Ghostscript.Net error while opening stream -

I'm using Ghostscript.Net (v1.2.3) to create images from PDF in my .NETCore (v3.1) web application.
I'm trying to open the stream of the uploaded PDF file like this.
for (int i = 0; i < request.Form.Files.Count; i++)
var file = request.Form.Files[i];
using (var rasterizer = new Ghostscript.NET.Rasterizer.GhostscriptRasterizer())
rasterizer.Open(file.OpenReadStream()); //Error here
But I get an error on the Open() function:
An error occured when call to 'gsapi_init_with_args' is made: -15
Having a closer look, -15 is a gs_error_rangecheck and in the ghostscript function here this error is said to be raised if: "Returns gs_error_rangecheck if out of bounds."
The stream seems to be correct, not empty...
Version of ghostscript installed is 9.52
Any idea what I'm doing wrong?
Thank you


Firefox 37 throwing error when trying to add microphone volume control for WebRTC audio context

Since firefox 37 I cannot add volume control to the input(microphone), i get the error :
IndexSizeError: Index or size is negative or greater than the allowed amount
It works fine on Chrome.
Here is the code sample :
var audioContext = new (window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext)(); // define audio context
var microphone = audioContext.createMediaStreamDestination();
var gain = audioContext.createGain();
var speaker = audioContext.createMediaStreamDestination(gain);
gain.gain.value = 1;
The error is thrown here :
weirdly it works on firefox nightly.
This error is similar to this stackoverflow :link
Related link :
link on StackOverflow
Shouldn't you use this for microphone?
var microphone = audioContext.createMediaStreamSource();
instead of this
var microphone = audioContext.createMediaStreamDestination();
A microphone is not a destination. It is a source.
Firstly I think it should be
var microphone = audioContext.createMediaStreamSource(stream);
Here stream is the microphone audio stream. Find more info here.
Also check out this demo with elaboration here. It is similar to what you are trying. Replace createMediaElementSource with createMediaStreamSource will work.

Extracting Frames From A Video In Matlab

I was trying to extract frames from a small video using the following lines of code :
close all;
% Open an sample avi file
[FileName,PathName] = uigetfile('*.AVI','Select the Video');
file = fullfile(PathName,FileName);
%filename = '.\003.AVI';
mov = MMREADER(file);
% Output folder
outputFolder = fullfile(cd, 'frames');
if ~exist(outputFolder, 'dir')
%getting no of frames
numberOfFrames = mov.NumberOfFrames;
numberOfFramesWritten = 0;
for frame = 1 : numberOfFrames
thisFrame = read(mov, frame);
outputBaseFileName = sprintf('%3.3d.png', frame);
outputFullFileName = fullfile(outputFolder, outputBaseFileName);
imwrite(thisFrame, outputFullFileName, 'png');
progressIndication = sprintf('Wrote frame %4d of %d.', frame,numberOfFrames);
numberOfFramesWritten = numberOfFramesWritten + 1;
progressIndication = sprintf('Wrote %d frames to folder "%s"',numberOfFramesWritten,outputFolder);
However, I am getting the following error on running this code :
??? Error using ==> extract at 10
The file requires the following codec(s) to be installed on your system:
Unknown Codec
Can someone help me to sort out this error ? Thanks.
The file seems to be encoded with an unknown video codec (unknown to MatLab probably). The file extension (.avi, .mpeg, etc.) does not denote a codec but rather a container if I'm not mistaking.
The links at the bottom provide some information about supported file formats by MatLab. You should try to retrieve what container and codec your video file uses and see if MatLab supports it. A way of retrieving the codec is by opening it in VLC mediaplayer (by VideoLan) right click the movie, extra-> codec information, or if you are on windows simply open the movie in VLC and press CTRL+J.
Some usefull links:
Kind regards,
Ernst Jan
Instead of MMREADER, I used the following lines of code :
movieInfo = aviinfo(movieFullFileName);
mov = aviread(movieFullFileName);
% movie(mov);
% Determine how many frames there are.
numberOfFrames = size(mov, 2);
numberOfFramesWritten = 0;
It worked.

How to use OpenCV VideoWriter on Mac

I have the following code which writes a few frames to a .avi video file. This works perfectly fine on a windows machine but when I try it on my Mac it creates the .avi file and displays no errors, but the file will not play. I haven't been able to find a clear solution so far.
I am currently using Mac OSX 10.9.2.
void videoWriter()
CvVideoWriter *writer;
writer = cvCreateVideoWriter("test.avi",CV_FOURCC('I','Y','U','V'),1,Size(640,480),1);
for(int i = 0; i < 9; i++)
if(imMan.returnSelect(i)) {
cout << "Frame " << i << endl;
/****** Original Image *********/
Mat frame = imMan.returnOrg(i);
IplImage fr = frame;
what is the size of frame?
In my experience, cvWriteFrame will not generate error even if the 4th parameter of cvCreateVideoWriter does not match with the dimension of your image frame. And it write something like an header. (with 414 byte...)
make sure they match exactly.
You have to use the right combination of codec and extension.
The codec is platform dependent. That could be the problem.
Try using this combination:
writer = cvCreateVideoWriter("test.mkv",CV_FOURCC(*'X264),1,Size(640,480),1);
Here is the reference link

Failing to inflate a png inside a plist with Windows using Cocos2D-X

I am running the particleWithFile() function of Coco2D-X, with a plist file created with Mac. The image data is embedded in the plist file, using the "textureImageData" key.
With Mac it works fine, but with Windows it fails, on CCAssert(isOK), see Coco2D-X code below (CCParticleSystem.cpp):
char *textureData = (char*)valueForKey("textureImageData", dictionary);
CCAssert(textureData, "");
int dataLen = strlen(textureData);
if(dataLen != 0)
// if it fails, try to get it from the base64-gzipped data
int decodeLen = base64Decode((unsigned char*)textureData, (unsigned int)dataLen, &buffer);
CCAssert( buffer != NULL, "CCParticleSystem: error decoding textureImageData");
int deflatedLen = ZipUtils::ccInflateMemory(buffer, decodeLen, &deflated);
CCAssert( deflated != NULL, "CCParticleSystem: error ungzipping textureImageData");
image = new CCImage();
bool isOK = image->initWithImageData(deflated, deflatedLen);
CCAssert(isOK, "CCParticleSystem: error init image with Data");
m_pTexture = CCTextureCache::sharedTextureCache()->addUIImage(image, fullpath.c_str());
It seems the the decoding passes successfully, and the problem is inside inflate() function of zlib, failing to unzip the png file.
Any suggestions?
OK, I found the problem.
Apparently my resource wasn't a png file but a tiff file. So Inflate() returned a correct buffer (of a tiff file - looked too long for me, so I suspected it was erroneous), but initWithImageData() failed to create an image, since tiff are not supported by Cocos2d-x on windows.
I encounter the problem because I set the CC_USE_TIFF to 0.
After I recovery the CC_USE_TIFF to 1,the problem resolved.

mouse double click is not working quite good

I am using the following code to record screen, when recording, when using mouse to double click some item, for example double click a ppt to open it in PowerPoint, it is not very responsive. I have tried and it is much better when using screen recording function of Windows Media Encoder 9. Any ideas what is wrong?
My environment: Windows Vista + Windows Media Encoder 9 + VSTS 2008 + C#. I wrote the following code in the initialization code of a Windows Forms application, and I suspect something wrong with my Windows Forms application?
My code,
IWMEncSourceGroup SrcGrp;
IWMEncSourceGroupCollection SrcGrpColl;
SrcGrpColl = encoder.SourceGroupCollection;
SrcGrp = (IWMEncSourceGroup)SrcGrpColl.Add("SG_1");
IWMEncVideoSource2 SrcVid;
IWMEncSource SrcAud;
SrcVid = (IWMEncVideoSource2)SrcGrp.AddSource(WMENC_SOURCE_TYPE.WMENC_VIDEO);
SrcVid.SetInput("ScreenCap://ScreenCapture1", "", "");
SrcAud.SetInput("Device://Default_Audio_Device", "", "");
// Specify a file object in which to save encoded content.
IWMEncFile File = encoder.File;
string CurrentFileName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
File.LocalFileName = CurrentFileName;
CurrentFileName = File.LocalFileName;
// Choose a profile from the collection.
IWMEncProfileCollection ProColl = encoder.ProfileCollection;
IWMEncProfile Pro;
for (int i = 0; i < ProColl.Count; i++)
Pro = ProColl.Item(i);
if (Pro.Name == "Screen Video/Audio High (CBR)")
thanks in advance,
I faced the same problem. But the problem doesn't reside in your code or mine. When I tried to capture screen from Windows Media Encoder application itself I faced the same problem too in about 50% of the sessions. It's evident that it's a bug in WindowsMediaEncoder itself.
Here are a couple options (from
Enable the MouseKeys Accessibility option, and type + to double-click
Run the encoder and target application on different machines, and capture a remote desktop session
