makefile conditional recipe not executing - makefile

I have a makefile which produces an executable from several object files and I include a version number in each object file as it is compiled. However, I want the version number to be incremented only when a particular object file is created (ptarget below, the one containing main). I tried to do this using a conditional statement in the recipe:
ptarget:=$(addsuffix .obj,$(ouf))
%.obj : %.cpp
$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $< -Fo$#
$(info $(ptarget))
$(info $#)
ifeq ($#, $(ptarget))
perl $(perlDir)versionBump/ -inc -f $(versionFile)
I can see from the info commands that only when ptarget is built that $# == $(ptarget) -- I also tried using strip command to make sure no hidden whitespace, but the perl command to increment the version is never executed, it starts with a tab.
Just to add, this all works just fine without the conditional but the increment happens multiple times during a build, which is what I am trying to avoid. This example suggests it should work but...

This is a very common misunderstanding about make. ifeq is a make statement and is evaluated when make parses the Makefile. What you need is a conditional that gets evaluated when the recipe is executed by the shell, that is a shell if:
%.obj : %.cpp
$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $< -Fo$#
$(info $(ptarget))
$(info $#)
if [ "$#" = "$(ptarget)" ]; then \
perl $(perlDir)versionBump/ -inc -f $(versionFile); \
Do not forget the line continuations (the trailing \).


Compile error - Make error: *** multiple target patterns. Stop

I have a problem with a makefile that's part of a repository. I already posted this question but don't know how to add some code lines after, so I'm trying it here.There is a problem with the makefile that has the common make rules. When I run make, I get the following error: C:\Mios32/include/makefile/ *** multiple target patterns. Stop.
Here's the code from file from line 142 to 144:
# rule to create .elf file
#$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(ALL_OBJS) $(LIBS) $(LDFLAGS) -o$#
I'm guessing it's a problem with all_objs, cause these lines right before seem to work:
# rule to create a .hex and .bin file
%.bin : $(PROJECT_OUT)/$(PROJECT).elf
#$(OBJCOPY) $< -O binary $#
%.hex : $(PROJECT_OUT)/$(PROJECT).elf
#$(OBJCOPY) $< -O ihex $#
# rule to create a listing file from .elf
%.lss: $(PROJECT_OUT)/$(PROJECT).elf
#$(OBJDUMP) -w -h -S -C $< > $#
# rule to create a symbol table from .elf
%.sym: $(PROJECT_OUT)/$(PROJECT).elf
#$(NM) -n $< > $#
Here's some additional lines with all_objs:
# list of all objects
# list of all dependency files
And here's some additional lines with Project_out and project:
# where should the output files be located
# default linker flags
LDFLAGS += -T $(LD_FILE) -mthumb -u _start -Wl,--gc-section -Xlinker -M -Xlinker -
Map=$(PROJECT_OUT)/$(PROJECT).map -nostartfiles -lstdc++
# default rule
all: dirs cleanhex $(PROJECT).hex $(PROJECT_OUT)/$(PROJECT).bin
$(PROJECT_OUT)/$(PROJECT).lss $(PROJECT_OUT)/$(PROJECT).sym projectinfo
# create the output directories
#-if [ ! -e $(PROJECT_OUT) ]; then mkdir $(PROJECT_OUT); fi;
#-$(foreach DIR,$(DIRS), if [ ! -e $(PROJECT_OUT)/$(DIR) ]; \
then mkdir -p $(PROJECT_OUT)/$(DIR); fi; )
I'm pretty new to the whole Make and Makefile topic, so I'm having a hard time figuring out the problem. I appreciate every help.
You should be clear in your question what OS you're working on. It seems from the error message above you're working on Windows. The makefile you're trying to use is very clearly targeted at a UNIX system like GNU/Linux or possibly MacOS.
If you are not familiar with the differences between Windows and UNIX (which are vast and deep) you will definitely have a lot of learning to do before you can even start to get this working.
To use UNIX environments on Windows you need to use something like WSL, or Cygwin, or at least install a MinGW shell environment. When you do that you need to be using UNIX paths, not Windows paths. Windows paths use backslashes (which are escape sequences in UNIX) and drive letters (which have no equivalent in UNIX) and in makefiles in particular the : character is special to make so using paths with drive letters is a problem.
You can debug your makefile by adding $(info ...) functions to show you the value of variables:
# rule to create .elf file
$(info PROJECT = $(PROJECT))
$(info ALL_OBJS = $(ALL_OBJS))
#$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(ALL_OBJS) $(LIBS) $(LDFLAGS) -o$#

Makefile is skipping certain dependencies

So I am writing a makefile that will take some files (*.in) as input to my C++ program and compare their output (results.out) to given correct output (*.out).
Specifically I have files,,,, and
I have verified that $TESTIN =
The problem is that it seems to run the %.out block only for three of these files, 1,3, and 4. Why is it doing this?
OUTPUT = chart
SOURCES = chart.cpp
OBJS = $(SOURCES:.cpp=.o)
TESTIN = tests/*.in
all: $(OUTPUT)
$(COMPILER) *.o -o $(OUTPUT)
%.o: %.cpp
$(COMPILER) -c $< -o $#
test: $(TESTIN) %.out
./$(OUTPUT) < $# > tests/results.out
printf "\n"
ifeq ($(diff $< tests/results.out), )
printf "\tTest of "$#" succeeded for stdout.\n"
printf "\tTest of "$#" FAILED for stdout!\n"
Additionally, if there is a better way of accomplishing what I am trying to do, or any other improvements I could make to this makefile (as I am rather new at this), suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
EDIT: If I add a second dependency to the block ( %.out %.err), it runs the block for all five files. Still no idea why it works this way but not the way before.
First, I don't see how TESTIN can be correct. This line:
TESTIN = tests/*.in
is not a valid wildcard statement in Make; it should give the variable TESTIN the value tests/*.in. But let's suppose it has the value or tests/ tests/ tests/ tests/ tests/, or wherever these files actually are.
Second, as #OliCharlesworth points out, this rule: %.out
is a rule for building *.in files, which is not what you intend. As for why it runs some tests and not others, here is my theory:
The timestamp of t01.out is later than that of, so Make decides that it must "rebuild"; likewise and But the timestamp of t02.out is earlier than that of, so Make does not attempt to "rebuild"; likewise The timestamps of t02.err and t05.err are later than those of and, respectively, so when you add the %.err prerequisite, Make runs all tests. You can test this theory by checking the timestamps and experimenting with touch.
Anyway, let's rewrite it. We need a new target for a new rule:
TESTS := $(patsubst,test_%,$(TESTIN)) # test_t01 test_t02 ...
.PHONY: $(TESTS) # because there will be no files called test_t01, test_t02,...
$(TESTS): test_%: %.out
./$(OUTPUT) < $< > tests/results.out
Now for the conditional. Your attempted conditional is in Make syntax; Make will evaluate it before executing any rule, so tests/result.out will not yet exist, and variables like $< will not yet be defined. We must put the conditional inside the command, in shell syntax:
$(TESTS): test_%: %.out
./$(OUTPUT) < $< > tests/results.out
if diff $*.out tests/results.out >/dev/null; then \
echo Test of $* succeeded for stdout.; \
else echo Test of $* FAILED for stdout!; \
(Note that only the first line of the conditional must begin with a TAB.)

Makefile, declare variable in executable

This is a simple question for a starter like me, but what can I do to do like the following
all: run
$(CC) $(LIBRARY) $(INCLUDE) run.o -o $(DIR)$#
Why not go like this?
all: $(DIR)/run
$(CC) $(LIBRARY) $(INCLUDE) run.o -o $#
As written, you have an assignment to the shell variable DIR on one command line. On the next line, you have the expansion of a make variable DIR. This doesn't work because the two lines are executed by different shells, and in any case, make expands $(DIR) before running the shell and DIR is not a make variable.
You could make it work like this:
all: run
DIR=bin/; \
$(CC) $(LIBRARY) $(INCLUDE) run.o -o $${DIR}$#
The backslash means the two lines are treated as one (so much so that the semicolon is needed). The $${DIR} notation is expanded by make to ${DIR} (more precisely, $$ expands to $ and make ignores the {DIR}), and then the shell expands ${DIR} from the value set previously. You could, of course, omit the braces.
However, the answer by BeSerK is probably what you're looking for.

Cannot get make to use variable I set inside of rule

I am trying to fix a problem with a makefile. If you see below, I am setting the value of SUBDIR inside the rule, but it is not set when it gets to the next line. I have verified that the subst command is correct using output warnings, but it seems that the command on the next line is generated before the line above is executed. Is this possible? What am I doing wrong?
$(CppObj):$(OBJPATH)/%.$(OBJ_EXT): $(CPPPATH)/%.cpp
#$(RM) $#
SUBDIR = $(subst $(OBJPATH),,$(#D))
Recipes are actually shell commands. You can't set a Make variable inside them (well, except for using eval function).
But it's not a problem to set it outside the rule and refer it in the recipe as usual:
SUBDIR = $(subst $(OBJPATH),,$(#D))
$(CppObj):$(OBJPATH)/%.$(OBJ_EXT): $(CPPPATH)/%.cpp
#$(RM) $#
This will work fine as far as SUBDIR is recursively expanded variable, it's just a macro in fact.

Makefile. How to exclude one particular file from compilation?

I am trying to exclude main.cpp file from the list of files to be compiled defined by the rule below:
$(TMPDIRPATH)%.o: %.cpp
#echo compile $<
ifneq ($(notdir $<), main.cpp)
This 'ifneq' condition always evaluates to true, which is bizarre. What am I doing wrong? Is there a better way to exlude one file from an explicit rule?
Why don't you try using the filter-out text function if you're using GNU Make.
Returns all whitespace-separated words in text that do not match any of the pattern words, removing the words that do match one or more. This is the exact opposite of the filter function.
For example, given:
objects=main1.o foo.o main2.o bar.o
mains=main1.o main2.o
the following generates a list which contains all the object files not in ‘mains’:
$(filter-out $(mains),$(objects))
That isn't the best way to do it, but if you do it along these lines, write it as a shell condition, not using GNU make conditionals:
$(TMPDIRPATH)%.o: %.cpp
#echo compile $<
#if [ $(notdir $<) != main.cpp ]; \
then $(COMPILE.cpp) $(OUTPUT_OPTION) $<; \
The continuation markers (backslashes) are needed. So are the semicolons. The values prefixed with $ will be expanded by make before the shell is invoked to interpret them. You probably don't want the echo where it is, either. You probably need:
$(TMPDIRPATH)%.o: %.cpp
#if [ $(notdir $<) != main.cpp ]; \
then echo compile $<; \
The way I would expect to do it is with a list of the files to be compiled. Using any wild card mechanism leads to problems when extra files are added - other tests, or stray files that aren't really part of the system.
The comment says "But the GNU Make Manual says ifneq should work".
The ifneq would work if it were positioned correctly, which means 'not indented as part of the commands associated with a rule'. You could, therefore, write something like (an appallingly bad example, but my brain's on the fritz):
ifneq (${CFLAGS}, -Wall)
CFLAGS += -Wall
file1.o: file1.c
${CC} ${CFLAGS} -c $<
But when the ifneq is indented as in the question, it is just a command that actually isn't found on the system when the make runs the shell to process the command.
The ifneq line is evaluated only once, when make starts up and parses the makefile. In that context, $< is empty.
To get different behavior for each of the targets matched by your pattern rule, you could do something like
$(TMPDIRPATH)%.o: %.cpp
#echo compile $<
#$(if $(filter main.cpp,$<),$(COMPILE.cpp) $(OUTPUT_OPTION) $<)
It might help you to think of the difference between ifneq and $(if) in a makefile as like the difference between #if and if() in C code.
Taking a step back, though: If you don't want main.cpp to be compiled by this rule, then you probably want to provide an explicit rule with $(TMPDIRPATH)main.o as its target, which will be preferred to the pattern rule always. Or, if you don't want$(TMPDIRPATH)main.o to get made at all, you should be looking for rules that have it on the right sight of the :, and removing it from there.
Make doesn't really have a good way to handle conditionals within a rule. You could put the conditional in the command, but in this case there's a much cleaner way:
#echo compile $< (but not really)
$(TMPDIRPATH)%.o: %.cpp
#echo compile $<
I didn't realize you didn't have a main.cpp. The solution is simple: remove main.cpp as the prerequisite of the main.o rule (I've removed it above). Now the makefile doesn't need it, and won't try to build it.
But you're still running the rule, which means that something is still trying to build main.o, as either an explicit target or a prerequisite of something else. That is a symptom of confusion, which this change to the makefile will not fix. If you tell us more about the situation, maybe we can propose a better solution. What calls for main.o? Do you have a main.o? What target do you specify when you call Make?
