Can Visual studio 2013 run WP7 project - windows-phone-7

I had developed one application for WP8 devices(Target OS is WP8) in VS 2013 with WP8.1 SDK.Now I need to give support to WP7 also.Can I use WP7 SDK on VS2013 and develop app for WP7.So, I will create 2 apps for WP7 and WP8 and upload both on store.
What should be better solution?

I've encountered this problem several times, unfortunaly VS13 does not cooperate if you want to work with WP7 projects.
So if you really want WP7 apps, which I would reconsider since the marketshare is relatively small and I'd guess that people who download apps already have newer versions. Don't forget that lot of features may not be suported and you'd have to come up with new solutions..
Anyway, in case you decide to create WP7, dowload VS12 Express for example, create WP7 project and then copy files from your WP8 and see what works and what not.

You can open an existed project of WP7 using VS2013, but can't create new project by it.
When you create a new project in VS2013, it can only be WP8.0 or 8.1.


Publish .NET Maui Preview 14 to App Store and Google Play

Is it possible to publish a .NET Maui app to Apple AppStore and Google Play or do we need to wait till .NET Maui is finalized?
As already pointed out in the comments, you absolutely can, while it's not officially recommended for obvious reasons. However, I do know of .NET MAUI apps that are already in the store today.
Technically it is definitely possible, mostly because at that level a .NET MAUI app isn't much different from a Xamarin.Forms or even regular iOS or Android app. It's still a .ipa or .aab file that needs to be produced.
I have been looking into the process of creating something distributable. You can find my writeups here for Android, iOS and from those you can find the links on there for Windows and macOS if that is what you need.
Additionally I made videos about them which you can find here for Android and for iOS and lastly the one for Windows. The one for macOS is not there yet at the time of writing.
Ideally we want to make it all work through dotnet publish at some point in the future, but we're not quite there yet. Same story for a UI for doing this within Visual Studio.

Windows 10 uwp scenario c#

I have currently a WP8.1 and a Win8.1 pair of apps laying in a solution.
I am trying to create a best-possible scenario in which:
I can keep the 8.1 and wp8.1 projects still buildable
I can add a uwp project(to the old solution) that uses the (linked?) files from the above projects
Is this even possible, or should I branch from the 8.1, create the uwp, create new UI, copy/paste the code?
Just add a new project to the old solution and reference the 8.1 Universal App project. If you factored out enough code into the Shared project, you should be in for an easy migration.

Windows Phone 8 Functionality Into Windows Phone 7

If I use visual studio 2012 RC write an application for windows phone 8. I want to know whether I can install and run the same application on windows phone 7?
No, there is no back-compatibility. You could do it the other way round, though, and write a WP7 app that would run on WP8
It is not possible to build for WP8 and deploy to both WP7 and WP8.
It is possible to build for WP7 and deploy to both WP7 and WP8.
The best solution is to code carefully, and clearly separate out your use of WP8-specific APIs.
You could then have two projects, one for WP7 that you build using WP7 tools, and one for WP8, that you build using WP8 tools. Linked files in visual studio would be a good way of achieving this.

How to make my WP8 app compatible for WP7.8

I am asking here because I'm a little bit confused. I have a working WP8 apps, with WP8 specific features such as speech recognition and custom tiles. I would like to make my app compatible for WP7.x
I know I have to remove speech recognition from my app to support WP7
1 - Where should I start ? Could I use the same project on Visual Studio 2013 or should I create another project on Visual Studio 2012 ?
2- Is it simpler to target only WP7.8 or can I do WP7.5 and WP7.8 in a same project ?
3 - I want to keep the use of async/await method, can I do that in WP7.8 or WP7.5?
Thanks a lot for your answer
You have to create a new project targeting 7.1. WP7.x apps can run in WP8 devices, but not in the other way.
When createing the project, you target 7.1. If you have the latest SDK installed WP7.8 features will be available.
You can by adding Microsoft.Bcl.Async package from NuGet
"Could I use the same project on Visual Studio 2013 or should I create another project on Visual Studio 2012 ?"
You cannot target WP7 in VS 2013. You must use VS 2012 or 2010.
"Is it simpler to target only WP7.8 or can I do WP7.5 and WP7.8 in a same project ?"
You can target both in the same project. The main difference is just different tile sizes in 7.8 and if you want to support this you can use reflection to check. Otherwise there is no difference.
"I want to keep the use of async/await method, can I do that in WP7.8 or WP7.5? "
There are Nuget packages which support this.

Error when upgrade WP7 project to WP8 using VS2012

When I try to upgrade my current WP7 project to a WP8 version using VS2012 built-in feature "Upgrade to Windows Phone 8.0"
I received an error message:
Upgrade to the project could not be completed.
Object reference not set to an instance object.
This error has little useful information to work with, how to solve it?
If you want run app in WP 8 devices, perhaps you'll have a problem with the screen resolution on devices HTC. The best way is create new WP 8 project and share (add as link) most of the .cs and .xaml files of your WP7 project. I did it guided by the article
Good luck!
