Compile error - Make error: *** multiple target patterns. Stop - makefile

I have a problem with a makefile that's part of a repository. I already posted this question but don't know how to add some code lines after, so I'm trying it here.There is a problem with the makefile that has the common make rules. When I run make, I get the following error: C:\Mios32/include/makefile/ *** multiple target patterns. Stop.
Here's the code from file from line 142 to 144:
# rule to create .elf file
#$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(ALL_OBJS) $(LIBS) $(LDFLAGS) -o$#
I'm guessing it's a problem with all_objs, cause these lines right before seem to work:
# rule to create a .hex and .bin file
%.bin : $(PROJECT_OUT)/$(PROJECT).elf
#$(OBJCOPY) $< -O binary $#
%.hex : $(PROJECT_OUT)/$(PROJECT).elf
#$(OBJCOPY) $< -O ihex $#
# rule to create a listing file from .elf
%.lss: $(PROJECT_OUT)/$(PROJECT).elf
#$(OBJDUMP) -w -h -S -C $< > $#
# rule to create a symbol table from .elf
%.sym: $(PROJECT_OUT)/$(PROJECT).elf
#$(NM) -n $< > $#
Here's some additional lines with all_objs:
# list of all objects
# list of all dependency files
And here's some additional lines with Project_out and project:
# where should the output files be located
# default linker flags
LDFLAGS += -T $(LD_FILE) -mthumb -u _start -Wl,--gc-section -Xlinker -M -Xlinker -
Map=$(PROJECT_OUT)/$(PROJECT).map -nostartfiles -lstdc++
# default rule
all: dirs cleanhex $(PROJECT).hex $(PROJECT_OUT)/$(PROJECT).bin
$(PROJECT_OUT)/$(PROJECT).lss $(PROJECT_OUT)/$(PROJECT).sym projectinfo
# create the output directories
#-if [ ! -e $(PROJECT_OUT) ]; then mkdir $(PROJECT_OUT); fi;
#-$(foreach DIR,$(DIRS), if [ ! -e $(PROJECT_OUT)/$(DIR) ]; \
then mkdir -p $(PROJECT_OUT)/$(DIR); fi; )
I'm pretty new to the whole Make and Makefile topic, so I'm having a hard time figuring out the problem. I appreciate every help.

You should be clear in your question what OS you're working on. It seems from the error message above you're working on Windows. The makefile you're trying to use is very clearly targeted at a UNIX system like GNU/Linux or possibly MacOS.
If you are not familiar with the differences between Windows and UNIX (which are vast and deep) you will definitely have a lot of learning to do before you can even start to get this working.
To use UNIX environments on Windows you need to use something like WSL, or Cygwin, or at least install a MinGW shell environment. When you do that you need to be using UNIX paths, not Windows paths. Windows paths use backslashes (which are escape sequences in UNIX) and drive letters (which have no equivalent in UNIX) and in makefiles in particular the : character is special to make so using paths with drive letters is a problem.
You can debug your makefile by adding $(info ...) functions to show you the value of variables:
# rule to create .elf file
$(info PROJECT = $(PROJECT))
$(info ALL_OBJS = $(ALL_OBJS))
#$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(ALL_OBJS) $(LIBS) $(LDFLAGS) -o$#


Why does f77 -f fail and what should it do?

I am trying to run some old Fortran code of my project team in ubuntu 16.04. I have not done any modifications to the existing code.
All I have done is installed gfortran, opened a terminal, and went to the file location using "cd" command. Here I have many files, but just consider this three, a script file, and two makefiles counter.make and remail.make.
make -f counter.make
make -f remail.make
In counter.make
SOURCES_f77 = $(SOURCE_APPLI)table.f
TARGET = unst.e
OBJECTS = $(SOURCES_f77:.f=.o)
COMPILE = f77 -f
.f90.o :
$(COMPILE1) -o $*.o -c $*.f90
.f.o :
$(COMPILE) -o $*.o -c $*.f
del :
In remail.make
TARGET = remail.e
OBJECTS = $(SOURCES_f77:.f=.o)
.f90.o :
$(COMPILE) -o $*.o -c $*.f90
.f.o :
$(COMPILE) -o $*.o -c $*.f
del :
When I run, I got an error as shown below
f77: error: unrecognized command line option ‘-f’
counter.make:29: recipe for target 'unst.e' failed
make: *** [unst.e] Error 1
make: 'remail.e' is up to date.
So my question is what is the difference with and without using -f option in the f77 command line?
The f77 manual page at says
-f Use a floating point interpreter
(for PDP11's that lack 11/70-style floating point).
If you are not on a PDP-11, it appears that this option would perhaps not be useful at all in the first place.
Probably still review the local documentation, ideally for the system where this set of Makefiles was once created.
GNU Fortran 77 appears to use this option to specify various language options, but then it would not be useful on its own (it takes arguments like -fdollar-ok to enable something called "dollar ok", for example. See the linked manual for an extensive list of these options and their meaning).

Building C-program "out of source tree" with GNU make

I would like to build a C-project for my microcontroller with the GNU make tool. I would like to do it in a clean way, such that my source code is not cluttered with object files and other stuff after the build. So imagine that I have a project folder, called "myProject" with two folders in it:
- myProject
|---+ source
'---+ build
The build folder only contains a makefile. The figure below shows what should happen when I run the GNU make tool:
So GNU make should create an object file for each .c source file it can find in the source folder. The object files should be structured in a directory tree that is similar to the structure in the source folder.
GNU make should also make a .d dependency file (in fact, a dependency file is some sort of makefile itself) for each .c source file. The dependency file is described in the GNU make manual chapter 4.14 "Generating Prerequisites Automatically":
For each source file name.c there is a makefile name.d which lists
what files the object file name.o depends on.
From the following Stackoverflow question About the GNU make dependency files *.d, I learned that adding the options -MMD and -MP to the CFLAGS of the GNU gcc compiler can help to automate that.
So now comes the question. Has anyone a sample makefile that performs such out-of-source build? Or some good advices on how to get started?
I'm pretty sure that most people who have written such a makefile, are Linux-people. But the microcontroller project should build also on a Windows machine. Anyway, even if your makefile is Linux-only, it provides a good starting point ;-)
PS: I would like to avoid extra tools like CMake, Autotools, or anything that has to do with an IDE. Just pure GNU make.
I would be very grateful :-)
Updating the dependency files
Please have a look at this question: What is the exact chain of events when GNU make updates the .d files?
Here's the Makefile I've added to the documentation (currently in review so I'll post it here) :
# Set project directory one level above the Makefile directory. $(CURDIR) is a GNU make variable containing the path to the current working directory
PROJDIR := $(realpath $(CURDIR)/..)
# Name of the final executable
TARGET = myApp.exe
# Decide whether the commands will be shown or not
# Create the list of directories
DIRS = Folder0 Folder1 Folder2
SOURCEDIRS = $(foreach dir, $(DIRS), $(addprefix $(SOURCEDIR)/, $(dir)))
TARGETDIRS = $(foreach dir, $(DIRS), $(addprefix $(BUILDDIR)/, $(dir)))
# Generate the GCC includes parameters by adding -I before each source folder
INCLUDES = $(foreach dir, $(SOURCEDIRS), $(addprefix -I, $(dir)))
# Add this list to VPATH, the place make will look for the source files
# Create a list of *.c sources in DIRS
SOURCES = $(foreach dir,$(SOURCEDIRS),$(wildcard $(dir)/*.c))
# Define objects for all sources
OBJS := $(subst $(SOURCEDIR),$(BUILDDIR),$(SOURCES:.c=.o))
# Define dependencies files for all objects
DEPS = $(OBJS:.o=.d)
# Name the compiler
CC = gcc
# OS specific part
ifeq ($(OS),Windows_NT)
RM = del /F /Q
MKDIR = -mkdir
ERRIGNORE = 2>NUL || true
RM = rm -rf
RMDIR = rm -rf
MKDIR = mkdir -p
ERRIGNORE = 2>/dev/null
# Remove space after separator
PSEP = $(strip $(SEP))
# Hide or not the calls depending of VERBOSE
ifeq ($(VERBOSE),TRUE)
HIDE = #
# Define the function that will generate each rule
define generateRules
$(1)/%.o: %.c
#echo Building $$#
$(HIDE)$(CC) -c $$(INCLUDES) -o $$(subst /,$$(PSEP),$$#) $$(subst /,$$(PSEP),$$<) -MMD
# Indicate to make which targets are not files
.PHONY: all clean directories
all: directories $(TARGET)
$(HIDE)echo Linking $#
$(HIDE)$(CC) $(OBJS) -o $(TARGET)
# Include dependencies
-include $(DEPS)
# Generate rules
$(foreach targetdir, $(TARGETDIRS), $(eval $(call generateRules, $(targetdir))))
# Remove all objects, dependencies and executable files generated during the build
#echo Cleaning done !
Main features
Automatic detection of C sources in specified folders
Multiple source folders
Multiple corresponding target folders for object and dependency files
Automatic rule generation for each target folder
Creation of target folders when they don't exist
Dependency management with gcc : Build only what is necessary
Works on Unix and DOS systems
Written for GNU Make
How to use this Makefile
To adapt this Makefile to your project you have to :
Change the TARGET variable to match your target name
Change the name of the Sources and Build folders in SOURCEDIR and BUILDDIR
Change the verbosity level of the Makefile in the Makefile itself or in make call (make all VERBOSE=FALSE)
Change the name of the folders in DIRS to match your sources and build folders
If required, change the compiler and the flags
In this Makefile Folder0, Folder1 and Folder2 are the equivalent to your FolderA, FolderB and FolderC.
Note that I have not had the opportunity to test it on a Unix system at the moment but it works correctly on Windows.
Explanation of a few tricky parts :
Ignoring Windows mkdir errors
ERRIGNORE = 2>NUL || true
This has two effects :
The first one, 2>NUL is to redirect the error output to NUL, so as it does not comes in the console.
The second one, || true prevents the command from rising the error level. This is Windows stuff unrelated with the Makefile, it's here because Windows' mkdir command rises the error level if we try to create an already-existing folder, whereas we don't really care, if it does exist that's fine. The common solution is to use the if not exist structure, but that's not UNIX-compatible so even if it's tricky, I consider my solution more clear.
Creation of OBJS containing all object files with their correct path
OBJS := $(subst $(SOURCEDIR),$(BUILDDIR),$(SOURCES:.c=.o))
Here we want OBJS to contain all the object files with their paths, and we already have SOURCES which contains all the source files with their paths.
$(SOURCES:.c=.o) changes *.c in *.o for all sources, but the path is still the one of the sources.
$(subst $(SOURCEDIR),$(BUILDDIR), ...) will simply subtract the whole source path with the build path, so we finally have a variable that contains the .o files with their paths.
Dealing with Windows and Unix-style path separators
SEP = /
PSEP = $(strip $(SEP))
This only exist to allow the Makefile to work on Unix and Windows, since Windows uses backslashes in path whereas everyone else uses slashes.
SEP=\\ Here the double backslash is used to escape the backslash character, which make usually treats as an "ignore newline character" to allow writing on multiple lines.
PSEP = $(strip $(SEP)) This will remove the space char of the SEP variable, which has been added automatically.
Automatic generation of rules for each target folder
define generateRules
$(1)/%.o: %.c
#echo Building $$#
$(HIDE)$(CC) -c $$(INCLUDES) -o $$(subst /,$$(PSEP),$$#) $$(subst /,$$(PSEP),$$<) -MMD
That's maybe the trick that is the most related with your usecase. It's a rule template that can be generated with $(eval $(call generateRules, param)) where param is what you can find in the template as $(1).
This will basically fill the Makefile with rules like this for each target folder :
path/to/target/%.o: %.c
#echo Building $#
$(HIDE)$(CC) -c $(INCLUDES) -o $(subst /,$(PSEP),$#) $(subst /,$(PSEP),$<) -MMD
This fairly minimal makefile should do the trick:
VPATH = ../source
OBJS = FolderA/fileA1.o FolderA/fileA2.o FolderB/fileB1.o
all: init myProgram
myProgram: $(OBJS)
$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o $# $(OBJS) $(LDLIBS)
.PHONY: all init
mkdir -p FolderA
mkdir -p FolderB
-include $(OBJS:%.o=%.d)
The main tricky part is ensuring that FolderA and FolderB exist in the build directory bfore trying to run the compiler that will write into them. The above code will work sequential for builds, but might fail with -j2 the first time it is run, as the compiler in one thread might try to open an output file before the other thread creates the directory. Its also somewhat unclean. Usually with GNU tools you have a configure script that will create those directories (and the makefile) for you before you even try to run make. autoconf and automake can build that for you.
An alternate way that should work for parallel builds would be to redefine the standard rule for compiling C files:
VPATH = ../source
OBJS = FolderA/fileA1.o FolderA/fileA2.o FolderB/fileB1.o
myProgram: $(OBJS)
$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o $# $(OBJS) $(LDLIBS)
%.o: %.c
mkdir -p $(dir $#)
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c -o $# $<
-include $(OBJS:%.o=%.d)
Which has the disadvantage that you'll also need to redefine the builtin rules for any other kind of sourcefile you want to compile
Here's a basic one I use all the time, it's pretty much a skeleton as it is but works perfectly fine for simple projects. For more complex projects it certainly needs to be adapted, but I always use this one as a starting point.
CFLAGS=-O2 -c -Wall -pedantic -ansi
SOURCES=$(wildcard $(SRC_DIR)/*.c)
HEADERS=$(wildcard $(INC_DIR)/*.h)
.PHONY: all
all: $(BIN_DIR)/$(APP)
.PHONY: debug
debug: CFLAGS+=$(DFLAGS)
debug: all
$(LD) $(LFLGAS) -o $# $^
$(OBJ_DIR)/%.o: | $(OBJ_DIR)
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(INCFLAGS) -o $# $<
$(CC) $(INCFLAGS) -MM $(SOURCES) | sed -e 's!^!$(OBJ_DIR)/!' >$#
ifneq ($(MAKECMDGOALS),clean)
-include $(DEPENDS)
mkdir -p $#
mkdir -p $#
.PHONY: clean
rm -rf $(BIN_DIR) $(OBJ_DIR)
I would avoid manipulating Makefile directly, and use CMake instead.
Just describe your source files in CMakeLists.txt, as below:
Create file MyProject/source/CMakeLists.txt containing;
add_executable(myExec FolderA/fileA1.c FolderA/fileA2.c FolderB/fileB1.c)
Under MyProject/build, run
cmake ../source/
You'll get a Makefile now. To build, under the same build/ directory,
You may also want to switch to a lightning fast build tool, ninja, simply by adding a switch as following.
cmake -GNinja ..

Exporting .o & binary files to bin folders

My question is a real simple one I just want to export everything that is not source code to a bin folder but all the answers that I find seem to have either loose chunks of complex makefile code without any indication to where to place it or very complex makefiles in general. I have no experience with make files and the documentation seems extremely poor so if one can give me the simplest answer to this problem I'd be very happy.
# Makefile for 2INC0 Interprocess Communication
# (c) Fontys 2010, Joris Geurts
BINARIES = $(BIN)prime
CC = gcc
CFLAGS = -Wall -g -c
LDLIBS = -lrt -lX11
%.o: %.c
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $< -o $(BIN)$#
all: $(BINARIES)
rm -f *.o $(BINARIES)
prime: prime.o
prime.o: prime.c prime.h
Try this modification:
$(BIN)%.o: %.c
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $< -o $#
$(BIN)prime: $(BIN)prime.o
$(BIN)prime.o: prime.h
The (almost universally followed) convention is to have a special target install that unconditionally copies all of the required files from the build tree into place. That place is usually configurable with a variable.
That way, you can always just remove the build tree after you're done building and installing.
So if all of the files you need to copy are executables, you get something like this:
DESTDIR = /usr/local
OBJS = $(*.c:%c=%.o)
EXES = $(OBJS:%.o=)
install: $(EXES)
cp -p $+ $(DESTDIR/bin/
(beware: untested). Which version of which make are you using?

Object file directory per compiler option combinations

I was reading gnu make section 10.5.4 "How patterns match" and it does not sound like I can do what I want.
I want to setup a directory structure where my source code is in one directory, and there are sub-directories to hold object files.
One sub-directory for each build configuration.
So I might have these files
debug/a.o # compiled with -g
release/a.o # compiled with -O
So I would like to make rules like this
debug/%.o : %.c
gcc -c -g %.c -o $#
release/%.o : %.c
gcc -c -O %.c -o $#
But section 10.5.4 tells me a match on "debug/a.o" will make the stem be "debug/a" so gnu make
will look for the source file at "debug/a.c" which is not what I want.
Is there a way to get GNU make to help me ?
Your makefile will work as written.
From that section of the manual:
When the target pattern does not contain a slash (and it usually does
not), directory names in the file names are removed from the file name
before it is compared with the target prefix and suffix. After the
comparison of the file name to the target pattern, the directory
names, along with the slash that ends them, are added on to the
prerequisite file names generated from the pattern rule's prerequisite
patterns... [bold added]
Your target patterns do contain slashes.
Try it if you don't believe me.
Correction: in the commands you should use $< rather than %.c.
debug/%.o : %.c
$(CC) $(DEBUGFLAGS) -c $< -o $#
release/%.o : %.c
$(CC) $(RELEASEFLAGS) -c $< -o $#

makefile pathing issues on OSX

OK, I thought I would try one last update and see if it gets me anywhere. I've created a very small test case. This should not build anything, it just tests the path settings. Also I've setup the path so there are no spaces. The is the smallest, simplest test case I could come up with.
This makefile will set the path, echo the path, run avr-gcc -v with the full path specified and then try to run it without the full path specified. It should find avr-gcc in the path on the second try, but does not.
TOOLCHAIN := /Users/justinzaun/Desktop/
export PATH
#echo ${PATH}
#echo --------
"${TOOLCHAIN}/bin/avr-gcc" -v
#echo --------
avr-gcc -v
JUSTINs-MacBook-Air:Untitled justinzaun$ make
"/Users/justinzaun/Desktop/" -v
Using built-in specs.
Target: avr
Configured with: /Users/justinzaun/Development/AVRBuilder/Packages/gccobj/../gcc/configure --prefix=/Users/justinzaun/Development/AVRBuilder/Packages/gccobj/../build/ --exec-prefix=/Users/justinzaun/Development/AVRBuilder/Packages/gccobj/../build/ --datadir=/Users/justinzaun/Development/AVRBuilder/Packages/gccobj/../build/ --target=avr --enable-languages=c,objc,c++ --disable-libssp --disable-lto --disable-nls --disable-libgomp --disable-gdbtk --disable-threads --enable-poison-system-directories
Thread model: single
gcc version 4.6.3 (GCC)
avr-gcc -v
make: avr-gcc: No such file or directory
make: *** [all] Error 1
JUSTINs-MacBook-Air:Untitled justinzaun$
Original Question
I'm trying to set the path from within the makefile. I can't seem to do this on OSX. Setting the path with PATH := /new/bin/:$(PATH) does not work. See my makefile below.
# Name of target controller
# (e.g. 'at90s8515', see the available avr-gcc mmcu
# options for possible values)
MCU = atmega640
# id to use with programmer
# default: PROGRAMMER_MCU=$(MCU)
# In case the programer used, e.g avrdude, doesn't
# accept the same MCU name as avr-gcc (for example
# for ATmega8s, avr-gcc expects 'atmega8' and
# avrdude requires 'm8')
# Source files
# List C/C++/Assembly source files:
# (list all files to compile, e.g. 'a.c b.cpp as.S'):
# Use .cc, .cpp or .C suffix for C++ files, use .S
# (NOT .s !!!) for assembly source code files.
PRJSRC = main.c \
# additional includes (e.g. -I/path/to/mydir)
# libraries to link in (e.g. -lmylib)
# Optimization level,
# use s (size opt), 1, 2, 3 or 0 (off)
### You should not have to touch anything below this line ###
PATH := /Users/justinzaun/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/AVR_Builder-gxiykwiwjywvoagykxvmotvncbyd/Build/Products/Debug/AVR\$(PATH)
CPATH := /Users/justinzaun/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/AVR_Builder-gxiykwiwjywvoagykxvmotvncbyd/Build/Products/Debug/AVR\
# HEXFORMAT -- format for .hex file output
# compiler
CFLAGS = -I. $(INC) -g -mmcu=$(MCU) -O$(OPTLEVEL) \
-fpack-struct -fshort-enums \
-funsigned-bitfields -funsigned-char \
-Wall -Wstrict-prototypes \
-Wa,-ahlms=$(firstword \
$(filter %.lst, $(<:.c=.lst)))
# c++ specific flags
CPPFLAGS = -fno-exceptions \
-Wa,-ahlms=$(firstword \
$(filter %.lst, $(<:.cpp=.lst)) \
$(filter %.lst, $(< \
$(filter %.lst, $(<:.C=.lst)))
# assembler
ASMFLAGS = -I. $(INC) -mmcu=$(MCU) \
-x assembler-with-cpp \
-Wa,-gstabs,-ahlms=$(firstword \
$(<:.S=.lst) $(<.s=.lst))
# linker
LDFLAGS = -Wl,-Map,$(TRG).map -mmcu=$(MCU) \
-lm $(LIBS)
##### executables ####
REMOVE=rm -f
##### automatic target names ####
# Start by splitting source files by type
# C++
CPPFILES=$(filter %.cpp, $(PRJSRC))
CCFILES=$(filter, $(PRJSRC))
BIGCFILES=$(filter %.C, $(PRJSRC))
# C
CFILES=$(filter %.c, $(PRJSRC))
# Assembly
ASMFILES=$(filter %.S, $(PRJSRC))
# List all object files we need to create
$(CPPFILES:.cpp=.o) \
$(BIGCFILES:.C=.o) \
$( \
# Define all lst files.
LST=$(filter %.lst, $(OBJDEPS:.o=.lst))
# All the possible generated assembly
# files (.s files)
GENASMFILES=$(filter %.s, $(OBJDEPS:.o=.s))
.SUFFIXES : .c .cc .cpp .C .o .out .s .S \
.hex .ee.hex .h .hh .hpp
# Make targets:
# all, disasm, stats, hex, writeflash/install, clean
all: $(TRG)
#### Generating assembly ####
# asm from C
%.s: %.c
$(CC) -S $(CFLAGS) $< -o $#
# asm from (hand coded) asm
%.s: %.S
$(CC) -S $(ASMFLAGS) $< > $#
# asm from C++
.cpp.s .cc.s .C.s :
$(CC) -S $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $< -o $#
#### Generating object files ####
# object from C
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $< -o $#
# object from C++ (.cc, .cpp, .C files)
.cc.o .cpp.o .C.o :
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c $< -o $#
# object from asm
.S.o :
$(CC) $(ASMFLAGS) -c $< -o $#
#### Generating hex files ####
# hex files from elf
$(OBJCOPY) -j .text \
-j .data \
-O $(HEXFORMAT) $< $#
$(OBJCOPY) -j .eeprom \
--change-section-lma .eeprom=0 \
-O $(HEXFORMAT) $< $#
#### Information ####
#echo PATH:
#echo "$(PATH)"
$(CC) -v
which $(CC)
#### Cleanup ####
$(REMOVE) $(TRG) $(TRG).map $(DUMPTRG)
JUSTINs-MacBook-Air:Untitled justinzaun$ make
avr-gcc -I. -g -mmcu=atmega640 -Os -fpack-struct -fshort-enums -funsigned-bitfields -funsigned-char -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -Wa,-ahlms=main.lst -c main.c -o main.o
make: avr-gcc: No such file or directory
make: *** [main.o] Error 1
JUSTINs-MacBook-Air:Untitled justinzaun$
If I change my CC= to include the full path:
then it finds it, but this doesn't seem the correct way to do things. For instance its trying to use the system as not the one in the correct path.
update - Just to be sure, I'm adding the output of my ls command too so everyone knows the file exist. Also I've added a make info target to the makefile and showing that output as well.
JUSTINs-MacBook-Air:Untitled justinzaun$ ls /Users/justinzaun/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/AVR_Builder-gxiykwiwjywvoagykxvmotvncbyd/Build/Products/Debug/AVR\
ar avr-elfedit avr-man avr-strip objcopy
as avr-g++ avr-nm avrdude objdump
avr-addr2line avr-gcc avr-objcopy c++ ranlib
avr-ar avr-gcc-4.6.3 avr-objdump g++ strip
avr-as avr-gcov avr-ranlib gcc
avr-c++ avr-gprof avr-readelf ld
avr-c++filt avr-ld avr-size ld.bfd
avr-cpp avr-ld.bfd avr-strings nm
JUSTINs-MacBook-Air:Untitled justinzaun$
Output of make info with the \ in my path
JUSTINs-MacBook-Air:Untitled justinzaun$ make info
avr-gcc -v
make: avr-gcc: No such file or directory
make: *** [info] Error 1
JUSTINs-MacBook-Air:Untitled justinzaun$
Output of make info with the \ not in my path
JUSTINs-MacBook-Air:Untitled justinzaun$ make info
avr-gcc -v
make: avr-gcc: No such file or directory
make: *** [info] Error 1
JUSTINs-MacBook-Air:Untitled justinzaun$
update - When I have my CC set to include the full path as described above, this is the result of make info.
JUSTINs-MacBook-Air:Untitled justinzaun$ make info
/Users/justinzaun/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/AVR_Builder-gxiykwiwjywvoagykxvmotvncbyd/Build/Products/Debug/AVR\ -v
Using built-in specs.
Target: avr
Configured with: /Users/justinzaun/Development/AVRBuilder/Packages/gccobj/../gcc/configure --prefix=/Users/justinzaun/Development/AVRBuilder/Packages/gccobj/../build/ --exec-prefix=/Users/justinzaun/Development/AVRBuilder/Packages/gccobj/../build/ --datadir=/Users/justinzaun/Development/AVRBuilder/Packages/gccobj/../build/ --target=avr --enable-languages=c,objc,c++ --disable-libssp --disable-lto --disable-nls --disable-libgomp --disable-gdbtk --disable-threads --enable-poison-system-directories
Thread model: single
gcc version 4.6.3 (GCC)
which /Users/justinzaun/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/AVR_Builder-gxiykwiwjywvoagykxvmotvncbyd/Build/Products/Debug/AVR\
JUSTINs-MacBook-Air:Untitled justinzaun$
I tried your example on OSX and Linux, and got the same results that you did. I don't quite understand why that isn't working (and would love to know), but I do have two workarounds that might help.
export SHELL
Instead of setting the PATH in your Makefile, override the SHELL like this:
export SHELL=/Users/whatever/avr-dir/wrapper
Here's a possible version of that wrapper:
/bin/bash "$#"
Make will invoke this wrapper to run each line of yoru recipes. This is a little ugly, but it did work for me on OSX.
Fix the PATH outside of make. Perhaps create a script that you run once per login that fixes the PATH in your shell, or create a small script (I usually call it mk) that fixes the PATH and then invokes make passing along any parameters. Here's an exmaple:
PATH="/Users/whatever/avr-dir:${PATH}" exec make "$#"
I know you asked for a Makefile solution, but I thought I would mention this option anyway. It is just my opinion, but things like PATHs tend to be machine specific (and not project specific), and I prefer to keep them separate from source code.
Your problem is not that make failed to find avr-gcc. Your problem is in this line:
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -mmcu=$(MCU) -c $(input) -o $(output)
Since $(input) and $(output) have not been defined your avr-gcc command-line is incomplete. Try changing that line to this instead:
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -mmcu=$(MCU) -c $< -o $#
$< and $# are automatic variables defined to mean "the first prerequisite" and "the output target", respectively.
The problem is that make is failing to find avr-gcc, and it's due to the \ in your PATH= line.
$ mkdir /tmp/foo\ bar
$ cd /tmp/foo\ bar
$ (echo "#! /bin/sh"; echo "echo this got run") > execable
$ chmod +x execable
$ mkdir /tmp/tstmake; cd /tmp/tstmake
(now make a Makefile with contents as shown)
$ cat Makefile
PATH := /tmp/foo\ bar:$(PATH)
#echo path is "$(PATH)"
$ make
path is /tmp/foo\ bar:/Users/torek/bin.i386:/Users/torek/scripts:[snipped lots]
make: execable: Command not found
make: *** [all] Error 127
$ ed Makefile
PATH := /tmp/foo bar:$(PATH)
$ make
path is /tmp/foo bar:/Users/torek/bin.i386:/Users/torek/scripts:[snipped lots]
this got run
Update: this is not the only problem, at least when I use my MBP to simulate the issue. The remaining two are:
CPATH also needs the backslash removed (this is a general rule about these := settings)
CPATH needs to be explicitly exported, by adding the line
export CPATH
to the Makefile.
(The reason you need the backslash sometimes, but not other times, has to do with how many times the string gets passed expliclty to the shell: once when it's in $(CC) but zero times when it is an environment variable or part of $(PATH).)
Seeing as this page didn't have a proper answer, I'll link to this page that does:
How I could add dir to $PATH in Makefile?
For whatever reason OS X does not export PATH unless you set the SHELL variable too.
export PATH:=/foo/bar:$(PATH)
..would work.
I just recently ran into this issue. As other comments suggest, the version of make shipped with MacOS has some issues. Build (as #MadScientist suggests above) or install GNU make from Homebrew. The installed version of make on my system is 3.81 and exhibits the same problem. The version provided from Homebrew (version 4.3) works as expected.
I presume you're using OSX. Figuring out an elegant solution may take a few iterations.
In the meantime try this kludge, and tell us the result:
If what you want is to update your PATH variable, then do:
export PATH=$(shell echo $${PATH}):<paths to add>
Example I did:
File : ./c/
echo "Hello Lucky Me ! "
Makefile :
export PATH=$(shell echo $${PATH}):c:.
output of make:
~$ make
Hello Lucky Me !
