Bind RabbitMQ consumer using Spring Cloud Stream to RabbitMQ producer - spring

I have two microservices, one for collecting XML files from internal FTP server ,transforming it to DTO objects and then publishing them as bytes in RabbitMQ and the other for deserializing the incoming bytes from RabbitMQ to DTO objects, mapping them to JPA entities and persisiting them to database.
I'd like configure RabbitMQ broker between these two microservices like below:
1) for microservice that collect XML files, I edited in as below:
2) for microservice that persist incoming DTO onjects, I configured in as following:
For receiving incoming bytes from RabbitMQ I'm using second microservice as sink:
#SpringBootApplication(scanBasePackages = { "" })
public class ProactivePolicyDataCacheApplication {
private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ProactivePolicyDataCacheApplication.class);
PolicyService policyService;
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
public void input(Message<byte[]> message) throws Exception {
if (Objects.isNull(message) || Objects.isNull(message.getPayload())) {
logger.error("the message is null ");
throw new IllegalArgumentException("`message` and `message.payload` cannot be null");
byte[] data = message.getPayload();
if (data.length == 0) {
logger.warn("Received empty message");
}"Got data from policy-collector = " + new String(data, "UTF-8"));
PolicyListDto policyListDto = (PolicyListDto) SerializationUtils.deserialize(data);"Policies.xml from policy-collector = " + policyListDto.getPolicy().toString());;
But when I open RabbitMQ console for looking at exchanges I didn't receive any thing in Queue TOPIC.proactive-policy But the incoming messages are received in another Queue that I haven't configured it named FTPSTREAM.proactive-policy-collector
Is there any suggestion for resolving this issue

Couple of points:
1. There is no such thing as 'group' for the output binding. Consumer Group is a consumer property. Here is the fragment of the javadocs.
* Unique name that the binding belongs to (applies to consumers only). Multiple
* consumers within the same group share the subscription. A null or empty String
* value indicates an anonymous group that is not shared.
* #see,
* java.lang.String, java.lang.Object,
private String group;
2. The name 'FTPSTREAM.proactive-policy-collector' is definitely not something that is generated by the spring-cloud-stream, so consider looking into your configuration and see what have you missed.
It tells me that you have some consumer that has its 'destination' named FTPSTREAM and its 'group' proactive-policy-collector. It also tells me that your producer sends messages to the FTPSTREAM exchange.


Spring Apache Kafka onFailure Callback of KafkaTemplate not fired on connection error

I'm experimenting a lot with Apache Kafka in a Spring Boot App at the moment.
My current goal is to write a REST endpoint that takes in some message payload, which will use a KafkaTemplate to send the data to my local Kafka running on port 9092.
This is my producer config:
public Map<String,Object> producerConfig() {
// config settings for creating producers
Map<String,Object> configProps = new HashMap<>();
configProps.put(ProducerConfig.KEY_SERIALIZER_CLASS_CONFIG, StringSerializer.class);
return configProps;
public ProducerFactory<String,String> producerFactory() {
// creates a kafka producer
return new DefaultKafkaProducerFactory<>(producerConfig());
public KafkaTemplate<String,String> kafkaTemplate(){
// template which abstracts sending data to kafka
return new KafkaTemplate<>(producerFactory());
My rest endpoint forwards to a service, the service looks like this:
public class KafkaSenderService {
private final KafkaTemplate<String,String> kafkaTemplate;
public KafkaSenderService(KafkaTemplate<String,String> kafkaTemplate) {
this.kafkaTemplate = kafkaTemplate;
public void sendMessageWithCallback(String message, String topicName) {
// possibility to add callbacks to define what shall happen in success/ error case
ListenableFuture<SendResult<String,String>> future = kafkaTemplate.send(topicName, message);
future.addCallback(new KafkaSendCallback<String, String>() {
public void onFailure(KafkaProducerException ex) {
logger.warn("Message could not be delivered. " + ex.getMessage());
public void onSuccess(SendResult<String, String> result) {"Your message was delivered with following offset: " + result.getRecordMetadata().offset());
The thing now is: I'm expecting the "onFailure()" method to get called when the message could not be sent. But this seems not to work. When I change the bootstrapServers variable in the producer config to localhost:9091 (which is the wrong port, so there should be no connection possible), the producer tries to connect to the broker. It will do several connection attempts, and after 5 seconds, a TimeOutException will occur. But the "onFailure() method won't get called. Is there a way to achieve that the "onFailure()" method can get called event if the connection cannot be established?
And by the way, I set the retries count to zero, but the prodcuer still does a second connection attempt after the first one. This is the log output:
EDIT: it seems like the Kafke producer/ KafkaTemplate goes into an infinite loop when the broker is not available. Is that really the intended behaviour?
The KafkaTemplate does really nothing fancy about connection and publishing. Everything is delegated to the KafkaProducer. What you describe here would happen exactly even if you'd use just plain Kafka Client.
See KafkaProducer.send() JavaDocs:
* #throws TimeoutException If the record could not be appended to the send buffer due to memory unavailable
* or missing metadata within {#code}.
Which happens by the blocking logic in that producer:
* Wait for cluster metadata including partitions for the given topic to be available.
* #param topic The topic we want metadata for
* #param partition A specific partition expected to exist in metadata, or null if there's no preference
* #param nowMs The current time in ms
* #param maxWaitMs The maximum time in ms for waiting on the metadata
* #return The cluster containing topic metadata and the amount of time we waited in ms
* #throws TimeoutException if metadata could not be refreshed within {#code}
* #throws KafkaException for all Kafka-related exceptions, including the case where this method is called after producer close
private ClusterAndWaitTime waitOnMetadata(String topic, Integer partition, long nowMs, long maxWaitMs) throws InterruptedException {
Unfortunately this is not explained in the send() JavaDocs which claims to be fully asynchronous, but apparently it is not. At least in this metadata part which has to be available before we enqueue the record for publishing.
That's what we cannot control and it is not reflected on the returned Future:
try {
clusterAndWaitTime = waitOnMetadata(record.topic(), record.partition(), nowMs, maxBlockTimeMs);
} catch (KafkaException e) {
if (metadata.isClosed())
throw new KafkaException("Producer closed while send in progress", e);
throw e;
See more info in Apache Kafka docs how to adjust the KafkaProducer for this matter:
Question answered inside the discussion on for anyone else stumbling across this thread. In short, kafkaTemplate.getProducerFactory().reset();does the trick.

Sending a Message with Spring Cloud Stream and RabbitMq changes ID

I'm using Spring Cloud Stream and RabbitMq to exchange Messages between different microservices.
Thats my setup to publish a message.
public interface OutputChannels {
static final String OUTPUT_CHANNEL = "outputChannel";
MessageChannel outputChannel();
public class OutputProducer {
private OutputChannels outputChannels;
public void createMessage(MyContent myContent) {
Message<MyContent> message = MessageBuilder
outputChannels.outputChannel().send(message);"Sent message: " + message.getHeaders().getId() + myContent);
And the setup to receive the message
public interface InputChannels {
String INPUT_CHANNEL = "inputChannel";
SubscribableChannel inputChannel();
public class InputConsumer {
public void receive(Message<MyContent> message) {
MyContent myContent = message.getPayload();"Received message: " + message.getHeaders().getId() + ", " + myContent);
I am able to successfully exchange messages with this setup. I would expect, that the IDs of the sent message and the received message are equal. But they are always different UUIDs.
Is there a way that the message keeps the same ID all the way from the producer, through the RabbitMq, to the consumer?
Spring Messaging messages are immutable; they get a new ID each time they are mutated.
You can use a custom header or IntegrationMessageHeaderAccessor.CORRELATION_ID to convey a constant value; in most use cases, the correlation id header is set by the application to the ID header at the start of a message's journey.

Spring Cloud Stream RabbitMQ

I am trying to understand why I would want to use Spring cloud stream with RabbitMQ. I've had a look at the RabbitMQ Spring tutorial 4 ( which is basically what I want to do. It creates a direct exchange with 2 queues attached and depending on the routing key a message is either routed to Q1 or to Q2.
The whole process is pretty straight forward if you look at the tutorial, you create all the parts, bind them together and youre ready to go.
I was wondering what benefit I would gain in using Sing Cloud Stream and if that is even the use case for it. It was easy to create a simple exchange and even defining destination and group was straight forward with stream. So I thought why not go further and try to handle the tutorial case with stream.
I have seen that Stream has a BinderAwareChannelResolver which seems to do the same thing. But I am struggling to put it all together to achieve the same as in the RabbitMQ Spring tutorial. I am not sure if it is a dependency issue, but I seem to misunderstand something fundamentally here, I thought something like:'key'
should to the trick.
Is there anyone with a minimal example for a source and sink which basically creates a direct exchange, binds 2 queues to it and depending on routing key routes to either one of those 2 queues like in
Below is a minimal set of code which demonstrates how to do what I asked. I did not attach the build.gradle as it is straight forward (but if anyone is interested, let me know) setup the producer
Sources.class: setup the producers channel
public interface Sources {
String OUTPUT = "output";
MessageChannel output();
StatusController.class: Respond to rest calls and send message with specific routing keys
* Status endpoint for the health-check service.
public class StatusController {
private int index;
private int count;
private final String[] keys = {"orange", "black", "green"};
private Sources sources;
private StatusService status;
public StatusController(Sources sources, StatusService status) {
this.sources = sources;
this.status = status;
* Service available, service returns "OK"'.
* #return The Status of the service.
public String status() {
String status = this.status.getStatus();
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder("Hello to ");
if (++this.index == 3) {
this.index = 0;
String key = keys[this.index];
builder.append(key).append(' ');
String payload = builder.toString();;
// add kv pair - routingkeyexpression (which matches 'type') will then evaluate
// and add the value as routing key
Message<String> msg = new GenericMessage<>(payload, Collections.singletonMap("type", key));
// return rest call
return status;
consumer side of things, properties:
public interface Sinks {
String INPUT = "input";
SubscribableChannel input();
String INPUTER = "inputer";
SubscribableChannel inputer();
ReceiveStatus.class: Receive the status:
public class ReceiveStatus {
public void receiveStatusOrange(String msg) {"I received a message. It was orange number: {}", msg);
public void receiveStatusBlack(String msg) {"I received a message. It was black number: {}", msg);
Spring Cloud Stream lets you develop event driven micro service applications by enabling the applications to connect (via #EnableBinding) to the external messaging systems using the Spring Cloud Stream Binder implementations (Kafka, RabbitMQ, JMS binders etc.,). Apparently, Spring Cloud Stream uses Spring AMQP for the RabbitMQ binder implementation.
The BinderAwareChannelResolver is applicable for dynamically binding support for the producers and I think in your case it is about configuring the exchanges and binding of consumers to that exchange.
For instance, you need to have 2 consumers with the appropriate bindingRoutingKey set based on your criteria and a single producer with the properties(routing-key-expression, destination) you mentioned above (except the group). I noticed that you have configured group for the outbound channel. The group property is applicable only for the consumers (hence inbound).
You might also want to check this one: as I see some discussion around using routing-key-expression. Specifically, check this one on using the expression value.

Spring Cloud Stream dynamic channels

I am using Spring Cloud Stream and want to programmatically create and bind channels. My use case is that during application startup I receive the dynamic list of Kafka topics to subscribe to. How can I then create a channel for each topic?
I ran into similar scenario recently and below is my sample of creating SubscriberChannels dynamically.
ConsumerProperties consumerProperties = new ConsumerProperties();
BindingProperties bindingProperties = new BindingProperties();
bindingServiceProperties.getBindings().put(consumerName, bindingProperties);
SubscribableChannel channel = (SubscribableChannel)bindingTargetFactory.createInput(consumerName);
beanFactory.registerSingleton(consumerName, channel);
channel = (SubscribableChannel)beanFactory.initializeBean(channel, consumerName);
bindingService.bindConsumer(channel, consumerName);
I had to do something similar for the Camel Spring Cloud Stream component.
Perhaps the Consumer code to bind a destination "really just a String indicating the channel name" would be useful to you?
In my case I only bind a single destination, however I don't imagine it being much different conceptually for multiple destinations.
Below is the gist of it:
protected void doStart() throws Exception {
SubscribableChannel bindingTarget = createInputBindingTarget();
bindingTarget.subscribe(message -> {
// have your way with the received incoming message
// at this point the binding is done
* Create a {#link SubscribableChannel} and register in the
* {#link org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext}
private SubscribableChannel createInputBindingTarget() {
SubscribableChannel channel = endpoint.getBindingTargetFactory()
endpoint.getBeanFactory().registerSingleton(endpoint.getDestination(), channel);
channel = (SubscribableChannel) endpoint.getBeanFactory().initializeBean(channel,
return channel;
See here for the full source for more context.
I had a task where I did not know the topics in advance. I solved it by having one input channel which listens to all the topics I need.
The target destination of a channel on the bound middleware (e.g., the RabbitMQ exchange or Kafka topic). If the channel is bound as a consumer, it could be bound to multiple destinations and the destination names can be specified as comma-separated String values. If not set, the channel name is used instead.
So my configuration
concurrency: 2
partitioned: true
# inputs
group: application_name_group
destination: topic-1,topic-2
content-type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Then I defined one consumer which handles messages from all these topics.
public class CommonConsumer {
private final static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CommonConsumer.class);
#StreamListener(target = Sink.INPUT)
public void consumeMessage(final Message<Object> message) {"Received a message: \nmessage:\n{}", message.getPayload());
// Here I define logic which handles messages depending on message headers and topic.
// In my case I have configuration which forwards these messages to webhooks, so I need to have mapping topic name -> webhook URI.
Note, in your case it may not be a solution. I needed to forward messages to webhooks, so I could have configuration mapping.
I also thought about other ideas.
1) You kafka client consumer without Spring Cloud.
2) Create a predefined number of inputs, for example 50.
And then have a configuration for some of these inputs.
Related discussions
Spring cloud stream to support routing messages dynamically
We use Spring Cloud 2.1.1 RELEASE
MessageChannel messageChannel = createMessageChannel(channelName);
public MessageChannel createMessageChannel(String channelName) {
return (MessageChannel) applicationContext.getBean(channelName);}
public Function<Object, Message<Object>> getMessageBuilder() {
return payload -> MessageBuilder
.setHeader(MessageHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE, MimeTypeUtils.APPLICATION_JSON)
For the incoming messages, you can explicitly use BinderAwareChannelResolver to dynamically resolve the destination. You can check this example where router sink uses binder aware channel resolver.

Queue Size in Spring AMQP Java client

I am using Spring amqp 1.1 version as my java client.
I have a queue which has around 2000 messages. I want to have a service which checks this queue size and and if it is empty it will send out a message saying " All items processed".
I dont know how to get current queue size ? Please help
I googled and found a class "RabbitBrokerAdmin" that was present in earlier version 1.0.
I think it is not present in 1.1 now.
Any pointers in getting current queue size?
So I know this is a little late and a solution has already been found but here is another way to look message counts in your queues
This solution assumes that you are using the spring rabbitmq framework and have defined your queues in your application config with the following tags defined
The java class:
public class QueueStatsProcessor {
private RabbitAdmin admin;
private List<Queue> rabbitQueues;
public void getCounts(){
Properties props;
Integer messageCount;
for(Queue queue : rabbitQueues){
props = admin.getQueueProperties(queue.getName());
messageCount = Integer.parseInt(props.get("QUEUE_MESSAGE_COUNT").toString());
System.out.println(queue.getName() + " has " + messageCount + " messages");
You can also use this solution to read the current consumers attached to the queue
You can use the RabbitAdmin instance to get the details from the queue, as follows:
#Resource RabbitAdmin admin;
protected int getQueueCount(final String name) {
DeclareOk declareOk = admin.getRabbitTemplate().execute(new ChannelCallback<DeclareOk>() {
public DeclareOk doInRabbit(Channel channel) throws Exception {
return channel.queueDeclarePassive(name);
return declareOk.getMessageCount();
