Is it possible to edit scripts on a website using bookmarklets? - bookmarklet

I am trying to edit a script on a website, but I currently don't have access to inspect element and need to use bookmarklets. Is is possible to edit scripts on a website using bookmarklets?
Thanks for your time.


include page within page, but on LOCAL website

So this is fun. I've been tasked with building a website thats going to not only be hosted, but also sent around on USB keys to various clients. I was planning on using PHP and INCLUDES for the menu and such, but clearly that won't work on some random persons local machine. I thought SHTML too, but that won't work either.
I've tried searching google relentlessly, but I think I might be plugging in the wrong terms because I've found 0 results.
Can anyone make a suggestion that would allow includes to work locally off a USB key? Or at least something similar...
Thanks very much!
Perform your includes before you publish the files. Generate static HTML from templates at build time, not run time.
You can use tools such as ttree for this.
I'm assuming the other machines don't have a local server environment and thats why you cant use PHP. You could use javascript to include other files. A jquery example would be
$.get('file.html').done(function (html) {

button with sql consult

I have a button in my website and I want to return a Sql consult when I click it, I have to create a component for this?
How do this in joomla?
Technically, yes, but there is a "Joomla-approved" shortcut using the Joomla Platform. I just answered this for another question, but it applies to your situation as well, so you can refer to it for the details.
In short, these are the steps you'll need to follow
Create a joomla platform file to include in your script (details at the other answer).
Create a your PHP script that includes that file.
Create a link to your PHP file that now has the Joomla environment for your functions, (including SQL executions).

DropBox API: File Browser Examples?

I'm using the DropBox API (Ruby) to allow users to browse their DropBox folders/files within my web app and select a file(s) to be referenced...I'll only be storing the URL of the file within my app. With that being said, does anyone have examples of a good file browser for use within my app? Thanks.
If you're just looking for minimalist example code, the Dropbox Ruby SDK comes with an example program called web_file_browser.rb that you might want to look at. It's very bare-bones, so you can't use it in your app directly, but it might help you get started.

Inherited a Joomla site, but only used to HTML and CSS. Is Dreamweaver still an option?

For about 12 years I've been working on a couple different web sites in Dreamweaver or even wayback in Homesite. That said, I've gotten very comfortable with the traditional set up of URLS with definite structures where you can logically follow the directory set-up and it was very clear how to program the relative/absolute links and more. I would either FTP the files through in Dreamweaver or would use some kind of Management Console. Recently I took a new job to help on a web site that currently lives and was built using Joomla. I'm looking to see if there is a way to get this entire site on my Hard Drive so I can work on it locally and then upload as pages are finished, or at the very least find out how best to work with this site.
Joomla has many things about starting a page from scratch, but I'm really trying my best to investigate a site that's already developed and find ways to make the necessary adjustments and take inventory of everything that's on the site. Any help would be much appreciated.
In order to administer a site in Joomla, there is no need to have any files locally. You can add, edit, and delete pages all through the administrative back end of the website. The entire site is built based on the query string of the URL. The string determines which component is displaying the content and which content to display.
There is really only one page in a Joomla site, the index.php file in the current template directory. Every page is built using that page. The only time you would need to modify that page is when there is a structural change in the site. Even then, if the template is well coded it should have various module positions available for use that collapse when they are not in use. This allows you to have a 3 column layout on one page and a 2 column layout on another simply by adjusting which modules display on a particular page.
I would highly recommend reading some tutorials before messing around with editing any files. Here are a few decent resources:
Part of the purpose of Joomla is to be able to manage the content of a website without requiring local copies of all the pages. So what you are asking sort of defeats the purpose of using Joomla in the first place. To do what you ask you would have to get an offline copy of the entire website, uninstall Joomla, and then upload your "static" copy. I would predict that the end result would be a web site that is very hard to maintain.
If you really really want to do this you could use a website copy tool like HTTrack. It supposed to be used to copy a website so you can browse offline, but the end result is what you are looking for: a local copy of the website.

How to create a Coda plug-in which creates a new site?

I'm using Coda for web developement. I often create new sites in my ~/Sites folder. I always enter the same information in Coda, except for the name of the site, and the directory where it's stored. Is it possible to create a plug-in (in either Cocoa or ShellScript) which automates this (so I don't need to enter all FTP stuff etc... over and over again)?
Thanks in advance.
One easy way to do it: just make a generic site with the things you normally type in. Then
when you want to create a new site, right-click on the generic site and say duplicate. There's no shell script you can write for the process, because you would need access to Coda's inner workings.
#Joshua I think Koning is talking about the process of creating a 'Site' within Coda itself, which looks like this:
There's a plugin for that. It should do what you're looking for. If it doesn't, a similarly-worded Google search turns up this Coda plugin development page.
