Angular-Slickgrid, encode special characters while searching - slickgrid

I have noticed this strange behaviour with angular slickgrid where if a search query contains some of special characters like "<" ">" "!" "*", it fails to encode them. Any idea why this strange behaviour is noticed and how to fix it?
Thanks in advance!


Weird behaviour in elixir with whitespace character

I'm encountering a weird behaviour in Elixir when defining for example function default arguments or using head|tail in a list definitions.
This does not work and results in an error unexpected token: " ":
def a(b \\ "test") do
But this one does:
def a(b \\"test") do
The difference being the whitespace character " " preceding the default string argument "test"
Also this does not work and results in an error unexpected token: " ":
[0 | [1,2,3,4,5]]
But this one does work:
[0 |[1,2,3,4,5]]
Once again the difference being the whitespace character " " preceding the tail list definition [1,2,3,4,5]
The problem exists in IEX and compiled code. I'm running Elixir 1.4. My system is macOS Sierra and I'm using iTerm as my terminal app.
So the question is: is this the correct behaviour or is there something wrong for example in my environment and what it could possibly be? All the examples and guides allow whitespace in these positions but for some reason my environment does not. Is there something I can do about this?
Thank you in advance!
Issue got resolved as stated in the comments.
On macOS alt+space provides Non-breaking space character instead of normal space. The issue described occurred most of the times after inserting any character with alt-combination following whitespace because I just wasn't fast enough to release the alt-key and thus wrong whitespace was provided.
For instructions to resolve this on macOS (in case if you want to disable the alternative space) check out this question:

Escaping an apostrophe in golang

How can I escape an apostrophe in golang?
I have a string
s = "I've this book"
and I want to make it
s = "I\'ve this book"
How to achieve this?
Thanks in advance.
Escaping a character is only necessary if it can be interpreted in two or more ways. The apostrophe in your string can only be interpreted as an apostrophe, escaping is therefore not necessary as such. This is probably why you see the error message unknown escape sequence: '.
If you need to escape the apostrophe because it is inserted into a database, first consider using library functions for escaping or inserting data directly. Correct escaping has been the culprit of many security problems in the last decades. You will almost certainly do it wrong.
Having said that, you have to escape \ to do what you want (click to play):
fmt.Println("\\'") # outputs \'
As you're using cassandra, you can use packages like gocql which provide you with parametrized queries:
session.Query(`INSERT INTO sometable (text) VALUES (?)`, "'escaping'").Exec();

Xquery error with fn:substring-before

The error I get when trying to run this is
No closing ';' found for entity or character reference
Anybody have any idea what's causing this error?
In XQuery an ampersand within a string literal (and in certain other contexts) needs to be escaped as &, just as it would be in XML.
Michael Kay is correct. The "&" is illegal by itself in XML. It is always to be accompanied by an entity. Examples include & < >, etc.
If you think that your search won't work because you are searching for "&" instead of "&", that is not proper thinking. As a human, try to translate in your head that "&" really looks like "&" to the XML parser. Doing this will work:

gsub ASCII code characters from a string in ruby

I am using nokogiri to screen scrape some HTML. In some occurrences, I am getting some weird characters back, I have tracked down the ASCII code for these characters with the following code:
#parser.leads[0].phone_numbers[0].each_byte do |c|
puts "char=#{c}"
The characters in question have an ASCII code of 194 and 160.
I want to somehow strip these characters out while parsing.
I have tried the following code but it does not work.
Can anyone tell me how to achieve this?
I found this question while trying to strip out invisible characters when "trimming" a string.
s.strip did not work for me and I found that the invisible character had the ord number 194
None of the methods above worked for me but then I found "Convert non-breaking spaces to spaces in Ruby " question which says:
Use /\u00a0/ to match non-breaking spaces: s.gsub(/\u00a0/, ' ') converts all non-breaking spaces to regular spaces
Use /[[:space:]]/ to match all whitespace, including Unicode whitespace like non-breaking spaces. This is unlike /\s/, which matches only ASCII whitespace.
So glad I found that! Now I'm using:
This doesn't answer the question of how to gsub specific character codes, but if you're just trying to remove whitespace it seems to work pretty well.
Your problem is that you want to do a method call but instead you're creating a Regexp. You're searching and replacing strings consisting of the string "160" followed by any character and then the string "chr", and then doing the same except with "160" replaced with "194".
Instead, do gsub(160.chr, '').
Update (2018): This code does not work in current Ruby versions. Please refer to other answers.
You can also try
s.gsub(/\xA0|\xC2/, '')
s.delete 160.chr+194.chr
First thought would be should you be using gsub! instead of gsub
gsub returns a string and gsub! performs the substitution in place
I was getting "invalid multibyte escape" error while trying the above solution, but for a different situation. Google was return \xA0 when the number is greater than 999 and I wanted to remove it. So what I did was use return_value.gsub(/[\xA0]/n,"") instead and it worked perfectly fine for me.

Problem With Regular Expression to Remove HTML Tags

In my Ruby app, I've used the following method and regular expression to remove all HTML tags from a string:
This regular expression did just about all I was expecting it to, except it caused all quotation marks to be transformed into “
and all single quotes to be changed to ”
What's the obvious thing I'm missing to convert the messy codes back into their proper characters?
Edit: The problem occurs with or without the Regular Expression, so it's clear my problem has nothing to do with it. My question now is how to deal with this formatting error and correct it. Thanks!
Use CGI::unescapeHTML after you perform your regular expression substitution:
In the above code snippet, gsub removes all HTML tags. Then, unescapeHTML() reverts all HTML entities (such as <, &#8220) to their actual characters (<, quotes, etc.)
With respect to another post on this page, note that you will never ever be passed HTML such as
<tag attribute="<value>">2 + 3 < 6</tag>
(which is invalid HTML); what you may receive is, instead:
<tag attribute="<value>">2 + 3 < 6</tag>
The call to gsub will transform the above to:
2 + 3 < 6
And unescapeHTML will finish the job:
2 + 3 < 6
You're going to run into more trouble when you see something like:
<doohickey name="<foobar>">
You'll want to apply something like:
gsub(/<[^<>]*>/, "")
...for as long as the pattern matches.
This regular expression did just about
all I was expecting it to, except it
caused all quotation marks to be
transformed into “ and all
single quotes to be changed to ”
This doesn't sound as if the RegExp would be doing this. Are you sure it's different before?
See this question here for information about the problem, it has got an excellent answer:
Get non UTF-8 form fields as UTF-8 in php.
I've run into a similar problem with character changes, this happened when my code ran through another module that enforced UTF-8 encoding and then when it came back, I had a different file (slurped array of lines) on my hands.
You could use a multi-pass system to get the results you are looking for.
After running your regular expression, run an expression to convert &8220; to quotes and another to convert &8221; to single quotes.
