Magento 2 Form Admin Email address issue - magento

I have a problem. In Magento 2.4 I have two stores, store A and store B. Both use the same form. I created separate but identical forms for each store. In the form options I have an Admin Email address that is displayed next to the incoming email. Unfortunately, regardless of the store, it still comes with the same Admin Email address. Each form has a different email address. Anyone know how to fix it?

What did you have in your magento configuration on "General/Contacts" tab and "Email options" section? I'm not sure what forms do you use, but maybe try change scope from default to B store and modify "Send Emails To" config?


Why is my Prestashop forgot password not working

The Forgot Password link in our Prestashop 1.7 site is not working. After setting the admin email on the following, we still do not receive any reset password
Shop Parameters > Contact > Stores tab: <set the admin email>
When I try to send a test email using the links below, I receive the test email
Advanced Parameters > Email > Test Your Email Configuration
I am able to receive a test email from the admin email address I set on Shop Parameters. So that means, the email sending is working.
On the Forgot Password page, I entered my email and clicked the Send Reset Link. I checked the Inbox and Spam and did not see any reset link email.
Do you check that you have a mail template for sending forgotten emails in the corresponding language folder?
I'm having the same issue (Prestashop From what I can find, if your email setup is configured as PHP, Password Reset works only occasionally depending on email account you are sending to.
It is better to configure your email setup for SMTP. Due to the high amounts of spam being circulated, most email servers will flag email sent from PHP as potential spam and most times will be blocked and not even sent to the junk folder. The fact that some mail gets through and others just disappear is because Spam traps set thresholds. Depending on the body text, subject line, type of links, etc.
Make sure your theme have mails folder and have password_query mail templates in
corresponding language folder.
Go to Preferences > Customers, and check the value of password reset delay. Make the delay value higher like 360 minutes.

Magento Password Reset Link

We run a multi-store/view magento site. Let's say our site is called (running the "retail" store) and another url running the "trade" store
When a customer requests a password reset from, they get a password reset link like this:
Clicking this link re-directs to login page with the error Your password reset link has expired..
However, if you replace the "trade" from the domain with "www" like this:
The password reset appears to be working correctly.
Any idea why this is happening? Have I configured the magento incorrectly? Is this a known bug?
Customers are shared either per website, either across all websites, so at least, a customer account is usable on all of the store views that a website contains. Consequently, it is normal that the password reset link works for your store views.
In fact, if you would like to separate the customer accounts between your store views, you would have to create separate websites that would not share customers.
Is that subdomain password protected? That could be a problem or if subdomain is set up with a password protected extension, they won't be able to access without already being logged in. So you'll have to allow them access to that url first otherwise it'll keep redirecting. I had the same problem.
Check the cookie domain for the website In Magento 1 it's in System->Configuration->Web->Session Cookie Management. (Making sure that you change the scope in the top left to the Website you want to update it for.
I have a store that has multiple websites, each with their own view and does not share accounts across websites, and had the same problem. Changing the cookie path fixed it for me.

Magento: How to create an account with email and password only

I'm using Magento 1.7.
I would like to simplify the create account (register new user) to show and require only the email and a password.
The user would only fill in the other info (like name, address, etc) when making a purchase.
The idea behind is that every user would need to give out the email address in order to view the site content.
I'm already using this extension in order to make the the site available only to login users. I need a way to simplify the register process to include only email and password
and comment out the fields that you don't want.
This is what you want, right?
You can try this extension from Magento Connect - Fast Registration it allow customer registration only with Email & Password

How to disable Joomla Unique Email Functionality?

I have a site with Joomla 1.5.25. I have user login facilty with the site. I have modified Joomla's default functionality. Also I have created a user acount via php MyAdmin and entered so many data approximatly 1200 user entry.
But now I face a problem with the Email at Joomla backend.
When I trying to changed the Email ID via the back-end(user managment), its fires an error that:
"Email Id alread in used."
So here I want to change this Unique Email validation and it allow me to enter the Email ID if its already used by other one. Is ther any way or patch to set it disable?
There is no "easy" solution to work with duplicated emails.
But if you really need to do it, you have to override JTableUser (see line 230) and take care of sideffects like the ability to reset a password on com_users.

Create guest order in the backend with magento

Is it possible to create an order for guests in the backend without the customer email?
I know how to create orders for registered or new users but most of the time I need to create an order without knowing the customer's email.
Without making changes to the code, you could achieve this by using an internal convention (similar to #Joseph's answer but a little cleaner) e.g.
You could configure your mail server or MX records to drop emails sent to the "guest." subdomain.
Magento requires an email address to complete an order (and uses that email address elsewhere, depending on it entirely). You could hack it by using some store email address or a temporary email address, but you'll have to enter one.
If you remove the javascript required field validation from the email address when placing admin orders, Magento will generate a dummy email address for the customer.
This functionality looks to be deprecated as of so test this on your version.
