Getting a weird error in Cypress and unsure what's causing it? - cypress

I'm getting this error in Cypress:
[14884:0531/] SetApplicationIsDaemon: Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-50 "paramErr: error in user parameter list" (-50
Looked it up and can't find information anywhere specific to Cypress, does anyone know what's causing it?
It's not failing my tests, but it's making the build in circleci show a failure :(

Not sure of your config setup but if it's using the default Electron browser I usually get this error. If i change to browser: "chrome" in this error message disappears.


Cypress not opening URL and throwing error

I am trying to open a URL using cypress but it is giving error in response
Not sure what this error is.
I am using cy.visit("") to launch the URL. I tried this on different browsers but it is giving this error. Please help me with same

System Extension Validation Fails

im trying to submit a Network Extension activation request but i get this error.
The operation couldn’t be completed. (OSSystemExtensionErrorDomain error 9.)
I looked it up and apparently it means "validationFailed". Is there a way to debug this because i cant seem to figure out why the validation is failing. Thanks.
Finally found the solution. You need to set the NEMachServiceName property on the Info.plist of the extension to match the app group name.

SwiftUI previews error: Connecting to launched interactive agent

I received the above error when using the SwiftUI previews feature and can't figure out why this happens. The error always looks something like this:
GenericHumanReadableError: unexpected error occurred
messageRepliedWithError("Connecting to launched interactive agent 1894", Optional(Error Code=17 "connectToPreviewHost: Failed to connect to 1894: (null)" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=connectToPreviewHost: Failed to connect to 1894: (null)}))
I managed to figure out a good way to debug this, please see below
If you head into /Users/USERNAME/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports you will see the latest crash reports. Open the most recent one (should start with your app name), and it should tell you the reason the app crashed. It'll look something like this:
Application Specific Information:
Fatal error: This request requires an authenticated account: file /Users/USERNAME/Work/AppName/Models/CloudKitAlbumManager.swift, line 101
In my case, it was a fatalError i threw in development for debugging. The previews loads your app and thus call your whole stack and will crash if you like me throws fatalErrors for debugging.
I hope this helps

Javascript - Trying to use to log into a system

I am currently trying to use Cypress as an automation tool but it keeps failing at the start with the login.
I keep getting this message:
CypressError: Timed out retrying: Expected to find element:
'#ctl00_mainContentArea_Login1_lv_lg_userName', but never found it.
I have added a login details as a json file and made the 'Login' with a direct url but still getting this error.
Here is the part of the code that keep failing but I can't figure where the error lies:
Have i missed something in this part of the code??

Getting error in google fit "Connection failed. Cause: ConnectionResult{statusCode=unknown status code 5005, resolution=null}"

I have tried to develop application using google fit. I follow This link
When i try to run that application i got the following error
10-27 11:55:19.966: I/Google Fit(6016): Connection failed. Cause: ConnectionResult{statusCode=unknown status code 5005, resolution=null}
10-27 11:55:19.966: E/GooglePlayServicesUtil(6016): Unexpected error code 5005
Finally i found that issues. We need to save the content in consent screen under oath and api
I had this error and the consent screen had been filled in correctly. The only way I could get around this was to delete the project and re-create it.
