Querying in Hbase can't find key because its got a hexadecimal in it - shell

Not much of a hbase guy so bear with me. Just a data analyst trying to do his job.
Let's say for the same of simplicity there's a hbase table called Student with the following info:
Key - Student ID
Value - SSN
So I'm trying to run the following command:
get 'Student_id','88812'
I'm trying to produce the following:
H:00_ETAG timestamp=1525760141144, value=1234567891
However, nothing yields. After scanning the table I've come to discover that the key has some sort of hexidecimal value in front of it. So the key is actually like
I understand that in order to execute the get command I'd just need to use double quotes like this
get 'Student',"\x80\x00\x02F188812"
Now where the real issue arises for me is the fact that I have NO clue what the hexadecimal prefix for each of these keys should be. It seems like the table that I'm working out of has a different hexadecimal prefix for each key. Is there a way that I can somehow execute the get command without the hexadecimal or at least find out what the hexadecimal should be? How about doing a reverse search where instead I try and find the key by searching by value?
And no, I can't scan the entire table since there are millions of records that exist.


How to take a concat String from column as a Dictionary_Name in dictGet function

I build a dynamic Dictionary in ClickHouse DB. It will create the dictionary before the SQL commands execute. Also, the dictionary name was created at the same time.
The dictionary name was a combined string by date and table name. Because I don't want to keep so much data in the long-term dictionary, the short-term Dictionary could be a great help to release the memory after maybe an hour when no one is using it.
And the error happened.
When I use the dictionary in my SQL commands it is okay with solid commands.
dictGet(CONCAT('2022-04-06', 'MyTableName'), 'GetBackColumnName',myKeyColumn) AS col_name
But when I change to using the column from Table, it was broken.
dictGet(CONCAT(DATE_COL, 'MyTableName'), 'GetBackColumnName',myKeyColumn) AS col_name
And the error message shows up.
Illegal type String of the first argument of function dictGet,
expected a const string.
Does anyone know how to fix the issue?
My CH version is:
I try to find the resolution from the ClickHouse office report but nothing can fix this issue. And I tried lots of functions of String to figure out what happened.

Issue with choice action when running transform map

I'm trying to insert records to a table by using transform maps. I have this field in the target table, which is a choice type, and I have set the choice action in the source table's field to reject if there's no matching value found. But, when I tried inserting the record using the transform map with the correct value, which exists in the choice list of the target field, it still got rejected and hence not inserting the records.
I have tried searching for possible reasons as to why it still got rejected even with correct value in the source field. Here's the sample link that I have found: https://hi.service-now.com/kb_view.do?sysparm_article=KB0677334
It says that if there are more than 40 characters for the choice list value it will be truncated and might not match those choice. But the choices in the target field has only 20 characters or less.
I have first tried running the transform map in the lower environments before proceeding to production. In the lower environment it works fine and the records got inserted. But, when I tried it in production it got rejected.
There is a difference between choice and choice list. Within the choice list the values are comma separated sys_ids. I could imagine that you have multiple values for import and then the max character are reached or the values do not match, etc.
You could use this approach:
Instead of a direct assignment, source to target field, use the script to target. Then you gain the full script power ;)
Maybe here you could add some logic like switch case or whatever, I guess you get the point.

SAP BODS - Getting PK violation from a Table Comparison

I want to read from a table, change a couple column values for a few lines in a query, then update those lines on the same table.
I'm using SAP BODS, and that's what I tried:
I was about to insert images but just found out I can't insert images until 10 rep.
Anyway, I created a DataFlow where I have the same table as source and target.
A query to filter (using where) and change values (using mapping). And then a Table Comparison (where I expected those lines to be set to update, in this particular case), set table name on first entry, then PK in 'input primary key' and then the two columns I want to change in 'Compare columns'. No other changes from default that I can recall.
Got no warnings on 'validate all', and on execution I receive an ORA-00001 for the PK.
So ... I thought the Table Comparison would try to update, but seems like it's trying to insert instead. I want to know what I'm doing wrong and how could I get the job to do those updates. Thanks in advance.
Ps. I did search SO before asking and didn't find anything relevant.
So, turns out I just found what's going on a few minutes after posting the question.
Wasn't sure if I should answer my own question and took a look at this Etiquette for answering your own question
and decided to come back here and answer my own question.
For some reason I got stuck thinking that it was something to do with the Table Comparison trying to insert a line with a PK that's already there, instead of doing the update I wanted.
But after going back to the job to take another look at the issue, it occurred to me that maybe the problem could be a duplicate in the incoming data set. Made a few adjustment to filter those, and voilĂ .

How to generate sequential numbers using UCM Oracle iDOC Script?

I want to create a metadata field to a certain Check-In Profile. This field is Info Only and it looks like this:
I already have done this code:
<$dprDefaultValue="IFAP-" & formatDateWithPattern(dateCurrent(),"MMM/yy")$>
And the output is: IFAP-.01Jan/16
What I need is to put a sequential number where "XXXX" is, starting with 0800, every time a user checks in. For example: IFAP-0801.01.Jan/16. How can I do that?
Getting a unique sequence number can be challenging. One way would be to write a custom service that executes a query against the database (which controls the sequence) and responds with the number. You could then executeService("MY_CUSTOM_SEQUENCE_SERVICE")$> to get the value.
One of the issues with the above approach is what happens if the checkin fails (due to a filter or something else). Then you have accidentally used up a value.
Another approach would be to use a database trigger to replace XXXX with the sequence number (using the same database sequence number).

How to generate the effective order number? (nice pattern with unpredicatable gap)

just wondering does anyone in here have good idea about generating nice order id?
for example
832-28-394, which show a quite nice and formal order id (rather than just use an database auto increment number like ID=35).
the order id need to look random so it can not be able to guess by user.
e.g. 832-28-395 (shoudnt exist) so there will always some gap between each id.
just like the account number for your bank card?
If you are using .NET you can use System.Guid.NewGuid()
The auto-incremented IDs are stored as integer or long integer data. One of the reasons for this is that this format is compact, saving space, including in indexes which are typically inclusive a primary key for use with joins and such.
If you wish to create a nice looking id following a particular format syntax, you'll need to manage the generation of the IDs yourself, and store these in a "regular" column not one that is auto-incremented.
I suggest you keep using "ugly looking" ids, be they auto-incremented or not, and format these value for display purposes only, using whatever format you may desire, including some format that use the values from several columns. Depending on the database system you are using you may be able to declare custom functions, at the level of the database itself, allowing you to obtain the readily formatted value with a simple query (as in
SELECT MakeAFancyId(id_field), some_other_columns, ..
FROM ...
If you cannot use some built-in or custom function at the level of SQL, you'll need to format the value supplied by SQL (an integer of sorts), into the desired format, on the client-side, using the language associated with your UI / presentation framework.
I'd create something where the first eight numbers are loosely in a pattern, and a third quartet looks random but is really a sort of checksum.
So, for example, the first eight digits increment based on the current seconds on the server clock.
The last four could be something like the sum of the first four, plus twice the sum of the second four, which will give either a two or three digit number. The final digit is calculated so that the sum of all 11 digits plus this last one is a multiple of 9.
This is slightly akin to how barcode numbers are verified. You can format the resulting 12 digits any way you want, although it is the first eight that are unique here.
Hash the clock time.
Mod by 100,000 or something.
Format with hyphens.
Check for duplicates. If found, restart.
I would suggest using a autoincrement ID in the database to link tables and as a primary key. Integer fields are always faster than string fields for indexing and well as searching.
You can have the order number field (which is for display) as a different field in the order table which will be used to display. And whenever you are planning to send a URl to a user or display a URL to the user which has order ID (which is a autoincremented number) you can encrypt it with some algorithm.
Both your purpose will be solved.
But I suggest not to make string as primary key. Though you can have a unique constraint on the order number which is going to be displayed.
Hope this helps.
Kalpak Luniya
I would suggest internally you keep the database derived primary key, which is auto-incremented.
For the visible order number, you will probably need a longer length than 8 characters, if you are using this for security.
If you are using Ruby, look at SecureRandom, which will generate sufficiently random strings to accomodate this. For example, you can use SecureRandom.hex(16), and it will give you a 16 digit hex number. I believe it can also give you base 64 strings, which will look weirder but be shorter.
Make sure this is not your only security on an order, as it may not be that hard to find a valid order number within your 8 digit code, especially if some are some sort of checksum.
For security reasons i suggest that you should use Criptographicaly secure random number generator. Think about idea on icreasing User Id length -if you have 1 million users then the probability to gues User ID in first try is 0.01 and 67 tries to increase probability over 0.5
