Spring cloud function Function interface return success/failure handling - spring

I currently have a spring cloud stream application that has a listener function that mainly listens to a certain topic and executes the following in sequence:
Consume messages from a topic
Store consumed message in the DB
Call an external service for some information
Process the data
Record the results in DB
Send the message to another topic
Acknowledge the message (I have the acknowledge mode set to manual)
We have decided to move to Spring cloud function, and I have been already able to already do almost all the steps above using the Function interface, with the source topic as input and the sink topic as an output.
public Function<Message<NotificationMessage>, Message<ValidatedEvent>> validatedProducts() {
return message -> {
Acknowledgment acknowledgment = message.getHeaders().get(KafkaHeaders.ACKNOWLEDGMENT, Acknowledgment.class);
notificationMessageService.saveOrUpdate(notificationMessage, 0, false);
String status = restEndpoint.getStatusFor(message.getPayload());
ValidatedEvent event = getProcessingResult(message.getPayload(), status);
notificationMessageService.saveOrUpdate(notificationMessage, 1, true);
return MessageBuilder
.setHeader(KafkaHeaders.MESSAGE_KEY, event.getKey().getBytes())
My problem goes with exception handling in step 7 (Acknowledge the message). We only acknowledge the message if we are sure that it was sent successfully to the sink queue, otherwise we do no acknowledge the message.
My question is, how can such a thing be implemented within Spring cloud function, specially that the send method is fully dependant on the Spring Framework (as the result of the function interface implementation evaluation).
earlier, we could do this through try/catch
#StreamListener(value = NotificationMesage.INPUT)
public void onMessage(Message<NotificationMessage> message) {
try {
Acknowledgment acknowledgment = message.getHeaders().get(KafkaHeaders.ACKNOWLEDGMENT, Acknowledgment.class);
notificationMessageService.saveOrUpdate(notificationMessage, 0, false);
String status = restEndpoint.getStatusFor(message.getPayload());
ValidatedEvent event = getProcessingResult(message.getPayload(), status);
Message message = MessageBuilder
.setHeader(KafkaHeaders.MESSAGE_KEY, event.getKey().getBytes())
notificationMessageService.saveOrUpdate(notificationMessage, 1, true);
}catch (Exception exception){
notificationMessageService.saveOrUpdate(notificationMessage, 1, false);
Is there a listener that triggers after the Function interface have returned successfully, something like KafkaSendCallback but without specifying a template

Building upon what Oleg mentioned above, if you want to strictly restore the behavior in your StreamListener code, here is something you can try. Instead of using a function, you can switch to a consumer and then use KafkaTemplate to send on the outbound as you had previously.
public Consumer<Message<NotificationMessage>> validatedProducts() {
return message -> {
Acknowledgment acknowledgment = message.getHeaders().get(KafkaHeaders.ACKNOWLEDGMENT, Acknowledgment.class);
notificationMessageService.saveOrUpdate(notificationMessage, 0, false);
String status = restEndpoint.getStatusFor(message.getPayload());
ValidatedEvent event = getProcessingResult(message.getPayload(), status);
Message message = MessageBuilder
.setHeader(KafkaHeaders.MESSAGE_KEY, event.getKey().getBytes())
kafkaTemplate.send(message); //here, you make sure that the data was sent successfully by using some callback.
//only ack if the data was sent successfully.
catch (Exception exception){
notificationMessageService.saveOrUpdate(notificationMessage, 1, false);
Another thing that is worth looking into is using Kafka transactions, in which case if it doesn't work end-to-end, no acknowledgment will happen. Spring Cloud Stream binder has support for this based on the foundations in Spring for Apache Kafka. More details here. Here is the Spring Cloud Stream doc on this.

Spring cloud stream has no knowledge of function. It is just the same message handler as it was before, so the same approach with callback as you used before would work with functions. So perhaps you can share some code that could clarify what you mean? I also don't understand what do you mean by ..send method is fully dependant on the Spring Framework..

Alright, So what I opted in was actually not to use KafkaTemplate (Or streamBridge)for that matter. While it is a feasible solution it would mean that my Function is going to be split into Consumer and some sort of an improvised supplied (the KafkaTemplate in this case).
As I wanted to adhere to the design goals of the functional interface, I have isolated the behaviour for Database update in a ProducerListener interface implementation
public class ProducerListenerConfiguration {
private final MongoTemplate mongoTemplate;
public ProducerListenerConfiguration(MongoTemplate mongoTemplate) {
this.mongoTemplate = mongoTemplate;
public ProducerListener myProducerListener() {
return new ProducerListener() {
public void onSuccess(ProducerRecord producerRecord, RecordMetadata recordMetadata) {
final ValidatedEvent event = new ObjectMapper().readerFor(ValidatedEvent.class).readValue((byte[]) producerRecord.value());
final var updateResult = updateDocumentProcessedState(event.getKey(), event.getPayload().getVersion(), true);
public void onError(ProducerRecord producerRecord, #Nullable RecordMetadata recordMetadata, Exception exception) {
ProducerListener.super.onError(producerRecord, recordMetadata, exception);
public UpdateResult updateDocumentProcessedState(String id, long version, boolean isProcessed) {
Query query = new Query();
Update update = new Update();
update.set("processed", isProcessed);
update.set("version", version);
return mongoTemplate.updateFirst(query, update, ProductChangedEntity.class);
Then with each successful attempt, the DB is updated with the processing result and the updated version number.


PublishSubscribeChannel having multiple subscribers and return value

I would like to understand how returning values work for PublishSubscribeChannel having multiple subscribers.
public PublishSubscribeChannel channel(){
return new PublishSubscribeChannel();
#ServiceActivator(inputChannel = "channel")
public MessageHandler handler1() {
return handler1;
#ServiceActivator(inputChannel = "channel")
public MessageHandler handler2() {
return handler2;
#ServiceActivator(inputChannel = "channel")
public MessageHandler handler3() {
return handler3;
public interface TestGateway{
#Gateway(requestChannel = "channel")
String method(String payload);
method expects some String as a return type. If a message is sent to all three handlers via channel, the value coming from which handler would be returned? From what I understand, messages are sent to each subscriber one by one, so would it be the value returned by the last handler?
Also, would it be possible to have handlers returning type different than the method return type, also if it wouldn't necessarily expect String?
When it comes to a scenario where any Exception occurs, I believe if setIgnoreFailures = false, the processing would stop on it and not process to the next handler. Otherwise, the last exception would be thrown.
Thanks in advance
I'm sure there is a specific business task behind your question.
But i you really are about an academic knowledge to see how Spring Integration works internally, then here is some answer for you.
Since your PublishSubscribeChannel is not configure with an Executor, then all your subscribers are called one by one, and only when the previous has done its job. And the part of that job is really a reply producing. So, if your first MessageHandler produced some reply, then exactly this one fulfills CountDownLatch in the TempraryReplyChannel for a gateway request-reply functionality.
The replies from the rest of handlers are going to be ignored and they may throw a late reply error.
Yes, you can return any type as long as it can be converted to the expected return type. See more info about ConversionService: https://docs.spring.io/spring-integration/reference/html/messaging-endpoints.html#payload-type-conversion
About ignoreFailures I'd suggest to look into a PublishSubscribeChannel source code and how it is propagated down to BroadcastingDispatcher:
private boolean invokeHandler(MessageHandler handler, Message<?> message) {
try {
return true;
catch (RuntimeException e) {
if (!this.ignoreFailures) {
if (e instanceof MessagingException && ((MessagingException) e).getFailedMessage() == null) { // NOSONAR
throw new MessagingException(message, "Failed to handle Message", e);
throw e;
else if (this.logger.isWarnEnabled()) {
logger.warn("Suppressing Exception since 'ignoreFailures' is set to TRUE.", e);
return false;
And no: otherwise none exception will be thrown. See that code again.

Difference between DirectChannel and FluxMessageChannel

I was reading about Spring Integration's FluxMessageChannel here and here, but I still don't understand exactly what are the differences between using a DirectChannel and FluxMessageChannel when using Project Reactor. Since the DirectChannel is stateless and controlled by its pollers, I'd expect the FluxMessageChannel to not be needed. I'm trying to understand when exactly should I use each and why, when speaking on Reactive Streams applications that are implemented with Spring Integration.
I currently have a reactive project that uses DirectChannel, and it seems to work fine, even the documentation says:
the flow behavior is changed from an imperative push model to a reactive pull model
I'd like to understand when to use each of the channels and what is the exact difference when working with Reactive Streams.
The DirectChannel does not have any poller and its implementation is very simple: as long as a message is sent to it, the handler is called. In the same caller's thread:
public class DirectChannel extends AbstractSubscribableChannel {
private final UnicastingDispatcher dispatcher = new UnicastingDispatcher();
private volatile Integer maxSubscribers;
* Create a channel with default {#link RoundRobinLoadBalancingStrategy}.
public DirectChannel() {
this(new RoundRobinLoadBalancingStrategy());
Where that UnicastingDispatcher is:
public final boolean dispatch(final Message<?> message) {
if (this.executor != null) {
Runnable task = createMessageHandlingTask(message);
return true;
return this.doDispatch(message);
(There is no executor option for the DirectChannel)
private boolean doDispatch(Message<?> message) {
if (tryOptimizedDispatch(message)) {
return true;
protected boolean tryOptimizedDispatch(Message<?> message) {
MessageHandler handler = this.theOneHandler;
if (handler != null) {
try {
return true;
catch (Exception e) {
throw IntegrationUtils.wrapInDeliveryExceptionIfNecessary(message,
() -> "Dispatcher failed to deliver Message", e);
return false;
That's why I call it " imperative push model". The caller is this case is going to wait until the handler finishes its job. And if you have a big flow, everything is going to be stopped in the sender thread until a sent message has reached the end of the flow of direct channels. In two simple words: the publisher is in charge for the whole execution and it is blocked in this case. You haven't faced any problems with your solution based on the DirectChannel just because you didn't use reactive non-blocking threads yet like Netty in WebFlux or MongoDB reactive driver.
The FluxMessageChannel was really designed for Reactive Streams purposes where the subscriber is in charge for handling a message which it pulls from the Flux on demand. This way just after sending the publisher is free to do anything else. Just because it is already a subscriber responsibility to handle the message.
I would say it is definitely OK to use DirectChannel as long as your handlers are not blocking. As long as they are blocking you should go with FluxMessageChannel. Although don't forget that there are other channel types for different tasks: https://docs.spring.io/spring-integration/docs/current/reference/html/core.html#channel-implementations

Producer callback in Spring Cloud Stream with reactor core publisher

I have written a spring cloud stream application where producers are publishing messages to the designated kafka topics. My query is how can I add a producer callback to receive ack/confirmation that the message has been successfully published on the topic? Like how we do in spring kafka producer.send(record, new callback { ... }) (maintaining async producer). Below is my code:
private final Sinks.Many<Message<?>> responseProcessor = Sinks.many().multicast().onBackpressureBuffer();
public Supplier<Flux<Message<?>>> event() {
return responseProcessor::asFlux;
public Message<?> publishEvent(String status) {
try {
String key = ...;
response = MessageBuilder.withPayload(payload)
.setHeader(KafkaHeaders.MESSAGE_KEY, key)
How can I make sure that tryEmitNext has successfully written to the topic?
Is implementing ProducerListener a solution and possible? Couldn't find a concrete solution/documentation in Spring Cloud Stream
I have implemented below now, seems to work as expected
public class MyProducerListener<K, V> implements ProducerListener<K, V> {
public void onSuccess(ProducerRecord<K, V> producerRecord, RecordMetadata recordMetadata) {
// Do nothing on onSuccess
public void onError(ProducerRecord<K, V> producerRecord, RecordMetadata recordMetadata, Exception exception) {
log.error("Producer exception occurred while publishing message : {}, exception : {}", producerRecord, exception);
ProducerMessageHandlerCustomizer<KafkaProducerMessageHandler<?, ?>> customizer(MyProducerListener pl) {
return (handler, destinationName) -> handler.getKafkaTemplate().setProducerListener(pl);
See the Kafka Producer Properties.
The bean name of a MessageChannel to which successful send results should be sent; the bean must exist in the application context. The message sent to the channel is the sent message (after conversion, if any) with an additional header KafkaHeaders.RECORD_METADATA. The header contains a RecordMetadata object provided by the Kafka client; it includes the partition and offset where the record was written in the topic.
ResultMetadata meta = sendResultMsg.getHeaders().get(KafkaHeaders.RECORD_METADATA, RecordMetadata.class)
Failed sends go the producer error channel (if configured); see Error Channels. Default: null
You can add a #ServiceActivator to consume from this channel asynchronously.

spring-kafka consumer batch error handling with spring boot version 2.3.7

I am trying to perform the spring kafka batch process error handling. First of all i have few questions.
what is difference between listener and container error handlers and what errors comes into these two categories ?
Could you please help some samples on this to understand better ?
Here is our design:
Poll every certain interval
consume messages in a batch mode
push to local cache (application cache) based on key (to avoid duplicate events)
push all values one by one to another topic once batch process done.
clear the the cache once the operation 3 done and acknowledge the offsets manually.
Here is my plan to have error handling:
public ConcurrentKafkaListenerContainerFactory<String, String> myListenerPartitionContainerFactory(String groupId) {
ConcurrentKafkaListenerContainerFactory<String, String> factory = new ConcurrentKafkaListenerContainerFactory<>();
return factory;
public ConcurrentKafkaListenerContainerFactory<String, String> myPartitionsListenerContainerFactory()
return myListenerPartitionContainerFactory(groupIdPO);
public RecoveringBatchErrorHandler(KafkaTemplate<String, String> errorKafkaTemplate) {
DeadLetterPublishingRecoverer recoverer =
new DeadLetterPublishingRecoverer(errorKakfaTemplate);
RecoveringBatchErrorHandler errorHandler =
new RecoveringBatchErrorHandler(recoverer, new FixedBackOff(2L, 5000)); // push error event to the error topic
#KafkaListener(id = "mylistener", topics = "someTopic", containerFactory = "myPartitionsListenerContainerFactory"))
public void listen(List<ConsumerRecord<String, String>> records, #Header(KafkaHeaders.MESSAGE_KEY) String key, Acknowledgement ack) {
Map hashmap = new Hashmap<>();
records.forEach(record -> {
try {
//key will be formed based on the input record - it will be id.
hashmap.put(key, record);
catch (Exception e) {
throw new BatchListenerFailedException("Failed to process", record);
// Once success each messages to another topic.
try {
hashmap.forEach( (key,value) -> { push to another topic })
} catch(Exception ex) {
//handle producer exceptions
is the direction good or any improvements needs to be done? And also what type of container and listener handlers need to be implemented?
#Gary Russell.. could you please help on this ?
The listener error handler is intended for request/reply situations where the error handler can return a meaningful reply to the sender.
You need to throw an exception to trigger the container error handler and you need to know in the index in the original batch to tell it which record failed.
If you are using manual acks like that, you can use the nack() method to indicate which record failed (and don't throw an exception in that case).

How to dead letter a RabbitMQ messages when an exceptions happens in a service after an aggregator's forceRelease

I am trying to figure out the best way to handle errors that might have occurred in a service that is called after a aggregate's group timeout occurred that mimics the same flow as if the releaseExpression was met.
Here is my setup:
I have a AmqpInboundChannelAdapter that takes in messages and send them to my aggregator.
When the releaseExpression has been met and before the groupTimeout has expired, if an exception gets thrown in my ServiceActivator, the messages get sent to my dead letter queue for all the messages in that MessageGroup. (10 messages in my example below, which is only used for illustrative purposes) This is what I would expect.
If my releaseExpression hasn't been met but the groupTimeout has been met and the group times out, if an exception gets throw in my ServiceActivator, then the messages do not get sent to my dead letter queue and are acked.
After reading another blog post,
it mentions that this happens because the processing happens in another thread by the MessageGroupStoreReaper and not the one that the SimpleMessageListenerContainer was on. Once processing moves away from the SimpleMessageListener's thread, the messages will be auto ack.
I added the configuration mentioned in the link above and see the error messages getting sent to my error handler. My main question, is what is considered the best way to handle this scenario to minimize message getting lost.
Here are the options I was exploring:
Use a BatchRabbitTemplate in my custom error handler to publish the failed messaged to the same dead letter queue that they would have gone to if the releaseExpression was met. (This is the approach I outlined below but I am worried about messages getting lost, if an error happens during publishing)
Investigate if there is away I could let the SimpleMessageListener know about the error that occurred and have it send the batch of messages that failed to a dead letter queue? I doubt this is possible since it seems the messages are already acked.
Don't set the SimpleMessageListenerContainer to AcknowledgeMode.AUTO and manually ack the messages when they get processed via the Service when the releaseExpression being met or the groupTimeOut happening. (This seems kinda of messy, since there can be 1..N message in the MessageGroup but wanted to see what others have done)
Ideally, I want to have a flow that will that will mimic the same flow when the releaseExpression has been met, so that the messages don't get lost.
Does anyone have recommendation on the best way to handle this scenario they have used in the past?
Thanks for any help and/or advice!
Here is my current configuration using Spring Integration DSL
public SimpleMessageListenerContainer workListenerContainer() {
SimpleMessageListenerContainer container =
new SimpleMessageListenerContainer(rabbitConnectionFactory);
return container;
public AmqpInboundChannelAdapter inboundRabbitMessages() {
AmqpInboundChannelAdapter adapter = new AmqpInboundChannelAdapter(workListenerContainer());
return adapter;
I have defined a error channel and defined my own taskScheduler to use for the MessageStoreRepear
public ThreadPoolTaskScheduler taskScheduler(){
ThreadPoolTaskScheduler ts = new ThreadPoolTaskScheduler();
MessagePublishingErrorHandler mpe = new MessagePublishingErrorHandler();
return ts;
public PollableChannel myErrorChannel() {
return new QueueChannel();
public IntegrationFlow aggregationFlow() {
return IntegrationFlows.from(inboundRabbitMessages())
a.releaseExpression("size() == 10");
.handle("someService", "processMessages")
Here is my custom error flow
public IntegrationFlow errorResponse() {
return IntegrationFlows.from("myErrorChannel")
.<MessagingException, Message<?>>transform(MessagingException::getFailedMessage,
e -> e.poller(p -> p.fixedDelay(100)))
Here is the custom error handler
public class MyErrorHandler {
BatchingRabbitTemplate batchingRabbitTemplate;
#ServiceActivator(inputChannel = "myErrorChannelHandler")
public void handleFailedMessage(Message<?> message) {
ArrayList<SomeObject> payload = (ArrayList<SomeObject>)message.getPayload();
payload.forEach(m->batchingRabbitTemplate.convertAndSend("some.dlq","#", m));
Here is the BatchingRabbitTemplate bean
public BatchingRabbitTemplate batchingRabbitTemplate() {
ThreadPoolTaskScheduler scheduler = new ThreadPoolTaskScheduler();
BatchingStrategy batchingStrategy = new SimpleBatchingStrategy(10, Integer.MAX_VALUE, 30000);
BatchingRabbitTemplate batchingRabbitTemplate = new BatchingRabbitTemplate(batchingStrategy, scheduler);
return batchingRabbitTemplate;
Update 1) to show custom MessageGroupProcessor:
public class CustomAggregtingMessageGroupProcessor extends AbstractAggregatingMessageGroupProcessor {
protected final Object aggregatePayloads(MessageGroup group, Map<String, Object> headers) {
return group;
Example Service:
public class SomeService {
public void processMessages(MessageGroup messageGroup) throws IOException {
Collection<Message<?>> messages = messageGroup.getMessages();
//Do business logic
//ack messages in the group
for (Message<?> m : messages) {
com.rabbitmq.client.Channel channel = (com.rabbitmq.client.Channel)
long deliveryTag = (long) m.getHeaders().get("amqp_deliveryTag");
log.debug(" deliveryTag = {}",deliveryTag);
log.debug("Channel = {}",channel);
channel.basicAck(deliveryTag, false);
Updated integrationFlow
public IntegrationFlow aggregationFlowWithCustomMessageProcessor() {
return IntegrationFlows.from(inboundRabbitMessages()).transform(Transformers.fromJson(SomeObject.class))
.aggregate(a -> {
a.releaseExpression("size() == 10");
a.outputProcessor(new CustomAggregtingMessageGroupProcessor());
}).handle("someService", "processMessages").get();
New ErrorHandler to do nack
public class MyErrorHandler {
#ServiceActivator(inputChannel = "myErrorChannelHandler")
public void handleFailedMessage(MessageGroup messageGroup) throws IOException {
if(messageGroup!=null) {
log.debug("Nack messages size = {}", messageGroup.getMessages().size());
Collection<Message<?>> messages = messageGroup.getMessages();
for (Message<?> m : messages) {
com.rabbitmq.client.Channel channel = (com.rabbitmq.client.Channel)
long deliveryTag = (long) m.getHeaders().get("amqp_deliveryTag");
log.debug("deliveryTag = {}",deliveryTag);
log.debug("channel = {}",channel);
channel.basicNack(deliveryTag, false, false);
Update 2 Added custom ReleaseStratgedy and change to aggegator
public class CustomMeasureGroupReleaseStratgedy implements ReleaseStrategy {
private static final int MAX_MESSAGE_COUNT = 10;
public boolean canRelease(MessageGroup messageGroup) {
return messageGroup.getMessages().size() >= MAX_MESSAGE_COUNT;
public IntegrationFlow aggregationFlowWithCustomMessageProcessorAndReleaseStratgedy() {
return IntegrationFlows.from(inboundRabbitMessages()).transform(Transformers.fromJson(SomeObject.class))
.aggregate(a -> {
a.releaseStrategy(new CustomMeasureGroupReleaseStratgedy());
a.outputProcessor(new CustomAggregtingMessageGroupProcessor());
}).handle("someService", "processMessages").get();
There are some flaws in your understanding.If you use AUTO, only the last message will be dead-lettered when an exception occurs. Messages successfully deposited in the group, before the release, will be ack'd immediately.
The only way to achieve what you want is to use MANUAL acks.
There is no way to "tell the listener container to send messages to the DLQ". The container never sends messages to the DLQ, it rejects a message and the broker sends it to the DLX/DLQ.
