Cypress not opening URL and throwing error - cypress

I am trying to open a URL using cypress but it is giving error in response
Not sure what this error is.
I am using cy.visit("") to launch the URL. I tried this on different browsers but it is giving this error. Please help me with same


getting error on server(aws) SyntaxError: Unexpected token '<', "<!DOCTYPE "... is not valid JSON, but works fine on local - Laravel Application

I have deployed my laravel application on AWS server(ubuntu). Application works fine. But when I upload images using custom modal popup, then i got the syntax error from vendors.js.
Here is the error getting from modal popup while uploading images:
Can anyone tell about that, how i can resolve that?
I am just stuck from last two days.
I have tried run on server
npm i body-parser
And also re-add the file of vendors.js
But same result.

Getting 400 bad request error on cypress chrome while working fine manually

The problem is I have a website which i run on local to test cypress scripts and it is not working as expected in cypress first of all when I go to desired URL gives me 400 bad request error but when i go to somewhere else then desired url it works fine.
Like this
Cy.get('button','products'). click ();
This works fine but if I direct starts with second steps from merchants then i got 400 bad request error in console
But in manual it's perfectly fine. I don't get it where i m wrong

Getting a weird error in Cypress and unsure what's causing it?

I'm getting this error in Cypress:
[14884:0531/] SetApplicationIsDaemon: Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-50 "paramErr: error in user parameter list" (-50
Looked it up and can't find information anywhere specific to Cypress, does anyone know what's causing it?
It's not failing my tests, but it's making the build in circleci show a failure :(
Not sure of your config setup but if it's using the default Electron browser I usually get this error. If i change to browser: "chrome" in this error message disappears.

cy.visit() failing with error from embedded page

The below code is giving error
Where is this error coming from, how to fix it since I am not able to login until this message is dismissed!

Javascript - Trying to use to log into a system

I am currently trying to use Cypress as an automation tool but it keeps failing at the start with the login.
I keep getting this message:
CypressError: Timed out retrying: Expected to find element:
'#ctl00_mainContentArea_Login1_lv_lg_userName', but never found it.
I have added a login details as a json file and made the 'Login' with a direct url but still getting this error.
Here is the part of the code that keep failing but I can't figure where the error lies:
Have i missed something in this part of the code??
