All of my modules are not showing in administrator panel while migrated from 1.5.26 to joomla 2.5.8 - joomla

I've upgrade my joomla version 1.5.26 to joomla version 2.5.4 and all the things has been upgraded successfully. So when i goes into my joomla module manager admin panel then it is not showing me any kinds of modules which was previously visible in my old version(1.5.26) but in my frontend panel it can be seen easily.Does anyone knows the solution how to fix it?

When you said you migrated, I assume you used an extension such as jUpgrade.
Migrating will update the core file and database tables and thus should show all the core Joomla modules in the Module Manager, however it does not upgrade your 3rd party extensions, therefore you will need to download the Joomla 2.5 compatible versions. This upgrade however, should be showing your core modules in the list.
I hope you took a backup of your 1.5 site. If you did, trying running the upgrade again and if you didn't use jUpgrade, I suggest you do so.
Hope this helps

make sure you're using the standard template for joomla. Go to module manager, choose Administrator in the first filter, and see if all modules are published in actual module positions (i.e. cpanel, status, footer, icon, login, menu, submenu, toolbar I guess that's it for administrator)


Connection was reset when migrated jomsocial to the latest Version

I've upgraded my old joomla version 1.5.26 website to Joomla version 2.5.8 version successfully. It also upgraded my jomsocial tables in the database. After that, i have downloaded the jomsocial extensions version 2.8.0 and installed it in my joomla website. I also assigned the jomscoial "home front end page" to my menu and whenever i tried to open it then it is showing me the connection was reset. All other jomsocial functions are working properly except the homepage of jomscoial alias the front page of the jomsocial extension.
Does anyone knows how to solve it ?
I believe the bug is related to long URL's in the title field of the activity stream. It has been reported to JomSocial by several (including me). I haven't seen a fix yet. I'll post one when it is offered. It's affecting my site too.

Stucked in Jupgrade extension while migrating to joomla 2.5

Since thursday nyt, I got stucked on upgrading my joomla website 1.5.26 to 2.5 in the very first step which is cleanining and caching. I already disabled rest of the plugins except mootools plugins. I also reinstalled the latest mootools plugin for joomla and ; is also removed from the php_curl in my php.ini file. Any ideas about how to fix it?
Go to Extensions > jUpgrade.
Click Parameters.
Select Yes for the Skip Download option.
Select Yes for the Skip Decompress option.
Select No for the Delete previous migrationoption
- Click Save.
Create a folder in your Joomla root called jupgrade.
Download Joomla 2.5.4 and extract it in the jupgrade folder.
If you have already run jUpgrade and it failed, clear your browser
cache now. Click Start Upgrade.
If you still have problems with jUpgrade, see the following forum
post on jUpgrade; it addresses this issue.
Once you have successfully upgraded Joomla 1.5 to 2.5.4, you can
upgrade Joomla 2.5.4 to 2.5.6, but I would wait until Joomla comes
out with another release. Joomla 2.5.6 is still full of bugs and

jupgrade-joomla upgrade from 1.5 to 2.5

Long time back I used jUpgrade plugin for joomla upgrade.
But now the plugin / component is not in use to upgrade the joomla version from 1.5 to 2.5
Is there any other freeware plugin for migration?
I used following components.
Gavick Pro
Joomfish and
Pleas give some suggesstions to upgrade the joomla from 1.5 to 2.5
jUpgrade has been unpublished due to a broken download link, however things have changed on their official website and it can still be downloaded:
I forgot to mention that jUpgrade does not upgrade your 3rd party extensions such as JEvents. You will have to download the Joomla 2.5 compatible version for each one unfortunately. The same goes for the site template.
I know this is an old question, but things have changed on redComponent again. They now don't have an installer available on the site.
However, if redMigrator (the JUpgrade replacement) doesn't meet your needs (as in my particular case, today), they have put the JUpgrade source on GitHub
Just clone the repo down and then run releases/
It's still available from the makers website. Just been unpublished on JED for some reason. Keep on using it as before as far as I'm concerned.
There are no other well recognized freeware upgrades just the paid SP Upgrade (note the support on this extension as it is a paid extension is much better however for a generic upgrade stick with jUpgrade). However free upgrades do exist and can be found under this section on JED.

How to upgrade virtuemart for joomla 1.5.26

I have virtuemart version 1.1.7 was running on joomla 1.5.23.
Now I have upgraded to joomla 1.5.26, I need to upgrade virtuemart from 1.1.7 to 2.0.12 which is stable compatible one for joomla 1.5.x.
Any help on how to do this, I can't afford to install new version as all my user data will be lost in fresh installation of new version.
You cannot update VM version less than 2.0 to version 2.x.
Bcoz the VM changed the whole architecture of VM 2 (They implemented the MVC).
So you cannot upgrade directly,you need to install new VM 2.x and implement your older one changes one by one.Before doing any updation you should keep backup.
I Had found some easy guide
Open your ftp client and go to “server —> administrator —> components” and change “com_virtuemart” to something else, i changed it to “old_com_virtuemart” (you may also do this for “server —> components”
move your product/manufacturer/vendor images into images/stories/virtuemart and there in the right sub-folders. (category, manufacturer, product, vendor)
disable all virtue mart extensions
set your default Joomla frontend language to the one used in the description of your products. It is important to do this step before updating Virtue Mart for installing the correct default Virtue Mart languages tables.
now go to your site and go to the installer
install virtue mart 2.0 (as said before, don’t install 2.1/2.0.1/2.2 etc.)
after the installer is done, install the sample data
after the sample data is installed go back to the installer and install the AIO component
go to the administrator, set the language(s) for your store, even if your store is not multilingual and save the Virtue Mart configuration.
now go to the configuration of in virtue mart and enable “Enable database Update tools”.
after that is done, go to Tools —> tools&migration —> and click on the tab migration
first choosehcoose ”Everything” and then click “Start Migration”
just click “Start Migration” as many times as it takes for all products to migrate
now install jupgrade (
after installing is done go to the component jupgrade and click on preferences
make sure “Distribution” is set to Joomla 2.5 and make sure everything is set to “no” except “Keep original positions?” and “Delete previous migration” and save
now click on the big button to upgrade
after the upgrade is done go to and log-in
(if the components are not upgraded don’t worry, you just have to install them again, but it may take some time…)
if Virtue mart is still on your upgraded site, then you don’t have to follow the steps, go to step 27
install virtue mart 2.0 again and then install the sample data
install the AIO component
Now go to the administrator, set the language(s) for your store, even if your store is not multilingual and save the Virtue Mart configuration.
now go to the configuration of in virtuemart and enable “Enable database Update tools”.
after that is done, go to Tools —> tools&migration —> and click on the tab migration
first choose “Everything” and then click “Start Migration”
No matter which way of VirtueMart upgrading you will choose, don't forget to make a backup of your store data. So in case of any mistake ( it sometimes happen) you will be able to renew your store.

Upgrading Joomla Version 1.5.20 to Joomla Version 2.5.4

I'm trying to upgrade Joomla Version 1.5.20 to Joomla Version 2.5.4.
I've upgraded other CMS's in the past, but Joomla seems to be a little different. Does anyone have any advice as to the best way to upgrade?
So far I've:
Downloaded the entire site
Exported the database via phpMyAdmin
I've installed MAMP and Joomla locally and I'm trying to replicate their site on my machine in attempt to upgrade locally before doing it live. I've loaded the template, but haven't been able to load the content yet.
There seems to be a lot of versions between 1.5.20 and 2.5.4, and it's making me a bit nervous.
You can't directly upgrade from a Joomla! 1.5.x version to the 2.5.x line, it's a migration.
As the 2.5 line is a big change to Joomla! you will have to find 2.5 versions of:
the template you're using
any custom extensions (ie. components, plug-ins, modules etc)
Version 2.5 has new technical requirements so you will need to check that your server meets those.
Once you've got all that resolved.
First thing you should do is upgrade a backup of your 1.5.x site to the latest version ie. 1.5.26 as it fixes some security issues, and the recent versions included 1 or 2 bugs that help with the migration.
Once you have that working you will need to use a migration tool as discussed in this document. Please note that while this document references JUpgrade, you would probably be better off looking at one of the other conversion tools, especially the commercial products (which aren't expensive at all).
We're about half way through migrating over 200 client websites and while we started out with the free 'recommended' component we now use the commercial SP Upgrade (I have no affiliation with this product other than purchasing it and using it happily).
To upgrade joomla the plugin JUpgrade is one of the options. its quite easy tool.
updation can only required some clicks.
Here is steps.
Step 1
The very first thing you need to do is update your Joomla 1.5 website to the latest security update (1.5.25 at the time of writing). Click here for the tutorial on how to update your site.
Step 2
create a backup of your website.
Step 3
We are going to use jUpgrade to migrate our website. You can download jUpgrade from above link.
Step 4
Once you have downloaded jUpgrade, install it in existing joomla using the extension manager (Extensions -> Install / Uninstall).
Make sure that you have loggedin with Super Administrator. ( It required super administrator rights to migrate database and media.)
Step 5
You need to enable the System - Mootools Upgrade plugin before you can use jUpgrade so navigate to extensions then plugin manager, do a search for the plugin and enable it. (Extensions -> Plugin Manager)
Step 6
Click on Start Upgrade, It will now upgrading automatically as below till completion Popup.
Now click on administrator, you will see Joomla newer version Login page and make sure that all content transferred successfully ( It will transfer only contents that will supported in new Joomla version)
JUpgrade will create new directory. Download & install Joomla newer version to new directory and transfer media and contents in newer one.
click here = to read More.
