Problem by dictionaries to use numba njit parallelization to accelerate the code - performance

I have written a code and try to use numba for accelerating the code. The main goal of the code is to group some values based on a condition. In this regard, iter_ is used for converging the code to satisfy the condition. I prepared a small case below to reproduce the sample code:
import numpy as np
import numba as nb
rng = np.random.default_rng(85)
# --------------------------------------- small data volume ---------------------------------------
# values_ = {'R0': np.array([0.01090976, 0.01069902, 0.00724112, 0.0068463 , 0.01135723, 0.00990762,
# 0.01090976, 0.01069902, 0.00724112, 0.0068463 , 0.01135723]),
# 'R1': np.array([0.01836379, 0.01900166, 0.01864162, 0.0182823 , 0.01840322, 0.01653088,
# 0.01900166, 0.01864162, 0.0182823 , 0.01840322, 0.01653088]),
# 'R2': np.array([0.02430913, 0.02239156, 0.02225379, 0.02093393, 0.02408692, 0.02110411,
# 0.02239156, 0.02225379, 0.02093393, 0.02408692, 0.02110411])}
# params = {'R0': [3, 0.9490579204466154, 1825, 7.070272000000002e-05],
# 'R1': [0, 0.9729203826820172, 167 , 7.070272000000002e-05],
# 'R2': [1, 0.6031363088057902, 1316, 8.007296000000003e-05]}
# Sno, dec_, upd_ = 2, 100, 200
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ----------------------------- UPDATED (medium and large data volumes) ---------------------------
# values_ = np.load("values_med.npy", allow_pickle=True)[()]
# params = np.load("params_med.npy", allow_pickle=True)[()]
values_ = np.load("values_large.npy", allow_pickle=True)[()]
params = np.load("params_large.npy", allow_pickle=True)[()]
Sno, dec_, upd_ = 2000, 1000, 200
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# values_ = [*values_.values()]
# params = [*params.values()]
# #nb.jit(forceobj=True)
# def test(values_, params, Sno, dec_, upd_):
final_dict = {}
for i, j in enumerate(values_.keys()):
Rand_vals = []
goal_sum = params[j][1] * params[j][3]
tel = goal_sum / dec_ * 10
if params[j][0] != 0:
for k in range(Sno):
final_sum = 0.0
iter_ = 0
t = 1
while not np.allclose(goal_sum, final_sum, atol=tel):
iter_ += 1
vals_group = rng.choice(values_[j], size=params[j][0], replace=False)
# final_sum = 0.0016 * np.sum(vals_group) # -----> For small data volume
final_sum = np.sum(vals_group ** 3) # -----> UPDATED For med or large data volume
if iter_ == upd_:
t += 1
tel = t * tel
values_[j] = np.delete(values_[j], np.where(np.in1d(values_[j], vals_group)))
Rand_vals = [np.array([])] * Sno
final_dict["R" + str(i)] = Rand_vals
# return final_dict
# test(values_, params, Sno, dec_, upd_)
At first, for applying numba on this code #nb.jit was used (forceobj=True is used for avoiding warnings and …), which will have adverse effect on the performance. nopython is checked, too, with #nb.njit which get the following error due to not supporting (as mentioned in 1, 2) dictionary type of the inputs:
cannot determine Numba type of <class 'dict'>
I don't know if (how) it could be handled by Dict from numba.typed (by converting created python dictionaries to numba Dict) or if converting the dictionaries to lists of arrays have any advantage. I think, parallelization may be possible if some code lines e.g. Rand_vals.append(vals_group) or else section or … be taken or be modified out of the function to get the same results as before, but I don't have any idea how to do so.
I will be grateful for helping utilize numba on this code. numba parallelization will be the most desired (probably the best applicable method in terms of performance) solution if it could.
medium data volume: values_med, params_med
large data volume: values_large, params_large

This code can be converted to Numba but it is not straightforward.
First of all, the dictionary and list type must be defined since Numba njit functions cannot directly operate on reflected lists (aka. pure-python lists). This is a bit tedious to do in Numba and the resulting code is a bit verbose:
String = nb.types.unicode_type
ValueArray = nb.float64[::1]
ValueDict = nb.types.DictType(String, ValueArray)
ParamDictValue = nb.types.Tuple([nb.int_, nb.float64, nb.int_, nb.float64])
ParamDict = nb.types.DictType(String, ParamDictValue)
FinalDictValue = nb.types.ListType(ValueArray)
FinalDict = nb.types.DictType(String, FinalDictValue)
Then you need to convert the input dictionaries:
nbValues = nb.typed.typeddict.Dict.empty(String, ValueArray)
for key,value in values_.items():
nbValues[key] = value.copy()
nbParams = nb.typed.typeddict.Dict.empty(String, ParamDictValue)
for key,value in params.items():
nbParams[key] = (nb.int_(value[0]), nb.float64(value[1]), nb.int_(value[2]), nb.float64(value[3]))
Then, you need to write the core function. np.allclose and np.isin are not implemented in Numba so they should be reimplemented manually. But the main point is that Numba does not support the rng Numpy object. I think it will certainly not support it any time soon. Note that Numba has an random numbers implementation that try to mimic the behavior of Numpy but the management of the seed is a bit different. Note also that results should be the same with the Numpy functions if the seed is set to the same value (Numpy and Numba have different seed variables that are not synchronized).
#nb.njit(FinalDict(ValueDict, ParamDict, nb.int_, nb.int_, nb.int_))
def nbTest(values_, params, Sno, dec_, upd_):
final_dict = nb.typed.Dict.empty(String, FinalDictValue)
for i, j in enumerate(values_.keys()):
Rand_vals = nb.typed.List.empty_list(ValueArray)
goal_sum = params[j][1] * params[j][3]
tel = goal_sum / dec_ * 10
if params[j][0] != 0:
for k in range(Sno):
final_sum = 0.0
iter_ = 0
t = 1
vals_group = np.empty(0, dtype=nb.float64)
while np.abs(goal_sum - final_sum) > (1e-05 * np.abs(final_sum) + tel):
iter_ += 1
vals_group = np.random.choice(values_[j], size=params[j][0], replace=False)
final_sum = 0.0016 * np.sum(vals_group)
# final_sum = 0.0016 * np.sum(vals_group) # (for small data volume)
final_sum = np.sum(vals_group ** 3) # (for med or large data volume)
if iter_ == upd_:
t += 1
tel = t * tel
# Perform an in-place deletion
vals, gr = values_[j], vals_group
cur = 0
for l in range(vals.size):
found = False
for m in range(gr.size):
found |= vals[l] == gr[m]
if not found:
# Keep the value (delete it otherwise)
vals[cur] = vals[l]
cur += 1
values_[j] = vals[:cur]
for k in range(Sno):
Rand_vals.append(np.empty(0, dtype=nb.float64))
final_dict["R" + str(i)] = Rand_vals
return final_dict
Note that the replacement implementation of np.isin is quite naive but it works pretty well in practice on your input example.
The function can be called using the following way:
nbFinalDict = nbTest(nbValues, nbParams, Sno, dec_, upd_)
Finally, the dictionary should be converted back to basic Python objects:
finalDict = dict()
for key,value in nbFinalDict.items():
finalDict[key] = list(value)
This implementation is fast for small inputs but not large ones since np.random.choice takes almost all the time (>96%). The thing is this function is clearly not optimal when the number of requested item is small (which is your case). Indeed, it surprisingly runs in linear time of the input array and not in linear time of the number of requested items.
Further Optimizations
The algorithm can be completely rewritten to extract only 12 random items and discard them from the main currant array in a much more efficient way. The idea is to swap n items (small target sample) at the end of the array with other items at random locations, then check the sum, repeat this process until a condition is fulfilled, and finally extract the view to the last n items before resizing the view so to discard the last items. All of this can be done in O(n) time rather than O(m) time where m is the size of the main current array with n << m (eg. 12 VS 20_000). It can also be compute without any expensive allocation. Here is the resulting code:
#nb.njit(nb.void(ValueArray, nb.int_, nb.int_))
def swap(arr, i, j):
arr[i], arr[j] = arr[j], arr[i]
#nb.njit(FinalDict(ValueDict, ParamDict, nb.int_, nb.int_, nb.int_))
def nbTest(values_, params, Sno, dec_, upd_):
final_dict = nb.typed.Dict.empty(String, FinalDictValue)
for i, j in enumerate(values_.keys()):
Rand_vals = nb.typed.List.empty_list(ValueArray)
goal_sum = params[j][1] * params[j][3]
tel = goal_sum / dec_ * 10
values = values_[j]
n = params[j][0]
if n != 0:
for k in range(Sno):
final_sum = 0.0
iter_ = 0
t = 1
m = values.size
assert n <= m
group = values[-n:]
while np.abs(goal_sum - final_sum) > (1e-05 * np.abs(final_sum) + tel):
iter_ += 1
# Swap the group view with other random items
for pos in range(m - n, m):
swap(values, pos, np.random.randint(0, m))
# For small data volume:
# final_sum = 0.0016 * np.sum(group)
# For med/large data volume
final_sum = 0.0
for v in group:
final_sum += v ** 3
if iter_ == upd_:
t += 1
tel *= t
assert iter_ > 0
values = values[:m-n]
for k in range(Sno):
Rand_vals.append(np.empty(0, dtype=nb.float64))
final_dict["R" + str(i)] = Rand_vals
return final_dict
In addition to being faster, this implementation as the benefit of being also simpler. Results looks quite similar to the previous implementation despite the randomness make the check of the results tricky (especially since this function does not use the same method to choose the random sample). Note that this implementation does not remove items in values that are in group as opposed to the previous one (this is probably not wanted though).
Here are the results of the last implementation on my machine (compilation and conversion timings excluded):
Provided small input (embedded in the question):
- Initial code: 42.71 ms
- Numba code: 0.11 ms
Medium input:
- Initial code: 3481 ms
- Numba code: 11 ms
Large input:
- Initial code: 6728 ms
- Numba code: 20 ms
Note that the conversion time takes about the same time than the computation.
This last implementation is 316~388 times faster than the initial code on small inputs.
Note that the compilation time takes few seconds due to the dict and lists types.
Note that while it may be possible to parallelise the implementation, only the most encompassing loop can be parallelised. The thing is there is only few items to compute and the time is already quite small (not the best case for multi-threading). <-- Additionally, the creation of many temporary arrays (created by rng.choice) will certainly cause the parallel loop not to scale well anyway. --> Additionally, the list/dict cannot be written from multiple threads safely so one need to use Numpy arrays in the whole function to be able to do that (or add additional conversion that are already expensive). Moreover, Numba parallelism tends to increase significantly the compilation time which is already significant. Finally, the result will be less deterministic since each Numba thread has its own random number generator seed and the items computed by the threads cannot be predicted with prange (dependent of the parallel runtime chosen on the target platform). Note that in Numpy there is one global seed by default used by usual random functions (deprecated way) and RNG objects have their own seed (new preferred way).


Fastest way to generate a kmer count vector from a nucleotide sequence (Julia)

Given a nucleotide sequence, I'm writing some Julia code to generate a sparse vector of (masked) kmer counts, and I would like it to run as fast as possible.
Here is my current implementation,
using Distributions
using SparseArrays
function kmer_profile(seq, k, mask)
basis = [4^i for i in (k - 1):-1:0]
d = Dict('A'=>0, 'C'=>1, 'G'=>2, 'T'=>3)
kmer_dict = Dict{Int, Int32}(4^k=>0)
for n in 1:(length(seq) - length(mask) + 1)
kmer_hash = 1
j = 1
for i in 1:length(mask)
if mask[i]
kmer_hash += d[seq[n+i-1]] * basis[j]
j += 1
haskey(kmer_dict, kmer_hash) ? kmer_dict[kmer_hash] += 1 : kmer_dict[kmer_hash] = 1
return sparsevec(kmer_dict)
seq = join(sample(['A','C','G','T'], 1000000))
mask_str = "111111011111001111111111111110"
mask = BitArray([parse(Bool, string(m)) for m in split(mask_str, "")])
k = sum(mask)
#time kmer_profile(seq, k, mask)
This code runs in about 0.3 seconds on my M1 MacBook Pro, is there any way to make it run significantly faster?
The function kmer_profile uses a sliding window of size length(mask) to count the number of times each masked kmer appears in the nucleotide sequence. A mask is a binary sequence, and a masked kmer is a kmer with nucleotides dropped at positions at which the mask is zero. E.g. the kmer ACGT and mask 1001 will produce the masked kmer AT.
To produce the kmer hash, the function treats each kmer as a base 4 number and then converts it to a (base 10) 64-bit integer, for indexing into the kmer vector.
The size of k is equal to the number of ones in the mask string, and is implicitly limited to 31 so that kmer hashes can fit into a 64-bit integer type.
There are several possible optimizations to make this code faster.
First of all, one can convert the Dict to an array since array-based indexing is faster than dictionary-based indexing one and this is possible here since the key is an ASCII character.
Moreover, the extraction of the sequence codes can be done once instead of length(mask) times by pre-computing code and putting the result in a temporary array.
Additionally, the mask-based conditional and the loop carried dependency make things slow. Indeed, the condition cannot be (easily) predicted by the processor causing it to stall for several cycles. The loop carried dependency make things even worse since the processor can hardly execute other instructions during this stall. This problem can be solved by pre-computing the factors based on both mask and basis. The result is a faster branch-less loop.
Once the above optimizations are done, the biggest bottleneck is sparsevec. In fact, it was also taking nearly half the time of the initial implementation! Optimizing this step is difficult but not impossible. It is slow because of random accesses in the Julia implementation. One can speed this up by sorting the keys-values pairs in the first place. It is faster due to a more cache-friendly execution and it can also help the prediction unit of the processor. This is a complex topic. For more details about how this works, please read Why is processing a sorted array faster than processing an unsorted array?.
Here is the final optimized code:
function kmer_profile_opt(seq, k, mask)
basis = [4^i for i in (k - 1):-1:0]
d = zeros(Int8, 128)
d[Int64('A')] = 0
d[Int64('C')] = 1
d[Int64('G')] = 2
d[Int64('T')] = 3
seq_codes = [d[Int8(e)] for e in seq]
j = 1
premult = zeros(Int64, length(mask))
for i in 1:length(mask)
if mask[i]
premult[i] = basis[j]
j += 1
kmer_dict = Dict{Int, Int32}(4^k=>0)
for n in 1:(length(seq) - length(mask) + 1)
kmer_hash = 1
j = 1
for i in 1:length(mask)
kmer_hash += seq_codes[n+i-1] * premult[i]
haskey(kmer_dict, kmer_hash) ? kmer_dict[kmer_hash] += 1 : kmer_dict[kmer_hash] = 1
sorted_kmer_pairs = sort(collect(kmer_dict))
sorted_kmer_keys = [e[1] for e in sorted_kmer_pairs]
sorted_kmer_values = [e[2] for e in sorted_kmer_pairs]
return sparsevec(sorted_kmer_keys, sorted_kmer_values)
This code is a bit more than twice faster than the initial implementation on my machine. A significant fraction of the time is still spent in the sorting algorithm.
The code can still be optimized further. One way is to use a parallel sort algorithm. Another way is to replace the premult[i] multiplication by a shift which is faster assuming premult[i] is modified so to contain exponents. I expect the code to be about 4 times faster than the original code. The main bottleneck should be the big dictionary creation. Improving further the performance of this is very hard (though it is still possible).
Inspired by Jérôme's answer, and squeezing some more by avoiding Dicts altogether:
function kmer_profile_opt3a(seq, k, mask)
d = zeros(Int8, 128)
d[Int64('A')] = 0
d[Int64('C')] = 1
d[Int64('G')] = 2
d[Int64('T')] = 3
seq_codes = [d[Int8(e)] for e in seq]
basis = [4^i for i in (k-1):-1:0]
j = 1
premult = zeros(Int64, length(mask))
for i in 1:length(mask)
if mask[i]
premult[i] = basis[j]
j += 1
kmer_vec = Vector{Int}(undef, length(seq)-length(mask)+1)
#inbounds for n in 1:(length(seq) - length(mask) + 1)
kmer_hash = 1
for i in 1:length(mask)
kmer_hash += seq_codes[n+i-1] * premult[i]
kmer_vec[n] = kmer_hash
return sparsevec(kmer_vec, ones(length(kmer_vec)), 4^k, +)
This achieved another 2x over Jérôme's answer on my machine.
The auto-combining feature of sparsevec makes the code a bit more compact.
Trying to slim the code further, and avoid unnecessary allocations in sparse vector creation, the following can be used:
using SparseArrays, LinearAlgebra
function specialsparsevec(nzs, n)
vals = Vector{Int}(undef, length(nzs))
j, k, count, last = (1, 1, 0, nzs[1])
while k <= length(nzs)
if nzs[k] == last
count += 1
vals[j], nzs[j] = (count, last)
count, last = (1, nzs[k])
j += 1
k += 1
vals[j], nzs[j] = (count, last)
resize!(nzs, j)
resize!(vals, j)
return SparseVector(n, nzs, vals)
function kmer_profile_opt3(seq, k, mask)
d = zeros(Int8, 128)
foreach(((i,c),) -> d[Int(c)]=i-1, enumerate(collect("ACGT")))
seq_codes = getindex.(Ref(d), Int8.(collect(seq)))
premult = foldr(
(i,(p,j))->(mask[i] && (p[i]=j ; j<<=2) ; (p,j)),
1:length(mask); init=(zeros(Int64,length(mask)),1)) |> first
kmer_vec = sort(
[ dot(#view(seq_codes[n:n+length(mask)-1]),premult) + 1 for
n in 1:(length(seq)-length(mask)+1)
return specialsparsevec(kmer_vec, 4^k)
This last version gets another 10% speedup (but is a little cryptic):
julia> #btime kmer_profile_opt($seq, $k, $mask);
367.584 ms (81 allocations: 134.71 MiB) # other answer
julia> #btime kmer_profile_opt3a($seq, $k, $mask);
140.882 ms (22 allocations: 54.36 MiB) # 1st this answer
julia> #btime kmer_profile_opt3($seq, $k, $mask);
127.016 ms (14 allocations: 27.66 MiB) # 2nd this answer

Faster way to compute distributions from Markov chain?

Suppose that I have a probability transition matrix, say a matrix of dimensions 2000x2000, that represents a homogeneous Markov chain, and I want to get some statistics of each probability distribution of the first 200 steps of the chain (the distribution of the first row at each step), then I've written the following
using Distributions, LinearAlgebra
# This function defines our transition matrix:
function tm(N::Int, n0::Int)
[pdf(Hypergeometric(N-l,l,n0),k-l) for l in 0:N, k in 0:N]
# This computes the 5-percentile of a probability vector
function percentile5(M::Vector)
while s <= 0.05
i += 1
s += M[i]
return i-1
# This function compute a matrix with three rows: means, 5-percentiles
# and standard deviations. Each column represent a session.
function stats(N::Int, n0::Int, m::Int)
A = tm(N,n0)
B = I # Initilizing B with the identity matrix
sup = 0:N # The support of each distribution
sup2 = [k^2 for k in sup]
stats = zeros(3,m)
for i in 1:m
C = B[1,:]
stats[1,i] = sum(C .* sup) # Mean
stats[2,i] = percentile5(C) # 5-percentile
stats[3,i] = sqrt(sum(C .* sup2) - stats[1,i]^2) # Standard deviation
B = A*B
return stats
data = stats(2000,50,200)
My question is, there is a more efficient (faster) way to do the same computation? I don't see a better way to do it but maybe there are some tricks that speed-up this computation.
This is what I have running so far:
using Distributions, LinearAlgebra, SparseArrays
# This function defines our transition matrix:
function tm(N::Int, n0::Int)
[pdf(Hypergeometric(N-l,l,n0),k-l) for l in 0:N, k in 0:N]
# This computes the 5-percentile of a probability vector
function percentile5(M::AbstractVector)
s = zero(eltype(M))
res = length(M)
#inbounds for i = 1:length(M)
s += M[i]
if s > 0.05
res = i - 1
return res
# This function compute a matrix with three rows: means, 5-percentiles
# and standard deviations. Each column represent a session.
function stats(N::Int, n0::Int, m::Int)
A = sparse(transpose(tm(N, n0)))
C = zeros(size(A, 1))
C[1] = 1.0
sup = 0:N # The support of each distribution
sup2 = sup .^ 2
stats = zeros(3, m)
for i = 1:m
stats[1, i] = sum(C .* sup) # Mean
stats[2, i] = percentile5(C) # 5-percentile
stats[3, i] = sqrt(sum(C .* sup2) - stats[1, i]^2) # Standard deviation
C = A * C
return stats
It is around 4x faster (on smaller parameters - possibly much more speedup on large parameters). Basically uses the tips I've made in the comment:
using sparse arrays.
avoiding whole matrix multiply but using vector-matrix multiply instead.
Further improvement are possible (like simulation/ensemble method I've mentioned).

Shuffling rows of large pandas DataFrame and correlation with a series

I need to independently shuffle each row of large pandas DataFrames several times (the typical shape is (10000,1000)) and then estimate the correlation of each row with a given series.
The most efficient (=quick) way I found to do it staying within pandas is the following:
for i in range(N): #the larger is N, the better it is
df_sh = df.apply(numpy.random.permutation, axis=1)
#where df this is my large dataframe, with 10K rows and 1K columns
corr = df_sh.corrwith(s, axis = 1)
#where s is the provided series (shape of s =(1000,))
The two tasks take approximately the same amount of time (namely 30 secs each). I tried to convert my dataframe into a numpy.array, to perform a for loop over the array and, for each line, I first perform the permutation and then measure the correlation with scipy.stats.pearsonr. I unfortunately managed to speed up my two tasks only by a factor 2.
There would be other viable options to speed up the tasks even more? (NB: I am already parallelizing with Joblib the execution of my code up to the maximum factor allowed by the machine I am using).
Correlation between a 2D matrix/array and 1D array/vector :
We can adapt corr2_coeff_rowwise for correlation between a 2D array/matrix and a 1D array/vector, like so -
def corr2_coeff_2d_1d(A, B):
# Rowwise mean of input arrays & subtract from input arrays themeselves
A_mA = A - A.mean(1,keepdims=1)
B_mB = B - B.mean()
# Sum of squares across rows
ssA = np.einsum('ij,ij->i',A_mA,A_mA)
ssB =
# Finally get corr coeff
To shuffle each row and do this for all rows, we can make use of np.random.shuffle. Now, this shuffle function works along the first axis. So, to solve our case, we need to feed in the transposed version. Also, note that this shuffling would be done in-place. So, if original dataframe is needed elsewhere, do make a copy before processing. Thus, the solution would be -
Hence, let's use this to solve our case -
# Extract underlying arry data for faster NumPy processing in loop later on
a = df.values
s_ar = s.values
# Setup array for row-indexing with NumPy's advanced indexing later on
r = np.arange(a.shape[0])[:,None]
for i in range(N):
# Get shuffled indices per row with `rand+argsort/argpartition` trick from -
idx = np.random.rand(*a.shape).argsort(1)
# Shuffle array data with NumPy's advanced indexing
shuffled_a = a[r, idx]
# Compute correlation
corr = corr2_coeff_2d_1d(shuffled_a, s_ar)
Optimized version #1
Now, we could pre-compute for the parts involving the series that stays the same between iterations. Hence, a further optimized version would look like this -
a = df.values
s_ar = s.values
r = np.arange(a.shape[0])[:,None]
B = s_ar
B_mB = B - B.mean()
ssB =
A = a
A_mean = A.mean(1,keepdims=1)
for i in range(N):
# Get shuffled indices per row with `rand+argsort/argpartition` trick from -
idx = np.random.rand(*a.shape).argsort(1)
# Shuffle array data with NumPy's advanced indexing
shuffled_a = a[r, idx]
# Compute correlation
A = shuffled_a
A_mA = A - A_mean
ssA = np.einsum('ij,ij->i',A_mA,A_mA)
corr =*ssB)
Setup inputs with actual use-case shapes/sizes
In [302]: df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.rand(10000,1000))
In [303]: s = pd.Series(df.iloc[0])
1. Original method
In [304]: %%timeit
...: df_sh = df.apply(np.random.permutation, axis=1)
...: corr = df_sh.corrwith(s, axis = 1)
1 loop, best of 3: 1.99 s per loop
2. Proposed method
The pre-processing part (only done once before starting loop, so not including in timings) -
In [305]: a = df.values
...: s_ar = s.values
...: r = np.arange(a.shape[0])[:,None]
...: B = s_ar
...: B_mB = B - B.mean()
...: ssB =
...: A = a
...: A_mean = A.mean(1,keepdims=1)
Part of proposed solution that runs in loop -
In [306]: %%timeit
...: idx = np.random.rand(*a.shape).argsort(1)
...: shuffled_a = a[r, idx]
...: A = shuffled_a
...: A_mA = A - A_mean
...: ssA = np.einsum('ij,ij->i',A_mA,A_mA)
...: corr =*ssB)
1 loop, best of 3: 675 ms per loop
Thus, we are seeing a speedup of around 3x here!

How to parallelize computation of pairwise distance matrix?

My problem is roughly as follows. Given a numerical matrix X, where each row is an item. I want to find each row's nearest neighbor in terms of L2 distance in all rows except itself. I tried reading the official documentation but was still a little confused about how to achieve this. Could someone give me some hint?
My code is as follows
function l2_dist(v1, v2)
return sqrt(sum((v1 - v2) .^ 2))
function main(Mat, dist_fun)
n = size(Mat, 1)
Dist = SharedArray{Float64}(n) #[Inf for i in 1:n]
Id = SharedArray{Int64}(n) #[-1 for i in 1:n]
#parallel for i = 1:n
Dist[i] = Inf
Id[i] = 0
Threads.#threads for i in 1:n
for j in 1:n
if i != j
println(i, j)
dist_temp = dist_fun(Mat[i, :], Mat[j, :])
if dist_temp < Dist[i]
println("Dist updated!")
Dist[i] = dist_temp
Id[i] = j
return Dict("Dist" => Dist, "Id" => Id)
n = 4000
p = 30
X = [rand() for i in 1:n, j in 1:p];
main(X[1:30, :], l2_dist)
#time N = main(X, l2_dist)
I'm trying to distributed all the i's (i.e. calculating each row minimum) over different cores. But the version above apparently isn't working correctly. It is even slower than the sequential version. Can someone point me to the right direction? Thanks.
Maybe you're doing something in addition to what you have written down, but, at this point from what I can see, you aren't actually doing any computations in parallel. Julia requires you to tell it how many processors (or threads) you would like it to have access to. You can do this through either
Starting Julia with multiple processors julia -p # (where # is the number of processors you want Julia to have access to)
Once you have started a Julia "session" you can call the addprocs function to add additional processors.
To have more than 1 thread, you need to run command export JULIA_NUM_THREADS = #. I don't know very much about threading, so I will be sticking with the #parallel macro. I suggest reading documentation for more details on threading -- Maybe #Chris Rackauckas could expand a little more on the difference.
A few comments below about my code and on your code:
I'm on version 0.6.1-pre.0. I don't think I'm doing anything 0.6 specific, but this is a heads up just in case.
I'm going to use the Distances.jl package when computing the distances between vectors. I think it is a good habit to farm out as many of my computations to well-written and well-maintained packages as possible.
Rather than compute the distance between rows, I'm going to compute the distance between columns. This is because Julia is a column-major language, so this will increase the number of cache hits and give a little extra speed. You can obviously get the row-wise results you want by just transposing the input.
Unless you expect to have that many memory allocations then that many allocations are a sign that something in your code is inefficient. It is often a type stability problem. I don't know if that was the case in your code before, but that doesn't seem to be an issue in the current version (it wasn't immediately clear to me why you were having so many allocations).
Code is below
# Make sure all processors have access to Distances package
#everywhere using Distances
# Create a random matrix
nrow = 30
ncol = 4000
# Seed creation of random matrix so it is always same matrix
X = rand(nrow, ncol)
function main(X::AbstractMatrix{Float64}, M::Distances.Metric)
# Get size of the matrix
nrow, ncol = size(X)
# Create `SharedArray` to store output
ind_vec = SharedArray{Int}(ncol)
dist_vec = SharedArray{Float64}(ncol)
# Compute the distance between columns
#sync #parallel for i in 1:ncol
# Initialize various temporary variables
min_dist_i = Inf
min_ind_i = -1
X_i = view(X, :, i)
# Check distance against all other columns
for j in 1:ncol
# Skip comparison with itself
if i==j
# Tell us who is doing the work
# (can uncomment if you want to verify stuff)
# println("Column $i compared with Column $j by worker $(myid())")
# Evaluate the new distance...
# If it is less then replace it, otherwise proceed
dist_temp = evaluate(M, X_i, view(X, :, j))
if dist_temp < min_dist_i
min_dist_i = dist_temp
min_ind_i = j
# Which column is minimum distance from column i
dist_vec[i] = min_dist_i
ind_vec[i] = min_ind_i
return dist_vec, ind_vec
# Using Euclidean metric
metric = Euclidean()
inds, dist = main(X, metric)
#time main(X, metric);
#show dist[[1, 5, 25]], inds[[1, 5, 25]]
You can run the code with
1 processor julia testfile.jl
% julia testfile.jl
0.640365 seconds (16.00 M allocations: 732.495 MiB, 3.70% gc time)
(dist[[1, 5, 25]], inds[[1, 5, 25]]) = ([2541, 2459, 1602], [1.40892, 1.38206, 1.32184])
n processors (in this case 4) julia -p n testfile.jl
% julia -p 4 testfile.jl
0.201523 seconds (2.10 k allocations: 99.107 KiB)
(dist[[1, 5, 25]], inds[[1, 5, 25]]) = ([2541, 2459, 1602], [1.40892, 1.38206, 1.32184])

Algorithm for finding all points within distance of another point

I had this problem for an entry test for a job. I did not pass the test. I am disguising the question in deference to the company.
Imagine you have N number of people in a park of A X B space. If a person has no other person within 50 feet, he enjoys his privacy. Otherwise, his personal space is violated. Given a set of (x, y), how many people will have their space violated?
For example, give this list in Python:
people = [(0,0), (1,1), (1000, 1000)]
We would find 2 people who are having their space violated: 1, 2.
We don't need to find all sets of people; just the total number of unique people.
You can't use a brute method to solve the problem. In other words, you can't use a simple array within an array.
I have been working on this problem off and on for a few weeks, and although I have gotten a solution faster than n^2, have not come up with a problem that scales.
I think the only correct way to solve this problem is by using Fortune's algorithm?
Here's what I have in Python (not using Fortune's algorithm):
import math
import random
random.seed(1) # Setting random number generator seed for repeatability
TEST = True
NUM_PEOPLE = 10000
PARK_SIZE = 128000 # Meters.
CONFLICT_RADIUS = 500 # Meters.
def _get_distance(x1, y1, x2, y2):
require: x1, y1, x2, y2: all integers
return: a distance as a float
distance = math.sqrt(math.pow((x1 - x2), 2) + math.pow((y1 - y2),2))
return distance
def check_real_distance(people1, people2, conflict_radius):
determine if two people are too close
if people2[1] - people1[1] > conflict_radius:
return False
d = _get_distance(people1[0], people1[1], people2[0], people2[1])
if d >= conflict_radius:
return False
return True
def check_for_conflicts(peoples, conflict_radius):
# sort people
def sort_func1(the_tuple):
return the_tuple[0]
_peoples = []
index = 0
for people in peoples:
_peoples.append((people[0], people[1], index))
index += 1
peoples = _peoples
peoples = sorted(peoples, key = sort_func1)
conflicts_dict = {}
i = 0
# use a type of sweep strategy
while i < len(peoples) - 1:
x_len = peoples[i + 1][0] - peoples[i][0]
conflict = False
conflicts_list =[peoples[i]]
j = i + 1
while x_len <= conflict_radius and j < len(peoples):
x_len = peoples[j][0] - peoples[i][0]
conflict = check_real_distance(peoples[i], peoples[j], conflict_radius)
if conflict:
people1 = peoples[i][2]
people2 = peoples[j][2]
conflicts_dict[people1] = True
conflicts_dict[people2] = True
j += 1
i += 1
return len(conflicts_dict.keys())
def gen_coord():
return int(random.random() * PARK_SIZE)
if __name__ == '__main__':
people_positions = [[gen_coord(), gen_coord()] for i in range(NUM_PEOPLE)]
conflicts = check_for_conflicts(people_positions, CONFLICT_RADIUS)
print("people in conflict: {}".format(conflicts))
As you can see from the comments, there's lots of approaches to this problem. In an interview situation you'd probably want to list as many as you can and say what the strengths and weaknesses of each one are.
For the problem as stated, where you have a fixed radius, the simplest approach is probably rounding and hashing. k-d trees and the like are powerful data structures, but they're also quite complex and if you don't need to repeatedly query them or add and remove objects they might be overkill for this. Hashing can achieve linear time, versus spatial trees which are n log n, although it might depend on the distribution of points.
To understand hashing and rounding, just think of it as partitioning your space up into a grid of squares with sides of length equal to the radius you want to check against. Each square is given it's own "zip code" which you can use as a hash key to store values in that square. You can compute the zip code of a point by dividing the x and y co-ordinates by the radius, and rounding down, like this:
def get_zip_code(x, y, radius):
return str(int(math.floor(x/radius))) + "_" + str(int(math.floor(y/radius)))
I'm using strings because it's simple, but you can use anything as long as you generate a unique zip code for each square.
Create a dictionary, where the keys are the zip codes, and the values are lists of all the people in that zip code. To check for conflicts, add the people one at a time, and before adding each one, test for conflicts with all the people in the same zip code, and the zip code's 8 neighbours. I've reused your method for keeping track of conflicts:
def check_for_conflicts(peoples, conflict_radius):
index = 0
d = {}
conflicts_dict = {}
for person in peoples:
# check for conflicts with people in this person's zip code
# and neighbouring zip codes:
for offset_x in range(-1, 2):
for offset_y in range(-1, 2):
offset_zip_code = get_zip_code(person[0] + (offset_x * conflict_radius), person[1] + (offset_y * conflict_radius), conflict_radius)
if offset_zip_code in d:
# get a list of people in this zip:
other_people = d[offset_zip_code]
# check for conflicts with each of them:
for other_person in other_people:
conflict = check_real_distance(person, other_person, conflict_radius)
if conflict:
people1 = index
people2 = other_person[2]
conflicts_dict[people1] = True
conflicts_dict[people2] = True
# add the new person to their zip code
zip_code = get_zip_code(person[0], person[1], conflict_radius)
if not zip_code in d:
d[zip_code] = []
d[zip_code].append([person[0], person[1], index])
index += 1
return len(conflicts_dict.keys())
The time complexity of this depends on a couple of things. If you increase the number of people, but don't increase the size of the space you are distributing them in, then it will be O(N2) because the number of conflicts is going to increase quadratically and you have to count them all. However if you increase the space along with the number of people, so that the density is the same, it will be closer to O(N).
If you're just counting unique people, you can keep a count if how many people in each zip code have at least 1 conflict. If its equal to everyone in the zip code, you can early out of the loop that checks for conflicts in a given zip after the first conflict with the new person, since no more uniques will be found. You could also loop through twice, adding all people on the first loop, and testing on the second, breaking out of the loop when you find the first conflict for each person.
You can see this topcoder link and section 'Closest pair'. You can modify the closest pair algorithm so that the distance h is always 50.
So , what you basically do is ,
Sort the people by X coordinate
Sweep from left to right.
Keep a balanced binary tree and keep all the points within 50 radii in the binary tree. The key of the binary tree would be the Y coordinates of the point
Select the points with Y-50 and Y+50 , this can be done with the binary tree in lg(n) time.
So the overall complexity becomes nlg(n)
Be sure to mark the points you find to skip those points in the future.
You can use set in C++ as the binary tree.But I couldn't find if python set supports range query or upper_bound and lower_bound.If someone knows , please point that out in the comments.
Here's my solution to this interesting problem:
from math import sqrt
import math
import random
class Person():
def __init__(self, x, y, conflict_radius=500):
self.position = [x, y]
self.valid = True
self.radius = conflict_radius**2
def validate_people(self, people):
P0 = self.position
for p in reversed(people):
P1 = p.position
dx = P1[0] - P0[0]
dy = P1[1] - P0[1]
dx2 = (dx * dx)
if dx2 > self.radius:
dy2 = (dy * dy)
d = dx2 + dy2
if d <= self.radius:
self.valid = False
p.valid = False
def __str__(self):
p = self.position
return "{0}:{1} - {2}".format(p[0], p[1], self.valid)
class Park():
def __init__(self, num_people=10000, park_size=128000):
self.num_people = num_people
self.park_size = park_size
def gen_coord(self):
return int(random.random() * self.park_size)
def generate(self):
return [[self.gen_coord(), self.gen_coord()] for i in range(self.num_people)]
def naive_solution(data):
sorted_data = sorted(data, key=lambda x: x[0])
len_sorted_data = len(sorted_data)
result = []
for index, pos in enumerate(sorted_data):
print "{0}/{1} - {2}".format(index, len_sorted_data, len(result))
p = Person(pos[0], pos[1])
return result
if __name__ == '__main__':
people_positions = Park().generate()
with_conflicts = len(filter(lambda x: x.valid, naive_solution(people_positions)))
without_conflicts = len(filter(lambda x: not x.valid, naive_solution(people_positions)))
print("people with conflicts: {}".format(with_conflicts))
print("people without conflicts: {}".format(without_conflicts))
I'm sure the code can be still optimized further
I found a relatively solution to the problem. Sort the list of coordinates by the X value. Then look at each X value, one at a time. Sweep right, checking the position with the next position, until the end of the sweep area is reached (500 meters), or a conflict is found.
If no conflict is found, sweep left in the same manner. This method avoids unnecessary checks. For example, if there are 1,000,000 people in the park, then all of them will be in conflict. The algorithm will only check each person one time: once a conflict is found the search stops.
My time seems to be O(N).
Here is the code:
import math
import random
random.seed(1) # Setting random number generator seed for repeatability
NUM_PEOPLE = 10000
PARK_SIZE = 128000 # Meters.
CONFLICT_RADIUS = 500 # Meters.
check_real_distance = lambda conflict_radius, people1, people2: people2[1] - people1[1] <= conflict_radius \
and math.pow(people1[0] - people2[0], 2) + math.pow(people1[1] - people2[1], 2) <= math.pow(conflict_radius, 2)
def check_for_conflicts(peoples, conflict_radius):
peoples.sort(key = lambda x: x[0])
conflicts_dict = {}
i = 0
num_checks = 0
# use a type of sweep strategy
while i < len(peoples) :
conflict = False
j = i + 1
#sweep right
while j < len(peoples) and peoples[j][0] - peoples[i][0] <= conflict_radius \
and not conflict and not conflicts_dict.get(i):
num_checks += 1
conflict = check_real_distance(conflict_radius, peoples[i], peoples[j])
if conflict:
conflicts_dict[i] = True
conflicts_dict[j] = True
j += 1
j = i - 1
#sweep left
while j >= 0 and peoples[i][0] - peoples[j][0] <= conflict_radius \
and not conflict and not conflicts_dict.get(i):
num_checks += 1
conflict = check_real_distance(conflict_radius, peoples[j], peoples[i])
if conflict:
conflicts_dict[i] = True
conflicts_dict[j] = True
j -= 1
i += 1
print("num checks is {0}".format(num_checks))
print("num checks per size is is {0}".format(num_checks/ NUM_PEOPLE))
return len(conflicts_dict.keys())
def gen_coord():
return int(random.random() * PARK_SIZE)
if __name__ == '__main__':
people_positions = [[gen_coord(), gen_coord()] for i in range(NUM_PEOPLE)]
conflicts = check_for_conflicts(people_positions, CONFLICT_RADIUS)
print("people in conflict: {}".format(conflicts))
I cam up with an answer that seems to take O(N) time. The strategy is to sort the array by X values. For each X value, sweep left until a conflict is found, or the distance exceeds the conflict distance (500 M). If no conflict is found, sweep left in the same manner. With this technique, you limit the amount of searching.
Here is the code:
import math
import random
random.seed(1) # Setting random number generator seed for repeatability
NUM_PEOPLE = 10000
PARK_SIZE = 128000 # Meters.
CONFLICT_RADIUS = 500 # Meters.
check_real_distance = lambda conflict_radius, people1, people2: people2[1] - people1[1] <= conflict_radius \
and math.pow(people1[0] - people2[0], 2) + math.pow(people1[1] - people2[1], 2) <= math.pow(conflict_radius, 2)
def check_for_conflicts(peoples, conflict_radius):
peoples.sort(key = lambda x: x[0])
conflicts_dict = {}
i = 0
num_checks = 0
# use a type of sweep strategy
while i < len(peoples) :
conflict = False
j = i + 1
#sweep right
while j < len(peoples) and peoples[j][0] - peoples[i][0] <= conflict_radius \
and not conflict and not conflicts_dict.get(i):
num_checks += 1
conflict = check_real_distance(conflict_radius, peoples[i], peoples[j])
if conflict:
conflicts_dict[i] = True
conflicts_dict[j] = True
j += 1
j = i - 1
#sweep left
while j >= 0 and peoples[i][0] - peoples[j][0] <= conflict_radius \
and not conflict and not conflicts_dict.get(i):
num_checks += 1
conflict = check_real_distance(conflict_radius, peoples[j], peoples[i])
if conflict:
conflicts_dict[i] = True
conflicts_dict[j] = True
j -= 1
i += 1
print("num checks is {0}".format(num_checks))
print("num checks per size is is {0}".format(num_checks/ NUM_PEOPLE))
return len(conflicts_dict.keys())
def gen_coord():
return int(random.random() * PARK_SIZE)
if __name__ == '__main__':
people_positions = [[gen_coord(), gen_coord()] for i in range(NUM_PEOPLE)]
conflicts = check_for_conflicts(people_positions, CONFLICT_RADIUS)
print("people in conflict: {}".format(conflicts))
