initializing a struct containing a slice of structs in golang - go

I have a struct that I want to initialize with a slice of structs in golang, but I'm trying to figure out if there is a more efficient version of appending every newly generated struct to the slice:
package main
import (
type LuckyNumber struct {
number int
type Person struct {
lucky_numbers []LuckyNumber
func main() {
count_of_lucky_nums := 10
var tmp []LuckyNumber
for i := 0; i < count_of_lucky_nums; i++ {
tmp = append(tmp, LuckyNumber{rand.Intn(100)})
a := Person{tmp}

You can use make() to allocate the slice in "full-size", and then use a for range to iterate over it and fill the numbers:
tmp := make([]LuckyNumber, 10)
for i := range tmp {
tmp[i].number = rand.Intn(100)
a := Person{tmp}
Try it on the Go Playground.
Note that inside the for I did not create new "instances" of the LuckyNumber struct, because the slice already contains them; because the slice is not a slice of pointers. So inside the for loop all we need to do is just use the struct value designated by the index expression tmp[i].

You can use make() the way icza proposes, you can also use it this way:
tmp := make([]LuckyNumber, 0, countOfLuckyNums)
for i := 0; i < countOfLuckyNums; i++ {
tmp = append(tmp, LuckyNumber{rand.Intn(100)})
a := Person{tmp}
This way, you don't have to allocate memory for tmp several times: you just do it once, when calling make. But, contrary to the version where you would call make([]LuckyNumber, countOfLuckyNums), here, tmp only contains initialized values, not uninitialized, zeroed values. Depending on your code, it might make a difference or not.


Golang: accessing map object outside the function it was declared in

I would like to loop through a slice of structs, and populate a struct field (which is a map) by passing in each struct to a function.
I have the below struct
type thing struct {
topicThing map[string]int
and I have the below functions
func main() {
ths := make([]thing, 0)
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
var th thing
ths = append(ths, th)
for _, th := range ths {
for _, th := range ths {
func dothing(th *thing) {
tc := make(map[string]int)
tc["Hello"] = 1
tc["Bye"] = 2
th.topicThing = tc
The main function creates a slice of things (refered as ths), and passes each thing to the dothing() function by iterating over them.
Within dothing(), I create a new map, populate it with data, and assigns it to the passed in thing's attribute. However, by the time we iterate over ths in the main function to print topicThing of each thing, the map is empty.
Since make() creates objects within the heap, I was hoping it would be accessible even outside of the function scope. Can anyone tell me why this is happening?
if I change the dothing() function like below:
func dothing(th *thing) {
th.topicThing["Hello"] = 1
th.topicThing["Bye"] = 2
The code works as expected, meaning the map is populated with data when accessed in the main function.
The range copies your object.
So when you do this,
for _, th := range ths {
you are actually dothing on a copy.
For example, with this main:
func main() {
ths := make([]thing, 0)
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
var th thing
ths = append(ths, th)
for _, th := range ths {
it will print the right thing, since we are still working on the copy.
In order to not copy, use the array index:
for idx, _ := range ths {

Why [capacity]string assert to []string will be failed in Golang?

I am using Golang1.14.
Here is the test code.
package main
import "time"
func checkData(data interface{}) {
if _, ok := data.([]string); ok {
println("Assert true.")
} else {
println("Assert false.")
func main() {
var years [20]string
for i := 0; i < 20; i++ {
years[i] = string(time.Now().Year() - 10 + i)
foods := []string{"Fruit", "Grass", "Fish", "Meat"}
The output is:
Assert false.
Assert true.
I am new to Golang and really confusing that [20]string is not a []string.Can someone tell me why?Thanks.
[20]string is an array. It is a type that contains 20 strings, and if you pass it as an interface{}, you can recover it using intf.([20]string).
[]string is a slice. It has a backing array, but it is essentially a view over an array. You assertion checks if the interface is a slice, so this one works.
Arrays and slices are different things in Go. An array is a data type with a fixed size. For instance:
func f(arr [10]int) {...}
You can only call f with an int array of size 10. When you do call it, the array will be passes as value, so the function will get a copy of the array, all 10 members of it. But:
func f(arr []int) {...}
You can call f with any size of slice. A slice contains a reference to its underlying array, so an array copy will not take place here. You cannot call thisf` with an array.

How to create map keys in a loop?

I do according to the textbook, but there is an error
panic: assignment to entry in nil map (in line keyval["{x[i]}"] = 0)
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
x := [3]string{"aa","bb","cc"}
var keyval map[string]int
for i := 0; i < len(x); i++ {
keyval["{x[i]}"] = 0
I tried to use keyval["x[i]"] = 0 but the effect is the same
You must first initialize your map:
keyval := make(map[string]int)
According to this blog post:
Map types are reference types, like pointers or slices, and so the
value of m above is nil; it doesn't point to an initialized map.
GoPlay here:
Edit to answer OP's followup. If you're looking to use the strings from your slice as the key to the map, you need to make an additional change:
keyval[x[i]] = 0
GoPlay here:

Expanding a slice's size to prevent slice bounds out of range error

I have written the following:
func main() {
//inside main
fileInputBytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile("/tmp/test")
byteSize2 := len(fileInputBytes)
var inputFileByteSlice = fileInputBytes[0:]
var numberOfIndexes = math.Floor(float64(byteSize / indexingOffset))
for i := 1; i <= int(numberOfIndexes); i++ {
// adding i to the indexer insures that we use lookahed to ignore previously inserted indexing values
var v int = (i * indexingOffset) + i
Insert(&inputFileByteSlice, v+i, indexingByteValue)
//outside main
//variation of with pointers and such
func Insert(slice *[]byte, index int, value byte) {
// Grow the slice by one element.
(*slice) = (*slice)[0 : len(*slice)+1]
// Use copy to move the upper part of the slice out of the way and open a hole.
copy((*slice)[index+1:], (*slice)[index:])
// Store the new value.
(*slice)[index] = value
// Return the result.
The slice bounds out of range error is getting on my nerves. The length of the slice grows outside of the size and overflows, the reason I don't understand is that I thought the call to 'grow' the slice by one element(before copy) will dynamically allocate more space. Since that is not the case, can anyone offer me a better suggestion?
First of all, a slice is already a reference type. So you don't need to pass its pointer around if you are not going to change its capacity. So your main can be simplified as:
func main() {
fileInputBytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile("/tmp/test")
byteSize2 := len(fileInputBytes)
// No need to use pointer to slice. If you want a brand new slice
// that does not affect the original slice values, use copy()
inputFileByteArray := fileInputBytes
var numberOfIndexes = math.Floor(float64(byteSize / indexingOffset))
for i := 1; i <= int(numberOfIndexes); i++ {
var v int = (i * indexingOffset) + i
// Insert needs to return the newly updated slice reference
// which should be assigned in each iteration.
inputFileByteArray = Insert(inputFileByteArray, v+i, indexingByteValue)
Then, the Insert function can be simplified simply by using append along with copy and returning the newly created slice:
func Insert(slice []byte, index int, value byte) []byte {
if index >= len(slice) {
// add to the end of slice in case of index >= len(slice)
return append(slice, value)
tmp := make([]byte, len(slice[:index + 1]))
copy(tmp, slice[:index])
tmp[index] = value
return append(tmp, slice[index:]...)
This may not be the best implementation but it is simple enough. Example usage at:
Your function only works if the slice happens to have enough initial capacity. If you need more capacity, you can only "grow" the slice using the append function. You can still use the *[]byte pointer argument to modify the slice in place like so:
func Insert(slice *[]byte, index int, value byte) {
*slice = append(*slice, 0)
copy((*slice)[index+1:], (*slice)[index:])
(*slice)[index] = value
However, it's more customary to return a new slice value, and reassign it each time. This gives you a similar function signature to the builtin append.
func Insert(slice []byte, index int, value byte) []byte {
slice = append(slice, 0)
copy(slice[index+1:], slice[index:])
slice[index] = value
return slice

Why Golang object property of byte array will be wiped when assigned to another variable

We need to wipe out some variables after use. But it seems really weird when it's assigned with a []byte field in a struct.
Why this assignment of []byte is not a copy but a pointer?
What should I do to keep the value in struct, but wipe out the b as local variable?
package main
import "fmt"
type so struct {
bs []byte
func zeroes(n int) []byte {
return make([]byte, n)
func wipeBytes(b []byte) {
copy(b, zeroes(len(b)))
func main() {
a := so{bs: []byte{0x01, 0x02}}
b :=
fmt.Println(b) //b == []byte{}
fmt.Println( // == []byte{}
Slices are inherently reference-y things. Assigning one doesn't copy its contents. You can think of a slice value as being a "slice head" structure, which contains a pointer to the slice's underlying array, and the offset and length of the slice within the array. It's this structure that's copied when you copy the slice, not any of the values in the array.
You can do
b := make([]byte, len(
to make b a new slice and copy's contents into it. Then nothing you do to one will have any effect on the other.
When declaring/creating the 'array' ([]byte{0x01, 0x02}), you're not specifying a length ([2]byte{0x01, 0x02}), which means that it's a slice instead of an array. And slices objects internally contains a pointer to it's content.
func ObjectAssign(target interface{}, object interface{}) {
// object atributes values in target atributes values
// using pattern matching (
t := reflect.ValueOf(target).Elem()
o := reflect.ValueOf(object).Elem()
for i := 0; i < o.NumField(); i++ {
for j := 0; j < t.NumField(); j++ {
if t.Field(j).Name() == o.Field(i).Name() {
