Corrected usage of gcov on executable and static library - gcc

I have a very simple example of using gcov:
library.cpp file compiled and turned into library.a
main.cpp file compiled into executable and uses library.a
All of this done via a simple bash script:
g++ -c library.cpp -Wall -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage -o library.o
ar rvs library.a library.o
g++ main.cpp -Wall -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage library.a -o main
Now at this point I have the folllowing files (ignoring source and build script):
So far so good. Now I run my main executable, which creates:
Again all as expected. Now for the question - when I run gcov main.cpp I don't get any gcov files for library.cpp. Is that expected?
Do I really need to call gcov on every source file I may have at any point in time? Is there not a way to call the first source file i.e main.cpp and have it produce coverage stats for each piece of source main goes on to call?
I appear to get gcov files for a lot of core library code that main.cpp uses without need to call them directly with gcov (, locale.gcov...) just not library.gcov

Normally you'd call gcov *.gcno.


gcov and gcovr: no .gcno files are generated after compiling

I am trying to get code coverage in my unit test project in windows system.
After compiling with -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage, I found out the execution file is generated and works fine. However there's no any .gcno files in the folder. So I cannot output the coverage report properly by gcovr.
Software version
gcc 8.1.0/gcov 8.1.0/gcovr 5.1/python 3.10.2
Here's what I've done during the whole process. Please help me if there's something wrong.
There are only .c and .h files in one folder
Compile my project using gcc
gcc -Wall -Wno-unknown-pragmas -fcompare-debug-second -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage -DUTEST AllTests.c CuTest.c BZR2.c BZR2_test.c -o beta.exe
Then I got beta.exe in the folder.
After runing beta.exe, there's my test result(All tests are passed.) showing in the command line window. Besides there're .gcda files with the same filename as my .c files.
Then I run gcovr -r ., the result is showing below. I think the reson why gcovr can't show the coverage information is there's no any .gcno files generated after compiling my project. But I don't understand why and how to solve this.
GCC Code Coverage Report
Directory: .
File Lines Exec Cover Missing
TOTAL 0 0 --%
Thanks for your time!
Remove the -fcompare-debug-second option. It is used for debugging the compiler itself, and causes the compiler
to silence warnings, and omitting other options that would cause the compiler to produce output to files or to standard output as a side effect.
Creation of gcno files is such a side effect.
General tips:
Instead of -fprofile-arcs -test-coverage you can simply use the --coverage option.
When you compile multiple source files in one go, then GCC tries to figure out file names for intermediate files, and also automatically derives some name for secondary outputs like gcno files. This used to be somewhat unintuitive, at least until reasonable behaviour was implemented in GCC 11.
To compile all of the files individually, we would use the structure:
OPTIONS="-Wall -Wno-unknown-pragmas --coverage -DUTEST"
# compile the individual compilation units
gcc -c $OPTIONS AllTests.c -o AllTests.o
gcc -c $OPTIONS BZR2.c -o BZR2.o
gcc -c $OPTIONS BZR2_test.c -o BZR2_test.o
# we should now have three gcno files
ls *.gcno
# link the final executable
gcc $OPTIONS CuTest.o BZR2.o BZR2_test.o -o beta.exe
At this point, it's typically appropriate to use a build system, for example by writing a Makefile:
CFLAGS += -Wall -Wno-unknown-pragmas --coverage -DUTEST
SOURCES = AllTests.c BZR2.c BZR2_tests.c
beta.exe: $(OBJECTS)
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $^ -o $#

Run two instances of the same C++ program simultaneously

I've got a C++ program with a Makefile, building (g++) and running on Windows cmd. Thing is, sometimes it takes a while to run and save the results, and I want to run it with different parameters at the same time so that I can do something else while I wait for the first instance to finish. It doesn't work though, because of the executable I guess:
g++ -c -o main.o main.cpp
Assembler messages:
Fatal error: can't create main.o: Permission denied
make: *** [main.o] Error 1
You have two problems: The one you ask about, and the reason you ask this question in the first place.
Lets start with the problem you have...
Judging by the Makefile you show, you have it all wrong.
Rules are in the format
target: sources_the_target_depend_on
The target is usually a file that need to be created. For an object file that is the name of the actual object file itself. The source files that the object files then depend on should be on the right-hand side.
To take an example from you Makefile (before you edited it away):
graph2: graph2.o
g++ -g -c graph.cpp -o graph2.o
Here you tell make that the file graph2 depends on the file graph2.o, and then it creates the graph2.o file. That's wrong. The rule should be that the file graph2.o depends om the file graph.cpp and go on to generate the file graph2.o:
graph2.o: graph.cpp
g++ -g -c graph.cpp -o graph2.o
This indirectly leads to the problem you have, with this line (deduced from your error and the Makefile):
main: main.o utils.o graph.o heuristics.o
g++ -g main.cpp -o main.o utils.o graph.o heuristics.o
This contains the same error as discussed above: You say that the file main depends on main.o and then the rule create main.o. Your rule should be
main: main.cpp utils.o graph.o heuristics.o
g++ -g main.cpp -o main utils.o graph.o heuristics.o
Note also how I no longer name the executable file main.o, as that is supposed to be used for object files.
Now lets continue with the reason you have the problem in the first place: That you need to edit the code to change data or values.
This is a problem that you need to solve. One common way to solve it is through command line arguments. If your program parses the command line arguments passed to your program you can pass it the values that could change from run to run.
How to do this is whole chapter on its own, so I wont give you any more details. There are plenty of tutorials online.
Lastly, you can simplify your Makefile considerably, by using implicit rules and variables.
I would simply create the Makefile to look something like this
# The compiler to use
CXX = g++
# Flags to pass to the compiler (add warnings when building)
# The main executable file to generate
TARGET = main
# List the object files needed to generate the main executable file
OBJECTS = main.o utils.o graph.o heuristics.o
# The all target depends on your main executable file
# Also as the first target in the Makefile, if no specific target is specified
# this will be the one that is used (it's the "default" target for the Makefile)
all: $(TARGET)
# The main executable file depends on the object files
This is really it. the object files will be built automatically from their respective source files, and then the executable program will be linked using the object files listed.

Shared objects linking in Fortran from multiple source files into a single library

I'm having problems with linking several Fortran modules/subroutines into a shared library.
The thing is, I first had a standalone Fortran program, with that everything went fine. This consisted of
But now I am adapting things so that I can call the Fortran code from R.
So, I discard the main program main.f95 and I have a new file, let's say
which contains a subroutine that will be called from R. This routine shall use the module mymodule, and this module has dependencies on myutils.
I compile all three of them as shared objects:
gfortran -shared -fPIC callFromR.f95 -o
gfortran -shared -fPIC mymodule.f95 -o
gfortran -shared -fPIC myutils.f95 -o
Now I somehow need to combine all three of them in a shared object file (not a object file). How can I do this?
(Consequently, when I call the callFromR subroutine in R, some subroutines that are located in the mymodule code are not found.)
You can first create object files
gfortran -c -fPIC callFromR.f95 -o callFromR.o
gfortran -c -fPIC mymodule.f95 -o mymodule.o
gfortran -c -fPIC myutils.f95 -o myutils.o
and then pack them into the library
gfortran -shared callFromR.o mymodule.o myutils.o -o

how to debug fortran program with multiple object files?

I have a fortran program that calls some dependent .o object files. I would like to be able to step across files when debugging, is this possible?
the compilation routine goes something like this:
gfortran -g -o analyze.x analyze.o active.o analysis.o angles.o attach.o basefile.o beeman.o bicubic.o
where analyze.x is the executable. All of the .o files have been compiled using the -g flag as well.
When i do (gdb) break main and then attempt to step through the program, most of the subroutines take place in the object files. I was wondering if it is possible to be able to step through the object file code as well.
This will work only if the object files linked into the executable have debug information in them, i.e. have been compiled with the -g option. So, this should work:
# Compile all Fortran and C files with debug info
gfortran -g -c *.f90
gcc -g -c *.c
# Link everything together
gfortran -g -o myexe *.o

gcc compiling linking .a file

in my homework i must use this command to compile my program:
gcc -o mtm_rentals -std=c99 -Wall -pedantic-errors -Werror -DNDEBUG mtm_ex2.c rentals.c list.c -L -lmtm
what i can change in that line are the files im writing after -DNDEBUG. when i do this the gcc says that there are undefined references to specific functions. now those functions are declared in an .h file and are implemented in a given file called libmtm.a
i concluded that it doesnt recognize libmtm.a, but our homework task says that the -lmtm flag(which is not declared anywhere) is supposed to link libmtm.a to the program.
what am i missing here? am i supposed to implement somehow the -lmtm flag?
thank you!
You are missing a . (single dot) behind the -L.
-lmtm will link against a libmtm library, this is correct. It's not an -lmtm flag, it's a -l flag concatenated with mtm, the library you want to link against. This library is searched in some predefined paths (like /usr/lib/) and additionally in the paths given by -L. Assuming libmtm lives in your current directory, you need to add that to -L, which is done with a ..
