Spring Apache Kafka onFailure Callback of KafkaTemplate not fired on connection error - spring-boot

I'm experimenting a lot with Apache Kafka in a Spring Boot App at the moment.
My current goal is to write a REST endpoint that takes in some message payload, which will use a KafkaTemplate to send the data to my local Kafka running on port 9092.
This is my producer config:
public Map<String,Object> producerConfig() {
// config settings for creating producers
Map<String,Object> configProps = new HashMap<>();
configProps.put(ProducerConfig.KEY_SERIALIZER_CLASS_CONFIG, StringSerializer.class);
return configProps;
public ProducerFactory<String,String> producerFactory() {
// creates a kafka producer
return new DefaultKafkaProducerFactory<>(producerConfig());
public KafkaTemplate<String,String> kafkaTemplate(){
// template which abstracts sending data to kafka
return new KafkaTemplate<>(producerFactory());
My rest endpoint forwards to a service, the service looks like this:
public class KafkaSenderService {
private final KafkaTemplate<String,String> kafkaTemplate;
public KafkaSenderService(KafkaTemplate<String,String> kafkaTemplate) {
this.kafkaTemplate = kafkaTemplate;
public void sendMessageWithCallback(String message, String topicName) {
// possibility to add callbacks to define what shall happen in success/ error case
ListenableFuture<SendResult<String,String>> future = kafkaTemplate.send(topicName, message);
future.addCallback(new KafkaSendCallback<String, String>() {
public void onFailure(KafkaProducerException ex) {
logger.warn("Message could not be delivered. " + ex.getMessage());
public void onSuccess(SendResult<String, String> result) {
logger.info("Your message was delivered with following offset: " + result.getRecordMetadata().offset());
The thing now is: I'm expecting the "onFailure()" method to get called when the message could not be sent. But this seems not to work. When I change the bootstrapServers variable in the producer config to localhost:9091 (which is the wrong port, so there should be no connection possible), the producer tries to connect to the broker. It will do several connection attempts, and after 5 seconds, a TimeOutException will occur. But the "onFailure() method won't get called. Is there a way to achieve that the "onFailure()" method can get called event if the connection cannot be established?
And by the way, I set the retries count to zero, but the prodcuer still does a second connection attempt after the first one. This is the log output:
EDIT: it seems like the Kafke producer/ KafkaTemplate goes into an infinite loop when the broker is not available. Is that really the intended behaviour?

The KafkaTemplate does really nothing fancy about connection and publishing. Everything is delegated to the KafkaProducer. What you describe here would happen exactly even if you'd use just plain Kafka Client.
See KafkaProducer.send() JavaDocs:
* #throws TimeoutException If the record could not be appended to the send buffer due to memory unavailable
* or missing metadata within {#code max.block.ms}.
Which happens by the blocking logic in that producer:
* Wait for cluster metadata including partitions for the given topic to be available.
* #param topic The topic we want metadata for
* #param partition A specific partition expected to exist in metadata, or null if there's no preference
* #param nowMs The current time in ms
* #param maxWaitMs The maximum time in ms for waiting on the metadata
* #return The cluster containing topic metadata and the amount of time we waited in ms
* #throws TimeoutException if metadata could not be refreshed within {#code max.block.ms}
* #throws KafkaException for all Kafka-related exceptions, including the case where this method is called after producer close
private ClusterAndWaitTime waitOnMetadata(String topic, Integer partition, long nowMs, long maxWaitMs) throws InterruptedException {
Unfortunately this is not explained in the send() JavaDocs which claims to be fully asynchronous, but apparently it is not. At least in this metadata part which has to be available before we enqueue the record for publishing.
That's what we cannot control and it is not reflected on the returned Future:
try {
clusterAndWaitTime = waitOnMetadata(record.topic(), record.partition(), nowMs, maxBlockTimeMs);
} catch (KafkaException e) {
if (metadata.isClosed())
throw new KafkaException("Producer closed while send in progress", e);
throw e;
See more info in Apache Kafka docs how to adjust the KafkaProducer for this matter: https://kafka.apache.org/documentation/#theproducer

Question answered inside the discussion on https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-kafka/discussions/2250# for anyone else stumbling across this thread. In short, kafkaTemplate.getProducerFactory().reset();does the trick.


Spring cloud function Function interface return success/failure handling

I currently have a spring cloud stream application that has a listener function that mainly listens to a certain topic and executes the following in sequence:
Consume messages from a topic
Store consumed message in the DB
Call an external service for some information
Process the data
Record the results in DB
Send the message to another topic
Acknowledge the message (I have the acknowledge mode set to manual)
We have decided to move to Spring cloud function, and I have been already able to already do almost all the steps above using the Function interface, with the source topic as input and the sink topic as an output.
public Function<Message<NotificationMessage>, Message<ValidatedEvent>> validatedProducts() {
return message -> {
Acknowledgment acknowledgment = message.getHeaders().get(KafkaHeaders.ACKNOWLEDGMENT, Acknowledgment.class);
notificationMessageService.saveOrUpdate(notificationMessage, 0, false);
String status = restEndpoint.getStatusFor(message.getPayload());
ValidatedEvent event = getProcessingResult(message.getPayload(), status);
notificationMessageService.saveOrUpdate(notificationMessage, 1, true);
return MessageBuilder
.setHeader(KafkaHeaders.MESSAGE_KEY, event.getKey().getBytes())
My problem goes with exception handling in step 7 (Acknowledge the message). We only acknowledge the message if we are sure that it was sent successfully to the sink queue, otherwise we do no acknowledge the message.
My question is, how can such a thing be implemented within Spring cloud function, specially that the send method is fully dependant on the Spring Framework (as the result of the function interface implementation evaluation).
earlier, we could do this through try/catch
#StreamListener(value = NotificationMesage.INPUT)
public void onMessage(Message<NotificationMessage> message) {
try {
Acknowledgment acknowledgment = message.getHeaders().get(KafkaHeaders.ACKNOWLEDGMENT, Acknowledgment.class);
notificationMessageService.saveOrUpdate(notificationMessage, 0, false);
String status = restEndpoint.getStatusFor(message.getPayload());
ValidatedEvent event = getProcessingResult(message.getPayload(), status);
Message message = MessageBuilder
.setHeader(KafkaHeaders.MESSAGE_KEY, event.getKey().getBytes())
notificationMessageService.saveOrUpdate(notificationMessage, 1, true);
}catch (Exception exception){
notificationMessageService.saveOrUpdate(notificationMessage, 1, false);
Is there a listener that triggers after the Function interface have returned successfully, something like KafkaSendCallback but without specifying a template
Building upon what Oleg mentioned above, if you want to strictly restore the behavior in your StreamListener code, here is something you can try. Instead of using a function, you can switch to a consumer and then use KafkaTemplate to send on the outbound as you had previously.
public Consumer<Message<NotificationMessage>> validatedProducts() {
return message -> {
Acknowledgment acknowledgment = message.getHeaders().get(KafkaHeaders.ACKNOWLEDGMENT, Acknowledgment.class);
notificationMessageService.saveOrUpdate(notificationMessage, 0, false);
String status = restEndpoint.getStatusFor(message.getPayload());
ValidatedEvent event = getProcessingResult(message.getPayload(), status);
Message message = MessageBuilder
.setHeader(KafkaHeaders.MESSAGE_KEY, event.getKey().getBytes())
kafkaTemplate.send(message); //here, you make sure that the data was sent successfully by using some callback.
//only ack if the data was sent successfully.
catch (Exception exception){
notificationMessageService.saveOrUpdate(notificationMessage, 1, false);
Another thing that is worth looking into is using Kafka transactions, in which case if it doesn't work end-to-end, no acknowledgment will happen. Spring Cloud Stream binder has support for this based on the foundations in Spring for Apache Kafka. More details here. Here is the Spring Cloud Stream doc on this.
Spring cloud stream has no knowledge of function. It is just the same message handler as it was before, so the same approach with callback as you used before would work with functions. So perhaps you can share some code that could clarify what you mean? I also don't understand what do you mean by ..send method is fully dependant on the Spring Framework..
Alright, So what I opted in was actually not to use KafkaTemplate (Or streamBridge)for that matter. While it is a feasible solution it would mean that my Function is going to be split into Consumer and some sort of an improvised supplied (the KafkaTemplate in this case).
As I wanted to adhere to the design goals of the functional interface, I have isolated the behaviour for Database update in a ProducerListener interface implementation
public class ProducerListenerConfiguration {
private final MongoTemplate mongoTemplate;
public ProducerListenerConfiguration(MongoTemplate mongoTemplate) {
this.mongoTemplate = mongoTemplate;
public ProducerListener myProducerListener() {
return new ProducerListener() {
public void onSuccess(ProducerRecord producerRecord, RecordMetadata recordMetadata) {
final ValidatedEvent event = new ObjectMapper().readerFor(ValidatedEvent.class).readValue((byte[]) producerRecord.value());
final var updateResult = updateDocumentProcessedState(event.getKey(), event.getPayload().getVersion(), true);
public void onError(ProducerRecord producerRecord, #Nullable RecordMetadata recordMetadata, Exception exception) {
ProducerListener.super.onError(producerRecord, recordMetadata, exception);
public UpdateResult updateDocumentProcessedState(String id, long version, boolean isProcessed) {
Query query = new Query();
Update update = new Update();
update.set("processed", isProcessed);
update.set("version", version);
return mongoTemplate.updateFirst(query, update, ProductChangedEntity.class);
Then with each successful attempt, the DB is updated with the processing result and the updated version number.

IBM MQ provider for JMS : How to automatically roll back messages?

Working versions in the app
IBM AllClient version : 'com.ibm.mq:com.ibm.mq.allclient:'
org.springframework:spring-jms : 4.3.9.RELEASE
javax.jms:javax.jms-api : 2.0.1
My requirement is that in case of the failure of a message processing due to say, consumer not being available (eg. DB is unavailable), the message remains in the queue or put back on the queue (if that is even possible). This is because the order of the messages is important, messages have to be consumed in the same order that they are received. The Java app is single-threaded.
I have tried the following
public void onMessage(Message message)
if(message instanceOf Textmessage)
throw new Exception("Test");// Just to test the retry
catch(Exception ex)
int temp = message.getIntProperty("JMSXDeliveryCount");
throw new RuntimeException("Redlivery attempted ");
// At this point, I am expecting JMS to put the message back into the queue.
// But it is actually put into the Bakout queue.
catch(JMSException ef)
String temp = ef.getMessage();
I have set this in my spring.xml for the jmsContainer bean.
<property name="sessionTransacted" value="true" />
What is wrong with the code above ?
And if putting the message back in the queue is not practical, how can one browse the message, process it and, if successful, pull the message (so it is consumed and no longer on the queue) ? Is this scenario supported in IBM provider for JMS?
The IBM MQ Local queue has BOTHRESH(1).
To preserve message ordering, one approach might be to stop the message listener temporarily as part of your rollback strategy. Looking at the Spring Boot doc for DefaultMessageListenerContainer there is a stop(Runnable callback) method. I've experimented with using this in a rollback as follows.
To ensure my Listener is single threaded, on my DefaultJmsListenerContainerFactory I set containerFactory.setConcurrency("1").
In my Listener, I set an id
#JmsListener(destination = "DEV.QUEUE.2", containerFactory = "listenerTwoFactory", concurrency="1", id="listenerTwo")
And retrieve the DefaultMessageListenerContainer instance.
JmsListenerEndpointRegistry reg = context.getBean(JmsListenerEndpointRegistry.class);
DefaultMessageListenerContainer mlc = (DefaultMessageListenerContainer) reg.getListenerContainer("listenerTwo");
For testing, I check JMSXDeliveryCount and throw an exception to rollback.
retryCount = Integer.parseInt(msg.getStringProperty("JMSXDeliveryCount"));
if (retryCount < 5) {
throw new Exception("Rollback test "+retryCount);
In the Listener's catch processing, I call stop(Runnable callback) on the DefaultMessageListenerContainer instance and pass in a new class ContainerTimedRestart as defined below.
//catch processing here and decide to rollback
mlc.stop(new ContainerTimedRestart(mlc,delay));
System.out.println("#### "+getClass().getName()+" Unable to process message.");
throw new Exception();
ContainerTimedRestart extends Runnable and DefaultMessageListenerContainer is responsible for invoking the run() method when the stop call completes.
public class ContainerTimedRestart implements Runnable {
//Container instance to restart.
private DefaultMessageListenerContainer theMlc;
//Default delay before restart in mills.
private long theDelay = 5000L;
//Basic constructor for testing.
public ContainerTimedRestart(DefaultMessageListenerContainer mlc, long delay) {
theMlc = mlc;
theDelay = delay;
public void run(){
//Validate container instance.
try {
System.out.println("#### "+getClass().getName()+"Waiting for "+theDelay+" millis.");
System.out.println("#### "+getClass().getName()+"Restarting container.");
System.out.println("#### "+getClass().getName()+"Container started!");
} catch (InterruptedException ie) {
//Further checks and ensure container is in correct state.
//Report errors.
I loaded my queue with three messages with payloads "a", "b", and "c" respectively and started the listener.
Checking DEV.QUEUE.2 on my queue manager I see IPPROCS(1) confirming only one application handle has the queue open. The messages are processed in order after each is rolled five times and with a 5 second delay between rollback attempts.
IBM MQ classes for JMS has poison message handling built in. This handling is based on the QLOCAL setting BOTHRESH, this stands for Backout Threshold. Each IBM MQ message has a "header" called the MQMD (MQ Message Descriptor). One of the fields in the MQMD is BackoutCount. The default value of BackoutCount on a new message is 0. Each time a message rolled back to the queue this count is incremented by 1. A rollback can be either from a specific call to rollback(), or due to the application being disconnected from MQ before commit() is called (due to a network issue for example or the application crashing).
Poison message handling is disabled if you set BOTHRESH(0).
If BOTHRESH is >= 1, then poison message handling is enabled and when IBM MQ classes for JMS reads a message from a queue it will check if the BackoutCount is >= to the BOTHRESH. If the message is eligible for poison message handling then it will be moved to the queue specified in the BOQNAME attribute, if this attribute is empty or the application does not have access to PUT to this queue for some reason, it will instead attempt to put the message to the queue specified in the queue managers DEADQ attribute, if it can't put to either of these locations it will be rolled back to the queue.
You can find more detailed information on IBM MQ classes for JMS poison message handling in the IBM MQ v9.1 Knowledge Center page Developing applications>Developing JMS and Java applications>Using IBM MQ classes for JMS>Writing IBM MQ classes for JMS applications>Handling poison messages in IBM MQ classes for JMS
In Spring JMS you can define your own container. One container is created for one Jms Destination. We should run a single-threaded JMS listener to maintain the message ordering, to make this work set the concurrency to 1.
We can design our container to return null once it encounters errors, post-failure all receive calls should return null so that no messages are polled from the destination till the destination is active once again. We can maintain an active state using a timestamp, that could be simple milliseconds. A sample JMS config should be sufficient to add backoff. You can add small sleep instead of continuously returning null from receiveMessage method, for example, sleep for 10 seconds before making the next call, this will save some CPU resources.
public class JmsConfig {
public JmsListenerContainerFactory<?> jmsContainerFactory(ConnectionFactory connectionFactory,
DefaultJmsListenerContainerFactoryConfigurer configurer) {
DefaultJmsListenerContainerFactory factory = new DefaultJmsListenerContainerFactory() {
protected DefaultMessageListenerContainer createContainerInstance() {
return new DefaultMessageListenerContainer() {
private long deactivatedTill = 0;
protected Message receiveMessage(MessageConsumer consumer) throws JMSException {
if (deactivatedTill < System.currentTimeMillis()) {
return receiveFromConsumer(consumer, getReceiveTimeout());
logger.info("Disabled due to failure :(");
return null;
protected void doInvokeListener(MessageListener listener, Message message)
throws JMSException {
try {
super.doInvokeListener(listener, message);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw e;
private long getDelay(int retryCount) {
if (retryCount <= 1) {
return 20;
return (long) (20 * Math.pow(2, retryCount));
private void handleException(Message msg) throws JMSException {
if (msg.propertyExists("JMSXDeliveryCount")) {
int retryCount = msg.getIntProperty("JMSXDeliveryCount");
deactivatedTill = System.currentTimeMillis() + getDelay(retryCount);
protected void doInvokeListener(SessionAwareMessageListener listener, Session session,
Message message)
throws JMSException {
try {
super.doInvokeListener(listener, session, message);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw e;
// This provides all boot's default to this factory, including the message converter
configurer.configure(factory, connectionFactory);
// You could still override some of Boot's default if necessary.
return factory;

Multithreaded Executor channel to speed up the consumer process

I have a message producer which produces around 15 messages/second
The consumer is a spring integration project which consumes from the Message Queue and does a lot of processing. Currently it is single threaded and not able to match with the rate at which the producer are sending the messages. hence the queue depth keeps on increasing
return IntegrationFlows
.from(Jms.messageDrivenChannelAdapter(Jms.container(this.emsConnectionFactory, this.emsQueue).get()))
.wireTap(FLTAWARE_WIRE_TAP_CHNL)// push raw fa data
.filter(ingFilter, "filterMessageOnEvent").transform(eventHandler, "parseEvent")
.aggregate(a -> a.correlationStrategy(corStrgy, "getCorrelationKey").releaseStrategy(g -> {
boolean eonExists = g.getMessages().stream()
.anyMatch(eon -> ((FlightModel) eon.getPayload()).getEstGmtOnDtm() != null);
if (eonExists) {
boolean einExists = g.getMessages().stream()
.anyMatch(ein -> ((FlightModel) ein.getPayload()).getEstGmtInDtm() != null);
if (einExists) {
return true;
return false;
is it possible to use executor channel to process this in a multithreaded environment and speed up the consumer process
If yes, please suggest how can i achieve - To ensure ordering of the messages I need to assign the messages of same type (based on the id of the message) to the same thread of the executor channel.
I have created the below executor channels
public static final MessageChannel SKW_DEFAULT_CHANNEL = MessageChannels
.executor(ASQ_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_NAME, Executors.newFixedThreadPool(1)).get();
public static final MessageChannel RPA_DEFAULT_CHANNEL = MessageChannels
.executor(ASH_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_NAME, Executors.newFixedThreadPool(1)).get();
Now from the main message flow I redirected to a custom router which forwards the message to Executor channel as shown below -
public IntegrationFlow baseEventFlow1() {
return IntegrationFlows
.from(Jms.messageDrivenChannelAdapter(Jms.container(this.emsConnectionFactory, this.emsQueue).get()))
.wireTap(FLTAWARE_WIRE_TAP_CHNL)// push raw fa data
.filter(ingFilter, "filterMessageOnEvent").route(route()).get();
public AbstractMessageRouter router() {
return new AbstractMessageRouter() {
protected Collection<MessageChannel> determineTargetChannels(Message<?> message) {
if (message.getPayload().toString().contains("\"id\":\"RPA")) {
return Collections.singletonList(RPA_DEFAULT_CHANNEL);
} else if (message.getPayload().toString().contains("\"id\":\"SKW")) {
return Collections.singletonList(SKW_DEFAULT_CHANNEL);
} else {
return Collections.singletonList(new NullChannel());
I will have individual consumer flow for the corresponding executor channel.
Please correct my understaning
public MessageChannel ucaDefaultChannel() {
return MessageChannels.executor(UCA_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_NAME, Executors.newFixedThreadPool(1)).get();
public MessageChannel ualDefaultChannel() {
return MessageChannels.executor(UAL_DEFAULT_CHANNEL_NAME, Executors.newFixedThreadPool(1)).get();
public IntegrationFlow uaEventFlow() {
return IntegrationFlows.from("uaDefaultChannel").wireTap(UA_WIRE_TAP_CHNL)
.transform(eventHandler, "parseEvent")
So BridgeTo on the executor channel will forward the messages
hence the queue depth keeps on increasing
Since it looks like your queue is somewhere on JMS broker that is really OK to have such a behavior. That's exactly for what messaging systems have been designed - to distinguish producer and consumer and deal with messages in a destination whenever it is possible.
if you want to increase a polling from JMS, you can consider to have a concurrency option on the JMS container:
* The concurrency to use.
* #param concurrency the concurrency.
* #return current {#link JmsDefaultListenerContainerSpec}.
* #see DefaultMessageListenerContainer#setConcurrency(String)
public JmsDefaultListenerContainerSpec concurrency(String concurrency) {
return this;
* The concurrent consumers number to use.
* #param concurrentConsumers the concurrent consumers count.
* #return current {#link JmsDefaultListenerContainerSpec}.
* #see DefaultMessageListenerContainer#setConcurrentConsumers(int)
public JmsDefaultListenerContainerSpec concurrentConsumers(int concurrentConsumers) {
return this;
* The max for concurrent consumers number to use.
* #param maxConcurrentConsumers the max concurrent consumers count.
* #return current {#link JmsDefaultListenerContainerSpec}.
* #see DefaultMessageListenerContainer#setMaxConcurrentConsumers(int)
public JmsDefaultListenerContainerSpec maxConcurrentConsumers(int maxConcurrentConsumers) {
return this;
See more info the Docs: https://docs.spring.io/spring/docs/5.2.3.RELEASE/spring-framework-reference/integration.html#jms-receiving
But that won't allow you to "asign messages to the specific thread". There is just like no way to partition in JMS.
We can do that with Spring Integration using router according your "based on the id of the message" and particular ExecutorChannel instances configured with a singled-threaded Executor. Every ExecutorChannel is going to be its dedicated executor with only single thread. This way you will ensure an order for messages with the same partition key and you'll process them in parallel. All the ExecutorChannel can have the same subscriber or bridge to the same channel for processing.
However you need to keep in mind that when you are leaving JMS listener thread, you finish JMS transaction and you fail to process a message in that separate thread you may lose a message.

Bind RabbitMQ consumer using Spring Cloud Stream to RabbitMQ producer

I have two microservices, one for collecting XML files from internal FTP server ,transforming it to DTO objects and then publishing them as bytes in RabbitMQ and the other for deserializing the incoming bytes from RabbitMQ to DTO objects, mapping them to JPA entities and persisiting them to database.
I'd like configure RabbitMQ broker between these two microservices like below:
1) for microservice that collect XML files, I edited in application.properties as below:
2) for microservice that persist incoming DTO onjects, I configured in application.properties as following:
For receiving incoming bytes from RabbitMQ I'm using second microservice as sink:
#SpringBootApplication(scanBasePackages = { "org.proactive.policy.data.cache" })
public class ProactivePolicyDataCacheApplication {
private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ProactivePolicyDataCacheApplication.class);
PolicyService policyService;
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(ProactivePolicyDataCacheApplication.class, args);
public void input(Message<byte[]> message) throws Exception {
if (Objects.isNull(message) || Objects.isNull(message.getPayload())) {
logger.error("the message is null ");
throw new IllegalArgumentException("`message` and `message.payload` cannot be null");
byte[] data = message.getPayload();
if (data.length == 0) {
logger.warn("Received empty message");
logger.info("Got data from policy-collector = " + new String(data, "UTF-8"));
PolicyListDto policyListDto = (PolicyListDto) SerializationUtils.deserialize(data);
logger.info("Policies.xml from policy-collector = " + policyListDto.getPolicy().toString());
But when I open RabbitMQ console for looking at exchanges I didn't receive any thing in Queue TOPIC.proactive-policy But the incoming messages are received in another Queue that I haven't configured it named FTPSTREAM.proactive-policy-collector
Is there any suggestion for resolving this issue
Couple of points:
1. There is no such thing as 'group' for the output binding. Consumer Group is a consumer property. Here is the fragment of the javadocs.
* Unique name that the binding belongs to (applies to consumers only). Multiple
* consumers within the same group share the subscription. A null or empty String
* value indicates an anonymous group that is not shared.
* #see org.springframework.cloud.stream.binder.Binder#bindConsumer(java.lang.String,
* java.lang.String, java.lang.Object,
* org.springframework.cloud.stream.binder.ConsumerProperties)
private String group;
2. The name 'FTPSTREAM.proactive-policy-collector' is definitely not something that is generated by the spring-cloud-stream, so consider looking into your configuration and see what have you missed.
It tells me that you have some consumer that has its 'destination' named FTPSTREAM and its 'group' proactive-policy-collector. It also tells me that your producer sends messages to the FTPSTREAM exchange.

JMS ActiveMQ createBrowser always returns empty queue

ActiveMQ 5.10.0
Spring 4.1.2
I'm using Spring to access activeMQ and trying to peek at the queue before adding a new message onto the queue. The message is added successfully, but it does not show anything in the queue. Through the web interface, I see my messages are pending in the queue.
public class MessageQueueService{
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MessageQueueService.class);
JmsTemplate jmsTemplate;
#SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
public void testAddJob(){
jmsTemplate.send(new MessageCreator() {
public Message createMessage(Session session) throws JMSException {
IndexJob j1=new IndexJob();
ObjectMessage om=session.createObjectMessage();
QueueBrowser qb=session.createBrowser((javax.jms.Queue) jmsTemplate.getDefaultDestination());
Enumeration<Message> messages=qb.getEnumeration();
logger.info("browsing "+qb.getQueue().getQueueName());
int i=0;
while(messages.hasMoreElements()) {
Message message=messages.nextElement();
logger.info("total record:"+i);
return om;
2014-12-07 00:03:43.874 [main] INFO c.b.b.s.MessageQueueService - browsing indexJob
2014-12-07 00:03:43.878 [main] INFO c.b.b.s.MessageQueueService - total record:0
UPDATE: execute has a not yet well-documented parameter boolean startConnection. When it is set to "true", it seem to work. This is not a solution though -
String result=jms.execute(new SessionCallback<String>() {
public String doInJms(Session session) throws JMSException {
QueueBrowser queue=session.createBrowser((Queue)session.createQueue("indexJob"));
Enumeration<Message> messages=queue.getEnumeration();
String result="";
logger.info("Browse Queue: "+queue.getQueue().getQueueName());
while(messages.hasMoreElements()) {
Message message=messages.nextElement();
return result;
}, true);
Looking at org.springframework.jms.core.JmsTemplate.class source, most of the send methods are using execute() method with startConnection=false.
If the connection was not started, then how did the messages get added to the queue?
Does anyone know what this #param startConnection whether to start the Connection means?
This can be a somewhat confusing bit of JMS. The Connection start only refers to consumption of messages from the connection, not to producing. You are free to produce messages whenever you like, started or not, but if you want to consume or browse a destination you need to start the connection otherwise you will not get any messages dispatched to your consumers.
This purpose behind this is to allow you to create all your JMS resources prior to receiving any messages which might otherwise catch you in an state where you app isn't quite ready for them.
So in short, if you want to browse that message, you need to ensure the connection gets started.
