Run two instances of the same C++ program simultaneously - makefile

I've got a C++ program with a Makefile, building (g++) and running on Windows cmd. Thing is, sometimes it takes a while to run and save the results, and I want to run it with different parameters at the same time so that I can do something else while I wait for the first instance to finish. It doesn't work though, because of the executable I guess:
g++ -c -o main.o main.cpp
Assembler messages:
Fatal error: can't create main.o: Permission denied
make: *** [main.o] Error 1

You have two problems: The one you ask about, and the reason you ask this question in the first place.
Lets start with the problem you have...
Judging by the Makefile you show, you have it all wrong.
Rules are in the format
target: sources_the_target_depend_on
The target is usually a file that need to be created. For an object file that is the name of the actual object file itself. The source files that the object files then depend on should be on the right-hand side.
To take an example from you Makefile (before you edited it away):
graph2: graph2.o
g++ -g -c graph.cpp -o graph2.o
Here you tell make that the file graph2 depends on the file graph2.o, and then it creates the graph2.o file. That's wrong. The rule should be that the file graph2.o depends om the file graph.cpp and go on to generate the file graph2.o:
graph2.o: graph.cpp
g++ -g -c graph.cpp -o graph2.o
This indirectly leads to the problem you have, with this line (deduced from your error and the Makefile):
main: main.o utils.o graph.o heuristics.o
g++ -g main.cpp -o main.o utils.o graph.o heuristics.o
This contains the same error as discussed above: You say that the file main depends on main.o and then the rule create main.o. Your rule should be
main: main.cpp utils.o graph.o heuristics.o
g++ -g main.cpp -o main utils.o graph.o heuristics.o
Note also how I no longer name the executable file main.o, as that is supposed to be used for object files.
Now lets continue with the reason you have the problem in the first place: That you need to edit the code to change data or values.
This is a problem that you need to solve. One common way to solve it is through command line arguments. If your program parses the command line arguments passed to your program you can pass it the values that could change from run to run.
How to do this is whole chapter on its own, so I wont give you any more details. There are plenty of tutorials online.
Lastly, you can simplify your Makefile considerably, by using implicit rules and variables.
I would simply create the Makefile to look something like this
# The compiler to use
CXX = g++
# Flags to pass to the compiler (add warnings when building)
# The main executable file to generate
TARGET = main
# List the object files needed to generate the main executable file
OBJECTS = main.o utils.o graph.o heuristics.o
# The all target depends on your main executable file
# Also as the first target in the Makefile, if no specific target is specified
# this will be the one that is used (it's the "default" target for the Makefile)
all: $(TARGET)
# The main executable file depends on the object files
This is really it. the object files will be built automatically from their respective source files, and then the executable program will be linked using the object files listed.


Cannot pass flags to Makefile to compile my code

I have a project that basically compiles from the command line in the following form:
g++ -o stack_raster stack_raster.cpp -lgdal -lboost_filesystem -lboost_system
I made a Makefile, and this is the content:
CXX =g++
LDDFLAGS = -lgdal -lboost_system -lboost_filesystem
all: clean stack_raster
rm -f stack_raster
However I got a collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status.
A second variation of my Makefile I tried was:
CXX = g++
CPPFLAGS = -lgdal -lboost_system -lboost_filesystem
all: clean stack_raster
rem -f stack_raster
but I still receive the following message (even though the compile flags appear as they should for my program to compile successfully).
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
<builtin>: recipe for target `stack_raster` failed
make: *** [stack_raster] Error 1
Does anyone could help me with a reference or hint about my problem, and how could I tackle it?
Does anyone could help me with a reference or hint about my problem, and how could I tackle it?
To begin with, you should have a look at the actual link command that make executed. It should have been echoed to make's output just before the error message from collect2. Understanding what's wrong with the command is the first step in determining how to fix your makefile.
In the first case, the command is probably something like
g++ stack_raster.cpp -o stack_raster
In the second, it is probably something like
g++ -lgdal -lboost_system -lboost_filesystem stack_raster.cpp -o stack_raster
The latter is probably also very similar to what you would get with the first makefile if you corrected the spelling of LDDFLAGS to LDFLAGS.
You will note that the library flags come in a different place in that command than they do in your manual command, and I assume you know that the order of objects and library flags on the linker command line is significant to Unix-style linkers such as GNU's (which is the one that the g++ driver will use).
You can certainly fix this by writing an explicit rule, as you describe in your own answer, but your makes' built-in rules may be up to the task, too. If you are using GNU make then they certainly are. For this purpose it is useful to know what the built-in rules actually are, and essential to know what the variables on which these rules depend mean.
LDFLAGS provides options to pass when invoking the linker, and conventionally, they appear on the command line before the objects being linked. As a result, this variable typically is not appropriate for specifying libraries (but it is fine for other link-specific options, such as -L to add directories to the library search path).
CPPFLAGS provides options for modulating the behavior of the C preprocessor (including when compiling C++). These do not typically appear at all in link(-only) commands executed by make, but they will appear (early) in commands for compiling object files from C or C++ sources, and in rules for building executables directly from C or C++ sources.
Neither of those is what you want, but if you are using GNU make, then its documentation for the former explicitly tells you what (with that make implementation) you should do instead:
Extra flags to give to compilers when they are supposed to invoke the
linker, ‘ld’, such as -L. Libraries (-lfoo) should be added to the
LDLIBS variable instead.
(emphasis added)
In GNU make, and perhaps some others, the LDLIBS variable serves exactly the purpose you need: to specify the libraries to link. These will appear at the end of the link command line from built-in rules, as you can confirm from GNU make's catalog of implicit rules, or from the list obtainable by running make -p in a directory containing no makefile.
So, with GNU make you can get the build you seem to want from the built-in rules, with this:
CXX = g++
LDLIBS = -lgdal -lboost_system -lboost_filesystem
all: clean stack_raster
rm -f stack_raster
In closing, I note that cleaning before building by default, as your examples do and mine imitates, largely defeats the purpose of using make instead of a simple script. Part of the point of make is to do the minimum work necessary, and if your target executable is present and not out of date with respect to its sources then there is no reason to force it to be rebuilt.
Check out the answer:
Set up my makefile to compile C with just "make"
YOu have to specify in the Makefile the file you want to create in this case stack_raster.exe and the objective file in this case stack_raster.cpp and specify the command line arguments you normally pass for compiling. So the Makefile would be something like:
stack_raster.exe: stack_raster.cpp
g++ -o stack_raster.exe stack_raster.cpp -lgdal -lboost_filesystem -lboost_system
all: clean stack_raster.exe
rm -f stack_raster.exe

GNU make in newly created subdirectory

First - I know there are a lot of discussions similar to this, but I've spent hours without them working for me.
My makefile first creates a directory named by the current date and time. I then have the makefile append to a header file a line which creates a string with this directory name. For this reason, I first need to copy all the source files (including the header) into the newly created subdirectory, so that I can preserve the original header and only modify the header (in the subdirectory) which will be used for compilation. I would then like to build in that new directory.
My trouble is getting make to properly build the .o files in the new subdirectory. The solution I've found is to have
$(NOW)%.o: $(NOW)%.cpp
$(CC) -c $(FLAGS) $<
where $(NOW)$ is the subdirectory name. The issue is that my $(FLAGS) seem to be ignored: the output is, roughly
g++ -c -o <.o file> <.cpp file>
(Yes, there is actually extra introduced space between g++ and -c.) Whereas building in the top level directory a la
%.o: %.cpp
$(CC) -c $(FLAGS) $<
correctly outputs
g++ -c <my flags> -o <.o file> <.cpp file>
To summarize, I am unable to compile normally by transferring the source files to a newly-created subdirectory and building the .o files in that directory. TYIA.
Ad John points out, there's no way to definitively diagnose your problem with the tiny bit of makefile you provided, because the error is not in the code you provided, it's in some other part of your makefile. You need to provide a SSCCE ideally, but if not that then at least we need to see how the NOW variable is set and the linker rule so we know what make is trying to build.
I should also point out that by convention you should not use CC to hold the C++ compiler; the CC variable holds the C compiler. Use CXX for the C++ compiler and CXXFLAGS for the C++ compiler flags.
One possibility is that you are assigning the NOW variable using a recursive assignment so that the timestamp is recreated every time the variable is evaluated; it could be that the timestamp changes over the lifetime of the makefile.
The other very common problem is that you created the pattern rule, but make is not using it because the targets make wants to build don't match the pattern.
So for example, if your link line looks like this:
SRCS = foo.cpp
OBJS = $(SRC:.cpp=.o)
myprog: $(OBJS)
$(CXX) ...
$(NOW)%.o : $(NOW)%.cpp
$(CXX) ...
then your pattern will not be matched because make is trying to build the file foo.o and your rule tells it how to build $(NOW)foo.o which are not the same thing.

Automatically create .OBJDIR subdirectories

I have the following directory structure:
The content of makefile is as follows:
flat.out: flat.o
deep.out: src/deep.o
I have no problem building flat:
/xxx $ make flat.out
c++ -O2 -pipe -c /xxx/flat.cpp -o flat.o
cc -O2 -pipe flat.o -o flat.out
/xxx $ ls obj
flat.o flat.out
But when I try to build deep it fails:
/xxx $ make deep.out
c++ -O2 -pipe -c /xxx/src/deep.cpp -o src/deep.o
error: unable to open output file 'src/deep.o': 'No such file or directory'
1 error generated.
*** Error code 1
make: stopped in /xxx
If I then create /xxx/obj/src manually it succeeds:
/xxx $ mkdir obj/src
/xxx $ make deep.out
c++ -O2 -pipe -c /xxx/src/deep.cpp -o src/deep.o
cc -O2 -pipe src/deep.o -o deep.out
/xxx $ ls obj
deep.out flat.o flat.out src
/xxx $ ls obj/src
According to this source bmake (aka bsdmake?) supports automatic creation of out-of-source OBJDIRs, but I cannot figure out how exactly.
How do I configure bmake to create the relevant directories automatically, in the general case?
Automatic creation of out-of-source OBJDIRs is supported but not in the sense you seem to expect it. Creation of out-of-source OBJDIRs can be implemented with bmake(1) directives but is not supported by the bmake(1) program itself. That said,
If you use bmake(1) directives shipped with FreeBSD to build your project, then the creation of OBJDIRs is supported and implemented by the obj target, so that the command make obj will create the OBJDIRs. See the file for further documentation and implementation details. FreeBSD sources contain a lot of examples of programs using these directives to build.
If you use bmake(1) directives shipped as the (portable) bsdowl package, then the creation of OBJDIRs is supported and implemented by the target obj so that the command make obj or the command make preparatives using a more general target will create the OBJDIRs. The example directory contains several C-based examples showing how to prepare your Makefiles to build your project with the bsdowl package.
If you use custom bmake(1) directives, then you will have to implement a target taking care of this creation yourself. The file is definitely a good source to get started with this.
An important point to note, is that bmake(1) determines its actual working directory before processing any targets, which means that it is almost always the right thing to do to execute the target requesting the creation of OBJDIRs on its own. Because of this, the command bmake obj all from your example would fail with the same error message you reported above. The correct invocation would instead be bmake obj && bmake all, since the second bmake(1) process has now the chance to change to the OBJDIR created by the previous run.

Makefile: Link several *.a to executable

I try to write a Makefile that takes several static libraries that have been created before and link the to an executable. Although one libary has a main-routine.
I get the error:
/lib/../lib64/crt1.o: In function `_start':
(.text+0x20): undefined reference to `main'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [dockSIM_gcc_release] Error 1
I tried it with just linking the library that has the main routine but the error stays the same and comes directly after invoking make.
The Makefile:
SHELL = /bin/sh
RM=/bin/rm -f
LDFLAGS = -fopenmp -g -O3 -std=c++11 -mavx -mstackrealign -fstrict-aliasing
LIBS= -lnagc_mkl -lm -L../externalCode -lpardiso500-GNU481-X86-64 -lacml
FILENAMES = commandInterpreter_lib.a
all: $(PROGNAME)
$(RM) *.mo *.ho *.o $(PROGNAME) core *~
echo $(LIBS)
The flags are compatible with those that were used to compile the code.
g++ 4.9.3 is used.
Signature of the main-Routine:
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
Thanks for help and kind regards.
I can only guess what's wrong.
There is more to linking a static library than just a convenient bundle of object files to reduce command line length. In addition to that, the linker only links in object files which it thinks are needed. An object file is needed if there's some undefined symbol that the linker is looking for, that is contained in that object. If there's no symbol that the linker needs in the object, then the linker ignores the object and doesn't link it.
The normal way to build a program is to have the main program listed as object files on the command line: the linker always links every object file. This gives the linker a set of symbols which are defined (by the object files) and undefined (things the object files use but that aren't defined by them). Then the linker will go through the libraries on the link line and add in object files that resolve undefined symbols. These object files in turn may have other undefined symbols that the linker will need to resolve later, etc.
All I can guess is that by not having any object files on your link line, the linker doesn't see the object file in the library containing main as needed and so it doesn't link it.
I don't know why building with debug vs. non-debug makes a difference.
I didn't understand your comment about why you need to do things this way: even if the person who knew about this left, someone will need to learn about it to maintain the software.
In any event you have a few options.
One simple one is to use the "ar" program to extract out the object file containing main and link it directly: in addition to adding objects to libraries ar can extract them. Then you can link that object directly. See the man page for ar.
Another would be to look at the documentation for your compiler and linker and find flags that will force it to include the entire library, not just the unresolved symbols in the library. For the GCC/binutils linker, for example, you can pass -Wl,--whole-archive before the libraries you want to be fully included on the command line, then -Wl,--no-whole-archive after them to turn off that feature.

How can I create a makefile that will create two separate executables?

I'm very new to makefiles and using one that was given to us for a project, and I'm expanding it a little bit.
This makefile currently takes one arg, the name of the executable you want to make. In the following code, the command make shapes would create me a an executable called shapes.
GCC_OPTIONS=-Wall -pedantic -I include
g++ $#.cpp Common/InitShader.o $(OPTIONS) -o $#
Now what I've done to my project is created a copy of it and changed some of the data to see how it will effect the output of the program. The original was called shapes.cpp and the other version is called shapes2.cpp.
What I tried was adding the following line under the current g++ line, but to no avail. I tried to hardcode the '2' part of the file name, presumably incorrectly.
g++ $#2.cpp Common/InitShader.o $(OPTIONS) -o $#2
Could anyone help me come up with a solution? Again, I have 2 separate cpp files I want to compile as two separate executables. I don't have a problem changing the makefile to hardcode the file names, but I'm a bit unsure how to do that.
Edit: Is there a reason this won't work either? It's complaining that it's missing a seperator on line 13, where it compiles the second program.
GCC_OPTIONS=-Wall -pedantic -I include
.PHONY: all original modified
all: original modified
g++ shapes.cpp Common/InitShader.o $(OPTIONS) -o shapes
g++ shapes2.cpp Common/InitShader.o $(OPTIONS) -o shapes2
Above the ".cpp:" line, add this:
shapes: shapes2
Now the command make shapes will result in the building of both (assuming the source files are present and correct).
