How to create a Coda plug-in which creates a new site? - cocoa

I'm using Coda for web developement. I often create new sites in my ~/Sites folder. I always enter the same information in Coda, except for the name of the site, and the directory where it's stored. Is it possible to create a plug-in (in either Cocoa or ShellScript) which automates this (so I don't need to enter all FTP stuff etc... over and over again)?
Thanks in advance.

One easy way to do it: just make a generic site with the things you normally type in. Then
when you want to create a new site, right-click on the generic site and say duplicate. There's no shell script you can write for the process, because you would need access to Coda's inner workings.
#Joshua I think Koning is talking about the process of creating a 'Site' within Coda itself, which looks like this:

There's a plugin for that. It should do what you're looking for. If it doesn't, a similarly-worded Google search turns up this Coda plugin development page.


How to set up a different download folder for every single Slack channel?

I'm looking for a way to have a separate download folder for each Slack channel.
Slack official app doesn't give this opportunity, and devs aren't looking to implement it.
Any idea on how to setup something like this?
Nope. I also tried same before. but in reality you can't do this.
A quick heck around is use shortcake naming culture. For example if you have folder for codebase you can name folder as cd_1, cd_2, cd_3. For server folders name as ser_1, ser_2, ser_3.
So by doing this you can get benefit of folder sorting. All same folder will be visible at same location.

Local file link to shared dropbox files

Since this is my first time posting a question on stackexchange, please excuse me if I've not included anything. Suggestions for a better post are very welcome!
I'm looking for a way to create a file:// link in e-mails with a specific purpose. In my company we're all using Macbooks with Outlook as our e-mail-client. As soon as a specific document is updated, I would like to be able to e-mail a colleague saying: "here is the to the file". My personal link would be: file:///Users/<MyUserName>/Dropbox/Filepath.ext. However, this does not evaluate correctly on my colleagues computer. I have made it to work with a manual username change, but I'm hoping that there is a way to automatically fill in the username of that person.
My Question:
How can I make the link in such a way that it will always refer to that user's specific user folder?
Resources explored
I've tried working with file://~/ but that always gives a 'can't find the document' error. I've tried googling it but Dropbox and other services only point towards URL-links or to their website. Stackexchange hasn't provided me with an answer so far (Internal links / ":file//" links is without answer). Searching for 'computer independent file links' haven't given me any solace either.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
not sure if this is what you want. You can check the dorpbox API and read a bit about it. But an easier way might be IFTTT, a free tool which launch triggers. So basically you need to create a folder in dropbox for each user and then use this tool to make triggers for each user. You can send an email and include the new dropbox link and as well you can program the IFTTT to send a file://Users//Dropbox/USER_DROPBOX_FOLDER/{{FILENAME}} whenever a file is placed in his folder.

DropBox API: File Browser Examples?

I'm using the DropBox API (Ruby) to allow users to browse their DropBox folders/files within my web app and select a file(s) to be referenced...I'll only be storing the URL of the file within my app. With that being said, does anyone have examples of a good file browser for use within my app? Thanks.
If you're just looking for minimalist example code, the Dropbox Ruby SDK comes with an example program called web_file_browser.rb that you might want to look at. It's very bare-bones, so you can't use it in your app directly, but it might help you get started.

Scripting Trac installation on Windows

I'm currently working on some R&D for improving the process and practice that we approach development.
As a first iteration something I'd like to do is develop an easy way to set up a project e.g. Run an ant script that will, when provided with a project name etc,
Copy a template in svn
Create a database (if needed)
Automatically update the connection strings in config/properties files
Create an instance of trac
Email the user with all this information
I'm fine with the first 4 but I'm struggling to get a good process together for setting up Trac.
I've done it manually before but found it incredibily difficult.
Does anyone know of such a set up script or have any tips on doing this?
Have you looked at bitnami?
See the Trac bitnami bundle for example

Component Creation How-to

I want to create a component that will allow me to install other components, modules, and plugins that i personally use all the time. I will need to be able to change these modules, components, and plugins at anytime but updating the components and etc.. that i use and be able to add more plugins and etc as well. I would like this Component because it takes too much time to install them all individually and on multiple sites as a web designer. I also would need to have some instruction on how to add subtract plugins, modules, components, and etc. I am ok with not a total integration i would like to be able to just host the install file on my server with a link to my server where the file is located.
If anyone can help with this please do.
this is not a direct answer more of a personal workaround ( I do this on local host).
I create a site for example Joomlabase, when it asks for DB name call it Joomlabase then add my extensions
then when I need a copy
1) copy and paste the folder named Joomlabase in Windows Explorer to a new name.
2) go into Phpmydmin copy the joomlabase DB to the same name as the new site name.
3) DO a search and replace of Joomlabase to new site name in config.php file (there should be 5 changes) and your done.
For me it saves a lot of time because in admin alone I use at least 12 different extensions
There is a Joomla admin component called "Akeeba". It creates a snapshot of your files and database which you can easily deploy to another server. I use it often when pushing a new site to production from a QA server.
Your question is way too broad, and the simple answer is that it would take much much much more work to maintain this 'super component' than you are currently spending simply installing the extensions separately when you need them.
The other answers here don't answer your question, but they provide some decent solutions to your actual problem.
