How to integrate Air watch SDK in Xamarin cross platform application - xamarin

I want to integrate Airwatch SDK in one of my project, how can I integrate AWSDK in cross platform application which will support both iOS and android, or is there any work around to do it so.

While trying to integrate native SDK's that don't have nuget packages, you are entering the territory of Intermediate Xamarin Development. What you need to do is create "native bindings in C#".
There's many ways of doing it, and can take between 30 minutes to a 5 days to do. If you watch this video starting around 50:00, presented by the Lead of the Xamarin Components team, Jonathan Dick, you will learn one way of doing the entire binding process for iOS cocoa pods and Android Maven packages.


Publish .NET Maui Preview 14 to App Store and Google Play

Is it possible to publish a .NET Maui app to Apple AppStore and Google Play or do we need to wait till .NET Maui is finalized?
As already pointed out in the comments, you absolutely can, while it's not officially recommended for obvious reasons. However, I do know of .NET MAUI apps that are already in the store today.
Technically it is definitely possible, mostly because at that level a .NET MAUI app isn't much different from a Xamarin.Forms or even regular iOS or Android app. It's still a .ipa or .aab file that needs to be produced.
I have been looking into the process of creating something distributable. You can find my writeups here for Android, iOS and from those you can find the links on there for Windows and macOS if that is what you need.
Additionally I made videos about them which you can find here for Android and for iOS and lastly the one for Windows. The one for macOS is not there yet at the time of writing.
Ideally we want to make it all work through dotnet publish at some point in the future, but we're not quite there yet. Same story for a UI for doing this within Visual Studio.

Can I use Firebase for creating Windows app?

I need create some Windows app with Firebase, but I can't choose a programming environment for Windows app. Which ones support FireBase?
Firebase does not have SDKs that directly support building apps that can be deployed on Windows.
The closest I can think of:
The Firebase SDKs for C++ and Unity can deploy to Windows desktop, but that is explicitly only intended for development. So you can develop and test your mobile game on Windows.
There is some movement on adding Windows support to the FlutterFire binding library, but it seems very early going.
Outside of these: the REST APIs for Firebase are all platform agnostic, so can be called from anywhere. There are quite some third party libraries that wrap these REST APIs, so I recommend doing a search for your combination.
Also see:
Firebase for Unity3d Windows application
Is it possible to use any kind of database in Flutter Desktop
Flutter & Firebase
Flutter Fire
Flutter Fire is the official Firebase SDK for Flutter and has incredible documentation, helpful videos and tutorials. The integration is seamless since both tools are built by Google. The maintainer of FlutterFire has created FlutterFire_Desktop which I believe may be a solution for you once its fully built out.
Flutter is a UI framework which uses the Dart language (also built by Google) to allow developers to build one app and deploy everywhere.
Dart can compile to x86_64; ARM64 and Javascript - Ideally you can write one codebase for Windows, Mac, IOS/Android and Web. Dart also has a built in package manager and open sourced community through Pub.Dev which may have more workarounds for you.
As of the latest Firebase Summit , they have recently added more support for their C++ SDK although I'm not entirely sure how it would integrate or if it integrates into windows desktop applications at all.

Visual Studio App Center Android Build Project not finding Solution Files

I am trying out the new Visual Studio App Center for a mobile app I am writing.
I have three solutions checked into VSTS Git. The first solution named App.sln is a master solution that has 2 solution folders, Apps and Services. The Apps folder has 3 projects App.csproj which is a .NET Standard 2.0 library containing the Xamarin Forms shared code. App.iOS.csproj is the Xamarin Forms iOS project. Finally, App.Droid.csproj is the Xamarin Forms Android project. The Services folder contains project files written in ASP.NET Core 2. The second solution is a solution named App.iOS.sln containing just the iOS and App library projects. The last is a solution named App.Droid.sln containing just the Android and App library projects.
In App Center I have 2 Apps configured per the instructions for Xamarin Forms apps. The first is an App configured as iOS Xamarin app. The second App is configured as Android Xamarin app.
I configured the analytics and crash reporting which works. I then configured the builds and this is where I have run into an issue. Specifically the Android build configuration project drop down only sees the App.Droid project. The iOS App build configuration project drop down sees all three solutions but only the App.iOS project. I selected the App.Droid and App.iOS projects. It seems to work. However I'm concerned that in the future things might break. I rather select the App.iOS and App.Droid solutions. That way I know that the correct projects are compiled and nothing not need is compiled. This is especially true since I am trying to stay within the free compile time budget until the MVP is done. Any ideas how to accomplish ensuring only the right projects are compiled?
According to App Center team (on Jan 30, 2018):
Unfortunately we do not support the selection of sln's with Android
Xamarin, currently solution file is only supported for iOS.

Xamarin Cross Platform disable IOS

I'm new to Xamarin.
My goal is to develop an app for both Android and Windows phone platforms, without IOS. I dont have any mac to test.
Under the properties solution, I already tried to remove IOS from the targets platform, but doesn't allow me. It's mentioned that its
Thats the solution i tried withou sucess:
Remove ios, windows8, and wp8 from Xamarin Forms PCL - nuget 3.0 opt-into error?
Please help.
It doesn't really matter! It doesn't mean you are actually stuck with iOS in any way.
The only thing it means is that the set you have selected is also compatible with the libraries in Xamarin.iOS. So it means that you could create an iOS project without too much trouble if you would want to in the future.
If you do not create an iOS project, you won't get an iOS app.

Xamarin: Can I do in a cross platform project the "Android part" and do IOS when the rest is finish?

I have a project in Android Studio (on a pc), and as far as I know now Microsoft owns Xamarin and its free once you have a Visual Studio license, then you can develop apps using C#(Already know that I have to port the JAVA code) and then compile in a MAC the IOS app.
My 2 concerns are:
When you can't compile, will the IDE show the IOS related errors?
There is a clear implementation of "cross platform code" vs "specific code"?
How Xamarin manage it?
In addition, our plan is to finish the app for Android which is our primary target and then manage the IOS, besides the other questions, what I need to know is if that is possible.
Yes, the VS IDE will show you build errors from the iOS build server.
Yes, you can build an Android app using Xamarin and later extend it to build an iOS app also. This is easiest if you use Xamarin Forms, but it also possible with native Android/iOS UI, but will be much more dependent on how you architect your applications.
