable, because my target image has 31 colors (resulting in 31! permutations).
As for why I'm doing this? I'm trying to create an image in a game (Starbound), where I can only use squares. The lazy solution is to use a square for each pixel, but that's just too many squares.
Just a suggestion for a possible solution. I haven't tried it.
It's a greedy approach.
For every pixel, compute the largest uniform square that contains it.
Then choose the largest of all squares and mark all pixels it covers as "covered".
Then among all unmarked pixels, choose the largest covering square, and so on until no unmarked pixel remains.
Ties do no matter, just take any largest square and mark its pixels.
UPDATE: overlaps offer opportunities for reduction in the number of squares.
Consider all possible permutations of the filling order of the shapes. The shapes drawn first, on the bottom layers, can be (partly) hidden by some others. Process the shapes starting from the top layer. When you process a shape to associate every pixel with the largest uniform square that contains it, treat all covered pixels as don't care.
In the given example, fill the green squares first; then when filling the red square, the green pixels can be considered red or not, depending on convenience.
If you cannot try all permutations, then try them at random. Heuristic approaches such as genetic algorithms or simulated annealing could help. Nothing straightforward here.
It would be hard to guarantee an optimal solution. The brute force search would be huge. This calls for a heuristic.
Start at the edges. Walking the outside edge, find the most frequent color. Draw squares
to fill the background.
Iterate, working inwards drawing smaller and smaller squares which cover the most
pixels which are the wrong color. Ending with single-pixel squares.
Working inwards means to reduce the size of the bounding box, outside
of which all pixels are the correct color. At each step, the upper limit on the size of a square would be fitting in the bounding box. Choose the squares which give the best score.
Score is based on old vs new color being wrong or right, so there are 4 possible values for each pixel. One example function for per-pixel score would be:
wrong -> wrong: 0
wrong -> right: 1
right -> right: 1
right -> wrong: -2
I think that if you always reduce the number of wrong squares on the edge of the bounding box and never increase the size of the square, then the algorithm must halt with a solution without needing to backtrack. A backtracking solution could probably do better.
An "erosion-based" heuristic.
Consider all outline pixels, i.e. having at least a neighbor outside the shape.
Among these pixels, choose a color (the most frequent one ?).
For all outline pixels of this color, compute the largest square that does not exceed the shape.
Fill these squares, from larger to smaller, until the complete outline is covered.
Remove the correctly filled pixels and restart the procedure on the eroded shape.
In the case of the red square, all outline pixels will be covered by the red square itself, and the first filling will "consume" the whole area.
Then, removing the pixels covered in red, the two green square will remain.
All green outline pixels will now be covered by the two green squares, and the two first fillings will "consume" all green area.
