Publish .NET Maui Preview 14 to App Store and Google Play - xamarin

Is it possible to publish a .NET Maui app to Apple AppStore and Google Play or do we need to wait till .NET Maui is finalized?

As already pointed out in the comments, you absolutely can, while it's not officially recommended for obvious reasons. However, I do know of .NET MAUI apps that are already in the store today.
Technically it is definitely possible, mostly because at that level a .NET MAUI app isn't much different from a Xamarin.Forms or even regular iOS or Android app. It's still a .ipa or .aab file that needs to be produced.
I have been looking into the process of creating something distributable. You can find my writeups here for Android, iOS and from those you can find the links on there for Windows and macOS if that is what you need.
Additionally I made videos about them which you can find here for Android and for iOS and lastly the one for Windows. The one for macOS is not there yet at the time of writing.
Ideally we want to make it all work through dotnet publish at some point in the future, but we're not quite there yet. Same story for a UI for doing this within Visual Studio.


Xamarin iOS GUI

We've been developing a cross-platform app in Xamarin on Windows and now we are moving to make GUI for iOS counterpart.
If I'm understanding correctly we need to switch to Visual Studio for MAC, on a MAC machine, and continue our GUI development there.
Is it possible to develop everything on Windows and just publish an app on the MAC machine?
How do we include the logic and everything from the android app?
You can use Xamarin.Forms to develop UI for both Android and iOS.
But if its already native then you can still continue developing it in Windows.
For the build and testing you definitely need a MAC, if you don't want to use a VM then you can build it on the cloud using a or other party that uses the same service, and use a simulator on windows.
If its cross platform then I assume you're using a .NET Standard for the shared codebase. So there would be no problem using the same logic for both the Android and iOS.
It is up to you. Many apps will work by just publishing on the Mac. Of those many will have some artifacts that shouldn't be in the end version.
To simplify it is like asking whether you should publish the app without testing and fixing. In 99% no, but sometimes it may work.

How to integrate Air watch SDK in Xamarin cross platform application

I want to integrate Airwatch SDK in one of my project, how can I integrate AWSDK in cross platform application which will support both iOS and android, or is there any work around to do it so.
While trying to integrate native SDK's that don't have nuget packages, you are entering the territory of Intermediate Xamarin Development. What you need to do is create "native bindings in C#".
There's many ways of doing it, and can take between 30 minutes to a 5 days to do. If you watch this video starting around 50:00, presented by the Lead of the Xamarin Components team, Jonathan Dick, you will learn one way of doing the entire binding process for iOS cocoa pods and Android Maven packages.

Can you publish a Windows 10 (Universal) app from PhoneGap on Mac?

I am looking to develop a Windows 10 Universal app based in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for use on Microsoft Surface tablets primarily. I have found information that says it can be done on this page, but at the very bottom of the page it says it is in beta. However, I can't seem to find anything more than that post. No updates, or documentation or anything. Does anyone know if you can do this from the PhoneGap app on Mac OS?
If not, I guess the next best option it to do it on a Windows machine using Visual Studio 2017 and Cordova?
Any information anyone has on this subject would be helpful.
No, I am pretty sure you can't build UWP apps on macOS. The reason is quite similar as the reason you cannot build iOS apps on Windows - you could build the JS portion of your code, but the problem is the fact that UWP build tools and SDKs are OS specific and unless Microsoft specifically ports them to macOS, they cannot work there.
You could use Parallels and run Windows as second OS, or use a build server to build the app in the cloud. Visual Studio App Center is a very good solution for you purpose as it allows you to configure a full build pipeline including UWP, iOS and Android builds.
You can actually develop a UWP app using phoneGap on Mac if you are building it using web technologies. (HTML, CSS, Javascript) But you can not build/publish the app on Mac, but if you have a Creative Cloud account, you can use Phone Gap Build to upload it to the service and have it built there.

Xamarin: Can I do in a cross platform project the "Android part" and do IOS when the rest is finish?

I have a project in Android Studio (on a pc), and as far as I know now Microsoft owns Xamarin and its free once you have a Visual Studio license, then you can develop apps using C#(Already know that I have to port the JAVA code) and then compile in a MAC the IOS app.
My 2 concerns are:
When you can't compile, will the IDE show the IOS related errors?
There is a clear implementation of "cross platform code" vs "specific code"?
How Xamarin manage it?
In addition, our plan is to finish the app for Android which is our primary target and then manage the IOS, besides the other questions, what I need to know is if that is possible.
Yes, the VS IDE will show you build errors from the iOS build server.
Yes, you can build an Android app using Xamarin and later extend it to build an iOS app also. This is easiest if you use Xamarin Forms, but it also possible with native Android/iOS UI, but will be much more dependent on how you architect your applications.

Can Visual studio 2013 run WP7 project

I had developed one application for WP8 devices(Target OS is WP8) in VS 2013 with WP8.1 SDK.Now I need to give support to WP7 also.Can I use WP7 SDK on VS2013 and develop app for WP7.So, I will create 2 apps for WP7 and WP8 and upload both on store.
What should be better solution?
I've encountered this problem several times, unfortunaly VS13 does not cooperate if you want to work with WP7 projects.
So if you really want WP7 apps, which I would reconsider since the marketshare is relatively small and I'd guess that people who download apps already have newer versions. Don't forget that lot of features may not be suported and you'd have to come up with new solutions..
Anyway, in case you decide to create WP7, dowload VS12 Express for example, create WP7 project and then copy files from your WP8 and see what works and what not.
You can open an existed project of WP7 using VS2013, but can't create new project by it.
When you create a new project in VS2013, it can only be WP8.0 or 8.1.
