Why is my Prestashop forgot password not working - prestashop-1.7

The Forgot Password link in our Prestashop 1.7 site is not working. After setting the admin email on the following, we still do not receive any reset password
Shop Parameters > Contact > Stores tab: <set the admin email>
When I try to send a test email using the links below, I receive the test email
Advanced Parameters > Email > Test Your Email Configuration
I am able to receive a test email from the admin email address I set on Shop Parameters. So that means, the email sending is working.
On the Forgot Password page, I entered my email and clicked the Send Reset Link. I checked the Inbox and Spam and did not see any reset link email.

Do you check that you have a mail template for sending forgotten emails in the corresponding language folder?

I'm having the same issue (Prestashop From what I can find, if your email setup is configured as PHP, Password Reset works only occasionally depending on email account you are sending to.
It is better to configure your email setup for SMTP. Due to the high amounts of spam being circulated, most email servers will flag email sent from PHP as potential spam and most times will be blocked and not even sent to the junk folder. The fact that some mail gets through and others just disappear is because Spam traps set thresholds. Depending on the body text, subject line, type of links, etc.

Make sure your theme have mails folder and have password_query mail templates in
corresponding language folder.
Go to Preferences > Customers, and check the value of password reset delay. Make the delay value higher like 360 minutes.


Laravel - Changing the Base URL of the Reset Email URL that's being sent to users

I am using Laravel's default email functionality when sending the password reset link to users, and because of this, i wanted to change some parts of the email content that's being sent. One of those is the base URL of the reset link in the email.
In the email, it has this:
I wanted to change the Base URL http://localhost:8081 into something different since I am hosting other web apps on a different domain.
How can I do that?
Any tips are greatly appreciated!
You mean you have 2 servers. One for user to click reset password (an email will be sent to user). The other for handling reset password logic (after user click the link in email, fill new information and submit)
Is that right?
You can check Reset Email Customization and domain you can set in .env for getting

Strapi returns error code 400 on user registration

Strapi user registration returns error 400 Bad Request every time I try to register a test user, however the user does get created in the Users collection.
I am using the standard Strapi Email plugin (not the Send grid plugin), everytime I register a user, this plugin does not send an email which leads to be unable to confirm the user.
In the above image it returns an 400 Error but the user gets created.
Also, how to send the confirmation email with Strapi standard email plugin.
All auth permissions for Public role have been enabled
How to fix this error and send the confirmation email on new user register?
I also have the same issue, I just turned off the 'Enable email confirmation' on Advanced Settings, then it worked (registration).
So, In Strapi Admin:
Go to Settings -> Advanced settings
Set the field Enable email confirmation to "Off" then click save.
This works for me.
I think it's because you use the default email provider (sendmail). And your computer is not an available smtp server.
So I suggest you to install strapi-email-nodemailer https://www.npmjs.com/package/strapi-email-nodemailer
Then in your admin panel, got to Plugins (menu link) > Email (cog icon) and the select nodemailer provider and set the smtp server you want to use.
If you have trouble to setup correct information I suggest you to check how nodemailer node module work. strapi-email-provider is just a connector to use nodemailer from Strapi.
please check
My problem was because the sender email was misidentified.
The other problem I had was because there was no email configuration.
I installed the strapi-provider-email-smtp package and it was fixed when I made the necessary settings.
this worked for me.

How to send email from another address

So I was wondering, how would I send my email from another email address in Laravel. Currently I have this email address and domain. This is an example. Sender = test#domain.com
Now I have many auth()
users. I want to be able for them to send emails as well. So how would I do that? So for an example: Test#anotherdomain.com
My point is, currently the admin guard is able to send an email to the owner of the post who is user(). I have multi auth so admin is one guard and the other is the default.
So the admin is able to send email to test#domain.com
So how can I do it so that test#anotherdomain.com can send an email back to test#domain.com
Is this even possible?
Note: I am using mailgun.
You have two option in this situation:
1) use email clients independently like Phpmailer or Swiftmailer
2) change the config file and email credentials on the fly(make sure your config isn't cached)
Accessing Configuration Values

D7 doesn't sent mail after user registration

I have a local site on Drupal 7.21. The problem is it doesn't sent mail after registration. It still sends "lost password" messages, as well as contact form messages.
To debug it I've added a _mail_alter to track messages using dd() and dpm() functions. And added this code to settings.php:
$conf['mail_system'] = array('default-system' => 'DevelMailLog',);
And $message contains no info about registration mail. How can I debug what is going on?
P.S. I don't know if it is important. On REGISTRATION AND CANCELLATION tab on config page (admin/config/people/accounts) I selected these option: Visitors can register accounts, but require e-mail verification when a visitor creates an account.
Make sure "Notify user when account is activated" is also checked. It's located under the Account activation tab on the Account settings config page (admin/config/people/accounts).
If you're creating users via admin/people/create, there's a similar checkbox you'll need to check.

Magento incoming mail (replies) going to wrong email SMTP issue?

I have a client that keeps getting the customer service reply to emails in his mail box when they should be going to the customer service email. I've searched everywhere for record of his email and it is nowhere. I am guessing now that because the customer service emails are of a different domain the replies are getting marked as spam and being sent to the server admin account instead. I have downloaded this extension: http://www.magentocommerce.com/magento-connect/ASchroder/extension/1865/aschroder.com-smtp-pro. Would a different domain email be SMTP? Advice appreciated.
We had this problem with a few of our recipients as well.
Mainly Comcast users and Century Link to name a few. What the problem is, is that you are sending from (for example) www-data#thisdomain (this will be the machines domain name ie. www-data#WebServer01) -- in the header, regardless of who is in the FROM field. Your actual domain in the FROM field is customer_service#yourstoredomain.com. You will need to do one of two things.
If you host the Magento install on your own operating system and you have control of it, you'll need to change the machines hostname to match that of your web domain name. ie yourwebsite.com.
If that isn't an option, then you will need to use a Magento plugin like the one you mentioned, and have it log in via SMTP to your email service provider (We use Office365) and send the email from a "real" email address that you have created.
The reason this fails is due to the SPF record on the providers (ie Comcast CenturyLink) not allowing emails from a domain that is other than that which is specified in the header. This is usually to prevent spam etc to their customers. So companies like these simply block or, in some cases, redirect that email back to the user at the originating FROM domain.
If at all possible, the easiest route is going to be to try to change the domain in the header of the email. Hopefully you manage your own operating system so you have control over this. IF not, try to see if your hosting provider will provide you access to a "jailed" area so that you can change said settings. The SMTP route is NO FUN ...
