How to take a concat String from column as a Dictionary_Name in dictGet function - clickhouse

I build a dynamic Dictionary in ClickHouse DB. It will create the dictionary before the SQL commands execute. Also, the dictionary name was created at the same time.
The dictionary name was a combined string by date and table name. Because I don't want to keep so much data in the long-term dictionary, the short-term Dictionary could be a great help to release the memory after maybe an hour when no one is using it.
And the error happened.
When I use the dictionary in my SQL commands it is okay with solid commands.
dictGet(CONCAT('2022-04-06', 'MyTableName'), 'GetBackColumnName',myKeyColumn) AS col_name
But when I change to using the column from Table, it was broken.
dictGet(CONCAT(DATE_COL, 'MyTableName'), 'GetBackColumnName',myKeyColumn) AS col_name
And the error message shows up.
Illegal type String of the first argument of function dictGet,
expected a const string.
Does anyone know how to fix the issue?
My CH version is:
I try to find the resolution from the ClickHouse office report but nothing can fix this issue. And I tried lots of functions of String to figure out what happened.


Informatica cloud: use field in pre/post sql commands

I am trying to delete a set of data in the target table based on a column (year) from the lookup in IICS (Informatica Cloud).
I want to solve this problem using pre/post sql commands but the constraint is I can't pass year column to my query.
I tried this:
delete from sample_db.tbl_emp where emp_year = {year}
I want to delete all the employees in a specific year i get from lookup return
For Ex:
I got year as '2019', all the records in table sample_db.tbl_emp containing emp_year=2019 must be deleted.
I am not sure how this works in informatica cloud.
Any leads would be helpful.
How are you getting the year value? A pre/post SQL may not be the way to go unless you need to do this as part of another transformation, i.e., before or after the transformation runs. Also, does your org only have ICDI, or also ICAI? ICAI may be a better solution depending on the value is being provided.
The following steps would help you achieve this.
Create an input-output parameter in your mapping.
Assign the result of your lookup in an expression transformation to the parameter using SetMaxVariable
Use the parameter in your target pre SQL as
delete from sample_db.tbl_emp where emp_year = $$parameter
Let me know if you have any further questions

Querying in Hbase can't find key because its got a hexadecimal in it

Not much of a hbase guy so bear with me. Just a data analyst trying to do his job.
Let's say for the same of simplicity there's a hbase table called Student with the following info:
Key - Student ID
Value - SSN
So I'm trying to run the following command:
get 'Student_id','88812'
I'm trying to produce the following:
H:00_ETAG timestamp=1525760141144, value=1234567891
However, nothing yields. After scanning the table I've come to discover that the key has some sort of hexidecimal value in front of it. So the key is actually like
I understand that in order to execute the get command I'd just need to use double quotes like this
get 'Student',"\x80\x00\x02F188812"
Now where the real issue arises for me is the fact that I have NO clue what the hexadecimal prefix for each of these keys should be. It seems like the table that I'm working out of has a different hexadecimal prefix for each key. Is there a way that I can somehow execute the get command without the hexadecimal or at least find out what the hexadecimal should be? How about doing a reverse search where instead I try and find the key by searching by value?
And no, I can't scan the entire table since there are millions of records that exist.

VBA ACE issue with Oracle Decimal

We use VBA to retrieve data from an Oracle database using the Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0 provider.
We have used this method without issue for a long time, but we have encountered a problem with a specific query of data from a specific table.
When running it under VBA, we get "Run-Time error '1004': Application-defined or object-defined error. However investigating further, we find the following:
The queries we run are dynamically generated, and how we handle them is to read the results into a variant array, then output that array into Excel. When we step-through our particular query, we find that one specific database field is "blank": The locals window shows the value to be completely blank: it is not an empty string, it is not a null, it is not zero. VarType() shows it to be a decimal data type, and yet it is empty.
I can't seem to prevent this error from locking-out:
On Error Resume Next
...still breaks.
if (isEmpty(theValue)) then
...doesn't catch it, because it is not empty
if (theValue is nothing) then
...doesn't catch it because it is not an object
We used the SQL in the a .NET application, and got a more informative error:
Decimal's scale value must be between 0 and 28, inclusive. Parameter name: Scale
So: I see this as two issues:
1.) In VBA, how do I trap the variant datatype value-that-is-not-empty-or-null, and;
2.) How do I resolve the Oracle Decimal problem?
For #2, I see from the Oracle decimal data type, it can support precision of up to 31 places, and I assume that the provider I am using can only support 28. I guess I need to Cast it to a smaller type in the query.
Any other thoughts?

SSRS Dropdown 'Any' Value not working

new to this world so looking for help with what I think wold be a simple thing to fix, however me and the guy who is training me on all that is SQL and SSRS cannot figure this out
I have a report within SSRS and SQL which is working perfectly bar one thing
I have a drop down list parameter which has all our customers names, and the report shows volumes of what that customer has obtained so far etc, and for an individual customer, this works perfectly. However, when trying to see the total volumes by choosing 'Any' from the drop down list, it returns no data, rather than returning everything
Can anyone please advise what I could be missing here, or what I need to show you to help resolve this issue
Assuming you Stored Proc parameter is varchar and represents either customer names or an 'Any' value then the following should work.
SELECT myField1, myField2 -- etc
FROM myTable t
WHERE (t.ClientName = #myParameterName OR #myParameterName = 'Any')
Optionally Please Note: Personally I don't use SPs and usually just put the code to grab the data in the dataset. Some companies don't like you doing this but if you are able to do this I think this makes life easier.
If you can put the stored proc code directly in your dataset query then you can make the report more flexible. You can change your parameter to be MultiValue, you don't need and 'Any' value added to your parameter list either and then you can simply do something like
SELECT myField1, myField2 -- etc
FROM myTable t
WHERE t.ClientName IN(#myParameterName)
SSRS will take all the selected parameter values and inject them into the dataset query correctly, so there is nothing else you need to do. SSRS will also add a 'Select All' option to your parameter in case you want to gran data for everything. The report will work for 1, 2, 10 or all client names.

LINQ FormatException

I currently have an existing database and I am using the LINQtoSQL generator tool to create the classes for me. The tool is working fine for this database and there are no errors with that tool.
When I run a LINQ to SQL query against the data, there is a row that has some invalid data somehow within the table and it is throwing a System.FormatException when it runs across this row. Does anyone know what that stems from? Does anyone know how I can narrow down the effecting column without adding them one by one to the select clause?
Do you have a varchar(1) that stores an empty string?
You need to change the type from char to string in the designer (or somehow prohibit empties). The .net char type cannot hold an empty string.
