mouse double click is not working quite good - windows

I am using the following code to record screen, when recording, when using mouse to double click some item, for example double click a ppt to open it in PowerPoint, it is not very responsive. I have tried and it is much better when using screen recording function of Windows Media Encoder 9. Any ideas what is wrong?
My environment: Windows Vista + Windows Media Encoder 9 + VSTS 2008 + C#. I wrote the following code in the initialization code of a Windows Forms application, and I suspect something wrong with my Windows Forms application?
My code,
IWMEncSourceGroup SrcGrp;
IWMEncSourceGroupCollection SrcGrpColl;
SrcGrpColl = encoder.SourceGroupCollection;
SrcGrp = (IWMEncSourceGroup)SrcGrpColl.Add("SG_1");
IWMEncVideoSource2 SrcVid;
IWMEncSource SrcAud;
SrcVid = (IWMEncVideoSource2)SrcGrp.AddSource(WMENC_SOURCE_TYPE.WMENC_VIDEO);
SrcVid.SetInput("ScreenCap://ScreenCapture1", "", "");
SrcAud.SetInput("Device://Default_Audio_Device", "", "");
// Specify a file object in which to save encoded content.
IWMEncFile File = encoder.File;
string CurrentFileName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
File.LocalFileName = CurrentFileName;
CurrentFileName = File.LocalFileName;
// Choose a profile from the collection.
IWMEncProfileCollection ProColl = encoder.ProfileCollection;
IWMEncProfile Pro;
for (int i = 0; i < ProColl.Count; i++)
Pro = ProColl.Item(i);
if (Pro.Name == "Screen Video/Audio High (CBR)")
thanks in advance,

I faced the same problem. But the problem doesn't reside in your code or mine. When I tried to capture screen from Windows Media Encoder application itself I faced the same problem too in about 50% of the sessions. It's evident that it's a bug in WindowsMediaEncoder itself.

Here are a couple options (from
Enable the MouseKeys Accessibility option, and type + to double-click
Run the encoder and target application on different machines, and capture a remote desktop session


SystemMediaTransportControls - setting properties not working

I'm trying to use the SystemMediaTransportControls in an background audio app. I am using the MediaPlayer class to play the audio. Setting the music properties, thumbnail all seems to work fine, but setting the control buttons (i.e. "next" button) is not working at all. My use case is somewhat unique in that I can't get a complete playlist at once, the next track is only available through a internal method call.
Here is what I am doing:
This part is working fine, the volume control shows all the audio information and thumbnail correctly:
var playbackItem = new MediaPlaybackItem(source);
var displayProperties = playbackItem.GetDisplayProperties();
displayProperties.Type = Windows.Media.MediaPlaybackType.Music;
displayProperties.Thumbnail = RandomAccessStreamReference.CreateFromUri(new Uri(_currentTrack.AlbumArtUrl));
displayProperties.MusicProperties.AlbumArtist = displayProperties.MusicProperties.Artist = _currentTrack.Artist;
displayProperties.MusicProperties.Title = _currentTrack.SongTitle;
displayProperties.MusicProperties.AlbumTitle = _currentTrack.Album;
playbackItem.CanSkip = true;
_player.Source = playbackItem;
This part is not working, the "Next" button is still disabled, the "Record" button is not showing.
var smtc = _player.SystemMediaTransportControls;
smtc.ButtonPressed += OnSMTCButtonPressed;
smtc.IsEnabled = true;
smtc.IsNextEnabled = true;
smtc.IsRecordEnabled = true;
I've been trying to look for answers online but was unable to find anything useful. Any answer is appreciated.
In UWP, apart SMTC, there is something like CommandManager - to properly work with your SMTC you will have to disable it. Just put the line:
mediaPlayer.CommandManager.IsEnabled = false;
once you initialize the player and it should work. You will find more information at MSDN:
If you are using MediaPlayer to play media, you can get an instance of the SystemMediaTransportControls class by accessing the MediaPlayer.SystemMediaTransportControls property. If you are going to manually control the SMTC, you should disable the automatic integration provided by MediaPlayer by setting the CommandManager.IsEnabled property to false.

Firefox 37 throwing error when trying to add microphone volume control for WebRTC audio context

Since firefox 37 I cannot add volume control to the input(microphone), i get the error :
IndexSizeError: Index or size is negative or greater than the allowed amount
It works fine on Chrome.
Here is the code sample :
var audioContext = new (window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext)(); // define audio context
var microphone = audioContext.createMediaStreamDestination();
var gain = audioContext.createGain();
var speaker = audioContext.createMediaStreamDestination(gain);
gain.gain.value = 1;
The error is thrown here :
weirdly it works on firefox nightly.
This error is similar to this stackoverflow :link
Related link :
link on StackOverflow
Shouldn't you use this for microphone?
var microphone = audioContext.createMediaStreamSource();
instead of this
var microphone = audioContext.createMediaStreamDestination();
A microphone is not a destination. It is a source.
Firstly I think it should be
var microphone = audioContext.createMediaStreamSource(stream);
Here stream is the microphone audio stream. Find more info here.
Also check out this demo with elaboration here. It is similar to what you are trying. Replace createMediaElementSource with createMediaStreamSource will work.

Magic in Windows Phone isolated storage performance

I have merged small files into big one. On app first start this file is read and one by one small files are created on file system (Isolated Storage).
When this file contains 44 small files and is ~200kb - algorithm works for 120ms on device.
When this file contains 140 even smaller files and is ~400kb - algorithm works for 3000 ms on device.
If i take from both files only 44 files - first one still works for ~120, second works for ~800ms.
This seems as wonder for me.
Format of data in file is simple
For me this seems like a magic in Windows Phone IsolatedStorage mechanisms.
There are completely no reasons for second file to work 7-8 times slower when copying equal number of entries.
Repro project -
public static void CopyCache(ILogger logger)
using (var isoStorage = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication())
var streamInfo = Application.GetResourceStream(new Uri(_dataFilePath, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute));
var binaryReader = new BinaryReader(streamInfo.Stream);
int itemsCount = binaryReader.ReadInt32();
for (int i = 0; i < ENTRIES_COUNT; i++)
string fileName = binaryReader.ReadString();
int length = binaryReader.ReadInt32();
byte[] data = binaryReader.ReadBytes(length);
using (
var fileStream =
new IsolatedStorageFileStream(
Path.Combine(_rootCacheDir, fileName),
fileStream.Write(data, 0, data.Length);
I have similar problem with WebClient performance. In emulator request takes 0.3-0.5 seconds, on device 8-22 seconds. I was very confused. But in my case the solution was very simple: DO NOT TEST PERFORMANCE ON DEVISE IN DEBUG MODE. What I do:
Compile project to your device.
Stop Debugging
Close your app on phone (and better reboot device)
All works like a charm))
In your test app IsoStorageWonder:
Emulator 551ms
Emulator 256 mB 564ms
HTC Radar WP7.8 Debug Mode 1835ms
HTC Radar WP7.8 Not Debug Mode 958ms
I hope my reserch help you. Regards
Test with output2
Emulator 440ms
Emulator 256 mB 447ms
HTC Radar WP7.8 Debug Mode 287ms // very nice
HTC Radar WP7.8 Not Debug Mode 144ms // also nice

Photoshop javascript save error 8800

In my javascript, in Windows 7, Photoshop CS2 & Photoshop CS5, it throws an error:
Error 8800: General Photoshop error occurred. This functionality may not be available in this version of Photoshop.
- Could not save a copy as "C:...\wcb-010B-11Y.jpg" because the file could not be found.
Line: 458
-> docRef.saveAs( saveFile, jpgSaveOptions, true, Extension.LOWERCASE );
here is a summary of the code to save the image:
var selectedSaveDir = "~/Desktop/";
var sFileNamePreFix = "wcb-";
var docRef = app.activeDocument;
var docName =;
var docNewName = docName.substr( 0, docName.length - 4 ); // strip file extension
var sNewDocName = sFileNamePreFix + docNewName + ".jpg"
var sNewFileName = selectedSaveDir + sNewDocName;
//alert( "sNewFileName = " + sNewFileName ); // test to verify correct location
var saveFile = new File(sNewFileName);
jpgSaveOptions = new JPEGSaveOptions();
jpgSaveOptions.quality = 12;
docRef.saveAs(saveFile, jpgSaveOptions, true, Extension.LOWERCASE);
In Windows XP, this script works very well in CS2 with no problems.... just in Windows 7 is where this issue occurs using CS2 or CS5.
The problem seems to be similar to : Photoshop Javascript scripting saving and closing document
But I don't know his OS.
I've added the "alert(" and confirmed the save folder & name is correct and can be saved to, but same issue.
Could it be a UAC issue in Windows 7 ? and how do you Fix it ? I've turned off all UAC settings (I think I did it correctly), but it still occurs.
Any Help ?
You missed out " var docRef = app.activeDocument;" (which i've added); but apart from that, in CS2 the script saves out a jpeg to the desktop (wcb-text test.jpg). It's obvious, but have you made sure the image is flattened or doesn't contain any information that cannot be stored in a jpeg - like paths for example.
Try forcing a flatten before saving
//flatten the image
Another thing to try is to save out the file to another directory. I know that long file names (especially with spaces in) can cause problems - I think there's a limit to 300 characters in the file path.
I just found that, in new versions of PS this particular path variable gives the error 8800:
var selectedSaveDir = "~/Desktop/";
Use full path instead and use apostrophes instead of quotes:
var selectedSaveDir = 'C:/Users/yourname/Desktop/';

Image Misalignment in Visual Studio application

I have a Visual Studio application with a splash screen image cut into "slices". The positions are specified in the Form Designer so they line up properly on the screen. However, the images are out of place when the application is run on the Chinese version of Windows XP. It looks as if the image slices were "exploded" apart.
What's going on here? Do international versions of Windows have a different meaning of the "top left" coordinate of the picture? How can I force the images to be precisely displayed where I want them?
We found a solution! Apparently the picture boxes stretched out on the Chinese XP PC, but the images they contained did not. The fix was to add code like the following:
Me.PictureBoxIcon.Width = Me.PictureBoxIcon.Image.Width
Me.PictureBoxIcon.Height = Me.PictureBoxIcon.Image.Height
Dim loc As New Point
loc.X = Me.PictureBoxIcon.Location.X
loc.Y = Me.PictureBoxIcon.Location.Y + Me.PictureBoxIcon.Height
Me.PictureBoxAbout.Location = loc
Me.PictureBoxAbout.Width = Me.PictureBoxAbout.Image.Width
Me.PictureBoxAbout.Height = Me.PictureBoxAbout.Image.Height
Hope this helps someone else!
In the OnLoad event of the form, you could always explicitly set the location of each section. If starting at the top left with the first and assuming an array with the images in order:
images[0].Location = new Point(0,0);
for (int i = 1; i < images.Length; i++)
images[i].Location = new Point(images[i - 1].Location.X + images[i - 1].Width, 0);
That will set the first image to the top left corner and all subsequent images to just after the last image.
