Golang: accessing map object outside the function it was declared in - go

I would like to loop through a slice of structs, and populate a struct field (which is a map) by passing in each struct to a function.
I have the below struct
type thing struct {
topicThing map[string]int
and I have the below functions
func main() {
ths := make([]thing, 0)
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
var th thing
ths = append(ths, th)
for _, th := range ths {
for _, th := range ths {
func dothing(th *thing) {
tc := make(map[string]int)
tc["Hello"] = 1
tc["Bye"] = 2
th.topicThing = tc
The main function creates a slice of things (refered as ths), and passes each thing to the dothing() function by iterating over them.
Within dothing(), I create a new map, populate it with data, and assigns it to the passed in thing's attribute. However, by the time we iterate over ths in the main function to print topicThing of each thing, the map is empty.
Since make() creates objects within the heap, I was hoping it would be accessible even outside of the function scope. Can anyone tell me why this is happening?
if I change the dothing() function like below:
func dothing(th *thing) {
th.topicThing["Hello"] = 1
th.topicThing["Bye"] = 2
The code works as expected, meaning the map is populated with data when accessed in the main function.

The range copies your object.
So when you do this,
for _, th := range ths {
you are actually dothing on a copy.
For example, with this main:
func main() {
ths := make([]thing, 0)
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
var th thing
ths = append(ths, th)
for _, th := range ths {
it will print the right thing, since we are still working on the copy.
In order to not copy, use the array index:
for idx, _ := range ths {


Append to golang slice passed as empty interface

How to append to empty interface (that has been verified to be a *[]struct)?
func main() {
var mySlice []myStruct // myStruct can be any struct (dynamic)
decode(&mySlice, "...")
func decode(dest interface{}, src string) {
// assume dest has been verified to be *[]struct
var modelType reflect.Type = getStructType(dest)
rows, fields := getRows(src)
for _, row := range rows {
// create new struct of type modelType and assign all fields
model := reflect.New(modelType)
for field := fields {
fieldValue := getRowValue(row, field)
castedModelRow := model.Elem().Interface()
// append model to dest; how to do this?
// dest = append(dest, castedModelRow)
Things I've tried:
This simply panics: reflect: call of reflect.Append on ptr Value (as we pass &mySlice instead of mySlice)
dest = reflect.Append(reflect.ValueOf(dest), reflect.ValueOf(castedModelRow))
This works but doesn't set the value back to dest... in main func, len(mySlice) remains 0 after decode function is called.
func decode(dest interface{}, src string) {
result := reflect.MakeSlice(reflect.SliceOf(modelType), rowCount, rowCount)
for _, row : range rows {
result = reflect.Append(result, reflect.ValueOf(castedModelRow))
dest = reflect.ValueOf(result)
Here's how to fix the second decode function shown in the question. The statement
dest = reflect.ValueOf(result)
modifies local variable dest, not the caller's value. Use the following statement to modify the caller's slice:
The code in the question appends decoded elements after the elements created in reflect.MakeSlice. The resulting slice has len(rows) zero values followed by len(rows) decoded values. Fix by changing
result = reflect.Append(result, reflect.ValueOf(castedModelRow))
Here's the update version of the second decode function in the question:
func decode(dest interface{}, src string) {
var modelType reflect.Type = getStructType(dest)
rows, fields := getRows(src)
result := reflect.MakeSlice(reflect.SliceOf(modelType), len(rows), len(rows))
for i, row := range rows {
model := reflect.New(modelType).Elem()
for _, field := range fields {
fieldValue := getRowValue(row, field)
Run it on the Playground.
You were very close with your original solution. You had to de-reference the pointer before calling the append operation. This solution would be helpful if your dest already had some existing elements and you don't want to lose them by creating a newSlice.
tempDest := reflect.ValueOf(dest).Elem()
tempDest = reflect.Append(tempDest, reflect.ValueOf(model.Interface()))
Similar to how #I Love Reflection pointed out, you finally need to set the new slice back to the pointer.
Overall Decode:
var modelType reflect.Type = getStructType(dest)
rows, fields := getRows(src)
tempDest := reflect.ValueOf(dest).Elem()
for _, row := range rows {
model := reflect.New(modelType).Elem()
for _, field := range fields {
fieldValue := getRowValue(row, field)
tempDest = reflect.Append(tempDest, reflect.ValueOf(model.Interface()))

Modify slice element using pointer

I'm currently trying to modify an element of a slice by passing a pointer to a function. Outside of the function the element is not modified.
Is there a way to modify the element without passing the slice itself along with the index of the desired element to alter?
package main
import (
type Item struct {
Value int
func alter(t *Item) {
(*t).Value = 100
func main() {
items := []Item{Item{0}, Item{1}}
for _, item := range items {
fmt.Println(items) // Output is still [{0} {1}]
Golang Playground
for i := range items {
items := []*Item{{0}, {1}}
for _, item := range items {
The reason your version doesn't work is because the iteration variable item holds a copy of the element inside the slice, which means that what you're modifying is the copy and not the original. You can see that they are separate objects in memory if you run this: https://play.golang.org/p/vr9CfX0WQcB
Refer: https://tour.golang.org/moretypes/16
The range form of the for loop iterates over a slice or map.
When ranging over a slice, two values are returned for each iteration. The first is the index, and the second is a copy of the element at that index.
for i, x := range arr {
// x is copy for arr[i]
Hence, we will directly used arr[i] and pass the address of the same to the alter function so that it could be modified.
Sample code:
package main
import "fmt"
type Item struct {
Value int
func alter(t *Item) {
(*t).Value = 100
func main() {
items := []Item{{0}, {1}}
for i := range items {

How to loop through UUID items

How do I loop through a slice composed of UUIDS? My values comes from db via rows.Next()
Here's how I'm appending my uuid values to my slice (really don't know if its proper)
type Images struct {
image_id uuid.UUID `gorm:"type:uuid;primary_key;"`
var new_images []Images
for olds.Next() {
new_images = append(new_images , Images{image_id: oldimages.image_id})
olds here is the rows im getting from gorm Rows
olds, err := db.Raw("SELECT images_received.image_id FROM old_pics").Rows()
defer olds.Close()
Heres the function in looping I was given but its for int i dont know how to use this for uuid:
func islice(s []int, n int, f func([]int)) {
for i := 0; i < len(s); i += n {
var section []int
if i > len(s)-n {
section = s[i:]
} else {
section = s[i : i+n]
Any idea how I do this? Currently for uuid im using the "github.com/satori/go.uuid" lib
I got the function from another SO question, My goal is to iterate over the rows, but rows.Next() doesnt allow that I guess in order to do that I thought I needed to append them into a slice, so I can get them by fours.
Hence leading to this question.
All you need to do is replace []int with []uuid.UUID everywhere in your islice function, including the parameter types. The functionality of islice() is not bound to []int if thats what your problem is.

initializing a struct containing a slice of structs in golang

I have a struct that I want to initialize with a slice of structs in golang, but I'm trying to figure out if there is a more efficient version of appending every newly generated struct to the slice:
package main
import (
type LuckyNumber struct {
number int
type Person struct {
lucky_numbers []LuckyNumber
func main() {
count_of_lucky_nums := 10
var tmp []LuckyNumber
for i := 0; i < count_of_lucky_nums; i++ {
tmp = append(tmp, LuckyNumber{rand.Intn(100)})
a := Person{tmp}
You can use make() to allocate the slice in "full-size", and then use a for range to iterate over it and fill the numbers:
tmp := make([]LuckyNumber, 10)
for i := range tmp {
tmp[i].number = rand.Intn(100)
a := Person{tmp}
Try it on the Go Playground.
Note that inside the for I did not create new "instances" of the LuckyNumber struct, because the slice already contains them; because the slice is not a slice of pointers. So inside the for loop all we need to do is just use the struct value designated by the index expression tmp[i].
You can use make() the way icza proposes, you can also use it this way:
tmp := make([]LuckyNumber, 0, countOfLuckyNums)
for i := 0; i < countOfLuckyNums; i++ {
tmp = append(tmp, LuckyNumber{rand.Intn(100)})
a := Person{tmp}
This way, you don't have to allocate memory for tmp several times: you just do it once, when calling make. But, contrary to the version where you would call make([]LuckyNumber, countOfLuckyNums), here, tmp only contains initialized values, not uninitialized, zeroed values. Depending on your code, it might make a difference or not.

Why Golang object property of byte array will be wiped when assigned to another variable

We need to wipe out some variables after use. But it seems really weird when it's assigned with a []byte field in a struct.
Why this assignment of []byte is not a copy but a pointer?
What should I do to keep the value in struct a.bs, but wipe out the b as local variable?
package main
import "fmt"
type so struct {
bs []byte
func zeroes(n int) []byte {
return make([]byte, n)
func wipeBytes(b []byte) {
copy(b, zeroes(len(b)))
func main() {
a := so{bs: []byte{0x01, 0x02}}
b := a.bs
fmt.Println(b) //b == []byte{}
fmt.Println(a.bs) //a.bs == []byte{}
Slices are inherently reference-y things. Assigning one doesn't copy its contents. You can think of a slice value as being a "slice head" structure, which contains a pointer to the slice's underlying array, and the offset and length of the slice within the array. It's this structure that's copied when you copy the slice, not any of the values in the array.
You can do
b := make([]byte, len(a.bs)))
copy(b, a.bs)
to make b a new slice and copy a.bs's contents into it. Then nothing you do to one will have any effect on the other.
When declaring/creating the 'array' ([]byte{0x01, 0x02}), you're not specifying a length ([2]byte{0x01, 0x02}), which means that it's a slice instead of an array. And slices objects internally contains a pointer to it's content.
func ObjectAssign(target interface{}, object interface{}) {
// object atributes values in target atributes values
// using pattern matching (https://golang.org/pkg/reflect/#Value.FieldByName)
// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/35590190/how-to-use-the-spread-operator-in-golang
t := reflect.ValueOf(target).Elem()
o := reflect.ValueOf(object).Elem()
for i := 0; i < o.NumField(); i++ {
for j := 0; j < t.NumField(); j++ {
if t.Field(j).Name() == o.Field(i).Name() {
